2023-09-01 20:19:05

After what post 2 wrote, I don't think it's for me.

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2023-09-01 22:27:45

For anyone still interested, i did a bit of research, and it seems this will get a physical release on consoles. I don't mean to keep harping on the current state of accessibility, but hopefully things will be farther along by the time those versions come out. Its not my intention to make people turn away from the game because accessibility isn't all there. In fact, if you are a fighting game fan and play them without this feature anyway, and are willing to give constructive feedback on the state of the game, it would be to everyone's benefit if you do. I really don't think the developer is at fault here, and I want to make that clear. They are not the one who created this thread and advertised the game, so we shouldn't vent our frustration on them. I sincerely hope that it hasn't happened yet. This game seems to have been in development for a long time, I've seen videos at least a year old avout pocket bravery. I am guessing that the devs were only recently approached avout accessibility, which is why things are as they are now. I want to applaud them for at least being willing to accommodate those with disabilities. As I said before, I will likely pick this up on consoles when it comes. Always looking for more fighting games, accessibility is secondary to me. Thats not the case for everyone, and thats ok.

2023-09-02 03:40:43

Well the way it was coming across that it was going to be a game that had all talking menus and so forth kind of over hype the game.   I knew better not to buy such a claim until the actual product comes out, that why I didn't buy SF6 cause it was in my opinion not blind friendly.  They expect every blind person to memorize everything and only provide the bear minimal  effort to do the work.

If you like OCR everything then go for it, I have better things to do and to play that I don't have to waist my time doing such work to enjoy a game that really has no excuse on provideing menu TTS.  Its not that complicated, and yet DEvs make it out as if it is.  If a person such as me, learn python and made a talking menu system with bearly any codeing, then a DEv that make a game like this can do the same.  Hell even use recorded menu speech that is triggered when the selected menu item is highlighted for the game engin that can't support TTS can be done.

Anyhow, I'll keep a eye on this topic.  If and when it has updated its menu system with tts fully, then I'll be glad to buy the game.

2023-09-02 07:22:39

Yup, same. If this game becomes any better, I'll grab it. But this is dishonest advertising. Sorry.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2023-09-02 18:55:30

I thought New Releases was for accessible games not ones with missing features. Should be either in General or, Developers or... IMO.
I don't approve bashing but, would've understood it better here then on Stories of Blossom.
And, again, the dev wasn't the poster so, have to remember that.
This wasn't ready for the hype.

Every day is a good day!
When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade!
Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.

2023-09-02 19:09:34

Yeah, I don't think this belongs in New releases either.

2023-09-02 19:24:16

I wasn't even all that impressed with the sounds of the game anyway, it sounds like a flash game from the 90s. That is not a complement

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2023-09-02 21:50:53

The sound is ok for me, honestly. Its kinda similar to super turbo. Don't know about the voice acting, though. The constant laughter from some of the characters is annoying,  more so than some anime fighters.

2023-09-03 11:24:52

The game is amazing! but thebiggest problem is that there is no english voice acting

2023-09-03 17:42:25

here is a review for the game.

Not gonna lie, it's got a nice ost, and being able to unlock a bunch of things sounds fun. Accessibility aside, I'm pretty psyched for this. Here's hoping the console edition includes all the dlc.

2023-09-04 21:05:41

I like the game well enough, just a couple questions:

- are the accessibility cues on by default? I know the narrator is, but I didn't really see cues in the sound or the accessibility options. OCR doesn't work great in those menus though so I might just have missed it.
- Is there some kind of move list somewhere? I can't seem to figure out how to do some moves to get through the tutorial, in particular the flying knee strike in chapter 2.
- Is there some difference in tming for the back long jump and the forward one? Forward I can do pretty consistently but the backwards one just won't trigger no matter what I do.

2023-09-04 23:41:57

And some people wonder why some accessibility advocates tell aspiring game devs not to come here... juuuuuuust sayon'

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
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2023-09-05 01:06:12

Shrug, I try to ignore the naysayers @37. Particularly with the new changes in NVDA alpha that will refresh OCR every so often by itself,  I really don't understand the trouble with OCR-ing now and again. Game's plenty playable, just a couple flies in the ointment, some of which I asked about in my previous post. Cna it be better? Of course. Am I going to wait for that when I can just take 20 minutes to figure out the bits that currently aren't announced, probably not, as soon as I can get myself past the blockers smile

2023-09-05 04:56:09

1. Yes, the audio cues are on by default, low life, counter, triple counter and 3 bar sound. 2. vuadora knee is low front low front plus weak kick button. the moves are very simple, it's usually a half moon with punches and kicks.

meet the eternal legend, accessibility group for games and applications in Brazil. main group to bring accessible games to the blind.
official website    
our discord server
youtube channel

2023-09-05 17:47:19

The problem here wasn't the game and attempt at accessibility but, a new release that is actually a work in progress.
So, is it better to talk about how accessible and awesome this game is and have players get it and find out it's not currently as advertised and ask for refunds?
Or, properly post it as being worked on, anyone can check it out, will let you know how it's going?
Thought I actually stated that it wasn't ready for the hype and not that it sucked.

Every day is a good day!
When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade!
Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.

2023-09-05 20:26:17

@38 Yeah, some people exploded a bit too harshly in this thread, but just saying "just slap some OCR on it and STFU" isn't being productive either. Really everyone here that is voicing their disappointment isn't the fact that they don't want to play with ocr; it's more how the game was advertised and hyped up. When the original poster said that there are a few missing menus that needed to be read by screen readers, it seemed like only a few and not the majority.

The quickest route to evil is the sense of justification

2024-03-17 14:21:59

"Was there any improvement in accessibility for the game?"

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2024-03-17 15:26:02

*rolls eyes* Yet another Oh look its a game that youc an play but, wait, its not. come on, stop posting games that are half baked not even remotely finished or somebody claims a mod is out and then drops it like two other games that have now stop working on their mods.

I knew Not to buy this game from the moment it came out and pop up on my steam saying it was on sell. there was nothing on the game page saying hey look you can play this as a total blind person.

right now my rod ally is collecting dust cause nobody is making a game worth even playing these days, seems like all the blind game makers are packed up ran off and not makeing any new game or we get folks making lame old repeating games that already been beaten to death with a dead horse.

When this game is fully able to be play by total blind folks then update the title, right now you need to change it Not fully blind ready Pocket Bravery.

2024-03-17 16:30:18 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2024-03-17 16:33:22)

43 this is a dead horse, no need to beat it anymore.

I just want to know when it's hitting consoles. I thought it was coming last year. Can't really fit my pc in my pocket.

2024-03-17 18:51:52

Well, I read the first few threads, didn't know that 40 others responded so quickly tongue.

I'll buy the game, if and when its got all that was basicly hyped.  Until then.  II just found a free game that seems to be fun to play.

2024-03-24 05:07:42

What's the status of the console version? Is it still coming?

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2024-03-24 06:03:14

I ran a Google search, and the pre-order page for ps5 shows may 2, 2024.

2024-03-24 20:25:23

I liked it, I played this game abit. The problem with this game is not the accessibility, but the unplayable story mode, and only portuguese voice acting, that's really sucks. I like fighting games only with japanese or english dubbing. My favorites are: Skullgirls, Gran blue fantasy versus rising, blass blue cross tag battle, mortal kombat 11 and Phantom! breaker! omnia!

2024-03-25 09:37:31

Hey! This is my game. You can play as Nuno loooool.

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