2020-05-11 09:54:38

Hi guys. I have a little problem with the combat.
When I give a shot, the opponent makes a cry of pain several seconds after havingtook the blow, same for the fatal blow, after taking the blow the opponent makes his cry of agony several seconds later and it is a little bit kissingfor the realism of the fight. Maybe I need to integrate a longer sound for the blow that I inflict so that the sound of pain reaches thegood time?. What do you think ? If not apart from that yesterday, I mostly
did tests, and a lot of errors to learn from my mistakesand have consulted the user manual a bit. Today I will mainly take the time to
download sound effects and musicof atmosphere so that it makes sense with what I plan to create. After that
will be the sound montages for the cut scene, the fights and exploration and all the fuss. I think that Three weeks is enough so
that in the end I can send you a little video ofwhat I was able to achieve with this Alfa. Ha and one last thing, is it
necessarily obligatory to start a game with 4 characters?. Can we start with only one character ? Because when I launch the game I am imposed on me the 4 starting characters each time.

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2020-05-11 10:03:06

hi there.
@126, I think that is how the engine works. it plays the weapon hit sound, after that it plays the pain cry/death sound.

me and a friend of mine have made a youtube channel where we upload beats that we make. If you want to check it out, you can find it at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD0CxF … PFlCqjOtOA

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2020-05-11 10:07:41

Yeah, I did that. My problem now is that the battle music is loud, what did you do to solve this problem @124?

Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with lies

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2020-05-11 10:10:13

Hy all.
126, you can set size of your party in the project settings menu, press alt+e and find it.

Ok, i have a problem. I created npc, which issues a quest to kill a group of rats in his house. Then I created the rat enemy and the trigger to fight with a group of these monsters, tying it to the door of the house and after the trigger triggered, i set an action to give a non fisical key item for this quest to character. But the problem is that the quest key thing is not issued after the killing a group of rats. I also tried using the physical thing as the key for this quest, but that didn't work either. Am I doing something wrong, or is it a bug?

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2020-05-11 10:10:51

I swoped the battle music for somthing better. The volume is not laod anymore.

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-05-11 10:12:03

Right right, thanks. big_smile

Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with lies

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2020-05-11 10:20:53

Thank you @ 129 I'll see that

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2020-05-11 10:23:29 (edited by TheRealAmethyst 2020-05-11 10:24:20)

Is there a way to add an ememy intro. For example if I made a pokemon it will say its cry when incounterd?

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-05-11 10:27:46

I've had a lot of fun with it so far. Unfortunately I can't seem to create a building with multiple floors. I was thinking that the main character's house would have two floors, but the documentation isn't exactly clear on that. I go to where I want to create the stairs, then create door/transition. It asks what map the transition is to lead to. o I just hit U? I also have an idea for a quest where one of the NPC's wants me to find her daughter, who incidentally is one of the party members you'd eventually recruit. I'm not sure how I'd go about doing that though. I assume it'd be a nonphysical key item but I'm not sure how exactly I'd go about doing it.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-11 10:29:24

Only if it is a triggered battle, but not a random encounter.

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2020-05-11 12:52:39

I have question about sounds
maybe who can tell where I can find free sounds?

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2020-05-11 12:57:19

Youtube. Or bendsound.com

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-05-11 13:05:39

@BryanP, in this version you can do a building with 2 floors. To make stairs you can Press 4 and navigate until you find the “Door/Transition” object. press “Enter” and Sable will place the stairs down. You will be prompted to place the other side of the transition; press u to move up one position on the Z-axis and then enter.

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2020-05-11 13:38:29

Hi,  When I open the game it asks to enter key

I like playing games, listening to music and doing everything else
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2020-05-11 13:43:00

That's the point though. I select Door/Transition and it asks for a name and then a description which I know the latter can be left blank. But then it asks for the map that it links to and brings up the map menu. So no, I can't just move to the second floor.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-11 13:43:53

The product key is, as has been stated, on the download page right above the download link.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-11 14:05:43

i'm playing thanks so much

I like playing games, listening to music and doing everything else
my telegram

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2020-05-11 14:12:43

Hi everyone,

Firstly huge thanks for all the positive comments, its great to hear so many people enjoying this Alpha build of Sable. I secondly want to say a huge shout out  to all the members who have come in and answered questions other members have had, it really is fantastic to see such great community spirit, especially since I’ve been manically non stop these past 24hours and haven’t been able to reply to questions which have come in as quickly as I’d have liked, but as well as posts here I’m also trying to manage emails, private tester queries and bug spots, private messages coming in from social media etc, so its been pretty hectic, so again shout out to those helping answer peoples questions. Now for my turn to answer some of the remaining questions:
@fluffy, thanks for the post, I’m useless at explaining the brush size mechanic lol, but I’ll give it ago. So the brush size creates a grid of tiles where the player is at the centre, so if you set the brush size to 3, its in fact actually creating a 3x3 grid around the player, then when you hit enter to place tiles they fill that 3x3 grid (so in this example it would actually place 9 tiles) and the player would be at the heart of that grid. If that doesn’t make sense, drop me an email at [email protected] and I can try and explain it better.
-@ Sevrior,  there should have been a file in there called ‘Sable Alpha test version 1.8.1’ I see post 104 spotted what the problem was, hopefully you have it all sorted now, if not drop me an email to [email protected]
@ Djsentor, , if you go to the project options (alt and E), in here you can set party size, there is also an option called something like ‘allow user to set party own names and class, if you set this to yes when a player first starts your game in play game mode they can choose their own class, name and gender for each party member, if as a creator you set this to no you are asked to give the  starting party members their names, gender and class, this way when starting a game in play game mode the player will no longer have the option to choose party members but be given the party members you as  the creator of the project gave them. Hope that makes sense.
@ threeblindnoises, pleased you got your building music to work. thanks for the project options bug, I’ll add that to my ‘to fix’ list. As for the battle music folder, one is the intro and one is the actual victory track loop. For battles triggered through an event trigger you can set your own battle music and ambience for those battles. If you want to change the main battle music or victory track, you can just replace the current sound files with your own ones, you’ll just need to remember to name them exactly as the current ones are called so sable will use them. Volume control for the music track is a good idea.
@ an idiot, regarding battles it could be one of two things, firstly you need to set an encounter rate, press r in creator mode for this. the value you enter here is a ratio, so entering 1 means you have a 1  in 1 chance of encountering an enemy each time you move (therefore would encounter one every time your player moved), or if you set it to  10, this would mean each time the player moved there would be a 1 in ten chance they would encounter an enemy. As for your battle music questions, see my reply above to threeblindnoises.
@ Greg steel, yes you could , but if for example you wanted one of the panning sounds for an object, you’d need to head into the map sounds folder (which is where panning sounds are stored), copy the sound you want and place it in whichever sound file you want to use it in, for example if you wanted to use it for some reason as a door sound, drop a copy of the sound in the door folder. Hope that makes sense.
@ spiderman, wow that’s so cool I have an actual marvel avenger playing with Sable, big fan, love the spidey suit hahaha.  Back to sable, your panning sound issue is a bug which someone else has also spotted. Basically you shouldn’t be able to place two panning sounds on the same tile, but it lets you. what happens is it puts the second sound down, overwriting the first sound,, but doesn’t stop the first one playing, so you end up with both playing at the same time. This is on my to fix list, as a work around though, simply save your map, exit sable an reload and only the new sound you placed will still be there. Hope that makes sense. Just seen your other questions, so I’ll answer those below too:
1.    Placing an object shouldn’t change the tile underneath the object, sable doesn’t store any information about previous tiles, so it would have no way of knowing it used to be a stone tile there.
2.     When you first place a building you can select the building wall tiles, if you have placed a building but now want to change the walls, you could manually walk round and change them all, but it might just be easier to delete your building and place it again. You can delete a building with the delete key, you need to be standing inside the building to do this, you also need to ensure you are not standing on any other objects, doors etc other  wise it will delete them instead
3.     All classes are shown in debug Mode, as although you have set starting party size to one, you might encounter other new party members mid game, so you would want to be able to test these out in debug mode. if you have set the party size to one, when you start play game mode (which is how your players would see your game) here you  will only have one party member
@brian P, that would be awesome if you turned your book into a sable audio game. As for vehicles, you do have fast travel points, I’ve used these in my own test maps to simulate vehicles, you could have one play the sound of a player entering an airship , it taking off and then landing at the new point, or in your example a rocket taking the player to another planet.
@ Dragons, thanks for the kind words, as I know you’ve been following Sable since we first showed off a video almost a year and a half ago I’m really pleased to hear you finally have a copy to play around with and you are enjoying it. Huge thanks to you for all the continued support, I know I say it all the time, but it really is fantastic to see so much enthusiasm towards the project
@ Gameulation, Rory games, Greg steel and dragons, really pleased to hear you are all enjoying it, huge thanks for saying its something you would  purchase, its great to see even as just an alpha people already see the potential of sable.
@ timothy John, to answer your questions, you can set up an enemy band of just one enemy, enemy bands are handy if you just want certain enemies to appear only in certain areas, or  if you want certain enemies to appear together, as you wouldn’t for example want a dragon and a pig to spawn in a battle together, well not unless you fancy hog roast hahaha. You can avoid setting up  bands all together if you want, providing no bands have been set at all sable will just pick at random any enemies from your enemy list and put a random selection and amount of them in a battle with you. obviously this probably isn’t very practical since you would have stronger enemies and weaker ones all grouped together. A third option, create an enemy band for  your map, select to set it up as a non-fixed band, you are then asked for the maximum amount of enemies you want in the band, you could set this to one if you   wanted or say 4, if you pick four each battle sable will pick a number between 1 and 4 and face you against that many enemies. Next you can fill the list of enemies you could encounter, so for non-fixed bands you just place which ever enemies you want in here, you can add as many or as few as you like then when you have an enemy encounter sable first decides amount of enemies (based on the value you entered previously), then will pick at random from the enemies you added to the list, so if you added a dragon and a pig only, you could end up with say three pigs , or two dragons and a pig, if you had added a hundred enemies to that list sable would just pick at random 3 from that list. Hope that makes sense. sorry about the loud battle music , I meant to reduce the volume of this track before release since for some reason the track was overly loud, but I completely forgot, you can go into the battle sounds folder and put your own battle music track in here, you would just need to delete the current one, when you put the new one in you would need to ensure it had exactly the same name as the old battle music track so sable could still find it. just seen your second post, yep that sounds like a bug, when you get the battle transition sound, I take it you mean the sword being drawn sound but no battle, right? Is this in play game mode or debug mode? also were you walking around to start the battle or forcing a battle with b or shift b?
@ Remi, really sorry to hear you   are having this problem, can you write me off list and I’ll try and get this sorted for you. drop me an email to [email protected].
@Johanntrm, , , with the delay between hitting an enemy and the enemy pain sound, there shouldn’t be a noticeable gap, are you using custom sounds, or the sable sounds included with the download? Hope you make a video of your final project , if you do let me know I’d love to take a listen
@ deathtime, it sounds like you are doing everything right, with nonphysical keys they are invisible , so the player never actually gets told they have received one , they are just used as a behind the scenes way for sable knowing when you get one the quest is complete, but the player never actually sees they have received it, its just for sable to know when a quest is complete. So in your example you could set your enemy rats to drop the nonphysical key once they have been defeated, again the player will never see that, but sable will know its there and no that part of the quest is complete. These are really powerful tools as you can also use them for things like go speak to this other npc, then set that second npc to give the nonphysical key once you have spoken to them. Hope that makes sense, oh and by the way physical quest completion keys are actual objects the player has to get , so if you wanted them to find a surfboard (like in Liam Erven sable live stream last Saturday) you’d name the quest completion key surfboard.
@ Gameulation, there isn’t at present a way of adding enemy intros, but it’s something we’ve talked about here at Ebon Sky Studios.
@ Bryan P, hopefully you got your building issue sorted from the advise given by Ambro86, it sounds like you almost have it anyway, just select the buildings height when creating the building, when you go to place the transition, and I think this is where a lot of people get confused,  it asks you which map you want it to lead to, if you want the door  to be on the same map you need to select your current map, its set up like  this so you can also have doors lead to other maps. As for your quest, yes that would be possible, get the first npc to set a quest, like find daughter , create a nonphysical   key, then when you create the daughter , set an event trigger on her to join your party if you want her to join there and then, or if not set the event trigger to give the nonphysical key to show you have completed the quest when you talk to her. If you go  for the first option,  you would still need a way to give the player the nonphysical key for finding the daughter, I’d maybe put the daughter in a room, and set an event trigger to the exit of the door to that room to give the nonphysical key, that way you get the daughter to join your party, but also get the nonphysical key which shows sable the quest is complete. Check out my reply above to  death time where I explain nonphysical keys, they can be a really powerful tool

Thanks as ever for all the sable love everyone, great to see so many people enjoying playing around with sable, also thanks to anyone who’s reported a bug so far and I apologise to anyone having teething problems or issues with sable, any major issues email me directly at [email protected] for the quickest reply and I will do everything I can to fix your problems.

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios

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2020-05-11 14:44:44

If you want the stares to leed upstares just say that you want it to leed to the map you are allreddy on.

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-05-11 14:51:37

I still haven't quite got the stair thing sorted out. As I said I was in the main character's house or the inn, either of which I planned on having second stories. But when I went to the spot where I wanted to place the stairs, I'd go to create door/transition, then name it Stairs. It asked for description and I left it blank. But then instead of being able to hit U to have it go to the second story of the building which is what I wanted, it wanted the map which would put me outside the inn or the character's house. So my character climbed up through a hole in the roof LOL. As for the quest, it was sort of a beginner level quest where the daughter would be found in the town but I might have to talk to, say the shopkeeper, who might then direct me to the inn where the daughter was having a few drinks. So then you'd have to go to the inn where the daughter would appear after meeting these conditions. I was also trying to figure out how to set the additional characters' classes since as the game opens you'd only have the main character Luke, who'd be my Mage. But Samantha, the daughter you had to locate, would be a cleric. I suppose I'd just have to wait till after Samantha joined the party.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-11 15:05:42

The thing you do. When it askes you to set the end location. You press U That teleports you to the second flore. Then place the stares where you want.

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-05-11 15:30:14

I eventually did figure that out LOL. So now I'm just trying to figure out how to get that quest working the way I want it.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-11 15:47:12

How do I add a trigger event to a door?

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-05-11 15:52:56

Hay Paul, I'm really enjoying Sable, however, last night I was playing around with making cutscenes, well intros, and noticed a few things.
Sable will let me place music playing as the intro clip while I have text reading over it, though I do have to reduce the volume of the music clip so it won't drowned out SAPI and make sure the music clip is long enough that all the text reads without the music ending.
As an alpha build, this works, though a cutscene maker would be nice in the final build.
Now, what I mean is something real simple like a list view where you have between 8 to 16 items, where two of them define music and ambience for the scene, while the others act as a sort of timeline where the creater would place audio clips and text.
Sable would then go down the list in order and fire off each clip and text in the order it appears unless the creater chose to bind text and audio together, in which case it'd play them at the same time, though you'd still have to use two slots for the items so they could be separated later if needed.
The ambience slot could also be set to play the map ambience, just so all bases are covered.
Speaking of ambience, I've found that ambience tracks don't always respect the volume level I set in the sound and voice options menu, as it seems like my ambience tracks are playing at the default setting most of the time unles
I go into the sound and voice settings and press right on ambience.
They then play correctly.
Also, again I know it's an alpha, but being able to set your starting party's stats would be nice in the final build to.
By that I mean starting level and equipment, and maybe even being allowed to alter actual stats so you could; for example; have a mage that's better at physical attacks then the average mage.
Also, custom classes to, but that's way beyond the scope of this alpha build, so I'll find a workaround for it.
Okay, I'll stop giving suggestions and start back to work on my project.
Oh yeah, one final thing...
The final build of Sable will let us run it offline, right?

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2020-05-11 16:01:15

I can't seem to place items on a map. How do I do this? Also, how do I set the price for which merchants sell stuff?

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

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