2020-12-16 21:42:12

Do any of you more experienced players have advice for the 'track down child' quests?
I make it to the area they're supposed to be at and explore that region for a while but I just can't find them!

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2020-12-16 22:53:07

Type this into run
There you can choose your default voice.  Just keep in mind that it will be the default for everything that doesn't have it's own voice chooser.

2020-12-16 23:34:07 (edited by Luel 2020-12-16 23:35:00)

I did the child quest once, so here is some advice.
Spoilers if the solutions are not random.
Keep climbing trees.

Thank you for the advice, but I am afraid it did not help.
I already have the voice set to English in these settings and the game uses Polish voice regardless of them.

2020-12-16 23:42:19

Will check this out.

Who am I? Simply me!

2020-12-17 00:01:54

wow... I completely forgot you could climb trees.
Thanks for that!

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2020-12-17 00:45:38

Is that disability much better in this new version?. Ha ha look what the dictation did. I wanted to ask if the accessibility it’s much better in this new version. Thank you

2020-12-17 03:42:59

@73 Thank you a lot for this tip, that's very good to know.

  Anyway, about the lost child quests, I completed only one of those until now, And I managed to find him by using the search action arround the area, but maybe climbing trees can work too.

2020-12-17 06:57:42

Is there some way to speed up the sapi narration? Right now it's unplayably slow for me and neither the web version or the downloaded version follow default SAPI speech rate settings. Also tab and the arrow keys don't seem to report anything for me

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2020-12-17 07:26:31

FARA #announcements 
BrianIsCreative  - Added some new commands and settings with accessibility in mind. There's more to come, but I hope this serves as a decent start. Big shout out to the players over at AudioGames.net!:
--- Fixed an issue where pressing Escape to cancel Text-to-Speech audio would also close windows and deselect targets.
--- Added a /highdetail setting which provides more information in the game log for actions and events normally handled by other parts of the interface. It will produce a message for every step taken in local areas, inform you of the closest tile to exit a local area, and produce messages when new targets come into view.
--- Added /listwearing, /listholding, /listitems, and /listtargets which produce in-log lists of their respective windows. Can also be performed with /lw, /lh, /li, and /lt.
--- Added /increasefont and /decreasefont for adjusting font size. Can also be performed with /if and /df.
- Damage immune doors will now lose their immunity when opened or picked.
- Fixed an issue with mount saddles disappearing
- Fixed a crash caused by Harvester Bees
- Fixed some inconsistent behavior with wielding artifacts
- Fixed more mislabeled items
- Typos

i am the best bread in the world.

2020-12-17 10:26:49

I would love to have something like an autoexploring-command. But i am not sure whether that would violate the rules

2020-12-17 11:16:28

I am so addicted to this game, though I really suck at it.
I can usually only get through two or three quests before dying to a random encounter, but I think that's partially my fault for not trying hard enough to flee.
Plus, I feel like I haven't crafted enough.
Anyway, I am really happy to see more accessibility changes.  Can any of you on the discord server suggest /health, /stamina and /hunger commands so we can quickly check our vitals?

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2020-12-17 19:04:03

I'm curious, do most people play this in the browser, or download the game? I'm not sure how downloads work with the fast pace of updates, but it's possible there's an auto-update system I'm not aware of. smile

2020-12-18 02:28:58

I mean the game doesn't take that long to update, I've heard that people like the downloaded one better

2020-12-18 05:59:13

I've honestly never tried the browser version, but yeah I don't mind updating it at all.
I wish the game was on Steam then it would update itself.
this is seriously something I'd pay $10+ for.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2020-12-19 02:58:55

Good news!
The dev just told me we'll have a command to adjust speech rate next version and that he'd read up on aria live regions.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2020-12-19 06:17:40

Good about changing the speech rate, but what about choosing the voice?
I am going to wait until something is done about this, or I no longer need SAPI to play.

2020-12-19 06:52:52

Well you set the voice in control panel.  it's always used my default voice at least.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2020-12-19 08:54:34

It does not work for me.
The game always uses Polish voice, no matter which voice I have set as default voice.
I have an English voice set as the default voice, but the game ignores it.

2020-12-19 09:15:21

Which SAPI panel are you using, the 64 bit or 32 bit version.

This is the 32 bit one.
And this is the 64 bit one.
Paste both of those into run and set your default on both, then see if it works.

2020-12-19 10:14:32 (edited by Luel 2020-12-19 10:15:49)

I have settings for both 32 and 64 bit versions.
Thanks for giving the paths, I forgot how to find 32-bit panel.
Now where things get weird.
I have English voice set in both settings.
When I use SAPI in Fara, the game uses Polish voice, then overrides the 32-bit setting and sets the voice it uses as default.
The 64-bit setting is untouched.

2020-12-19 10:16:25

That's scary and confusing and I don't know anything any more.

2020-12-19 10:44:18 (edited by Luel 2020-12-19 10:47:12)

Thanks for trying to help.
One workaround I found is changing system display language to English.
After doing that the game still did what it wanted and messed up settings, but at least it used English voice.
Progress right?
If one can call having to change language for the entire system just to play a game progress.
Not to mention what business a game has to change system settings to begin with.

2020-12-19 22:21:15

Greetings, after looking through some of the Unlocked classes, I've been hearing about things called dances, does anyone know how those work?

2020-12-20 00:54:08

@Luel: are you playing the game through your web browser and playing locally?
the local game is respecting my default voice, but my language and region settings are all English-based, so I'm wondering if that's screwing things up.
I've also been considering trying the NvSapi thing because then'd you'd just adjust NVDA's speech rate and it would work fine.
Regarding dances, I haven't messed with any of that stuff yet so I honestly have no idea.
I've been too busy building houses and crafting.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2020-12-20 01:33:49

So, I am a complete beginner to this game. Now, with the new update, could someone give some tips regarding what a total beginner should do? How do I find my coords, what should I do to get started apart from findig the settlement? Someone mentioned crafting, how do I craft? Should I start out with crafting, or should I just head to settlement and begin questing? I've discovered my first settlement as the game kind of lead me there in the first loop and I travelled, getting a weapon chest, but I wasn't really sure how to track my objective, an expedition where I had to inspect something. I found a young version f the species and inspected it but it didn't say objective complete. Also, I've noticed you always seem to have the other windows like hold and such, but where is the main log? It's there but what's the best way of getting to it?