2020-03-30 04:46:16

The thing with the Spanish flu that made it a hell of a lot threatening, at least to me, unlike the Covid 19 that attack the elderly and those with weak immune systems, the Spanish Flu attacked young, healthy people. The Corona virus according to data coming in from the UK which I calculated, only about 2.5 people per 100 infected will die. and on a global perspective, 1 in 8. A lot, but not bad compared to more modern diseases like, Ebola? AIDS? And with human activity, whose to say a powerful, deadly man-made virus won't emerge sometime in the future to kill us all off? I'm not believing that alarmist propoganda bulderdash like my stepdad, but it could happen. What if instead of finding the cure for cancer we instead find a killer virus? What if that deadly virus infects one of the scientists working on the  virus get infected? Noone knows what the future could hold for all of us. Its a miracle, that we managed to bounce back from the Spanish flu, because remember. The earth had about 1 bllion. Estimates put the deaths at 350 million. The corona virus at its current paste won't get near that level of deaths anytime soon. The Black Death pretty much killed most of Europe and Asia. Its a good thing there were still 3 other continents lol. So when I hear people downplaying the Spanish flu, and upplaying this I start to wonder. Yes this is dangerous. Yes the Spanish Flu was a hundred years ago. Hell. Great Great Grampa told me about the Flu many years Ago. He said it was a miracle he didn't get it while he was fighting in Europe. Sometimes I wonder if we weren't in a World War if the Spanish Flu would have been more or less deadly.
Somebody's signature spoke to me. A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."
That's a damn good post. Even though the person in question is the most overkill person in the whole universe. Damn.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-03-30 08:18:57

I do agree with the point that was made about social distancing being an awkward term. It certainly is stigmatizing, as though we all have to tiptoe around each other, even from afar, for fear of being dirty. I know that's not what's meant by the term, but the statistics would say otherwise. While there is literally nothing we can do about the declining mental health of the general public due to this outbreak, it's going to create waves where there otherwise wouldn't be. I would be willing to bet that, right now, crisis lines are either so swamped that they can't handle much of anything, or they're closed altogether. Plus, those who are currently in therapy must put their sessions on hold, presumably. And if you're seeking out such services, I'd imagine you're shit out of luck. I thought, before, that there was actually something to be done about this state of affairs, but now I understand that we have to sacrifice the well-being of the masses in order to save their physical vitality. What a shame. And yet, since things got personal for me over the past week, I would certainly rather save lives than try to analyze the degrading mental health of said lives.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2020-03-30 09:04:22

good news everyone! roche medical company of the united states of america has made a vaccine for koronavirus trump has made this announcement and with this, I am greatly relieved

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-03-30 13:50:02

Remember again that even if the vaccine is made, it will still be at least another half a year before it becomes public, and that's the shortest time possible!
@375, if we'd paid attention to that pandemic instead of viewing it as an irrelevant historical event, I think we may have been able to be braced for future pandemics of similar proportion. It also serves as a reminder to those people like me that however desperate the situation feels that we have gone through similar and will again.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-03-30 17:03:48

hi I am worried about the situation in my country india now we have 1071 registered cases first case in india was found on 30th january

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-03-30 17:36:59

Okay several things here.
Firstly, the Spanish Flue epidemic happened at a vastly different time and culture when a lot in society and in medicine was different. For example, no modern antibiotics (penicillin wasn't discovered until 1928), as well as fewer modern vaccines, heck even flush toilets were not universally available. There is also a little thing called the first world war that had just finished, meaning firstly that a lot of people had pretty crappy resistance anyway, and secondly, that there was a hell of a lot more mixing of populations around the world than normal. So, any direct comparisons probably aren't helpful, neither is trying to decide if Corona virus is or is not worse than the Spanish flue.

On the other hand, the Spanish flue does tell us that yes, large populations can fall prey to a virus pretty damn quickly, which means complacent attitudes about Corona probably won't help anybody at all, so yes, irritating as it sounds, social distancing probably will and should go on.

As regards other points. Personally, the UK government have told everyone on the at risk list to expect 3 months in, that is pretty much what my lady and I are looking at. No, it's not a good thing, and Turtlepower is doubtless right that it will cause problems for people's mental health, however, if the alternative is increasing spreading the virus and being a danger to yourself and others, then personally I'm quite content with viewing social distancing as something which just needs doing.

One thing I will say, is it always pays to maintain  courtesy, for example, last night my lady and I ordered a take away (from a place who practice contactless packing of food), and we left cash for the driver outside the door and asked them to pick the cash up (their card processing machine was broken).

The driver came, dropped the food, banged on the door, picked up the cash and went. we then rang the place back to say thank you. We'd normally thank the driver in person, but with my lady on the at risk list, we're just plane not taking chances.

This is the sort of thing I mean, just because one has to stay at a physical distance from others, doesn't translate into turning into a paranoid arsehole, especially in a world of online mass communication.

As regards countries and responses, what Jaiden describes as happening in the Caribbean, is what's already going on in Britain, everything bar food shops and other essential services closed, limited numbers allowed inside, gatherings of more than two people prohibited, and as many measures as can be taken, being taken, indeed the NHS have just developed a new ventilation system for patients which they're rolling out at the moment.

No, All of this isn't a reason to panic or expect everything to turn into mad max over night, however being calm and taking precautions for as long as it takes will go a long way.

Actually, the rather ironic thing, is that my lady and I are pretty much okay. Food shopping is a bit of a pest, but honestly, one advantage of being a pair of introverts more than happy with each other's company who have completely failed to make friends in our local area, is that social distancing is really easy. Yes, it'd be nice to be either closer to the friends we do have, or have more things to get out and actually doo, but at the moment it just makes coping even easier.

of course, I realise that I have been amazingly luck yin whom I'm married to, especially in terms of the fact that we really are! just happy with each other's company and rarely if ever disagree, let alone argue, and that we have no dependants to worry about accept our dogs, indeede that's one reason I'd like to see aobut the NHS volunteer ap, assuming it's accessible, since provided I can do it from the comfort of my living room, I'd like to do what I can.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-03-30 17:53:53 (edited by leibylucw 2020-03-30 18:06:17)

  • The Spanish Flu's death toll, while only estimated and not pinpointed to an exact number, was not 350 million. The upper bound seems to reside somewhere around 100 million, which is still horribly high, but nowhere near 350 million. From my research, the number people tend to go with is 50 million, but for purposes of my post, let's take the highest/worst-case numbers from that pandemic versus conservative/best-case numbers of this pandemic. This means that 20% of the number of total cases died if we take the statistic that says 500 million total were infected. In other words, 10% of the world's population died. That is indeed a scary number, I cannot deny that.

  • The world's total population is currently sitting at nearly 7.8 billion. Even at a 1% case-fatality rate (CFR), given 40% of the world will be infected after the virus makes its way around the globe, 31 million people will have died. These numbers, at present, are being highly generous.

  • In 1918, the US did not undertake measures to restrict the spread as we are today. Cities that implemented such similar measures back then did see a noticeable decrease in cases of those infected and died; however, much of the nation did not operate on this basis. Healthcare, technology, and other resources available to us today were not available back then. World War I also played a significant role in the spread as well. Europe today, by contrast, has also restricted air travel to contain the spread.

@376, not sure where you got the stat that says 350 million people died from the Spanish Flu.
@379, point taken we should consider previous experience to not only gain perspective but also prepare better; I'm just not getting what of that particular pandemic or the way it was handled (or lack thereof) you're saying is vital to the current outbreak. I'm interpreting your comparison between the two as "It could be way worse so we need to stop freaking out." Perhaps that's not your intent, but it comes off that way.

Edit: Well said @381. I am in no way advocating for people to lose their minds or to diminish the fact that everybody is impacted by the virus, even if you're not in any danger of contracting it or becoming ill. I am also not claiming this is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of humans' existence. What I am saying is that drawing comparisons is not too entirely helpful, especially when juxtaposed with other diseases from time periods that had their own issues wit handling pandemics of large caliber.
My stance: You'll most likely be fine when it comes to your immediate health regarding COVID19. Try to remain calm as best you can, but don't become so complacent that you view it's beneath everything else. Politicians in America are actually prioritizing the economy before people's health, and even their lives, and that's a severe issue. Social distancing is not the best phrase to define the physical distancing we are experiencing, and I agree we shouldn't be calling it that.
Let's not become so consumed in the media, other diseases, and hysteria. We need to read, stay informed, be here for each other, and not berate or minimize the experiences of those who are having a difficult time living in this new state of the world.
Be kind to each other. I must reiterate I mean no disrespect or to condescend to folks on this thread, this forum, or elsewhere in the world. This is a very sensitive/controversial topic, and I am only going off of what health experts and organizations are reporting.
Above all else, stay humble. Everyone just wants the best for one another, so we need to think of the bigger picture here, while also not forgetting ourselves and those we love.

I believe I have spent all of the physical energy I can on discussing this and don't have too much else to add. I wish everyone the best, and I will be checking this thread to keep up with you all.

Please, take good care of yourselves.

What game will hadi.gsf want to play next?

2020-03-30 18:53:15

One thing I do approve of over here, is that the news is trying to walk the line between remaining calm, and making people complacent. Thus we don't have too many superlatives being chucked around, and only confirmable numbers and estimates, with actual measures undertaken being mentioned.

I don't personally see it worth debating either whether this is the worst virus ever or whether there have been ones that are worse in the past, or to what extent the death toll may or may not rise in the future.
The fact is, this is the situation we ourselves have to deal with, and whichever way you cut the cookie, lots of people have died and likely are going to in the future, and the best thing everyone can do is stay calm and deal with the situation as best they can.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-03-30 23:51:56

When people say this is going to get worse before it gets better, I can't help but wonder what that entails. Right now, I just see hopeless helpless sorrow. The only thing I can think of right now that could be worse than that is yet more of it.

2020-03-31 00:02:48

@derekedit, by "get worse before it gets better" I personally just mean the obvious, more people getting ill and more people dying, then at some point there will be gradually less and less, at which point like china, countries, governments and individuals will start lifting restrictions and trying to recover.

Obviously this is a bad thing, though it's also worth remembering a lot of people are doing what they can and also putting time into helping others, just as obviously and inevitably, there are people who are helping themselves and behaving like greedy arseholes, but that's how the human race generally works.
Whether you think it's more of one than the other, or indeed whether you concentrate more upon one than the other likely depends upon your experience and perspective as an individual.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-03-31 10:07:03

I am worried about the situation that is taking place in the world

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-03-31 20:13:16

I think that the lockdown maybe extended in India
because of a sudden rise in the number of cases

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-04-01 01:45:12 (edited by turtlepower17 2020-04-01 01:53:19)

The stay at home order in my state has been extended until the 30th of April. Not even slightly surprising, but I'm sure it will continue to get pushed back as more cases are confirmed.

As for me, it's funny. I always spent a lot of time at home anyway, and, while I was never exactly content with the situation and wished it would change, I at least am comfortable where I live. Of course, just as the ball started rolling, and things did start to look up for me, this had to happen. I shouldn't take it as a personal affront, but there's definitely a selfish part of me that views it that way. On the other hand, almost all of my thoughts are consumed by worry about much more important and immediate matters at the moment, so I'm also strangely detached from the global impact. Oh, I think about it, especially on the rare occasions when I actually look at what the news has to say, but even that usually ends in me going into a spiral when I hear about another young person who died or had serious complications (again, not out of concern for myself.) For me, this became all too real, too fast, and the reason I seem hyper focused on the mental health aspect of things is that I was always someone who was going to be vulnerable to those kinds of symptoms if I were thrown into a completely uncontrollable situation. Yet, at least I have a support system, sparse though it may be, so at least I have it better than people who have nothing. It also tends to be the case that in trying times, you find out who your real friends are, especially, I would presume, in a scenario like this where literally everyone is at their worst. I honestly feel for all the elderly, severely disabled, and otherwise extremely isolated populations who can't or won't use modern apps like Skype or Facetime to keep in touch. You're definitely going to have a higher incidence of illness and even death related to the stress such isolation causes, and there's no other way to put it except that it sucks. Everything sucks right now.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2020-04-01 03:30:42

Right behind those sentiments, turtlepower. I just read thatmy own province is going to have zero chance of anything changing in the next month, and only slight chances into may and june. And at the oment,with the lack of changes these measures are showing in the cases reported, I'm having a very hard time seeing them as affective, whatever the politician's offices may be trying to tell us. More than for myself, I'm worried for all the international students I work with who are litterally stuck here with nowhere to go, and are here on limitted amounts of time, some on orking visas which are now useless because they can't work while still needing money to at least survive. And I'm still seeing other cuntries, namely Asian countries surprisingly, doing things that are preventing the spread while still managing to let people live with some degree of normal.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-04-01 14:22:58

I'm a Libra, which means I'm a little bit of everything.. I'm not nuts, but I have good and bad days, cause my childhood was anything but sheltered. I do the same thing on the first of every month, but I don't know if I even want to go out and do it today..

2020-04-02 02:35:57

Wall Mart was horrible..
I'm thinking I should go early in the morning.

2020-04-02 19:48:18

what do you guys think?
who is responsible behind spreading coronavirus?
what say?
are you guys willing to boycott chinese goods when the lockdown ends and situation returns to normalcy in your respective countries.
if you agree with me reguarding boycott of chinese goods let me know by thumbing my posts up

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-04-02 21:26:49

what about spreading this virus from laboratory?
scientists were testing somethings on bats and snakes and then well big fail

Yours kindly

2020-04-02 21:28:11 (edited by Exodus 2020-04-02 21:29:23)

This idea is terrible and you should feel terrible.
Where's the thumbs down button? Jesus fuck.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

2020-04-02 22:01:17

The Chinese government may not have spread it, but they sure as hell didn't help things by distributing false information. If you're going to criticize them for something, keep it within reason... and keep it to the Chinese government. Speaking as someone with Chinese heritage livin in North America, I've heard and seen more than enough counts of unreasonable racism towards Asians to make my blood boil. Yes, the Chinese government may have lied bout numbers... but the man and his children who got stabbed in Texas had nothing to do with it. So acknowledge that it happened and move on. Don't hate China because people in power did stupid things.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-04-02 22:04:09

You do realise that its not only the Chinese who are to be at blame right? You do realise that all the global governments, from England to even The TT government are to be blamed? right? And your country, being literally right next to china should have taken more risks right? You do also realise that it would be damn hard to boicut China, right? Insted of us pointing the fingers at everyone why not blame yourselves for the problem? If India, or America, or Canada, Or the UK or Italy or pretty uch every country in the world taken the steps to prevent it from spreading we wouldn't be in this situation. It would be nice to down vote posts like that. And your constant bombardment of the topic with literally the same post over and over isn't going to solve the problem. Good christ. Just wash your hands and don't touch your face and yule be fine.
The 350 million are on the higher side, as many countries like the US, UK and Imperial Germany we're seriously under announcing the Spanish Flu. Its only called Spanish Flu because neutral Spain was the only honest one. Reporting the true extent of the virus over there. Its really great that technology progressed so massively in only a 102 years. Still though. My friend refuses to shake the hands of people and he's acting like he's going to die. Imagine if he was in 1918. Water bubbling up in his troat. Noone to save him. Dying a quick and painful death. Today we went to the parmacy and the road was dry. Driving through the suburbs only 5, 6 including our vehicles were driving. And San Fernando itself was less populated than the suburbs. Only 2, including ours were on the road. Only 2 Trinidadians have the virus. About 64 people off a cruise ship also have the corona, however they were quarentined the minute they got here. Drastic is Grenada. They declared a total state of emergency. The first person! Like geez! They wanna protect their people man. If only other countries would follow suit. Then we wouldn't have posts like 39.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-04-02 22:05:48

Yeah I'm with 394 here. I know that views like those are the kind that promote racism and hatred within human kind. Heck I'm not even Chinese, but I am asian, and when people treat you horribly because of the tone of your skin or what someone who looks like you is responsible for, its bloody annoying. Many countries do not have a diverse group of people, so some people may never experience this feeling, but it's like someone looking down on you for being blind, because maybe you did something horrible in your supposed past life. That's what it feels like, and I have experienced both and would not wish it on anyone else.

As for where the virus came from, it is not a man made thing from a lab like some resident evil scenario. It comes from the wet markets of asia, where exotic animals are kept in closed quarters and slaughtered on the spot before being prepared as a meal. This is something that has been happening in different parts of the world, primarily parts of asia, and now we are reaping the consequences. Still, pointing fingers and playing the blame game is not going to solve anything, and it saddens me horribly to see that even in the 21st century, such feelings of racism still exist in the world, even such a diverse country such as my own.

@392, I ask you to think carefully about what I jist said. Put yourself in the shoes of the chinese person who wasnt even involved in this whole mess, but people spit at you and won't talk to you or do business with you, won't even look at you, or acknowledge your presence because of something someone far away that you don't even know did. Consider how you would feel if that were you, then take a good long words that you wrote and think of what you just did to that person you're imagining yourself to be.

2020-04-02 22:26:09

@397, that wa very well stated. Out of curiocity, what is your background?

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-04-02 22:38:08

@398 I am half Vietnamese from my father's side, and I am half Hmong from my mother's side. So even when my parents were just getting started with one another, there was already racial tension within the two families, but over the years things have gotten much better between them.

2020-04-02 23:22:51

Ah yes... I can see why. Glad things've gotten better on that front, for sure. smile

Discord: clemchowder633