2020-09-21 22:18:55

just build up some heavy ass deck, some high endurance deck and a very defensive deck and you should pull it off.
i don't remember in wich order you have to play them but that's how i beated it up.
also, if you have level 100 decks, make sure to have allmost all the stats over 30 or so. if you want to build a good deck, make sure to apply paint to the parts so you get some extra bonuses, white and the last ones are pretty bad ass.
also you might want to combine the double parts you have so you can get the super parts. they are a little stronger and might get very powerfull if you apply the right painting.

2020-09-21 23:50:35 (edited by The Imaginatrix 2020-09-22 00:06:55)

It is going to take me so long to get to the point where I can paint things. I'm still struggling with Green Class in this version and I don't know what to do to make things easier on myself. I have the set from the secret gift, but it's not as good as I'd like it to be even at level 6.

Edit: Level 9 now, and have unlocked the leader battle, but despite him being only Level 6, I can't beat him! Mind you, I only have 5 power, but I'm really trying! Money isn't as easy to come by right now and I don't know if my current gift set is as good as I thought, but I also don't know what to try and win in the machine that would be better! I don't know how some people beat the entire game without needing help!

What I really hate is when I'm trying to attack my opponent, and I seem unable to touch them, and then they teleport to the middle of the field from Emergency Avoidance, but despite their spinning being so low, I still end up losing even though neither of us hits each other while I'm waiting for it to die!

2020-09-22 01:26:20

probably most likely you have lo indurence. try switching parts and train them, then try again

I am a hunter named Grunt. I didn't realize that until now.

2020-09-22 01:52:33

Training parts takes ages...

2020-09-22 02:50:05

Thank you for updating the translation file.
(spoiler alert)
First of all, the explanation below assumes that it is my personal experience.
1. Achieving 15 wins within a class opens a "triple battle". There, you can train 3 decks at once.
2. Until you clear the "red class", you don't have to run "Parts gacha". It's a good idea to get three decks up to level 100 or closer as quickly as possible, and the rest of the decks will later take advantage of higher-level decks in higher-class "triple battles".
If it is still difficult to level up and earn money, there is a countermeasur that is close to fouling.
Winning in WWKB also gives you money and experience. So, if you deliberately register a weak deck with a high level on WWKB and continue to battle with that deck, you can quickly grow your character.
I don't know if this is intended by the developer or if it is a bug, but it is a valid method for now.

2020-09-22 03:11:35 (edited by The Imaginatrix 2020-09-22 03:18:42)

I was operating under the assumption that weaker parts just suck in higher classes, no matter how many levels you give them. My Shell Beta deck is F-Rank, while the Pin parts are E-Rank, and I was able to defeat the Green Class Leader with the Pin deck at Level 6, while the Level 9 Shell Beta deck got clobbered.

WWKB is the online stuff, right? I can't be sure if anyone's available for that, can I?

Edit: It seems peoples' stats are uploaded and so you can download their decks and things to battle them. I still lost the fight though.

Also, how are you supposed to get the extra decks before Red Class if you don't use the Parts Gacha?

2020-09-22 04:04:41

(spoiler alert)
1. It is true that the initial stats are usually higher when combined with higher ranked parts.
That doesn't mean that low-rank parts are unconditionally weak.
You'll have to spend a little more time, but lower-ranked parts get more growth bonuses as it level up.
2. Assuming that you have received all the gifts normally, you can create a 3rd deck in "green class", a 4th deck in "blue class", and a 5th deck in "yellow class".
In my experience, only the novice deck and the gift decks that are given by default can be leveled up to clear up to yellow class.
3. It is difficult to increase the "endurance" stat at first and the combat speed itself is very slow, so unless you have a negative "power", it is recommended to set a strategy with "assault tackle" and set the "battle speed" to 200%.
Even if you lose one game, playing one more game will help you level up more.
* The above methods are my opinions, and there will be better methods.
4. As a result of what I've checked now, there is one player registered in WWKB who meets the requirements of a high level and weak deck.
It's a player with the name "playground".

2020-09-22 05:02:58

Okay, I found three keywords on the site, but only two worked. I assume the first one was the English version of the one I'd already used? Either that or it's broken.

I feel like I should delete my save and start over, if I messed up this badly... I have several decks' worth of parts that are sometimes unevenly leveled, and sets that are mixed and matched. Should I start over?

2020-09-22 13:35:29

ok, would you be so kind to post the secret words? just cause i can't get around that web site.
also, a thing that i found was. you just unloked green class? continue to clobber the white lider. it gives you more experience than a normal battle in green, i d k if it gives more money as well. same with the other classes. a good one to rak up levels is the purple leader.

2020-09-22 14:14:59

This is a list of gifts published on the site I remember.
Nekkyo! Komandoh 2
4 chocolates
Otsukimi dumplings
Our battle is now!

2020-09-22 18:21:39 (edited by dennybuster 2020-09-22 18:23:03)

by the whay... chocolate parts? i don't think  they're going to last long... roflflfl

2020-09-23 03:33:23

I've just leveled to Red Class, and the "Our battle is now!" keyword still doesn't work. It says I can't get those parts at my current rank.

2020-09-23 05:00:24

The class that can obtain the part may have changed, Or I recommend that you update to the latest version(1.16) and try again.

2020-09-23 06:03:28 (edited by The Imaginatrix 2020-09-23 06:04:17)

I updated already. It does it automatically, or at least, it tells me there's an update and gives me the choice to download and install directly, which I did.

2020-09-23 09:21:30

@112, The our battle is now contain parts  such as lightning sword, so you probably wouldn't get it for a while.

With the hero duty out of the way, I find myself venturing far far away...
And I encounters many allies to share our pays.
In an old land, we build ourselves a shelter...
And we proceeded to call it the kingdom crafter.

2020-11-03 19:08:24

ok, what's the new key word for kommando 2?

2020-11-04 16:05:38

hi there!
i just got this new update for kommando 2! v 1.17... it downloaded nromally and anything works, i just wanted to know, how to get the new key word?

2020-11-04 16:28:29

The key is: Happy Halloween!

2020-11-29 16:29:29

There's a new one from the latest update, Very sticky.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-12-06 15:51:46

When I try to access WWKB, I shake hands with Internal error 7.
Confirm, Please.

2020-12-12 15:57:08

There's a new password in the latest version:
I want to add Komandoh to the Winter Olympics

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-12-13 00:07:20

@ Zenothrax, Thanks for keaping track of the passwords update. Much apreciated. As always I update post 119.

With the hero duty out of the way, I find myself venturing far far away...
And I encounters many allies to share our pays.
In an old land, we build ourselves a shelter...
And we proceeded to call it the kingdom crafter.

2020-12-20 15:07:55 (edited by TheBlindSaiyan 2021-01-12 00:50:12)

There's a new 1 for post 119: Christmas came!

Though our eyes may fail, our ears prevail!
User Karma, every little helps

2021-01-17 17:11:10 (edited by Wilson 2021-01-17 17:11:31)

Updated. Thank you.

With the hero duty out of the way, I find myself venturing far far away...
And I encounters many allies to share our pays.
In an old land, we build ourselves a shelter...
And we proceeded to call it the kingdom crafter.

2021-02-06 00:16:41

We have two new passwords for post 119.

  1. 2021 New Year's gift

  2. Interesting! It's Interesting!

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe