2020-12-09 18:24:52

If the subject didn't tell you of my bad mood at the time of writing this, then you will certainly know at the end of this post :d.
I've been living my grandparents for the 20 years I've been on this earth, and they still keep moaning and commenting at the slightest things.
What things you may ask?
Well, have you ever been in a situation where you're playing an audio game happily minding your own business, and people come up to you and say: Ehh, do you know there's nothing on your screen?
Why is your computer making those noises?
Turn that down or put headphones on please!
That last one is my worst.
Take today for example, people were sorting things out in the kitchen making lots of noise moving things around.
Naturally it got to the point where I couldn't hear my laptop, as I was with them at the time, and I like to be sociable whilst I game.
And no, gaming doesn't make you as anti-social as older generation people make it out to be smile
But getting to the point, I turned my laptop up to an audible level, around 50% volume give or take.
30 seconds later I had my first negative comment: Isn't that rather loud and noisy?
My reply was that I couldn't hear my laptop because you are doing your things and I am doing mine, that I didn't plan on keeping at said noise level forever, and that I need to hear because I can't see, obviously!
It's not the last time this has happened, and it probably won't be.
I know it's just one of the things in life that I'll have to get on with, but it's the affect on my confidence that annoys me.
There's even been times where I higher up my laptop or device when there's an advert break on the TV, and I get told to wear headphones or turn it off, and when I argue my case that I don't want to wear them and I'm just highering it up for a bit, they just start getting all defensive although I don't mean to cause any arguments.
I just wish people had the decency to take my blindness into account. I also have autistic features, so I'm not a big fan of loud noises.
If anybody wishes to contribute their thoughts to this almost pointless topic, please feel free smile
Apologies for the length of this ridiculously long post, and an early merry Christmas to everyone! smile!

Though our eyes may fail, our ears prevail!
User Karma, every little helps

2020-12-09 19:13:55

Oh no, it's not at all a pointless topic.
Although I don't play any games what so ever, I more than well know, how nasty it is to live with other people in terms of sharing noises. And when they dont, and most of the time they don't freakin' understand the problem.
As I also have autistic features, thus lower tolerance for louder noises, but it gets even lower during any kind of deeper/bigger stress. Once I even told my parents to stop making noise, while they were just talking.
Now it's almost a year since I live separate from my parents and it has been a good experience regarding noise, but still I have problems with other sounds around the house, that are outside my flat and thus not under my control

2020-12-09 19:32:12

I just go off into another room. Toaddresd the bit avout there being nothing on the screen, thats partially why I'm partial towards mainstream games, so people can see and participate.

2020-12-09 19:47:06

Btw, I don't have a laptop, but for about 10 years my desktop has had no screen connected to it, so it's nobody elses business, wtf I'm doing on my computer and it feels good that way.

2020-12-09 19:49:04

Being asked to wear headphones isn't anything to do with being blind, it's called common courtesy when sharing a space.  They could be more sensitive about the fact that it's an audiogame, but being asked to wear headphones is perfectly normal behavior for anyone.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-12-09 19:58:00

Yeah, and besides, if you're playing an audiogame, you really *should* be wearing headphones anyway. Get some bone conducting ones, or just any that'll let in a decent amount of sound from the outside if you want to be able to talk at the same time. I really should do this myself actually, I tend to just use passthrough on my echo buds, though obviously this only works when audio latency from the PC won't be too problematic.
What you'll find pretty much anywhere, is that all of this is actually pretty normal, and that people generally aren't out to get you. I understand you have issues interpreting social queues, I do too, for what that's worth, but getting defencive will only cause the situation to escalate much further than it needs to. Like if people point out that there's nothing on you're screen and you're quite obviously hammering away on the keyboard, usually they're just curious. Not everyone knows about us.

2020-12-09 22:27:33

@4 I know what you mean.
I generally have my laptop and phone brightness set to 0, as it benefits both in privacy and battery usage.
@5 I would agree with you, but then there's the argument that why does it have to be me?
I have no problem with what they are doing, I could easily say their TV is to loud and that I can't hear my stuff, but I don't because there isn't any need.
It's got nothing to do with common courtesy when sharing a space in my opinion, I just feel a bit singled out in these circumstances because I need to hear sound more than they do. They could easily mute the TV or whatever they're using and just look at it, you can't do that when you're blind, so all I'm saying is that I wish they had a little more respect.
I'm me, I've got audio playing on my laptop because I can't use it otherwise, and I don't have it blaring to the point where it drowns all other noise out, so I don't see what the problem is, I'm sure the same applies to others as well...
@6 You make a fair point, however it doesn't matter whether I'm playing an audio game or a mainstream game, I just don't really want to wear headphones; simple as that.
I don't want to look like an anti-social recluse in my room all the time, hence why I like to game and talk with people around me.
I just want people to respect that rather than making a fuss because of a little more background noise than they're used to.

Though our eyes may fail, our ears prevail!
User Karma, every little helps

2020-12-09 22:44:26

Wearing headphones isn't looking like an anti-social recluse these days, you know.  Being on the laptop in the first place is way more antisocial than whether or not you're wearing headphones with it and, if you want to be perceived as even slightly social at all, you need to start by putting it away entirely.

Also, they've got multiple people watching TV and plugging headphones into a tv is actually quite difficult, plus only one of these things is portable.

it's hard for me to have sympathy here.  I feel like you want validation, but seriously, "I'm blind therefore I need audio, and also I don't want to wear headphones, and being blind makes me different from a sighted person and therefore I should have a different rule" is not a good way to approach the world.  Your options here are move out if you're an adult, or realize that being a kid kind of sucks if you're a kid, but I doubt you're going to get a bunch of "yeah that sucks" validation if that's what you wanted.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-12-09 23:02:05

With Canlorn here. I kind of feel like you want it both ways, and that's not going to happen.

When my family got a computer later in my high-school years, we put Jaws on it so I could use it. For just running around doing my usual stuff, I did not use headphones and wasn't asked to. I didn't have Jaws blasting, so it didn't matter. My brother would play games and not use headphones; same deal.
there were two reasons why I used headphones when I was gaming. First, because sometimes I like to game with the volume up a bit for immersion's sake. Second, because in a lot of audio games, you really need to pay attention to sound.

Now, if I was gaming on the N64, PS2 or my GBA, whether or not I used headphones usually depended on whether the device was portable. I would often sit in the family room with the GBA in my lap and headphones on my head. They're watching TV, I'm gaming. Nobody minds. If my brother wanted to do the same thing, he'd just turn the volume down since he didn't need the sound like I did. With the console stuff, I just wouldn't play at loud volumes, and nobody cared.

Maybe I got lucky though. Maybe most families aren't like this?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-12-09 23:13:56

Another thing you might want to consider is, if these people annoy you so much, do you actually want to be interacting with them? I assume you have a room or some other private space you can retreat to, use it. And seriously, never mind what people think about it, they'll judge you regardless.
I remember when I was a lot younger, my parents actually got pretty worried because of how little time I spent with other people after I started secondary school. It took a while, but eventually they realized that no, I'm fine, I just like to be by myself a lot of the time, and yes, I'm still very much capable of interacting with humans and have a desire to do so, and that won't be changing any time soon.

2020-12-09 23:22:16

Yeah, wearing headphones is just common courtesy, sighted or not. My sighted girlfriend and I are still in the point where she's getting to know a blind person stage, and one of the things she asked is if I wore headphones on the computer. She was happy when I told her that yes, I did, because the constant noise from the computer would drive her crazy. You just have to be mindful of the people around you.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2020-12-09 23:26:15

@8 Care to elaborate on what I supposedly want validating?
You seem to like putting words in people's mouths, so what is this rule you think I want?
I'm not being funny or anything, but you need to get a grip and practice before you preach.
Yes, I'm blind, yes, I obviously need audio, and no I don't want to wear headphones because that's my preference... is there anything wrong with that?
But you must have a seriously low opinion of me to even think that I'd say I'm different to anyone else to the point where I need special rules.
Either way, I really don't think to deeply whether people want to sympathise or disagree with me.
I just created the post because I wanted to get some stress off my chest, and just as another thing to talk about.
Just as an afterthought, you should go tell the discord community to put there laptops away if they want to be, as you say, "perceived as being slightly social at all". smile

Though our eyes may fail, our ears prevail!
User Karma, every little helps

2020-12-09 23:39:10

@10 It's not the people that annoy me as such, I don't think like that.
It's more the subject of what people can and can't tolerate I.E. I don't mind anything they do, but they seem to have a problem with what I do.
I'm not trying to make a big deal out of things, as I've said before it knocks my confidence, and naturally I just wanted to talk to others about it because I was feeling low, no hard feelings toords anyone.
Yes I do have my own room, but I'm always getting told to come downstairs so I'm not in my room all the time, so I just try meeting half way, and I do that by bringing something to play on with me.
Everyone has something they do or like, mine is having a portable game with me in some form or another, because that's just part of who I am and it makes me feel better to have said things with me to destress with etc.

Though our eyes may fail, our ears prevail!
User Karma, every little helps

2020-12-09 23:42:08

Well, totally with Camlorn here. Loud noises is not a blind's man problem here, its all around the place, just go and ask some sighted handheld player like 3DS, Switch etc, everyone will ask them to lower the volume/mute the device as soon as they have it running all the time ever so quietly. And nope, there are enough TV adversaries etc which you cannot watch just by "watching" them, like news etc, you'll often need to listen to whwat the people say instead of just watching them talk.
Other than that, its just a matter of preference here. You don't want to wear headphones? Fine, but don't feel offended if people tell you to because you're too loud. But I feel like i'm just repeating other people's points here.

2020-12-09 23:50:35

Dude, just wear headphones.  It sounds better anyway and having two different media sources going at the same time, or trying to talk over repetitive noises while concentrating on the conversation is difficult.
I really think you are reading too far into this.  And really, it isn't your home anyway. If this is the biggest annoyance you've gotta deal with on a daily basis, you should consider your self lucky indeed.

2020-12-09 23:53:15

Just wear headphones, if you're in a common space, it's not too much to ask.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-12-10 00:08:20

To add to that, you're 20 / 21, correct? If you don't want to go down stairs, no one can force you to.
You'll probably want to look into moving out anyway, sad though it may be, your grandparents won't live forever. What will you do when they're no longer around?

2020-12-10 00:23:37 (edited by afrim 2020-12-10 00:26:13)

@post 1, There is nothing wrong with people being bothered by the noises your computer makes. This doesn't have anything to do with blindness. What if you were listening to music? Wouldn't that mean noise? What if your brother or sister, or a friend of yours turns up the volume on his/her phone? Wouldn't that again mean noise and nuisance to your parents? There is nothing wrong with wearing headphones/earphones.
Personally, since I also like to be on point with what is being talked about and what is happening around while I'm doing my stuff on my laptop, I like to wear a pair of earphones, typically those that come with Apple devices. They don't block your ears, are cristal-clear, and you can keep them down, if you're concerned that your hearing will be affected.
Really, if you want to be sociable, you first have to be considerate. It doesn't matter if you're listening to music, playing games, talking, drinking, and what not. The circumstances are not exact. You have to understand that it may not be always the case that others like what you like, or agree with what  you do.

2020-12-10 01:07:34


I think something to remember is that a TV is a communal item, its designed for multiple people to enjoy, whether your blind or not you can still enjoy TV. Most audio games on the other hand are more designed for personal use,  people sitting round  the rest of the room aren’t likely to get any enjoyment out of  an audio game they are not playing, it’s probably more of a distraction to them, to those not playing the game it probably just sounds like a ton of noises thrown together, and Jaws/NVDA speaking at a million miles an hour often can’t even be understood by most people not used to listening to such fast synth  voices. My little boy is fully sighted, he’s 14 so at  an age where  he is  pretty much glued to his phone , if he came into the living room and I was there watching TV and he wanted to watch something like YouTube on  his phone he’d either mute the phone or stick earbuds in, since again like audio games phones are more predominantly meant for personal use,, rather than for everyone in a room to  share/enjoy. Obviously I know multiple people can watch something together on a phone, often my boy and I will watch on his phone whichever YouTube channel he’s into at the time, but the point I was making is that  phones, tablets, laptops etc are more designed for personal use, which is why just out of curtesy he would mute his phone or where one or both earbuds if he came into a room where I was watching TV. On the flip side, if I came into the living room and he was watching something and I wanted to do something on my phone or laptop I’d  plug an earbud in so the sound of Jaws/voice over isn’t distracting him, plus with only one earbud in I can still talk to him and hear everything else going on in the room, but without him having to listen to my constant screen reader jabbering on, and on and on smile


2020-12-10 01:13:19

So, two things, from someone who's blind and practically deaf.
1.  You will never hear me say I hate social interaction... I don't!  Quite the opposite is true.  That being said?
2.  Sighted people particularly of my and future generations, and some who are older who try to act like they're part of my and future generations, are hard to interact with when you're me.  ON the one hand, in places and situations where it's now socially acceptible to carry around and use a smartphone all the time which is more or less everywhere, I'm the outcast, because I either have to turn my phone up loud enough for me to hear it, which is loud enough for anyone within 10 feet of me to hear it to some degree, or wear head/earphones.  The second is the common courtesy, but then, guess what?  I shut everyone out, which is socially unacceptable.  The alternative is to sit around and twiddle your thumbs and look socially awkward while everyone goes about poking at their screen, sharing posts on social media and smiling like idiots at things on the other end of the line they may or may not choose to share with you.  Lose lose.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-10 01:34:30 (edited by Exodus 2020-12-10 01:35:35)

Oof... yeah.
Be aware of the noise that your laptop is pumping out. Given that audiogames trend towards all the noise all the time I can only imagine the racket you're generating after adding in screen reader speech, UI sounds if you use them and the repeated mashing of keyboard keys. I always carry headphones with me for this reason, because I'd feel terrible if I were that obnoxious asshole that's generating a hellish cacophony  of unintelligible noise while expecting people to carry on conversations around me. It may not be the volume of aforementioned noise also, but the tonality of the noise too. You know that one pain in the ass that blasts music from his or her phone in public? You're being that person. Only worse. Laptop speakers are shitty, tinny and extremely fatiguing to listen to, just like Phone music guy but louder.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

2020-12-10 02:23:54


@Nocturnus, not sure if this would help with the issue you mentioned, but if you have an iPhone I believe there is a feature called ‘Live Listen’, which basically turns your iPhone into a mic so you can hear everything going on around you even with earphones in. I haven’t used it myself, so not sure if it would help, but I’ve heard of people hard of hearing who normally can’t hear the TV from back on the sofa, so they turn on live listen, place their phone near the TV, then pop in their Air pods and can then sit back on their Sofa and hear the TV  through their Air pods. I’m not sure if the feature only works with Apple Air pods and an iPhone, or whether you can use regular earphones too. Like I said I haven’t tried it myself, so no idea if it would work, but I thought I’d mention it in case you had an iPhone and could try it out, maybe if it works it might allow you to both listen to your phone via earbuds but also still hear what is going on around you at the same time too.


2020-12-10 02:27:58

I'm agreeing with the common courtesy thing. I have the opposite problem of loud TVs and people liking to watch movies at insanely stupid hours and not using headphones. Then puting headphones in a radio. Go figure...

I'm with the common courtesy crowd really

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2020-12-10 03:08:47

I am agoing to have to agree with most ppl. I use head phones when I am not using hearing aids. If I were to use my laptop I make sure that my family know that I am going to be hanging around the space of the house i am going to be using my laptop: I only use speech on my laptop around others the same can be said for my phone.

2020-12-10 03:16:14

Maybe try some open back cans or shallow earbuds? It won't seal in the sound as well, but it's still better than nothing while allowing you to keep an ear on things.
Or you can always do the one ear thing if you don't need stereo.