2020-11-06 16:45:58 (edited by Orin 2020-11-06 16:49:21)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z87BZFK … =emb_title

2020-11-06 16:53:10

Hell yeah!

2020-11-06 18:13:12

So, can I use the PlayStation store?
Can I install addons?
Yes or no wil do...

2020-11-06 19:21:22

if yes, then fuck the world out of happyness

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-11-06 19:40:10

From what I've just read, I think so. Because: the playStation Store, is no longer a separate app. The PlayStation Store, is baked into the OS architecture. This, in theory, absolutely means that the screen reader should work with the store. If it can read the activities screen, your profile, your trophies, news posts from Sony... then I should think it would be able to read the Store's screen without any problem. But do not quote me on this. I hope I am not wrong.

2020-11-06 19:52:59

This is fantastic!

2020-11-06 19:56:01

I commented on Brandon's vid, and he said that he can't show video of it, but the store does read

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-11-06 20:01:30

I will be getting it

2020-11-06 20:31:10

It's not worth it for me. The only PS game I want to play is The Last of Us. All of the other games I play are on XBox which I have

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-11-06 22:33:19

So... for a newb, can anyone list a bunch of games we might be interested in playing to see if this would be worth it?

2020-11-06 22:54:47

well if the games are backwerds compattible then:
Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm legacy, dragon ball fighterZ, my hero one's justice 2 and MK11. There are more, but I am an anime fan, so I will get those

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-11-06 23:14:13

13 Sentinelsmadden 20 and 21 I will post more once I check my system

2020-11-07 00:16:21

Street fighter v, I am the hero, Phantasy strike maybe, a bunch of other games like Odin Sphere (if they are bc), is Rockband 4 playable because that game will be backwords with ps5 as well.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-11-07 01:13:11

the last of us part 2, deffinitly worth picking up for the sake of how accessible the dang thing is, mk11, and probably a few others. the only game I currently play on my family's ps4 is tlu2.

I love audio games.

2020-11-07 02:43:49

I heard that the playstation classics that were rereleased for the ps4 obtainable on the ps store will be playable as well. Additionally, playstation now  which is their streaming service, also has many of theor old games.

My hype level just went way over 9000! I really wabt it now, and to experience the controller feedback.

2020-11-07 02:56:49

yeah, I am getting this
The 3d audio head set as well, it has a jack output as well, so I can use it as a dayly driver

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server

2020-11-07 04:46:35

I'll be getting one too at some point

I live in darkness, forever in darkness.

2020-11-07 05:07:03

Were there some good PS classics that were actually playable?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-11-07 05:53:01

King of fighters collection, capcom vs snk 2, i forget what else.

2020-11-07 08:30:11

Here is a guide on the compatibility subject.
https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/ps5- … ation-6300

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-11-07 10:02:07

I am going to be getting this, but unlike some here, not for the games we have today. Sorry but, as it stands, most of these are still fighting games, and I am so tired of the stupid fighting game hype train it's not even funny anymore. I'm going to get TLOU2 and Assassin's Creed if that's any good, but I see my purchase as an investment. I'm investing in this generation of console gaming because I think some really good things are going to happen in the next 7 years. The only way we won't have at least a few completely accessible games in the next 3 year cycle is if something goes utterly, terribly wrong.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2020-11-07 13:28:54

I'm wondering if racing games might be more doable with the new haptic feedback being able to differentiate surfaces.

2020-11-07 14:11:06

All I can say is, not only am I so getting this console because I've got pretty much all of the consoles since the 80s when I was little, but I am so excited about all of this as are the rest of you. Now that Sony knows we're dead serious and since Microsoft has made accessible consoles for us, Nintendo would be absolutely foolish not to follow suit. I've actually been in all 3 camps over the years, so I know all about the different game consoles including Sega. And you can bet that when there comes the day when totally blind people will be able to participate in esports? you had better believe that I will be doing it. I'll finally be able to earn a living the way I've been wanting to all these years. I figure since I'm not much of a fan of actually playing physical sports but rather watching them on tv, I figure I'd be a much better hand at esports. And I would force aside my traveling burn out and figure out how to get to these big stadiums if they don't figure out a way for blind people to do esports remotely. I've said all of that to say that I am so looking forward to getting the ps5 and I'm going to be extremely curious to see just where this all goes in the next few years. I'm going to take our friend sightless kombat's advice and wait awhile to upgrade to the xbox series x so that more accessible games come out.

2020-11-07 17:55:01

This is fantastic news for sure. This is what many of us outside the US have screamed about since 2015, and now it is a full screenreader, which reads everything, just like on the Xbox.
I'm one of those who have massively complained about the PS4's tts not working outside the US. Therefore, I'll of course do what I can to share this exciting news to as many as possible. When I get a ps5, I'll demonstrate it to as many people as possible.
The best thing about this in my opinion is, that now we can choose the console out from what we actually wanna use, instead of choosing the console out from what is accessible to us. I'm forced to choose something which is accessible to me because I live alone without sighted help. Now, I have a choice, which is amazing!
It's even more amazing that the ps5 is backwards compatible. That means I'm going to sell my ps4 and get a ps5 instead, which will give me a much more accessible solution. Man, it is going to be awesome...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2020-11-07 17:56:59

@slj I am duing the same, can't wait to get my hands on one

My discord: the_real_amethyst
Join my accessible Pokémon discord server