2018-12-24 12:48:18

Uh, ethin? I do know a few people who use qs and no, they don’t give you ssh access. At least, not by default, though they might if you contacted them and worked something out.

2018-12-24 13:38:21

@post 99, I could be wrong about this, but I don't think qs-hosting is a vps host. I think they provide general domain managing services such as giving you ftp access and a control panel in which you can add subdomains, add email addresses, and the like. I know they have been known to offer custome solutions, like the podcast feed I mentioned in post 89, as well as TeamTalk servers. Now, I have no idea if the definition of custome solution would encompass a vps.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2018-12-24 15:08:41 (edited by Jonnyboy1991 2018-12-24 15:09:27)

qs-hosting doesn't give out ssh access as far as I know. If you really want your own vps server, I'd say use either linode or ramnode or either digital ocean. but to  be fair, digital ocean and linode's plans are the same and I do mean, the exact same from what I can tell. Linode just upd their disk space and other stuff. I'd hate to agree with someone on here but ssh by default is not as secure as yall may think. Sure, you may think that a password can't get anyone in, but if you chance ssh ports and let it use ssh rsa keys from computer to computer, it's all good. Lol. And before anyone asks about card info, paypal for right now bitches. Lol. hahahaha. Oh, and for anyone who is thinking that I'm playing favoritism. someone already called yall out on that. Don't let me start up again. Anyways, I'm outy.

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2018-12-24 16:23:59

@post 103, can we pay on your site at signup  yet? And could you consider adding a payment processor to your site, such as stripe? PayPal finally figured out that I'm not 18. lol. But I can still enter some card info whenever it's time to renew my domain

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2018-12-25 20:23:34 (edited by JaceK 2018-12-25 20:27:51)

Not really aimed at JCH, but....I've run into this issue whereby hosts absolutely, point blank have a blanket ban on *any* adult content. Which is a good idea on paper, and indeed I've reached a comprimise with a host I've been discussing things with, actually two. One let's you upgrade to a premium plan and says, right. You got freedom to host adult and mature content, now we gave you tools to ensure minors don't se X Y Z on your site. Now you do your end of things and you make sure this, this and this happens.

The other host? Total blanket ban. As a test, I set up a test site on a (free) host, and copied a paragraph about the Scorpions Virgin Killer album, which has a cover that....well, got Wikipedia blocked in the UK for porn charges. Thankfully that got reversed, but having written up a description of the cover,  the freely hosted site got deleted, with no warning, no notice in my email, nothing. Now, I get it. I get there's arguments over that album's cover re: the legality of the cover art....but.....here's my point.

I submited an email to their support and cited that yes, the image *could* be construed as illegal and controversial and adult, however it was actually made for artistic reasons. Guess what? Support banned me for that on that particular host. Despite me not even linking to the image in question, though I did link to where to buy the album however.

So, decided to test, same free host, proxy, made a test domain to discuss art pieces of tastefully dressed naked figures in art. Bear in mind for this test, I had zero pictures, zero nudity. I had a section on the Renaissance painters and nude females, all without (I thought) crossing a line, it was citing art textbooks and courses, guess what? Site deleted for 'adult content' and 'pornography' when I had zero images, zero sensual descriptions on that second test site, and cited the art textbooks I quoted from, and even put the links to buy said textbooks.

Something is *severely* wrong with that sort of a blanket stance and the nuke first, ask questions later argument. Again, in the second case, support just sent me to the T&C page and kept insisting I'd put porn on my site. When...I hadn't.is

EDIT: To clarify on the second test, I merely took descriptions from published art textbooks, with sentences such as this:

The statue in question protects modesty by hiding the genitalia with a carefully placed leaf, a factor that has become a standard in many, many paintings ever since.

You explain to me how that is 'adult content' or 'porn'? That...one.....sentence?

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2018-12-25 20:38:46

@105, I get that, ti doesn't make any sense either. But I don't understand how this is totally relevant to the topic in question... then again, who am I kidding? This topic got sidelined and derailed ages ago.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2018-12-25 21:01:46

Oh no no, it was more aimed at hosting sites in general, and given JC is a hosting site....that's how it's related.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2018-12-25 22:32:32

at 105, wow man? Lol. It's all cool bro, shit like that happens and yeah. I'm kind of enjoying my day off as of Christmas and such so there ya go. haha. smile

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2018-12-26 08:49:34

yeah! thanks jhohniboy!

Yours kindly

2018-12-26 11:37:56

I continue to impatiently wait  for the day when there is not a single new post on this topic.

2018-12-26 11:41:16

At post 110 right? I know how you feel. If the mods see this, I would kind of like this topic to be closed. Kind of no use for this here if ya know what I mean.

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2018-12-26 12:10:28

@111, entirely agreed. there is little reason  for this topic to stay open, and if it does it would only cause more nonsense then that already displayed here.

2018-12-26 13:12:37

Na, wait a minute, well at least some of us were not arguing against jc or whatever reason so I'll throw the thing out.
One question, how to open my teamtalk server to the public if it's closed? it reads, invalid user account and I got to log in with my admin user account to enter. I have plenty of guys at the spanish community that wanted to enter but can't.
Mind if someone gives me a handie on it?
Take care.

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2018-12-26 15:19:43

Never touch Postfix it is a bitch to setup, like other people said in this forum. I would get CPanel, but it's beyond of my money. Oh well.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2018-12-26 18:30:26

@112, What nonsense are you talking about? All I see is the exposure of some bad practices the hosting provider JC-Hosting is doing. It then follows that some are providing comments on the whole affair. Where is the nonsense?
If anything, it would have to make you open your eyes to notice that some of this is shady.


2018-12-26 19:47:23

Not just that, but it seems like the only reason you want this topic closed is because we're refuting your hosting reputation, and bringing out things that you don't want people to know, thereby doing thins you don't like.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2018-12-26 20:10:16

at post 116, not at all man, that's not the problem fact, I'm over that shit. It's all good. And to anser post 113, you'll need to go to account list with control shift U and press alt a to create a blank account and there you go. Your server is now opened to the public. Lol. If you need help with this, let me know.

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2018-12-27 03:25:21

@post 117, if you're over it, then, why not let the thing stay open? Why not continue to let people talk about your business? This is, after all, a forum. Now, I know this thread has indeed gone off topic, but that happens all the time here. That's sorta the whole reason it's called the off topic room

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2018-12-27 07:33:56 (edited by qs_hosting 2018-12-27 07:35:13)

@Post 97 (Chris),

We officially do not do VPs hosting, however we can accommodate it as a custom solution. You would have to contact us to get that process started.

Based on the specifications you have, we could get it figured out and be able to come to an arrangement.
Regarding SSH, that  would also fall under this category for the time being. Official support for SSH for all customers (new and existing) is being looked into, rather than it being customized per user.
Our Linux distribution is officially Ubuntu 16.04, but we are able to work with customers that desire an updated version. We also can, upon request, install a different distrobution of Linux. We are planning to update all customers to Ubuntu 18.04 in 2019.

Hopefully this answers some of your questions. Any others, let us know on here or by sending an email at [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you!

Happy New Year from the QS-Hosting team!

2018-12-27 12:06:14

At post 118 because I kind of don't see the point of you know, this thread opened anymore. It's just the principle of the thingy.

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2018-12-27 16:06:57

Nope, it doesn't allow me to.
Take care.

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2018-12-27 17:51:37

I once again registered another, account on jsc hosting like last weekend, and yet again, nothing. I'm not sure if you really have like all, of these customers... But yeah. Second time and nothing.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2018-12-27 18:07:41

@122, you should probably give QS-Hosting a go if you're having that bad of a time, even if its just at registering. Maybe by this weekend, you'll be set up, or even way, way before then.


2018-12-27 20:26:10

@post 122, if you register with qs-hosting, your site will be up, deployed and running within 30 minutes. They are speedy over there. Unfortunately you can't generate/provision sites automatically yet, but I mean, do you want to wait a half an hour, or an indeterminate amount of time for services

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2018-12-28 00:02:05

@15: how absolutely rediculous! how, absolutely rediculous! omg omg omg i've never seen a post so ridiculous on this forum.