2020-05-31 01:22:57

Thanks for your thorough response, I have three comments on it.
1.  I think that going into a second round of testing after Crimson Eclipse is a smart idea.  Learning what could be improved after a full game is released and played through will give you valuable feedback that you can't get from smaller test projects.
2.  I fear that your plan for only rewriting Sable in C# if there is enough interest in the BgT version, while sensible from an efficiency point of view, might hurt you in the end.
Given that BGT generally has a bad wrap by the average non coder, weather that's deserved or not, and the issues with anti virus false flagging, I'm concerned that combined with the lack of internal scripting support and deep customization for RPG's of other genres, you aren't going to get allot of sales.
Consider that most experienced coders would either not need Sable, or find it a useful framework but likely feel too limited by it, while most people who are interested in the game right now are younger and don't have access to their own money.
If you measure success by the number of mid to large sized projects created with Sable, you may be disappointed there as well.  The audio games community has a bad track record when it comes to team developed games, and lately, longer term projects in general.
Our biggest games are often made by a small handful of solo devs over a couple years, or sighted indi dev teams who are external to this community, and in the second case, they will likely have their own more powerful engines to work with.
I believe that the only way you will be able to have what you want is if you base it on the number of downloads or the level of hype, and expose enough of the engine to experienced coders for them to have an interest in using it.
3.  It's not your responsibility to make sure that people are original, you just give them the tools, that I agree with completely.
However, looking at it from a big picture point of view, I can see how this could go wrong without enough customizability, or even with it, just based on the past.
I want to make it clear that those concerns have nothing to do with you though, and that I wouldn't blame you if people started misusing your engine, in the same way that I don't blame Philip for making BGT just because people use it to make crappy online FPS's and sidescrollers that all copy off of each other.

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2020-05-31 09:08:24

I hope it's ok to post this here. Tomorrow, as in Sunday, I'll be streaming the game I designed using Sable. I hope it will be an interesting experience for us all if nothing else! I'm moderately interested in gaming and have little coding experience, so this has been a cool opportunity for me. The stream will go live at 2 pm eastern, and here's the link. I want to say thanks to Paul Lemm for releasing Sable to us during this time and making it possible.


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2020-05-31 12:35:58

Hay all, I've officially bowed out of showing off my project, as it lacked the polish of a lot of the others I've seen.
Do to some people apparently talking about getting past the drm to keep using Sable after today, Paul has seen fit to enable an internet check in order to use Sable.
Do to internet complications on my end, I lost a week of time, so I couldn't produce anything I can be proud of showing to you all.
It's not a complete loss, as I've saved all my assets and can remake the project whenever I can buy Sable and have the peace of mind knoing that I can create away without worrying about things happening on the internet without my knolege.
Thanks Paul for letting all of us try out Sable.
When I could use it, I had an absolute blast and can't wait to buy both Sable and your first game.

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2020-05-31 13:50:54

man, can you abel to show it eather way, i'M really wondering what you have done so far

2020-05-31 15:09:14

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone’s enjoyed the last three weeks with Sable, today is the final day and sadly sable will expire at midnight tonight. I firstly want to take the opportunity to say a huge thanks to everyone who’s downloaded and tried out Sable, I’ve seen some fantastic projects created in under three weeks, which has been amazing. I also want to thank everyone for all the positive comments and emails saying how much Sable has meant to some of you, I have honestly been touched by some of the comments and feedback I’ve received, its fantastic to see that people have enjoyed their 3 week glimpse into Sable, so a big thanks to you all, a special thanks to those who have helped answer others questions on here too, its been great to see such openness and community spirit  in this topic. Also thanks for all the bug spots, suggestions and ideas, these have all been hugely helpful too. please remember if you want to show off your project, there is a Sable competition running, post a recording of your project over on the competition topic, the creator who’s recording people like the most will earn a place on the private testing team, which means they will get a couple of weeks extra access with Sable, this was originally only going to be one place, but since there have been some great videos, I might offer a couple of places. Even if you don’t upload your own recording, do head over their and check out the recordings  there are some very cleverly designed maps. The link to the competition is below, then below that answers to posts which have come in:

Link to competition topic:
https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/3451 … e-contest/

answers to questions/posts:
@threeblacknoises, I’ll reply to your comments below:
-pleased the tree suggestion helped.
-Regarding doors, I just gave it a try myself, I created a door and set it to be locked, then went to the exit, used the object editor and changed its locked state to unlocked, it brought up a warning saying this  will change the doors starting locked state to unlocked, are you sure you want to continue’ I clicked yes and the door became unlocked, but the first door  remained locked. One thing to remember though (that I almost forgot myself hahaha), in creator mode you can use all doors, even if they are locked, so I had to go into debug mode to test it, but when I did, door 1 was locked, where as door 2 was unlocked.
-I agree the door/transition object is somewhat redundant these days, I think it was a bit like the old chest object you may have seen in the older videos, it didn’t really serve any purpose as chests could be made (and with more flexibility around creation and sounds) using the container object. The chest was just there as it was coded in before I added containers, the same as doors were coded in long before sized transitions were an option.
-regarding setting pointers to doors at a later stage, I’m reluctant on an option like this, I think it potentially leaves a lot of room for accidental error, if a user forgets to add an exit location to a door you possibly end up with maps with doors that go nowhere.
-a solution to some of your door issues though is that I intend to add an option to trigger objects to make them sizable, you could simply use trigger objects instead of doors. This way they don’t need to have an exit, so you could use these as locked doors which lead nowhere. You could also use them as doors with pointers by using the move player trigger event and assigning that to the trigger object, I’ve seen a couple of people use this technique in their projects to simulate doors using trigger objects instead, especially when they don’t want the player being able to return through a door they just came through
-your idea about locked event triggers , which would fire only if the user had the key or nonphysical key is a really good idea, I could see lots of potential for how that could add a lot more depth and interesting mechanics to a game. It will require a little thought to iron out some of the behind the scenes mechanics, but in principal is a great idea
@Omer, I agree, sized panning sounds would be great, its one of those things on my outstanding list of things to look into.
@defender, thanks for your post, I think at this stage since Sable is still only in alpha, it’s probably just a little too soon to be discussing things like its final release, I just worry we are beginning to get a little off topic and stray away from the conversations being based around the Alpha and what the Alpha can do. I think these types of conversation will be better had once we have released a game, so we ourselves can have road tested Sable, also so that others can clearly see what Sable is capable of and we have released a beta of Sable along with more details around distribution, pricing and the other finer points regarding Sable and its official release, then would be a better time for those conversations,  as I think a lot of that type of finer details are just too soon to be discussing during a very early alpha build of a project.
@scarlet, I’m really pleased to hear you have enjoyed creating a project with Sable, I look forward to your stream later.
@threeblacknoises, it’s a  shame you weren’t able to complete your project in time for the competition deadline,  as I’d have loved to have seen what you created. I do apologise for the problems you had with your internet, I wanted to keep restrictions to an absolute minimum in the public alpha, so the only restriction  we actually had in place was the smaller map size, but with all of Sable publicly available we did sadly  need to include the need for an internet connection. I’m really pleased you enjoyed your time with Sable however, also that you will be able to use all your assets further down the line. Feel free to drop me a message  to [email protected] anytime. Thanks for all your suggestions and bug reports too.

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios

Thumbs up +1

2020-05-31 15:35:51 (edited by threeblacknoises 2020-05-31 15:42:56)

I'm so vary sorry, but I've already removed Sable from my machine as part of archiving my assets.
It would have been cool to, but I'll just have to settle for telling you about it.
My project would have been called Bella, and would have taken place in my own version of the Pokémon world.
In this prequel of sorts to my fanfic "attached", players would have taken control of Bella, a strange Pokémon human hybrid employed by Geovani of team rocket as she first took on missions to eliminate Pokémon targets chosen by Geovani.
As she went about her tasks, mysteries surrounding her creation and purpose would have been brought to the forfront of bella's developing mind.
Mostly taking place in an original region called the outskirts, an uncharted portion of the pokemon world devoid of human civilization, players would have traversed swamps, forests, deserts, and also taken a journey into the land of the dead...
The main problems; aside from the internet ones that plaigd development; were learning Sable itself, aside from limitations placed on me by the alpha build; small map size, and trying to second guess how sable would work so I could create assets in advance, really messed me up, as I had to recreate everything from scratch do to .ogg format not being to kind when editing files.
I also made what turned out to be the ending map first to learn how to create buildings and such, so yeah.
Converting the pokemon moves and creatures wasn't to hard, and I'd finally gotten a handle onit late last night, just not in enough time to place any of them into the one map I'd actually managed to get working after strange problems with Sable's door system made themselves known.
I felt like I spent most of the three week period when Sable would connect and run without kicking me off do to no internet connection getting around limitations in Sable's design.
For example, last night I spent almost an hour finding a way to populate my forest with interactable trees, only for Paul; bless his heart; to tell me that I could have just labled collision tiles as trees and placed sounds on them.
If I'd known that days ago, I would have at least had a demo to show, as I already had the first boss coded and working, I just needed to add some random battles to the forest map, but still had to create the creatures that would inhabit it and the moves they would have used.
So, long story short, bad luck and workarounds held me back.
Sorry all.

Thumbs up +1

2020-05-31 16:46:22

I will overcome your stupid network check and then tell everyone how to do it, fool!

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2020-05-31 16:51:49

@482, no nead for that right?

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2020-05-31 17:49:58

Thank you Paul! I'm glad that I got to use sable for three weeks. I'll wait for the final product to release. Again I really appreciated for the opportunity to try out Sable!

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

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2020-05-31 17:53:25

Hi Paul I wanted to thank you for letting us try out Sable  I enjoyed it and I was able to create my Animal Rescue game.

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2020-05-31 17:59:49

481 i'Ll help wehre ever i can when you decide to pick that up after the engine is ever released
just drop me an e-mail anyway

2020-05-31 18:06:16

@482 yes of course you will.
@Paul, I am happy i could test sable as well. I unfortunately lost my project i wanted to submit to the contest because a bug but playing with it was still a nice experience. This may be actually the first game related thing that i will ever buy in this community if it comes out, which i hope that this project doesn't get abandoned before that can happen. I still wonder about the expirazion cause i have never seen that model before, but yeah in maybe 1 year or so it will come out.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2020-06-01 00:01:07

@Tonio, I understand your account got hacked, so I’ll ignore this post, although it’s sad to know who ever hacked your account thinks this of Sable, whoever it was , its sadly people like this that ruin the audio games community, forcing developers such as myself to have to put restrictions in place on my software which i really didn't want to have to do. it’s sad to think of the developers we have lost  and the games which were never finished nor ever will thanks to hackers like this. again, this isn’t aimed at Tonio as post 487 says their account was hacked, my comments are to the people which hacked his account if they are reading this to let them know  that their actions  hurt overall progression of the audio games genre  which is already a very small and niche market.  Sorry that’s it, rant over  now smile

Paul Lemm

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2020-06-01 00:01:29


A big thanks to everyone and there positive comments, I’ve gotten to watch some great videos/recordings of peoples projects now. I recommend people check out some of the recordings posted on the competition topic. I got to watch Scarlets stream earlier (from post 477), this was an epic demonstration of her game, love all the story and back story which has already been built in, and all in under 3 weeks,, this is really impressive and I think a great show of what can be achieved using Sable, I recommend people check out the video (since it’s a stream the game actually starts about 15 minutes into the stream, since she was getting it all set up), this is definitely one of my top three Sable recordings I’ve seen so far. I’ll answer the questions which have come in below:

@threeblacknoises, Your game sounds awesome, I’ll be looking forward to sables full release so I can finally get to watch/play it.
@dragons, Greg steel  and Simter , thanks for your positive comments, its great to see people have enjoyed getting to play around with Sable, as a developer as mentioned previously I’ve been touched by just how much Sable has meant to some people.

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios

Thumbs up +1

2020-06-01 08:20:51

Hey Paul!

I have a question. Now the test is over. Are we stay on this page or are we back to General page before for the update and news?


Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

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2020-06-01 12:45:37

Hello, in what concerns me I took a huge pleasure with Sable during these 3 weeks.
Before losing my sight, I had a certain talent in thedrawing and I was an actor.
With Sable I found this pleasure of creation
except that the I drew with sound a little like before with pencils and markers. AND I found the pleasure of comedy with the characters I created as if I was on stage as at the time.
I laughed a lot too because there were still a few misses in the sound recording of my voices although I am a little sore throat to create the character of the second fight in the recording. I also started to listened to the other recordings which are all great and which all have a very personal signature.
In addition, it is that an alpha version that remember, so imagine you will be able to create in an even stronger public version!. I can never thank you enough Paul for having given us permission to touch Sable for a time which for me has been a
very good friend during these 3 weeks.
took a few days together to get to know each other better, and then we told a
story which gave that of Henry.
Thanks for everything bottom of my heart.

Thumbs up

2020-06-02 08:18:38

Hi Lemm.
Unfortunatuly I had to reset my PC a few days back. Therefor I lost my game project. I am loking forward to the final product. I was trying to recreate the Pokemon Red map. I got to weridian forest. I think I did a good job with it, but that will be recreated when Sable gets funny released.

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-06-02 09:47:28

Sorry. I will delete the post.

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-06-02 16:13:51

So far Scarlet's project is my favorite LOL. Of course I'm not the one who decides the contest winner, but so far hers has caught my attention the most.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-06-02 18:21:31


this post is purely aimed at the people trying to hack not just mine, but any developers audio games or software. I appreciate that Gameulation removed their post claiming they had broken through my DRM. The question is why people are spending so much time deliberately attempting to hack Sable, or making claims that they have found ways past my DRM. Surely you hackers all realise this kind of behaviour does nothing but harm the audio games community   as a whole and impacts the development of games we all including yourself want to play. Again, this is nothing against Gameulation directly, but I believe a post which states they have broken through my DRM is for nothing but the purpose of attention and is probably not even true, but just an attempt to muddy the name of a new creation. I believe if there was genuine concern regarding security issues that individuals would have reached out to me privately, to say exactly where any issues were that they had apparently found, rather than just posting I’ve gotten round it and creating doubt in peoples mind about my DRM. Anyway, claiming to have broken through my software , even if it was done  with good intentions to identify issues(which again I don’t believe it was since they have not in any way actually attempted to contact me with said issues or how they apparently broke through), but saying you have broken  past my DRM is the same as saying I am a hacker and have deliberately spent time  and effort trying to break through and hack your software, since breaking through DRM is not something anyone accidently stumbles across, it is premeditated and would take deliberate intent to set out to break and hack software. Again, this is not a personal attack on Gameulation, since I do appreciate them removing their post, but this isn’t the only place such comments like this have been made, so this is aimed at anyone thinking about posting or discussing DRM around not just mine, any persons audio games or software, all posts like this are still damaging even if the post is false or removed, it personally annoys me since I’ve spent 3 and  a half years working on this project unpaid, then release it for free for everyone to enjoy then have people spend time trying to work around my security rather than spending time creating their own games and turning their talents into game creations. Again, I’m sorry to rant, but it annoys me as an audio game enthusiast to see people deliberately hacking other people’s software, thanks  to hackers and comments like this we have lost good developers and good games  and is sad to  see in such a small community , we are all blind  or visually impaired gamers, we should be supporting each other rather than spending time and effort  trying to pull down each other’s creations.

Paul Lemm

Thumbs up +3

2020-06-02 18:22:02 (edited by lemm 2020-06-02 18:25:56)

Hi everyone,

Firstly, again a huge thanks for all the positive and heart felt comments I’ve received both here and privately, I’ve enjoyed coding Sable (even if its been a little stressful at times hahaha), but it’s been fantastic to finally see people having fun and enjoying Sable and getting to see some of those projects in action. I’m truly amazed at what people have created in under three weeks, I believe we have a wealth of talented individuals within the community, all with stories they would love to turn into games, that’s why I built Sable, and its been fantastic  to see that creativity pouring from people and watching them turn those ideas and stories into games. I’ll answer the posts below which  have come in:
@Dragons, , it’s a good question, obviously the best place to stay up to date on news and updates is our social media channels (links are in my signature). As for the two topics, I guess using this one for the moment makes sense whilst the competition is running, but after that maybe switching back to the original topic would make more sense, since sable isn’t actually available to download any longer. What are everyone’s thoughts on this?
@Johantrm7, thank you so much for your kind words, it really is overwhelming to see how much Sable has meant to some people, your comments are a perfect example of this. I’m pleased you got to create your project with Sable, I enjoyed watching the project unfold as you created it.
@Bryan P, I agree it’s a great project, I think a lot of work has gone into each and every project that has been submitted, its really interesting to see everyone’s favourites so far. I think some of my favourites   so far are:
-Scarlett’s project (post  477 in this topic), it’s a great storyline,  great use of some of the tools in Sable, I love the effort which has gone into creating not just the main story arch, but a back story too, very impressive for under three weeks.
-Johanttrm7 (post  65 on the competition topic), I think the sound design in this project is phenomenal. Although it’s in French, there is an English explanation at the start. I think what impresses me about this one, is even though the game is in French  (which I don’t speak a word of) I could still follow the story due to such great sound design. again great use of Sables tools, there’s even a battle in there with someone chasing you on a motorbike, very impressively done.
-Jack (post 91 in the competition), just saw this a few minutes  ago, without a shadow of a doubt the funniest video yet, really made me laugh, great job.
There are some other great projects too, I recommend anyone who hasn’t already checked them out heads over to the competition topic to give them a watch, link to the topic is at the bottom of this post.  Again, all the projects submitted were great and a huge thanks to everyone  who took the time to create a recording and kindly share it with the community.

https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/3451 … st/page/3/

        Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios

Thumbs up +1

2020-06-02 18:40:11

Lemm. I sent you a PM

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-06-02 18:41:33

Yeah, I get really mad when I hear people brazenly talk about cracking commercial software, especially when that software really isn't all that expensive. I understand that money can be an issue regardless of where you're from but that's no excuse to crack a program into which a lot of work has quite obviously gone. If I have to when Sable is released I'll save up for a few months to buy a copy.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

Thumbs up

2020-06-02 18:47:08

Hi Gamulation,

did you send it to the private message system here on the forum or to the [email protected] email address, i've checked both and can't see anything there.


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2020-06-02 19:12:59

Firstly, thanks to @1, or @496/497 for leting the community to test sable. i was... the best word to say this is addicted, yes, addicted to sable.
I have a latest project i want to show on, however i wont post any link to audio because the project was created in spanish. i'm posting this here because the contest already ended, and because i'm not sure this count because of no demo. but i'll give an english sumary of it.

Some characters, such as entrenatus was taken from here and moved to
my project of the contest dangerous magic.
You were training for 6 months with MR. Genaro Entrenatus, a famous man, but the mayor of a badly reputated town. before the 7th  month started, very strange reports from bigger cities reached Genaro Entrenatus's hears.
First, strange wolves started to show on the southern city beyond the southern forest of the small town where you were training.
after that, a strange mutation known as the shiny monkeys started to attack people outside the eastern andia city, an Andean culture.
you were the most experienced trainer of Genaro Entrenatus, so you went to stop these attacks.
travel around cities, beaches, forests, complete Challenges such as the Lindews Tower or the Andean Battling Foundation and reach switebest beach, where's the shiny monkeys's cave.
alternatively you can go south through the Maskey forest and travel around mountains and caves to reach the unknown wolves place.
Again thanks for leting the community test sable and make sure that i'm going to  buy it if it's going to be a shareware

The all almighty Alolan Ninetales!

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