2020-03-15 14:15:20

singing happy birthday songs? one of the most strangest ways of keeping a disease away!
this cannot be the work of an insightful mind I tell you.

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-03-15 15:08:15

So, yeah Canada is doing some stuff. All Ontario publicly-funded schools are closed until April 5th.

2020-03-15 16:20:04


want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-03-15 22:14:22

Well in new zealand nothing bar sports and other events are gone but gym and other eating places still work.
But its ever changing, some family are scared about public transport use and probably for good reasons but there are people that are using more cars so more traffic jams.
I don't know if it will be the end just yet.
There are people on the tv saying that they have almost cracked it so in 2-3 months this maybe all a rotten egg.
Rules will be inforced and no travel outside the country and quarenteen all day long.
No one is suggesting stay at home but hmm don't shake hands, and keep your distance.
May as well be suggesting, use your phone to chat, don't talk and don't go out.
My life aint stopping because of this thing.
I will take precautions where I can but I am not stopping.
Once everyone closes things down then, hmm.
Funny thing is, I'll bet you 50 bucks that once this is all over, everyone will be up in arms about crime rates due to no jobs and gaming adictions and mental issues due to everyone staying at home, and that we are not talking to eachother because the net is more interesting.
The governments of the world will be dismembered by the angry mob for turning us in to fat unhealthy slobs when they were trying to save our ass but oh well.
At least its stressed that trade will continue no matter what.
One thing no one has thought about is if it all stops and something breaks, or the nukes come because something breaks, if everyone is home no one will be fixing it.
So yeah if this gets much worse, the world is going to probably end.
Once enough things break.

2020-03-15 22:24:27

Well, 5 weeks off of school for me because in 3 weeks I've easter vacation here in Germany, borders are closing and I'm not allowed to go to any eating places.
What I hear on the news every day annoys me every time and makes me sad, I hope that this is gonna stop in some days. I cant take it anymore!

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @thecoolgamer4 and subscribe to my Youtube channel

2020-03-15 22:26:23

Oh good grief. The shortsightedness I'm seeing is really starting to piss me off.

First of all: no, we're not all going to turn into fat slobs with gaming addictions. Way to stigmatize those who work from home, can't leave the house or who otherwise don't fit societal standards.
Second: considering that pretty much everyone is being affected by Covid 19, and that it's going to get worse before it gets better, I don't think war isimminent. Given, too, that we haven't heard a whisper about it, I'd say this is just needless fearmongering. And to what freaking purpose? Haven't people got enough to be worried about? Also, do you really think everyone being at their desk, being perfect little drones, is going to matter a damn if the nukes do come and turn us all into so much radioactive dust? Because I sure don't.
Third, and last for now: the reason that we're being asked to generally keep our distance from one another is so that this thing doesn't take off even faster than it already has. If you lower the number of eventual sick, you lower the load on the health care system, which can only take so much. Do that, and it means that those who truly do need the care have a better chance at getting it. This means more people will survive, in the long run, who otherwise might die due to triage situations. I'm not saying you can't poke your head out, can't go pick up a pizza, whatever, but for heaven's sake don't dismiss people staying home as an overreaction. It's people like you and attitudes like yours that let this thing get a foothold where it has already.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-03-15 22:53:20

Agree with Jayde on this one. People have far better things to worry about now, and I highly doubt anyone is ready to go to war at this point in time

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-03-15 23:07:06

Its a shame that Trump ever was ever even in the running, let alone elected president.. He has no idea how to run a country. He proved it time and time again.. Republicans can't possibly vote him into office again after this.
Schools are closed for three weeks here, and thats good. For some reason in this state, people send their kids to school sick, and other children go home to their families and get them sick. This is the smartest thing for now.. And also, I can't tell you all how many times I've been out with friends, and was guided out of a restroom by a friend, and we observed somebody exit without washing their hands first.. Smh...

2020-03-16 01:48:36

@133 Just curious, what state are you in? Are they at least having kids go to school online?
Also, I don't know if you knew, but starting today, Walmart will not be open 24 hours a day. They will open up at 6 in the morning and close at 11 so they will have time to stock their shelves

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-03-16 06:12:36

@134 No they aren't, and I'm not exactly sure why.. I'm in the state of New Mexico, and to be honest I can't speak for the entire state. I just know the southeastern little corner that I'm in isn't. I'm too old to have any friends in college, so I wouldn't know about universities, but its safe to assume that they're conducting lessons on line.

2020-03-16 07:19:14

Another ironic little tidbit I learned:
So I guess there are some Americans running across the Mexican border to stock up on toilet paper and hand sanitizer and stuff.
This...kind of blows my mind. You're terrified of Mexican immigrants because apparently they're dangerous and are leaching off the system, yet when there's a pandemic on, it's all hands on deck, and damn the borders, I guess.
Obviously not blaming any one of you specifically for this. It's just an observation about certain American people.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-03-16 09:25:42

Austria has overturned the 15:00 closure of unimportant shops and facilities. They must now remain closed all day. This is basically everything except super markets, drug stores, gas stations etc. But venues with delivery services or those who partner with takeout networks can continue to cook for those who order online. There's a sort of country wide lockdown now, it's not that harshly enforced right now but the police have the permission to send you back home if you go outside and don't have a particular reason for doing so like buying food, going to work, or providing for someone who can't provide for themselves. Even recreational facilities like parks and playgrounds will close, because over the weekend too many people were assembling there. There is, however, some cool news. On sunday at 18:00, there was a artist's flash mob of sorts, all the musicians in the major cities opened their windows and performed in their rooms. And large music venues like opras and the like are going to start streaming past performances online, some musicians are starting to do regular live-streams of them playing at home. It's nice to see the artistic and creative community hasn't lost the traights that makes it great.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2020-03-16 10:07:50

I never knew that people were doing that, and it really doesn't surprise me

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-03-16 10:13:43

Well, Mexico then should build a great big wall to give those people a taste of their own medicine.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2020-03-16 10:30:30

So schools have been closed here for 2 weeks, and various other events and such have been canceled. Cases are still rising. 5,620 Cases and 11 Deaths in total in Germany for now

There will come nothing, for there was nothing.

2020-03-16 14:05:37

Yeah schools all over California are also closing.

2020-03-16 16:09:58

I wish that korona virus should stop soon

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2020-03-16 18:23:03 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2020-03-16 18:24:22)

We are being advised to avoid gatherings of 50 or more. Restaurants are being kept open only for takeouts, and theaters are being closed altogether with gyms and the like. You can watch the full report here. Its about 18 minutes long, but it goes over everything happening in the states. Never in my days have I seen it this bad. It really is worse than 911 in terms of the effect this virus is having on everything.

2020-03-16 18:54:17

That's because there's a vast difference between how you treat a localized terrorist attack, vs. how you treat an easily-spread communicable disease without a known vaccine.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-03-16 21:11:21

You said schools are closed in California? How long?
Also, pretty much every theater in our area is closed

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-03-16 21:20:20

I think they will be until mid april.

2020-03-16 21:51:27

I am in Florida who as I said earlier closed schools all across the state until March 30. Does this mean that they may end up extending it?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-03-16 22:06:59 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2020-03-16 22:59:21)

Possibly. The recommendation from the CDC extends for eight weeks so I don't know. Its different for each state.

2020-03-16 22:12:10

Well here in new zealand, my dad reccons we have a month till it gets really bad.
He seems to spend his time watching the tv and listening to the news.
Schools continue as well as eating places.
Events and sport and gatherings of 500 people or more are gone, but no one is working from home just yet.
Well some are.
Travel has stopped as has tourism.
Right now things are ok, its not gotten that bad.
Some of my family are thinking of worse case.
To be honest, if it gets really bad so be it.
Right now I have a life and will not let it be stopped by anything.
All I hope is that our measures that are in place, well I just hope with all our efforts that it becomes worthless.
So far we have the cash, but who knows.
One thing's for sure just like you guys in america this year is an election year, how we manage things will depend who gets in.
Sadly there are those tourists etc that seem to want to ignore isolation.
Listening to the apocoliptic news, I know it could get really bad and fast.
And while I will listen to a bit of the news, I won't listen to to much.
I allready know the world is ending and that I may have a month of the mostly normal old one to go.
There are a couple country trips to do which will have us drive about but even so, at the end of the day its hoped we will be ok.
One thing no one has touched on is what will be the people's limit before they decide not to follow their governments in all this.
I have stayed home for 2 months while family were on holiday somewhere and found it a problem.
3 months maybe, but any more I will struggle.
Maybe people will push it over to 6 months.
But this aint the old world.
This thing could go for 2 years and I doubt people will continue to accept it for that long.
At any rate while its assured we will get supplies, there will be a point where people will refuse to stay at home.
The world can not stop for 2 years.

If it did or does as it may, forget jobs, forget anything, eventually all we can do is stay at home and that will be it.
No one has thought about this that once this is over when its over, there may not be much of a world left then we will see exactly what happens.

2020-03-16 23:12:27 (edited by UltraLeetJ 2020-03-16 23:15:30)

colombia, update
Schools and universities closed and suspended classes, most of them are looking into online migration.
People stocked up stupidly on toilet paper and lots lots of gel so stores are out of stock and now limiting quantities of things people may buy.
Cases went from 1 (march six) to about 54 (today). Most of them (28) are located in the capital where I live.
Streets are desolating a bit, but that is only in the northen part where I am.
As for me, I postponed everything. I will just do the necessary trips, quickly and purposefully. I do wash my hands and thankfully we had got a complete jar of rubbing alcohol a couple weeks back as a general precaution, not really due to the virus but due to everything in general... stuff you should just have handy anytime. My brother and I went shopping last week and we definitely stocked up nicely with real food. Most silly people are buying the frozen dried dinners and so on which are definitely unhealthy things to consume during these times.
Oh yes. Gatherings of up to at most 50 people are allowed, some cinemas decided to close all of their spaces autonomously... I suspect it will become worse during these days. I am isolating at home because I do not want to pas the virus to others in case I get it, and because there are just many many very easy ways to get it and or spread it as well.
Two big fundamental problems are:
1. A severe lack of culture in this place. Many people go to the doctor only when they are minutes from dying, or are forced to work by their irresponsible bosses. Or, misinterpret  the message to stay home as some sort of extended vacations... well, look at what exactly happened in Italy where the virus totally got out of control. In the other hand, some primitives have vandalized (by for example throwing rocks at homes) of some people who were reported as infected) and others have been threatened.
2. In this country more than the rest of the world... health system is very fragile, inefficient, tangled up, already collapsed. This is why its better if we can all put life on hold for a week... so that cases hopefully will not reach 100 and we can just make this over as soon and as quickly as possible.
In fact, the virus is powerful enough so that any robust health system will collapse (look at Spain's deplorable situation)
Some people here in social networks compare (spread false information) that dengue kills many many more people and no one is complaining, but the truth is that when detected on time and correctly (you have way more time than the coronavirus gives you) its mortality can be less than one percent and there are actually treatments for the thing.
The news reported that the first case of the virus here has been already overcome and the person is cured. And by doing so in this way they are also being totally irresponsible, because given some characteristics of  this new  virus, there are different things that immediately raise a red flag:
1. You might already carry it but never show any symptoms, so spreading it is done unconsciously. It also spreads efficiently (you can give it up to 3 people) Furthermore, a badly cleaned spoon or fork (you would be surprised but most people are not responsible with such a simple everyday chore in the world) is a perfect vehicle for entry into the body.
2. Vaccine will take at least a year (and this implies that nothing goes wrong and even so we would be breaking a time record, as most of them take 5 to 15 years to be created)
3. A major stopper on a vaccine is that the virus, once someone's got it, can and is totally reappearing . So if you think you are a super strong, athletic fit thtat has totally gotten over all of the sickness and so on, you can actually get sick again and even die.

and to those who say washing hands is not effective or is a silly point to get across, you should really try to understand the science behind  why this works and how a virus gets totally erased when you do it, or in other words, you can't even for a million dollars, get a drug for the coronavirus, but your grandmother’s bar of soap kills it.

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…