2020-12-09 12:42:56

Buying ps4 theems works so ps3 games will work too probably. i should try to buy a psp game.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-12-15 02:03:27 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2023-07-10 23:38:10)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat

Hi, everyone! It's a new week, which means that it's time for a new game! Today, it's kombat time, as I kill my way through Ultimate Mortal Kombat on the Nintendo DS!

Ever since the first time my cousin brought his Super Nintendo and Mortal Kombat 3 to my house back in 96, I had always fantasized about how cool it would be to have it to play anywhere I wanted on a portable Super Nintendo. I often remember discussing such a possibility with one of my best friends on the buss ride home, and we both agreed, it would've been quite nice indeed. Eventually, we did end up getting our own Super Nintendo for the family, and not long after that, I traded my collection of 7 tiger electronics games to another friend of mine for a brand spankin new copy of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for the snes, complete with box and manual. I played that game religiously, and started learning as much as I could about its characters and their moves, then began teaching what I knew to one of my cousins, who's family had moved in with us for a while so that we could compete against each other. Sadly, the game got either stolen or misplaced, and it would be another couple years before I would be able to buy us another copy from Game Stop. If someone had told me way back then that it would be another 10 years before my dreams of playing a home console quality game like Mortal Kombat 3 on the go would be realized, my mind would have been absolutely blown, yet that's exactly what happened, and it turned out to be even better than I could have imagined!

  In 2007, Midway published Ultimate Mortal Kombat for the Nintendo DS, a collection that contained the arcade version of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, the Puzzle Kombat mode from Mortal Kombat Deception, and threw in over 100 unlockables to round out the package. Gaming publications such as  gamespot and IGN gave UMK a 7/10, knocking it hard for the cheap in-put reading AI, but saying that it was an excellent game to play competitively against friends and online. They honestly weren't wrong, but I didn't mind fighting against the AI so much. Part of the fun, at least for me, is learning how to exploit the AI with different characters, getting them to do what I wanted, then taking advantage of their disposition to pull off a victory. If you approach the game that way and find enjoyment from it, there is quite a lot to unlock, which gives this game a high amount of replay value. After beating the game, you can choose from a number of treasures that contain either character endings, fatality demonstrations, or fights against secret characters. the number of treasures to choose from is dependant on what tower you choose to tackle after picking your character, with the hardest containing the most treasures. All of the treasures that you discover remain available permanently in the extras found within options for you to revisit later on, alongside character bios. There are even character to unlock in both UMK3 and Puzzle Kombat, as well as an endings section for each of the characters you can play as in UMK 3.

The game takes advantage of both top and bottom displays, using one to show moves and finishers, and the other to display the action in UMK3, while it uses one to display the puzzle activity, and the other to show the kombatants in action in Puzzle Kombat. Puzzle Kombat is the least playable part of this package for us, but you can probably get lucky and unlock a character or two for the mode by messing around in it. UMK3 is where the heart of the gameplay lies. You might need help setting up your profile, getting the game online, an using the touch screen at the game-over section to enter in the numbers necessary for the 3 secret characters, but afterwards, you're set.

When I found out that this game was coming to DS, I jumped on it right away. This was released some time during my college days, and I brought my DS with me everywhere at that time. You could often see me hanging out on a bench somewhere playing,  if I didn't have any studying to tend to. One of the games I would be frequently playing was UMK on the DS. My school had a couple pay phones scattered around, and there was one not far from where I normally sat. It was just inside of the building near that bench, and twice a week I would pop in a couple quarters to call up my buddy from across the country and see if he was up for a fight. It was the same buddy I used to talk about the game with years ago, and we would have at it for at least an hour twice a week before it was time for me to prepare for class. I also played this competetively online with strangers if he wasn't available, or against one of my other sighted friends who also had the game, and put in hours and hours to unlock everything I could. In the end, I got all of the characters in UMK3, all of their endings, all of the secret fights, all of the fatality demos, and about half of the unlockable characters in Puzzle Kombat, and I still have that same DS cart with those unlockables and win/loss records to this day. It's the one I'll be using for the demo found below as I fight my way through the Novice tower on the Nintendo 2DS,  xl.

ultimate mortal komvat audio demo

Hope you guys enjoyed this week's episode of Kenshira plays. Not sure what I'll cover next week yet, but for sure we will close out season 1 of this series with something very special to me. You heard correctly, season 1 is winding down, and based on the positive interaction I've gotten on this thread, there will definitely be a second season at the start of next year. Tune in next week to find out about whats coming then, as well as for next week's game. Until next time!

2020-12-15 08:07:49

I'd say you definitely got the better end of that trade lol. I've heard they've started emulating those old tiger handhelds recently. While not my favorite MK, this is definitely a good one and a super solid port.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2020-12-15 08:32:25

In retrospect, I definitely got the better deal on the trade, but back then, each of those handheld were like 10 to 20 bucks and not too far beneath the best portable gaming experience. Wouldnt be able to stand it now though.

I think umk3 is my fav classic erra mortal kombat. Trilogy is just a little too wild for me, but its still good.

2020-12-15 14:52:38

Great demo as always! One question @Kenshira: do you have any other playable 3ds games? I've got smash 4, Code of princess, rh Megamix, Mario Tennis open, Tekken 3d something and Rage of the gladiator.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-12-15 19:26:15

Off the top of my head, dead or alive dimentionz is 3ds exclusive, then there is super street fighter 4. Wario ware gold is kinda playavle but you may need help with some things, same with Mario party top 100. My 3ds library could use some work admittedly.

2020-12-15 20:26:27

Thank you! Hoping that all of these games will not be really laggy on the old 3ds from 2011 that I currently have haha.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-12-15 21:32:36

Yeah, they should be fine.

2020-12-22 04:36:13 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2023-07-10 23:49:53)

Pokemon Stadium 2

Hi, everyone! It's a new week,which means that it's time for a new game! Today, season 1 of Kenshira plays comes to a climactic conclusion as I battle it out in Pokemon Stadium 2 for the Nintendo 64!

I think it's a given now to the audience that there are a ton of games both mainstream and not which I hold dear. Chief among them for the longest time has been of the Pokemon series, so I chose to relive my memories of this excellent game, especially now that a lot of people are revisiting gen 2 thanks to the accessibility scripts. Already I have recounted in a previous episode of Kenshira Plays the story of how I almost missed out on something wonderful due to pier pressure, and today, the story of my love for Pokemon continues as I recount how I got exposed to the game that rocked my world, yet again!

One of my buddies had played pokemon stadium before, and he was absolutely digging it which really made me want to play, so during one new years eave some time in the early 2000s, while I was visitting my cousins out of town, I was absolutely thrilled to find out that they had a copy of Pokemon Stadium 2. By that time, I was already making my way through silver, and so I was pretty familiar with Pokemon in general. This made it the perfect time for me to try out the game, which I did for hours while just about everyone headed off to the fair grounds to selebrate the new year. I had one of my cousins help me assemble a team, then sat down in front of the telli for hours trying to compete in the various cups. They eventually let me borrow the game for a while, so I took it home and proceeded to work my way through the gym leader sky castle. I made it all the way to the very last battle in spite of the odds stacked against me. You see, you have nearly all of the roster of gen 2 pokemon at your disposal, but they all don't have the best move set available to them, so to ensure your victory, it is sbest that you import your own pokemon from within gold and silver, which I didn't have the tools to do at the time, which makes it nearly impossible to beat the game. Thus, to this day, I have yet to finish the very last battle against silver. However, Pokemon Stadium does include different cups with different rules to participate in, with 4 ranks for each cup, so when I couldn't beat Silver, I went off and tackled one of those other challenges. I did return the game to my cousins when I visitted them a few months later, and it would not be until a few years into my college years that I would be able to snag my own copy.

Pokemon Stadium 2 includes a pokemon academy, complete with lectures, mock battles and quizzes to help you hone your knowledge about pokemon. In addition, it also has minigames that you can play either alone or with up to 4 players, which my brothers and sisters were totally into. Therefore, even if you did not have the transfer pack, there is still a ton to do in the game. Save for the majority of the minigames, the game is very accessible, having few menus that wrap. It helps that the Pokemon Stadium series in general  has an announcer that seems to really love his job! he generally does a good job at describing everything that happens, as well as the information on each pokemon when it is critical. He calls out the pokemon that are summoned if they are not the very first two, but even without it, each pokemon still retains their own cries, just as each move has their own sounds. There are a couple ways to sort out the huge roster of pokemon, either as they are listed in gen 2, or internationally, or alphabetical order. All of this comes together to make a game that is still quite playable to this day. Undoubtedly, technology has advanced far enough to make it even more playable to those without vision than it has ever been before. I do highly recommend this game to anyone who is even remotely interested in the turn-by-turn strategic combat of the Pokemon stadium series, and you won't have to ever worry about getting,  lost on an overworld or in a  dungeon. I have a strong preference for the first two games mentioned here, over that of Pokemon Battle revolution which was released for the Wii years later. The stadium series just has more pokemon to choose from by default, and more to do in general. In the demo below, I'll be fighting my way through the first couple gyms in the gym leader sky  castle.

pokwmon stadium 2 audio demo

Update: Pokemon Stadium is now available to play on Nintendo Switch online expansion pack, with the sequel soon to come.

That takes us to the end of Kebshira Plays season 1. I have to say that recording these and replaying these games was a ton of fun. My favorite part has to be me trying to make it through the third area of dungeon punks without dying, because I had always died prior to the recording, and things got so chaotic during that I fully expected to die again. My second favorite memory from this was clearing under night with just 1 credit. Didn't expect that to happen either. Besides that, it was generally a fun time down memory lane for me. If you guys had anything in particular that you found memorable, feel free to share.

I'm going to take the rest of this and next week to enjoy the rest of Christmas time, and I hope you all can do the same. In January, expect more games from more consoles as we make more memories together. I still have lots of cool stuff to share. Thanks for sticking with me this far. Hope you all enjoyed this week's game, and had fun with season 1 of kenshira plays. All of the recordings since August are still up, so now is a good time to revisit them if you wish. Otherwise, join me at the start of next year for season 2! Merry Christmas, everyone, and may you all have a happy new year! until next time!

2020-12-22 08:26:12

Heck, freaking yes! I looove pokemon stadium 2. Thing is, I've never played the original and Idk if I want to either. Have a Merry Christmas!

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-12-22 08:26:50

Quick question: What platform were you playing this on?

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-12-22 08:38:40 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2020-12-22 08:41:31)

Because my n64 is stored away due to lack of space, I just used my pc. Ocr really helped in picking pokwmon. Also, I wanna get around to the original stadium if I can find it somewhere.

2020-12-22 09:08:34

Thanks a lot for all the awesomeness. I'm really surprised you have found that many playable games. I look very much forward to more great stuff.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2021-01-05 07:21:04 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2023-07-10 23:53:26)

Fisherman's Bate 2: Big ol' bass

Hi, everyone! Welcome to a new season of Kenshira plays, a weekly feature where I showcase audio demos of  mainstream games that are playable to those without sight. This week, we'll kick off the season with a splash as I tackle fisherman's bate 2: big ol bass for Playstation.

I discovered this game at about the same time I found out about the playability of the rhythm heaven series, so almost 15 years after this game's release. In the first demo I heard for this game, the dude recording it absolutely lost his marbles when his fishing line broke, and he proceeded to beat the living crap out of his desk, which i thought was pretty funny at the time, because I'd never seen anyone overreact like that before. After that day, I snagged a copy of the game and stuck it on my psp, where it kept me entertained for hours and hours of down time when I just wasn't in the mood to fight and kill things. I got so into the game and its audio atmosphere that I even started smelling fish as I was reeling them in and they were either struggling to riggle free or leaping out of the water just to land with a tremendous splash. After weeks of playing, fisherman's bate 2 became the first non-combative sports game i ever beat.

In regards to the game itself, this is the second in a trilogy of arcade-style fishing games released by Konami for Playstation in the late 90s and early 2000s. They are all playable, though its harder to hook a fish in the first game, and the sound of the reel when casting is gone in the third game, making it slightly harder to judge your distance. The third game does have talking cutsvenes during its campaign, which i think is pretty neat, and the hosts will tell you after casting if your lure is in a good spot. In spite of that, I do like the second game more, because it has a quieter atmosphere, and the announcer doesn't sound muffled by the PA system. In both the second and third game, the announcer will tell you exactly to the ounce how much your fish weighs, as well as whether or not they qualify for a tournament or are fair game for catch. Your tension gage will beep in all 3 games when your line gets tight, with quicker beeps for greater tension. Each of the games provide a host of collectables accross several modes of play, and in the demo below, I will compete in the Konami Cup bass fishing tournament. Will I be able to finish the tournament before I run out of continues? Find out in the following recording!

fisherman's bate 2 audio demo

That takes us to the end of this week's episode. I hope you guys enjoyed it. It would be really nice to have audio fishing games that used similar mechanics as those in this series, but for now, this will have to do, and I do recommend checking out the fisherman's bate series if you're in the mood for something different. Next week, we'll finally tackle a fighter with stereo sound, but which one? Tune in then to find out! Until next time!

2021-01-05 08:30:30

listen through it, love it! grabbing the emulator and the game now. this will be fun. do you have the control? and anything else that I need to know?

2021-01-05 08:35:06

Thanks for the demo! as far as I can see, it have a lot of menus, could you describe them? And give the controls?

let's rock!

2021-01-05 08:53:14

Wow. Thanks for sharing. Do you know if one of those games has been ported to the newer consoles as game classics?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2021-01-05 11:51:39 (edited by Aron Leppik 2021-01-05 11:52:58)

@SLJ I'm pretty sure it hasn't. And you'd need a ps3 for ps1 classics anyway unless you have a vita. @Kenshira loving it! For anyone interested KOF 13 is free with Xbox Live gold so pick it up, because it seams playable.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2021-01-05 14:06:57

I will look up the menu in a  bit, but real quick, here are the controls. Cross and circle are to reel, arrows are to tilt the pole and to hook a fish. L2 and r2 are to loosen the line when there's too much tension. L1 and r1 are to choose another lure. When casting, pressing cross a second time near the end of the reel sound should send your lure to a good distance. Finally, just start reeling in slowly after you cast. Glad you guys liked the game. I'll habe more on it in a few hours.

2021-01-05 15:52:16

thanks for the control!
by the way that demo you mention irlyer about the guy who beat his desk, do you still keep that? totaly would like to listen for that as well hahahaha.

2021-01-05 21:57:04

I found an old text menu guide for the game which I will paste below. It was missing a couple modes on the start screen, but I wrote them in.

first screen
1: game:
beginner, tournament, free fishing, vs mode(this option is disabled by default
and it won't even appear if you don't have control 2 plugged in, so
don't count it in the menu if you're playing allone) and monster tournament
after you select a mode, you will choose number of players, same
situation, if there's only 1 person playing, there will be no second
player option. after choosing it, there will be the place select screen,
onse you choose one, you will travel to it and can choose the lure
after that you can fish! happy fishing!

change options's value by moving left or right and change options by
going up and down.
credits: 2 in 2: starts with 3, so if you go right, it would go to 5,
then 7, then 9(maximum) and go back to one.
difficulty: normal, easy, hard. starts in normal
voice starts turned on by default
auto save starts default off
control a
vibration: starts on by default
reel sensitivity: starts with 3, can go up to 5

Ranking: needs to be unlocked and shows your rank overall.
LiveWell collection: needs to be unlocked and hosts a collection of the best of each type of fish that you've caught.

in game commands: use the analog stick to reel, press x button to cast
the rod, onse the beep starts playing when you're catching the fish,
press r1, l1, so the line won't breaks, and if you want to change the
lure to place press l1 when the pole isn't in the water. first option is
to select wether if you want to change the lure or place, just one of
the options and then press x, and choose what you want again, it's
pretty straightforward.

Here is that old recording I was talking about earlier. No idea who this is, but its basically what I just pasted.

2021-01-30 12:31:48

hey there, any update for this?

2021-01-30 22:26:03

I needed to take a break from things for a while, but you can expect a new entry next week.

2021-01-30 23:58:25

I see, take your time smile

2021-02-10 18:42:25

Hi guys. Just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten about this thread and will resume my coverage as soon as I am able, for the last few days have been fairly busy with other projects and with preparation for the lunar new year which is to happen in just a couple days. Still, I do not come without news ot a playavle game, because it brings me great happiness to inform you all that a game which I have previously covered and formerly thought to be stuck in history is coming to a modern console very soon. Last year, i submitted a recording of SNK VS Capcom match if the millennium for the neo geo pocket color to this thread, and it was in that post where I had  expressed the hope of seeing the game come to the switch with its other ngpc brethren. Alas, someone must have been listening, because I just found out that it will indeed come. You will be able to buy match of the millennium from the switch eshop starting on February 17, 2021. Thats right! Forget about the imperfections of the audio in my recording, and forget about trying to track down a neo geo pocket and a copy of the game, because soon you will be able to own it at a reasonable price, and perhapse, this may make way for future projects between snk and capcom. That is all I have for now. I wish you all well, and will post a new recording as soon as I can. Do consider picking up the game if you have a switch. My recording is on the previous page if I'm not mistaken, if you want to check it out. Until next rime!