2020-05-13 10:07:35

I actually agree with that, until it is made accessible, this should moved to general game discussion. The topic kinds sticks out here, and I'm a little surprised it hasn't been relocated yet.

2020-05-18 20:35:48

Ghaith wrote:

Hello, how can I play the game using voice over, whenever I launch it, and try swiping right and left, nothing happens, even the voice overs edge signle doesn't play, what do I need to do?

all you need to doo is turn off your screan reader and keep tapping anywhere on the screan, until you hear an intro sequence. lol

game is my life, but life is not a game

2020-05-19 00:50:27


@Indonesian Gamer so is the game playable now?

I'm gone for real :)

2020-05-21 08:57:08

@Indonesian Gamer, stop hyping up that the game has accessibility because it does not yet.

The TTS mode does not exist and it reads things that the MC writes down on paper, reads you choices, etc. So no, it's not playable yet.

2020-05-21 23:25:28

yes, the game Is not accesible, and I'm not saying it's playable. I only said that this was a good game, and you can play it if you want, well, if you don't mine clicking a random, and, sometimes, wrong choices, over and over again.

game is my life, but life is not a game

2022-04-27 16:54:58

Well, the game is gone, completely taken off the App Store. I can’t believe we let this game fade into the night. The developer either suckered us or had too much ambition and gave up, but they didn’t deliver on the accessibility they promised us, and they ran away with all our money. They reached out to a new audience, and gave us nothing.

2022-04-27 19:46:34

and this is why we treat devs the way we do on here. Is it right? No, but it is what it is.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2022-04-27 20:20:06

Just post more comments like this and ask more developers to look at this forum. Yeah, this is exactly how you make developers care about accessibility. Good boy. Great job. Very well done. Just keep it up.
Seriously dude, give me one single reason for developers should care about accessibility for blind people after having read this comment.

dalen lewin wrote:

Well, the game is gone, completely taken off the App Store. I can’t believe we let this game fade into the night. The developer either suckered us or had too much ambition and gave up, but they didn’t deliver on the accessibility they promised us, and they ran away with all our money. They reached out to a new audience, and gave us nothing.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2022-04-27 22:15:03

All right, by that comment, I’m guessing you weren’t here during the announcement of this game. It was described as accessible, so naturally, we bought it, and when we told them that it was not accessible in the least, they told us that they were going to get down to it. They disappeared, came back years later, and told us the exact same thing. And then, recently, I checked again, and not only had nothing been posted for two years, but the game had been scrubbed from everything.

2022-04-28 07:34:52

@184 please reread post 1. They knew it wasn't accessible at launch, and they said so. I don't recall them ever claiming otherwise. In fact, the only phrase that could hint at such a thing is "audio game", which, when it comes to sighted people, means different things. They probably used the term to refer to a game that is played primarily by listening to a story, not necesarily a game accessible to blind people.
Regarding people buying the game at launch and it not working, that's on them. It's why rather than buying a game and waiting for prommisses to be fulfilled, you should first get information about it.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2022-04-28 08:13:32

@184 the game was taken down because it no longer matches what is in the works rite now, it is going slow because there is only one programmer he also can not do work on the game full time.
I understand your frustration but I also understand their point

Hannes Fouche
Access gaming my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC8CshzvGHEy2eR5L86nMM5A

2022-04-28 09:29:42

Yes, I suppose it is on me for assuming that it was accessible, but it was in the new releases room of audio games, so what else was I to think? But of course, being blind my whole life, I never considered that audio game could mean anything different than a game you only play with your ears.
However, you are right about post one. In my haste to grab such a game, I neglected to read the fine print as it were, and see that the game was in fact, not accessible at first, and still isn’t.
It just goes to show, however, that accessibility should be the foundation of the game itself. As in, don’t even think about working on the game until you have studied all avenues of accessibility. Such an attitude would cause growing pains, and change is certainly slow, and may take a few generations, but I want to see promises finally fulfilled on accessibility in gaming. It is a problem I have had since I first laid my hands on a controller decades ago, and it still persists, made even more frustrating, given such dashed promises as this and Diablo two resurrected.

2022-04-28 10:32:42

this is not acceseble game i think its not reading playing after lonch nuthing hapends

2022-04-28 12:27:09

Work is going slow last I herd but it is still going.

Hannes Fouche
Access gaming my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC8CshzvGHEy2eR5L86nMM5A

2022-04-28 14:32:49

@184 i understand your frustration but as others already said, there is only one programer, and the accessibility was promissed. Work is going slow, but art, the programer, said to me in an Email that he wants to complete the game, including accessibility.
The best example that i can show that they care about the accessibility is this YouTube video. aparently it was an early concept but it is still there.

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2022-04-28 16:30:40

I see. Thank you

2022-04-28 17:06:20

Hi. After listening to what was posted, I can see how this could be accessible. The problem is, that this trailer was posted four years ago. And we’ve heard nothing since. I do like the text to speech and voice acting though. Sounds like a good game.

I love audio games.

2022-04-28 17:34:01

Well, guess I miss spoke. It seems that stuff was done but we haven’t heard anything since late 2019 according to the developers posts over here.

I love audio games.

2022-04-28 21:40:27

dalen lewin wrote:

All right, by that comment, I’m guessing you weren’t here during the announcement of this game. It was described as accessible, so naturally, we bought it, and when we told them that it was not accessible in the least, they told us that they were going to get down to it. They disappeared, came back years later, and told us the exact same thing. And then, recently, I checked again, and not only had nothing been posted for two years, but the game had been scrubbed from everything.

I have followed the topic from the very beginning. I have also bought the game. Bought it, and knew it isn't accessible, but I hoped it would become accessible one day. I bought it to support the developers work on accessibility, which never got finished.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2022-04-29 19:20:25

The game was free.
And yeah I don't think they're doing any more work on it. I was getting emails from them and they've gone quiet. I haven't heard a thing from them since 2019 or 2020.

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2022-04-29 19:32:48

They are it is just very slow going the most work is going in to the audio engine

Hannes Fouche
Access gaming my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC8CshzvGHEy2eR5L86nMM5A