2020-04-24 21:01:32

Oh good, then I'll gladly try Igdra Union if a good guide can be made or delivered.

Devin Prater
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2020-04-24 21:33:53

I used the first ygdra union guide listed on gamefaqs that was finished in 2009. That one should also have notations for the PSP version as well as the campaign is pretty similar, with some added content and gameplay tweaks for the psp port. For example, the psp port is more forgiving on its default difficulty, but you can unlock a harder difficulty that mirrors the gba's default difficulty.

2020-04-25 17:02:39

How many of you would want to play PSP games on an iPhone? There wouldn't be any AI to help out, but it'd be mobile game play.

Devin Prater
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2020-04-25 17:15:18

where I can find this game?

2020-04-25 17:18:52 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2020-04-25 17:21:09)

Playing any console game on the phone is laggy for me. Plus nothing quite beats having physical buttons to press.

@54 You can find all of the dissidia games on the playstation store. Think they are 10 bucks a pop.

2020-04-25 17:57:26

I'd love to try at least.  playing smackdown 06 on the go would be amazing.  My first thought would be to dismiss touchscreen controls, until I realised that well we've gotten used to the Iphone with enough practice. 
I need a new phone though.  the battery on mine is terrible.  it's at about 75 percent capacity, which is incredibly noticeable

2020-04-25 19:21:13 (edited by devinprater 2020-04-25 19:22:39)

Well, I'll make a tutorial for that then. Basically, it involves getting AltStore, then signing up for the Patreon and getting the beta, bugging the developer about accessibility using this issue:


signing up for one of the AltStore sources, like Sidia repositories, getting PPSSPP from there, tweaking the PPSSPP INI configuration file, and figuring out which joystick presses get you to the game. And yes, it supports game controllers. I have the Game Vice controller, which basically makes my phone look like a large PSP. If you're on iOS 13, you can also use PS4 and Xbox One controllers, too. So it's a pretty long process, but it shouldn't take more than a few hours at most.

Also, you can copy your game save data across from PC to phone, and phone to PC… Assuming you have a way to access iCloud Drive or OneDrive or something.

Anyone still interested?

Devin Prater
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2020-04-29 22:55:28

So, I just did two guides for PPSSPP usage for blind people, one for Windows, and another for iOS. I'm just linking to the accessible-retro-games repo's page on my GitHub Pages site for ease of navigation.

https://devinprater.github.io/accessibl … emulation/

Devin Prater
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2020-04-29 23:16:59

thank you so much!  I'll bookmark that for when I get my new phone. smile
Have to say, ppspp is by far the easiest emulator I've ever used.

2020-04-30 00:31:28

If you'd like, you can also read the version I wrote for Windows. It goes over the configuration and all. If there's anything I've missed, just let me know.

Devin Prater
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2020-05-07 19:36:03

Sorry to bring this back, but is NT playable?

2020-05-07 20:08:19

Mostly. I think the most difficult part of nt are the core battles, where you and your team must work together to destroy the cores. Other than that the regular battles are manageable, and story cutscenes are unlocked through regular gameplay over time rather than put into a dedicated mode. On the one hand that means you dont have to deal with open world segments, but on the other hand it means you play through the other mode just that there aren't a whole lot of them especially since online support will be ending for it soon.  I also do not think this game has a command mode as the other games did.

2020-05-30 23:47:09


i do run into an issue with story mode. the proglogue played and I'm now in a menu where I apparently can select stuff and set stuff as my home arria, I'm not sure on how i have to progress from here. I know that y opens the customize menu.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-05-31 00:10:22 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2020-05-31 00:18:02)

Ok no one has taken the time to explain this, so I will do so. In dissidia, the field consists of a number of pieces which include yourself, the enemies, chests, and an end point. Your goal is to move your piece accross the field until you reach the end, taking care of anything and looting any chests that may be in the way. You do this by selecting your piece with the cross button, moving with the arrows, and confirming with the cross buttons. If you move between enemies, or into a position where they surround you on two sides, they may and will automatically engage you, and you will be forced to battle them. This only happens if they are both 1 square away from you. If you have not yet selected your piece, you can press the r button and explore your surroundings with a curser. Note that this only works in the first dissidia. Whether in this mode or while your piece is selected, you can cancel your movement with the circle button. Square is to bring up your consumables, which you can pick with the arrows and choose with cross. Triangle is to bring up the menu. I think that is it. O, you will know when you are on top of another piece by a clicking sound.

2020-05-31 00:50:27 (edited by brad 2020-05-31 09:35:21)


@devinprater, I have a rom of the game but don't know what emulator to download in the load core menu.

Also, I've looked at the accessibility guide and it tells me to go into settings to set up the AI mode but for the life of me; I can't find the settings mode.

Here's what I have: load core

load content.

show desktop menu.

online updater.


configoration file.


restart retroarche.

Quit retroarche.

I think I have the latest version of aretroarche, can you help?

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-31 01:38:33


Wow, the guide here: https://docs.libretro.com/guides/retroa … ity-guide/ needs to be cleaned up a bit.

It tells me to go right for settings, when it's actually left.

Also, I have no idea if I've done the correct thing with the OCR. I sign up, then I've opened the RetroArch-0530-232700.cfg fie and here's what I put in the AI part: ai_service_url = http://ztranslate.net/service?api_key=" VU1YR7WDHT

Is that right? It told me to get rid of the less than and greater than signs but I couldn't find them.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-31 01:39:20


One more thing, I'm trying this with a nintendo 64 emulator and pokimone stadium, will this work for that game?

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-31 01:47:58 (edited by brad 2020-05-31 02:06:34)


edit: I've got a bit furver but think I might have broken the thing. I think i'm meant to change the config setting in the actual app and not in the text file, but I think I might have put it in wrong. I tried coppying and pasting it, then tried both games with no luck.

I can give you a recording of my menu if you need it.

/end edit/

Good news! I know I did something wrong. bad news! I have no idea what I need to do.

I know I did something wrong because I managed to download the game and get it working but there was no speech when I pressed r.

I've turned narrator mode on, set my key to r, and set up that web address thing, but I think it's wrong.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-31 02:06:02

What about just playing on ppsspp and using ocr?

2020-05-31 02:17:54

I could but honestly retroarche does sound cool and I'd like to set it up if I can.

Plus, I can download multiple games with retroarch and play them all in one place.

I might have to redownload the app but if someone can help me with that URL thing, then I probably won't have to.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-31 03:08:33 (edited by brad 2020-05-31 09:22:56)


I uninstalled retroarche and reinstalled it again cause I thought I'd messed up my config file. I don't know if it's the game I'm playing but this OCR thing is not working at all, I tried the game in this thread with no luck.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-31 09:22:23 (edited by brad 2020-05-31 09:28:43)


Here's my link: "http://ztranslate.net/service?api_key=KDRTBY4N98" I've tried pasting it into the AI URL field 3 or so times now and have got the same local host URL every time, what am I doing wrong?

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-31 11:01:14


At kenshira ok, thanks, I sorta get what you need to do I think.

So to move, you go into this scan mode, look for a piece that has a clicking sound to it and hit cross again?

I have to play around with that again.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-05-31 12:05:41

Exactly. The more pieces you can take out and finish the field in the least number of turns, the more bonus you will get. I think it is called kupo points.

2020-05-31 14:35:58


I managed to get it working, turns out that you have to type the URL out in full and can't just paste it.

I uninstalled the program because as great as it is that we can do this, after all that I was just disappointed. It reads but I expected it to read out things when I arrowed over them and not when I pressed the button but that was kind of silly as i set up the button.

This is an amazing project. It's going to go far, it's just not for me.

I'm gone for real :)