2020-10-26 02:12:47

I'm not one for starting debates, but I believe this is insane. I mean, the fact that we can't delete or be given more flexibility over our own forum topics is just BS. What if I posted in the wrong room, wanted to move my topic, and I can't delete it. What if a game is closed and the topic is just sitting there to rot, with no way for the original creator of the topici to simply hit the delete button? I mean, this is personally my opinion, but that is just annoying. We should have that type of control over our forum topics.
What do you guys think? Let me know your thoughts.

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2020-10-26 02:23:36

I think that almost every other forum in the history of forums doesn't let you silently kill topics and that, irregardless of this poll, there's enough drama here that being able to silently and permanently kill off threads you wrote that went bad on you isn't something we should allow.  If we had programmers in charge who could figure out how to make sure that there's at least an accessible record of the content for mods my stance might be softer, but as far as I know even the mods can't get deleted topics back.

I mean seriously, the fact that threads are permanent forces a lot of hot heads to think about whether they should hit that button.  For things like no longer developing a game, edit the first post or add a post to the thread or something.  There's very little need to delete your history if you just develop the skill of thinking before you post.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-10-26 02:37:42

Some people can't be responsible with that, so unfortunately no one gets to have it. We used to be able to delete our own topics, but some would create topics that violated the rules then delete them before they could get into trouble.

Then there are those who just mass-delete their topics when leaving. Some of those topics may have useful information, and it's rather unfortunate when those sorts of topics are lost.

. Still, I'm not fond of just having things taken away when I have no plans to misuse them either. So, I agree. Would love to see that ability brought back for everyone, and it could be disabled on a per user basis if someone can't be responsible. And if people really want to delete a bunch of their own topics, that's on them even though it's rather silly.

2020-10-26 02:56:53

3. exactly

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2020-10-26 02:59:10 (edited by tunmi13 2020-10-26 03:01:28)

Well, AppleVis is a forum, and it lets you kill your own topics. Of course, this does not mean Audiogames.net should have a delete option too, but I feel it'd be very helpful for people who'd like to do so.
I also agree with post 3. The mods could have like a feature that disables topic deletion only for that user. Or, have a way to log the topics that have already been deleted in case a mod needs to investigate past actions.

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2020-10-26 03:06:20

Two and three said what i was going to say. Doesn't vother me either way, but it is certqinly a safeguard against idiots who make a drama filled topic then try to pretend like nothing happened by deleting it. Plus, if people start a topic and others contribute useful insight and resources to the topic, that stuff goes down the toilet once the topic is deleted. Once someone contributes to your topic, it isn't just your topic anymore. If you stuck something in the wrong room, just request a move. Mods are on top of their game when it comes to that.

2020-10-26 03:07:54

I'm pretty sure the main reason they removed the delete topic option in the first place was to stop people from deleting topics and possibly erasing hundreds of other peoples posts in the process.
Why would they turn it back on, given that we've seen people who threttten to delete years of their posted topics? While yes, this probably could be turned off per user this is a bad idea. By the time moderaters know they need to do that, who knows how much any user throwing a tantrum could've deleted.
Applevis lets you delete topics yes; Wordpress also can keep backups though, which it's possible to access and restore if needed. Given that once topics here are gone, they're most likely gone for good, this is one of the few decisions I can get behind the current administration on.

Prier practice and preparation prevents piss poor performance!

2020-10-26 03:08:44

If you remember the original BD3 gaming topic, that one's no more.
That one was deleted years ago.
The person who deleted said topic is no longer on this forum anymore.

2020-10-26 03:10:03

The amount of drama that goes on here has definitely ruined the idea of being able to delete your topics. I agree with all of the feedback here. It's one of the only ways here that we can try and encourage others to think before they post. Just own your history. Don't try to rewrite it.

Trying to free my mind before the end of the world.

2020-10-26 03:30:33

Yeah, other forums let you delete stuff.  But other forums have ways for mods to get back in and find out what was deleted, and for the most part you can't take out other people's posts.  Reading between the lines, audiogames.net doesn't even have reliable offsite backups for programmers/sysadmins, or even a sysadmin who can be contacted in an emergency.  So forget new/custom features, and far as I know the mods can't tell a thing got deleted either.  If it were possible for mods to restore/audit deleted content, I would at least consider this arguable though I would still come down on the side of having it off, but it's not so that's moot, since without it delete is a get out of jail free card--kill your thread and all the records die with it.  Nevermind the issues around being able to effectively delete content by others, we don't have to go that far to put this to bed.

Also: drama-free communities don't need delete buttons.  I think that's the most important point that should be made.  Almost no one on this thread is going to come over here and be like "I never delete topics because I think before I post, but we should let this happen on principle".  You only care about the delete button if you need the delete button, and anyone saying otherwise almost certainly has ulterior motives.  Because again, and I can't say this enough, if you think first then you don't need delete.

Also, you can still edit the post, hit ctrl+a, delete, type the word deleted, tab, enter.  SO it's not like you can't get rid of content you want gone.  You just can't take down other content and it's not a free action where you get to entirely escape from the consequences.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-10-26 03:56:30

Short answer: No, both technically and from a drama standpoint.
Why can't we have an archived record of deleted topics? Why can't we let people just move their own threads? One word: Pun-BB.
Being able to move your own topic would actually be something I would like to see implemented, but as it stands I can't for the life of me find a feature or extension that could potentially enable that on a per-use level. So as it stands, us mods do have to do it for you, but it's really not that big of a deal. Accidents happen, and it takes two seconds to move a thread if it's in the wrong place. I think we have seen more instances of illegitimate thread necromancy than we have ever seen people intentionally putting topics in the wrong room, unless you count the Sam Tupy the Ultimate Server Hacker and Computer Screwer topic in new releases room, which was a shitshow anyhow.
As for deleting topics: As it stands, we can't maintain a record of deleted topics on our end. Once a topic is gone, it's gone. Unfortunately as has been said, some think the delete button is the "Delete this topic and cause everyone I personally attacked to forget I ever personally attacked them and cause the moderators never to see this topic so they can never take action based on the content therein so I can get by with murder button." Can't let that happen.

2020-10-26 04:09:13

I mean instead of deleting it could be closed topic, so other people and mods can still see it. but yes, since forum hosters aren't here anymore nothing

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2020-10-26 04:52:18

a million times no.

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2020-10-26 06:12:51

Okay. What about a link to request topic deletion? Then moderators can decide if it should be deleted or left alone. seems like a fair compromise.

2020-10-26 06:22:19

As stated earlier in the thread. Admins and moderators have no way to edit the forum in any meaningful way to provide links to any forms like this.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2020-10-26 07:04:55

Clearly what needs to happen is that the community needs to migrate to a better maintained forum. The problems are:

1. If we start anew, we need some way to preserve, and quickly access, all these years of posts.

2. Someone would need to step up to the plate and start, run, and be responsible for the running of a new forum site. This would include hiring/choosing/electing admins, moderators, etc.

3. If it's going to be used, it has to get traction. People have to actually use it in order for it to take off.

That having been said, I've played with it a bit, and if my memory serves, PHPBB provides some features we could really use here. I'm pretty sure it allows topics to be deleted, where "deleted" actually means they're rendered invisible to the general public, but actually stay right where they are. Then, of course, moderators/admins/etc. can do a different kind of delete where that information is actually removed from the forum, so it's truly lost and gone forever. PHPBB also allows for multiple, customizable moderator/admin roles. So, for example, you could have one group who are allowed to, let's say, approve new members and move topics, but nothing else. Then you have another group with more moderator privileges, and your super duper admins who can add new moderators, etc.

Just some thoughts.

2020-10-26 07:12:10

PHPBB is still offered in the plesk app repository as of the most recent Plesk Obsidion release, might I add, which means it is at least significantly more actively maintained and modern than Pun-BB.

2020-10-26 07:20:32 (edited by Draq 2020-10-26 07:21:14)

@Liam Ah okay. I keep overestimating what adminds can do. big_smile

2020-10-26 07:28:04

this topic should be moved to site and forum feedback

death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-10-26 07:38:59

@fonografico2: You're right. Taking care of that now.

2020-10-26 07:41:32

Yes we should but what we think doesn't matter much here saddly anymore.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2020-10-26 08:11:31

Another no here.

I am by no means blameless in this area. I've deleted some topics in the past, too. For ... no real reason, to be honest. So perhaps, in the past I would've been in support of this.

But now? Nope. Because yes, you should have a right to modify your own posts. Both edit and delete. Sure, there is no log, but admins will just have to deal with that. It's your data, after all.
However, deleting a topic doesn't just do that. It also deletes posts of *other* users. Users who might've put effort into replying, cared about that topic, gotten a thumbs up there, or otherwise might not want it gone.
It's happened a few times already, such as with the already mentioned old BD3 topic. Pages upon pages of questions and helpful answers. Gone.
And that's not cool.

You can still edit the original post and the topic's title. You can still reply to the topic, saying you'll no longer be responding. You can still contact the admins and see if they'd be willing to make an exception and delete it for you.

But considering how irresponsible people have been with this feature in the past, it's for the best it was disabled.

Does this make you want to leave and start a better forum? Then, unpopular opinion: just do it already.
No, you don't need to figure out how to port all the topics and posts and whatnot first. Because most of us are staying here, so those topics will hopefully stay up for a while more. And if not, just remember to archive the important ones every so often.
Just go, make a new community, and see how it goes. Because people are always saying how they'll do it, yet only people who have no clue what they're doing ever do. Perhaps, if one of you clever ones gets on it, it will work out. Perhaps not. But either way, just do it, instead of saying how much you want to.
Fortune favors the bold, does it not?

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2020-10-26 09:30:39

agreed with 22

death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-10-26 10:01:50

well,  than we should be able to close our own topics at least

2020-10-26 13:53:20

Again, not gonna happen because the mods and admins have no control over the box.

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