2020-12-09 09:32:14

I have been thinking about this problem for quite a while now, but my yesterday's reading of this forum made me finally post about it and ask the community whether something is wrong with my understanding of English, the society or I am just right but everyone doesn't want to admit it.
The person in one of the treats said that their friends do not take them seriously, even though their problems seem to be serious. Does that mean they're really friends or just acquaintances? Is "friendship" such a light feeling now that the word "friend" can be used almost without thinking? For me a friend is a person I can count on, I can trust and talk to. Acquaintance is a person with whom I can talk about tech, politics, history and books, occasionally playing a mission in Swamp. I wonder why this difference is being nullified in today's society.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2020-12-09 09:59:54 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2020-12-09 10:02:32)

You must know, that there are different levels of friendships, beyond acquaintances. Even then, it is not uncommon for friends to have different opinions and perspectives on things. Also, people in the United States tend to be friendly to people they just met, current circumstances notwithstanding, so when we finally get around to leaving the country, we kinda have to adjust to people not smiling at one another in greeting and sticking to themselves. Therefore, do not think that you are the only one who feels as you do about the overuse of the word friend. Its just a cultural thing I guess.

Speaking of the word, I can't remember the last time I made a conscious effort to say friend, though i have spoken to mine frequently. My closest friends I call brother, or sister. A friend to me is someone I don't have to be cautious around and can be friendly with. I hold no grudges and have as many enemies as I can count on half a hand, so that could mean that anyone is a friend, as my sig suggests. Thats just food for thought, and me being general, but I agree, mostly. If I and someone else have been in a few lengthy conversations and we get along, that is enough for me to consider them a friend.

2020-12-09 10:06:03 (edited by Magnus 2020-12-09 10:08:19)


Is "friendship" such a light feeling now that the word "friend" can be used almost without thinking?

Yep,I  believe the use of this word called as friend is getting common. It may be possible that people stopped recognizing the value of this word. Nothing is wrong with your English, that's reality, you are right, no doubt about that.

Acquaintance is a person with whom I can talk about tech, politics, history and books, occasionally playing a mission in Swamp.

Yeah, you understand it well.

For me a friend is a person I can count on, I can trust and talk to.

Well that is good. If you talk about best friends, For me, The word friend is reserved for only those select few that I allow into my inner circle. We should have the same interests, we should think the same things, we should feel a connection with each other, we should hang out together, going to each other’s homes, we should know each other’s families, and we are loyal to each other, we should be able to support each other in any kind of problem no matter what. So, that's it I guess?
Also @2, if somebody is not your enemy, it doesn't mean can be a friend?

2020-12-09 10:28:42

I kinda agree with that @3, which is why I added that bit about having to have been in a few conversations first. Personally though, I think that it is a dangerous thing to have only friends who think and act as you do. You're just creating an echo chamber for yourself if you do that. Who's going to warn you to stop if you're about to do something stupid, embarrassing, or life threatening? Only the one who cares about your safety and wellbeing, and that could be anyone, even someone you do not know. Blessed are the wounds of a friend, and cursed are the kisses of an enemy. if you're going to consider someone a friend whom you can count on, then they need to be brave enough to tell them you're wrong, and you need to be willing to consider their words. These disagreements are the fires that strengthen and refine the bond of friendship on the anvil of life.

2020-12-09 11:26:58

The word friend is basically ruined. in most cases aquaintence should be used ore. For example, with facebook.  Instead of saying oh i have 3000 friends on facebook it should be 3000 aquaintences.  After all, most people on people's Facebook pages are people who they went to high school with, distant family who they only see once or twice a year, or random people they have chosen to follow. You can't tell me that all those from someone's page who they went to school with were actually their friends.  For me for example, most on this forum are aquaintences, and will always be just that.  Nothine more.The word friend actually used to mean something.  Someone you were close with, someone you really cared about, someone who is their for you when you need to vent, or a shoulder to cry on, someone who is gonna be their for you through the good times and the bad times.  Now a days, its just tossed around like mouse droppings. I hope in todays world that that word will still have a true meaning in people's hearts.

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!

2020-12-09 12:03:06

I think a lot of words are ruined, and friend just happens to be one of them.  Have you considered the word love?  for all it is supposed to represent, it is thrown around so frivolously and flippantly; there is no respect in its usage.  I love you, but I love cars, love movies, love pizza, love to skate, love to shop, love to fish, love to cook, love to sleep, love the feeling I get after not having gone to the bathroom for a long time but needing that relief early in the morning... I love knowing I'm right... I love trolling people!  I love all the things you hate and hate all the things you love, and that's ok because words are just words anyway!
the problem is not words in and of themselves; the problem is that people have become desensitized to them.  Much like post 2 hints at the idea that there are different levels of friendship, there are different kinds of "love."  Love itself is the victim though, because we abuse it to suggest that we're happy with something going right for us on a personal level, so that when we give an honest and genuine I love you to someone, it holds so little meaning because love encompasses everything else that makes us happy in the short term.  That is a problem when you consider the implications behind it.  If you only love when you're happy, what is love deligated to when you're sad?  And if you don't love when you're sad, what is a person on the other end of you being sad supposed to feel when you are if they care too?

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-09 13:29:56

@Nocturnus, you seem to misunderstand.
We never said that "friend" means a person who is just a clone of yourself, but rather someone you're very close with.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2020-12-09 13:32:04

@8, I'm aware of that.  that's just the point though; they're a person who cares, too.  People want clones of themselves, or they woudln't be working so hard at making AI that fits them in every single which way.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-12-09 16:59:32

So I have 3 "friend" levels:

There's the acquaintances, which is you lot. I know your names (handles, whatever), and honestly, if you asked for my phone number, I'd probably say no.

There's my mates, of which I have many. They are people who I like, and I'd go to the pub with, but they probably don't know everything about me, albeit I'm a pretty open person, all things considered. I know them all in person, although there is one I met online originally

Finally, there's my "friends". I have 5 of them, including my wife. They're people who I could ring at 3 AM, and they'd hop out of bed, and come to my aid, no matter what I wanted help with. Well, actually Claire probably wouldn't, because she sleeps like a coma patient haha.

I am someone who says hello to everyone on the street, and will happily stop to talk to people wherever I am. I am british, but I hate the british propensity to be prudish and standoffish. It's pointless, and unhelpful to everyone. We all have genitals and feelings, and shouldn't be ashamed of the fact.

Finally: I'm not going to say friends have to be loyal to each other no matter what. People change, and insisting that friendship is immutable is short sighted. Bottom line: Please don't think that once someone has attained the hallowed rank of "friend" they can't be "friend divorced" haha.

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2020-12-09 17:29:27

So I just have to say everyone missed the point.  This isn't a philosophy question, it's a language question.

In U.S. English, the meaning of acquaintance is something more like "someone I meet occasionally, but enough to know their name".  It's got a professional/distanced overtone.  Friend starts at "we have dinner once a week" or something like that.  Good friends are how you indicate the next kind of relationship, the sorts of people you might call on for help in a non-emergency situation.  Beyond that we've got words like partner, spouse, and sometimes clan and/or chosen family.  The last two are sort of counterculture though, you only really see them used a lot among groups of people who had need to figure out how to replace their biological families or the local church or whatever else.

The UK also adds Mate to this hierarchy, as explained by @10, though being in the U.S. means I don't understand for sure where exactly it falls, so I won't comment other than to say that it's there.

The U.S. doesn't have many sorts of relationship types where you aren't friends, not because friends are extra shallow, but because culturally we're very insular.  If you want to indicate something between acquaintance and friend, you usually say the specific relationship: "I know Bob, we're coworkers", or "We go to Church together", or "we hang out at the bar every Thursday".  Acquaintance is someone you run into enough to know their name, friend is someone you like enough that you don't see the relationship as defined by the fact that you do one specific thing together, and between that you just specify the thing that defines the relationship.  Sometimes, people will invent terms: "yeah, we're bar buddies".  Or say it as the hobby, as in "We're both into sports".  Though those formulations are rarer.

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Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-12-09 19:12:04

Good posts 10 and 11, which explains why you hear us say friends a lot. Pretty much sums it up. I probably went off all philosophical because it was late and I was in that kind of mood, but I still stand by what I said, and I do think that social media has spoiled the term. In terms of close friends, I have maybe less than 10, maybe 4 or 5. Anyone I don't hate and needs a friend has one right here, like my sig implies, or like that song from toy story, and no, I don't throw that word around lightly or take my friends for granted.

2020-12-09 19:34:30

Bob would be your mate: You socialise with him regularly, and he probably knows your kid's names, but he probably doesn't know what you like to get up to in the bedroom, although you may have told him one night over a bag of chips in the bus stop after way too much beer, probably before you had a contest to see who can pee the farthest.

I have code on GitHub

2020-12-09 19:48:02

This is definitely an interesting discussion.
For what it's worth, I tend to use the term friend rather loosely, mostly because I can think of only 1 or 2 people who I've let into my soul who still have the key, and even they don't have access to every room. I don't think of myself as being particularly paranoid or anything, I just don't trust easily, and frankly most people only really know me on the surface and don't understand even a little bit of what goes on inside my head. There are a shit load of people who I would maybe make small talk with at a college meal or something, or a hole bunch of people I might say hi to in passing, but in general the relationships I have with different people are so complex it would be impossible for me to objectively define any sort of hierarchy.

2020-12-09 20:10:42

I don't think anyone here actually thinks in this hierarchy.  It's merely language, which is always by nature an approximation.

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Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-12-10 02:32:03

I need to find the bit from Bill Bryson where he states how language and meanings change over time. The one that sticks out to me is the word intercourse, which has changed meanings many many times over the years and had different meanings in different communities

Warning: Grumpy post above
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