2020-03-24 00:58:28 (edited by StormProductions 2020-03-24 01:05:18)


Today I'd like to tell you about a company that I just discovered, that helps you earn money out of your internet.

What is HoneyGain?
HoneyGain is a crowdsourced network company which enables other businesses to conduct intelligence, market, and business research.

What does the HoneyGain app do? Is it safe?
The app facilitates proxy services to third parties, such as data scientists, Fortune 500, and other trustworthy companies. Is it safe? Yes! Your security is important to them. And as the queen bee knows her bees, they know what every partner uses their network for.

Is Your Data Safe With HoneyGain?

100%. They don’t keep any data of their clients. The only data they will have is what will be necessary for the service. This includes your email address, your IP address, how much traffic you make per month and your chosen payout methods.

How is the payment calculated?
You earn credits for every KB of data you bring in, and after collecting enough of credits, you can convert them to USD.

How credits convert to USD?
10 credits are equal to 0.01USD (1 cent USD)

What are the top locations?
They have no top locations - Honeygain has a worldwide coverage.

Does Honeygain work on Wi-Fi and mobile data alike?
Yes, Honeygain works both on Wi-Fi and mobile data. Mobile data have to be turned on in the app settings.

What is the minimum payout?
The minimum payout is 20USD.

What is the current payout rate?
You earn 1 credit for 10MB of traffic that goes through you. So for 10GB you’ll earn 1USD.

What payment methods are available?
Currently they support payments via PayPal, but more options are coming soon!

How do you increase your earnings?
It's simple - install Honeygain on more devices and have a device per network (work, uncle or your home). That will help you max out your potential payout. (It's best when a unique IP address has no more than 3 devices).

What Networks does Honeygain work on? What does the "Network unusable" error mean?
Honeygain only supports your Home and Mobile networks (IP addresses). If you are connected to another type of network (IP address), you will see the following error "Network unusable" and the application will be stopped until you connect to the appropriate network.

How many devices can you use Honeygain on? What does the "Network overused" error mean?
You can use up to 3 devices on a single network (IP address) at the same time, but to have the best revenue potential, you should have 1 device per IP. Additional devices connected to this network will be suspended and will show a "Network Overused" error until the moment when the number of active devices decreases. Overall they are not limiting the amount of devices connected to your account - if you want to use 100 devices, you can, but you should connect them to at least 20 different Networks (3 devices each).

How much data does it use?
You can expect a usage of up to 2GB per day, although take note that based on your network speed, it can reach a maximum of 15GB per day.

Can you protect from getting all your data drained?

Yes. You can do that by simply turning off the mobile data usage in the Honeygain app settings menu. Or if on Windows - right click Honeygain icon and select "quit" to turn off the app.

Can you  set a warning on how much data you use?
If you’re using the Android version of their app, they recommend you use the Android data usage notifications. As for Windows users, they are currently working on a solution.

Can your  credits expire?
Usually no. If you're an active user, your credits will not expire. However, Honeygain credits will expire after 6 months counting from the day you were last active.

How can you contact them?
Feel free to reach out to them through their website’s contact form!

Do they have a refferral program?
Yes! You can invite your friends with a personalized link and 10% of their daily earnings will be added to your account!

How long will you need to wait for your payout?
The payout duration depends on the payment type you choose, and your location. For PayPal payments they should be processed in 24 hours.

Can you use Honeygan if you're underaged?
The legal age of maturity depends on the country you live in, so they advise you to make sure what it is. If you are underaged, you might need to get your parent’s or guardian’s permission to use Honeygain.

How do you know that the app is working?
If you’re using Android, you will see a notification in the notification bar. On Windows, just hover over the little icon in your notification tray.

Will it work if you're on a VPN?
No, they do not support VPN or Datacenter network IPs.

What happens if you switch off your Wi-Fi, or Wi-Fi is out of reach?
The application will pause automatically and will wait until it’s able to reconnect back to the network.

Will Honeygain’s network usage interfere with your everyday data usage?
You shouldn’t feel any difference with their app running in the background. They set their app to never use more than 10% of your available network bandwidth.

Does the app use more battery?
Yes, while traffic sharing is active the app uses the device battery. Based on age of your device the expected consumption may vary from 5%-8% of battery per day.

I have checked the website with all scam checkers available online, and it turned out to be a true one! So check it out!

Please use my referral link to register to the platform, because it will give you $5 bonus, and give me 10% of your earnings, so win-win!

Looking for your thoughts here.
Have a nice day!

Wanna chat? Hit me up on Telegram – it's the best way! Discord works too if you catch me there (StormProductions), and Elten (StormProductions) works too. If all else fails, just drop me an email at [email protected]. You’ve got options!

2020-03-24 01:22:58

It's pretty much /another/ scam.

Ultra secret app? Check

Vague privacy policy? Check

Lower payouts than promised? Check

Shady marketing tactics? Yes

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-03-24 01:27:39

I don't trust this. At all.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2020-03-24 03:26:32

Meh. Definitely sounds fishy.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2020-03-24 03:41:15 (edited by Nocturnus 2020-04-01 13:05:48)

Ponzi-Scheme.  If you're not familiar with the term, please read the following.  I hate saying I was suckered into that particular one, but I was desperate for cash too.  Looking at this crap I always, always, always want it to be real!  ALWAYS!  But it isn't.
Honeygain, in the spirit of many so-called free-money making apps and services does the following things predictably.
1.  It promises more rewards for more usage.
2.  It promises more rewards if you can bring in more users.
3.  They promise your data is safe with them.
Here are my problems with it.
1.  I decided to visit the site to see what kind of information I could ascertain from the site alone.  Upon visiting the site I was told that cookies were being used to track my progress through said site and that at least some of those cookies were absolutely necessary.  What information are those cookies sending, and to whom?  Much like the information collected by the app which is vague at best, at present, I really don't know.
2.  The site has many instances of broken English.  While this in and of itself does not have to be a deterrent, it is given that the company is already somewhat enigmatic about who owns it, who works for it, and what information any are using.  If a team of dedicated and educated scientists are looking to mine valuable information could they not take time to write up a better site to at least make it read as something more presentable?  And I quote, "Honeygain's network is used by businesses clients for web intelligence and content delivery" no period at the end of that sentence, and businesses clients should seriously be business clients.  Another example?  "You help businesses that you're surrounded to create a better future for everyone."  Surrounded by, anyone?  Or perhaps the real wording should be altogether different?  Who are these businesses I'm supposedly surrounded by?  What are their names?  Have any notable figures from said businesses contributed an honorable word toward this site?  for further corrosive writing and why I would not take this thing seriously, please, please check out that frontpage and do not just go clicking on referral links!
3.  Still not impressed?  Fine, lets keep going, since you're still reading.  Have you actually looked at how much you're personally making with your app?  Would you willingly post that information here so we can do some further calculations?  One source claims they've run the app for four hours and only made four cents.  There are 24 hours in a day.  If this person's claim is true they're only making one cent per hour in a 24 hour day.  24*30 for the number of days in a month equates to 720, or 7 dollars and 20 cents a month.  Surprise surprise, you won't be getting your 20 dollars payout next month unless, unless you run 3 devices, and they must all be on separate networks for best results.
4.  Still reading?  Excellent, because here's all the info you should really need to make an informative decision.
GoDaddy.com, LLC
Registered On:
Expires On:
Updated On:
Name Servers:
Registrant Contact
Registration Private
Domains By Proxy, LLC
14455 N. Hayden Road
Postal Code:
[email protected]
I could keep pasting, but that information is pretty consistent and just as vague all the way down that page.  Ip address is  INterestingly enough, that IP address is also associated with 9 other sites including one that offers cheap condoms, another that advertises the Communist Party of India, another that seems to be geared toward fashion sales in the EU, and at least 2 other sites that I can't figure out for the life of me.  This information does raise more questions than it answers though:
1.  Why does a team or organization dedicated to helping out diligent scientists all around the world have a cloudflare account rather than something akin to a dedicated server?  It'd be like if I said I was hosting a global political meeting and then all these bigwigs went and hung out on a TT server on a linode.
2.  Why is so much of the company's registration info private if it is a reputable company doing business with other reputable companies?
3.  Why do they write up blog posts like this one, where the only information they link to leads to other posts and or pages of their site rather than showcasing the impact they've actually had on communities or around the world, given they are a reputable company helping out science?
So, put more simply, we're going to set the record straight; at the moment of this writing no legitimate scam checker has flagged this as a scam.  Does that mean it isn't a scam?  You could say that, or you could try and use a little injection of common sense, look at all the red flags as pointed out here and in post 2 and do a bit more digging rather than just clicking on referral links because you want money and want to help someone else get it.  Here's what's interesting about this whole thing; if what I'm doing is right and I'm checking out this stuff for you, I'm not going to get paid to keep you safe.  If what I'm doing is wrong and I'm keeping you from free money, I'm keeping me from it to, and I just wasted hours of my time doing this research that I could have spent just putting my two PC's, my iPhone, my wife's iPhone, my children's iPads and a school's thinkpad on this app and could have gotten paid for doing absolutely nothing, so I lose.  On the other side?  If this company is legit they have science firms that have more than likely intelligently invested elsewhere to bail them out of this and push in another direction or pay for better, more efficient advertising.  If they are a scam, however, they're waiting for you to click on their links, download their apps and going to do precisely everything I said above.  Armed with all the info you really need, you can take your pick now...
Post 5 was Edited at 7:04 AM eastern on 05-01-2020 to include hours of research.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-03-24 04:11:18

it seems kinda fishy. I do have it running off a hotspot on an old pc just for the lols though. not my real pc, not my network. check

I like my uptime down low and my servers all hacked. Can see me droppin' twenty-fours with a router in the rack.
Ya like ya Switch-Ports hot and ya servers all hacked. If ya pings real high and ya networks pitch black.

2020-03-24 06:57:06

Yeah, another scam. See if transcribeme.com is accessible, you can make some *real* money off of that if text transcribing is your thing.

2020-03-24 07:43:45

sounds not good

2020-03-24 09:45:28

@StormProductions: Have you actually got any real money out of this?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2020-03-24 10:23:43

oh, it's just an other scam, i remember the times i used to run affter stuf like this   to get  money or even a free vps   a couple years ago, i just rialised how much stupid i was,i can't  beleave people are actually still falling for this kind of scam

And as anyone who's gone mountain climbing knows ,The serene snow-covered peaks that look so tranquil from a bdistance, Are the deadliest
sound is my vision
i rarely check my private messages on the forum, so if you want to contact me please use my email, or dm me  at oussama40121 on tw

2020-03-24 10:54:19

noone is stupid moron enough to give you money because your using you net and doing nothing
wake up bro

2020-03-24 11:18:07 (edited by StormProductions 2020-03-24 11:20:29)


Thanks everyone for your thoughts, and thanks for registering with my referral.

Yes, you won't get a lot of profit from this app, but it's helpful if you need some extra cash. It's not scam, check it on YouTube, or any other scam checkers.

@9, I haven't yet been paid by this app, cause I just discovered it. But i'll post here as soon as I get my first payment.

Yes, there's a little info about this app cause it's a new one and people haven't reviewed it enough, but on YouTube you'll find a lot of people who trust this company.
Understand that this app doesn't require any permissions and they don't have access to your personal data. All they do is buy unused internet from you, and sell it to other companies so that you can earn. So stop whining. Check before saying it's a scam.

Wanna chat? Hit me up on Telegram – it's the best way! Discord works too if you catch me there (StormProductions), and Elten (StormProductions) works too. If all else fails, just drop me an email at [email protected]. You’ve got options!

2020-03-24 12:25:02

Oh my sacred money. I don't know what to chuse or what to say if it's a scam or not, since I have a debit card linked to my banc account and I don't want that wooman to call me about a referral that I've earned toomany money because of my glasses!

73 Wj3u

2020-03-24 13:53:37

get a payment, then we'll talk

2020-03-24 14:12:12

I have a hotspot with unlimited net, so I will just try it to see if it works in any way or not.
I have Sweatcoin and people said that it is not legit, but I got stuff out of it.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2020-03-24 14:48:36


Thanks everybody for joining my referral, I have 10 referrals now!

If you see anything weird, please let me know so I can explain.


Wanna chat? Hit me up on Telegram – it's the best way! Discord works too if you catch me there (StormProductions), and Elten (StormProductions) works too. If all else fails, just drop me an email at [email protected]. You’ve got options!

2020-03-24 14:52:26

i got payed out 3 times actually so, its actually not a scam

2020-03-24 14:59:17

It seems to do stuff and it didn' affect my speed, so it should work.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2020-03-24 15:05:37

Greetings stormproductions. I have signed up via the referral link. Let's see what happens shall we? Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2020-03-24 16:22:29

sweatcoin is awesome. i made the 1k cache pries in summer of 2019 payed out from zel it was surprising didn't think i would really get it, and that all that walking and running was for not

I like my uptime down low and my servers all hacked. Can see me droppin' twenty-fours with a router in the rack.
Ya like ya Switch-Ports hot and ya servers all hacked. If ya pings real high and ya networks pitch black.

2020-03-24 16:34:33

Also gonna give this a shot. I have also received payments from slidejoy and moneycube both on android.

2020-03-24 17:11:26

Hello guys! For those who still think HoneyGain is a scam, I'll give here links to some articles that confirm that this isn't a malware.
Furthermore, Here's also my referal link. You can register  using it if you want.
Kind regards,

If you want to get in touch with me, e-mail me at [email protected].
We can also get in touch on Telegram.

2020-03-24 18:25:44

Ok, here is my link.
I will give the Sweatcoin link also, if anyone is interested:
Also, post 21 can you please give referal links for these 2 apps?
I have old android devices that aren't used,soo why not.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2020-03-24 19:10:55

yeah the sweettcoin is just great i am using it for like more then a year?

2020-03-24 19:17:42

Updated post 24 with info about slidejoy.