2020-10-04 19:36:36

Here's the deal. If "china virus" and "china plague" had never encouraged folks to show racism, then fine. It's harmless too. Pick your name and run with it.
But we know that isn't true. People obviously can't be trusted to use a geographically identifying name without becoming racist. This isn't about snowflakes being triggered. This is about some idiots ruining it for the rest of you.
Obviously I can't stop any one of you who wants to use one term over another, but I stand by what I said. If you use that term, you're potentially enabling others to leap on it. You're doing your very small share of normalizing a name that is being misused by some people. And anyone in a position of power - Donald Trump, say? - who uses that term? Well, Trump has a responsibility to be responsible for what he says and how he says it, so he has even less excuse than the rest of you.

Again, the onus is on you to tell me why "coronavirus" or "covid-19" are bad to use. What's wrong with those terms? What's innately harmful in those terms? How do they fail or come up short?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-10-04 20:53:56

not that I'm for calling this the china virus or anything, I already made my position against it clear, but I heard someone say early on that corona beer stocks fell sharply at the start of the pandemic. Still a poor excuse for not calling it coronavirus if you ask me.

2020-10-05 21:08:38

Nothing is bad about using it's proper name.  Call it whatever you want.  I do think this is about political correctness and the mumbo-jumbo that has been giving us all a prison shower for years.  The virus, Covid, ku ku ka chu, it doesn't matter to me.  Hell, I call it a disaster.

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2020-10-06 01:20:35

There you have it then.
There is nothing bad about using its proper name.
There is some problem with calling it the China virus or China plague (discussed at length above).
I.e., use the one that leads to no issues instead of the one that can upset people. Simple, really.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-10-06 01:53:04

Not justifying it, either, since I call it covid, and that's two syllables as opposed to the 3 or 4 it takes to say China virus or China plague. I'm joking about that, I honestly think covid is a fine term, but if I really stretch, and play devil's advocate here for a moment, I can come up with a reason why some might prefer to use either of those terms.

Which term conjures a stronger mental image? Shell shock, or PTSD? Shock therapy, or ECT? I provided the acronyms for the updated terms, not only because both are well-known in pop culture, but also to show that there is some amount of sterility involved when you detach a name from a lived experience.

So, yeah, China plague is vaguely racist, just as shell shock was/is probably offensive to WWII veterans. For better or worse though, humans are always going to respond more strongly to a cutting term, something that makes them react, not think, particularly in high pressure situations. Whether those reactions are ultimately more harmful in the short term is debatable, but, just as the crudeness of the name shell shock lead to the understanding and better mental health treatment of veterans, so, too, might people flinging around the words China plague and China virus lead to a delayed outpouring of empathy and support. I agree that it shouldn't be delayed, but we're all collectively grieving and fucked up in a way that is unprecedented. And what is one of the five stages of grief? Anger, of course. Just as a parent might lash out at and tear down those closest to their child who died by suicide, even when there's no justification for such a reaction, and that, in fact, will do more harm than good, we might feel the need to cast our nets wide in order to grasp at something, anything, that lets us have the right to feel whatever complicated feelings we have right now. Does that make it right? No, but it does make it human. If the immediate crisis ever dissipates, we can, hopefully, excluding total assholes here, because they don't need permission to flaunt their assholery, come to a place where we can say, "hey, about that China virus crap? It was racist and shitty, but I was at my breaking point." I'm a firm believer that sometimes, even the most sincere apology can't mend a rift, and one should do their best to repent in whatever way they see fit, if they can own their wrongdoing and/or complicence in whatever matter caused them to act unflattering or out of character. I absolutely refuse to believe that every person who has uttered the words China virus is a raging psychopath who aligns with Trump's alt right leanings. It just doesn't add up to me, given the gravity of the situation we are all facing at this time.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2020-10-06 02:14:11

I thought I made that clear. Just because you use a term with some less-than-ideal implications doesn't make you right-leaning, or even a bad person in general. At worst, if you continue using that term after seeing the harm it can cause or having it explained to you, it strikes me as a little wilful and selfish. But on the grand scale, it's a pretty tiny issue as long as you aren't weaponizing it yourself.
One of my family members was using the term a lot, but also happened to dislike Trump. At one point I finally said to him, "Dude, do you really want to be parroting the American president right now?", and he laughed, said "Touche", and as far as I know, hasn't used the term since. I know -I haven't heard him do it, anyway.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-11-05 15:36:00

Apparently they discovered a mutated version in my area. Great.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2021-02-22 17:35:18

bro the corona virus has returned once again in many countries including my own country India. what do you think? are we preparing to go into the lockdown once again? will we be reliving the days of lockdown? I strongly believe that.

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2021-02-22 18:41:16

Of course theirs a new strand, a virus does mutate after all.  It is the nature of viruses.  It does suck, but we do have to accept that it has become part of life, just like any other illness.

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!

2021-02-22 20:09:08

We've never come out of it. I think we should face it head on, if it kills us, it kills us. Have big blowout barbeques with 200 plus. Anyone wants to say home can, but this is getting ridiculous, time to face up.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-02-22 20:26:25

I'm curious about something. What do you guys think of the vaccine?

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2021-02-22 21:19:48

The virus keeps mutating, and they will have to try to keep up with it like the flu. Hopefully this means that while it has a fast mutation rate, it mutates into less and less deadly strains.

I think we have enough data to know it's relatively safe now, so anyone who felt like they wanted to hold out because they didn't know what it would do can now go get it. They monitor you for 10-15 minutes for anaphylaxis then send you on your way. If you develop that, they can treat it.
The Pfizer vaccine seems to be the one that handles more of the variants than the other ones. So that's the one to aim for if you can. Hopefully this means we'll get a handle on it and can resume normal operations.

Normal operations is almost an insult though, because it will take many years to recover from what this has done to our economy. I've seen local businesses shutting down all around me, including a pizza shop I've been going to ever since I was a child.

If this doesn't work though, if we can't get a handle on things, we're gonna have to live with it. That means going back to work or school. That means doing what we normally would. We've slowed down the clock, but we can't stop it, and we can't keep it like this for long. The question I keep asking, but no one has an answer for is how long do you think we can keep this up before people start going batshit insane.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-02-22 23:40:09

Tricky business, for sure. The good news is that vaccination means much, much higher immunity, or at least resistance, which will lower overall communicability. Numbers are trending down in most places, and stable in others; at present, I don't know of any countries where Covid-19, or any of its variants, is raging unchecked. I'm eager and willing to get a vaccine at the earliest opportunity, but I'm 37 and have no pre-existing conditions, and live in a fairly large city, so I'm pretty low on the list, as I'm not yet employed so I'm not even an essential worker (though I will be if I can get a job). Point is, they rushed this, but it looks quite safe, and there's enough data to suggest that it works way, way more often than it doesn't. Complications appear to be pretty rare, and the most serious of them is something everybody is aware of. I think that at this point, not getting vaccinated when you have the opportunity to do so is foolish and paranoid.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-02-23 01:36:28

Ok, so you can have your 200+ barbecues, and make your ritualistic human sacrifices to save the economy, except it won't work, and  you will have massive explosions of cases at hospitals, have  doctors quit their jobs, and have everything generally fucked up because people who need to go to the hospital can't,  people  going to work even though they have the virus because employers won't provide sick leave, and frankly don't give a shit about their employees  sometimes. Not to mention the fact that infecting people more means more virus mutations. Maybe the only good thing is the clown is out of the white house, and the US is on the long bumpy road to finally controling this more.
As for the vaccenes,  I think people   have very good and valid reasons to mistrust them. No vaccene or probably any medication was ever developed so fast as these coronavirus vaccenes were. Moreover, there was high political pressure on scientists to churn out a vaccene in record time, and these vaccenes used in the EU and most of the developed world use MRNA technology, which also hasn't ever been used before and certainly not on this scale. You can also do a quick search and learn that  white house Chief of staff Mark Meadows threatened to fire the FDA comissioner if the vaccene wasn't approved in a day. This does absolutely nothing to inspire trust. Also, the approval was emergency approval, which states longterm effects of anything under this type of approval aren't known, and that it is only done  because of the pandemic.  Until any of the vaccenes get regular, not emergency, approval, they will be voluntary only. I personally wouldn't take the vaccene iether until it received regular approval, or  until such time I wasn't permited to work remotely anymore, or if I had to travel internationally, though I won't travel until manditory quarantine rules are lifted.  Having said that though, these emergency approved vaccenes are much more trustworthy than say the Chinese vaccenes  that haven't received any approvals from any reputable source, and have questionable effectiveness that Turkey is handing out for free to everyone there.  Also they will have to come up with a vaccene that works always, if they keep coming up with vaccenes every 3-6 months to a year, people will probably have more questions to safety, and refuse it more. I do as well. The  body isn't a piece of software that you keep updating to 6.0, 6.1 6.2 etc. As you keep taking more and more, the possiblity of safety issues and adverse events would go up.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2021-02-23 03:05:25

@1089, yes, the vaccine uses MRNA technology, but MRNA itself has been well-studied. We know what it does, and all it does is tell your body how to do something. It can't mutate or alter your DNA in any significant way, if at all. It can make your immune system produce vaccines for COVID but that's all it can do. The side effects are, of course, your body's immune response to a perceived threat, which is good.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2021-02-23 03:50:06

But that doesn't change the fact  that a drug/vaccene using this technology was never tested on humans prior to covid. You can sit down and run a bunch of simulations on a program, but until you actually  test something out on people, what it does is hypothetical and speculative. Medical fuckups are plentiful when you look enough. Take fluoroquinolone antibiotics for example. Scientists were overjoyed in the 90s when they  figured out that a cancer chemotherapy drug class could double as an antibiotic. It was all good until major perminent disabling side effects got reported more and more, and more than 20 years later, it became known that the antibiotics actually affected human DNA replication, and made perminent changes to the mitocondria. Oops? So now, you can google ffluoroquinolone associated disability, or toxicicity and you will find dozens and dozens of sources, both news and scientific papers that document all the effects of these drugs. And the result? More and more severe side effects keep being discovered, and all but 2 of the drugs were pulled from the market, and the two that wern't pulled have like 5 black box warnings on them, and multiple warnings that they should only be used when all other options have been exhausted, and still it isn't known how the toxic effects occur. I wouldn't be surprised if those two get pulled too.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2021-02-23 04:10:44 (edited by George_Gaylord 2021-02-23 04:12:59)

Well, we recently got some fromn our neighbour Barbados who got it from India, and for now they're vaxcinating the frontline workers. We're also set to get some from the COVAX facility next week, however they only have about sixty thousand doses which, isnt good at all. I just hope they don't push any of the Chinese made ones on us as well, you know how China is with smaller countries. Also corona cases are down. Its probably like 3 cases every few days or something

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-02-23 07:23:26 (edited by Magnus 2021-02-23 07:25:28)

Well, I am not going according to my signature. I am afraid of any password related risk. I am posting this cause I feel the need to do this. Also I get it now. One has to take breaks after studies. lol. It'll be better if I remove that...
Hi Jayde, please check your PM folder. Thanks.
Edit: Note, wherever I give example of India, it will imply to most of the developing countries as well.
To those who believe that the countries will go in lockdown again.
Countries like India cannot afford another lockdown.
Though it helps  in slowing down the growth of infection rate and also use this time to ramp up hospital facilities to take care of those infected.
If the government continues with an effective lockdown for most parts of the country, chances are, many of people in the country could slip into poverty may just turn out to be correct; whether it is momentary or longer-lasting will depend on how long it takes for people to start working again. Indeed, in the short run, the impact will be even greater since, thanks to the lockdown, the majority of people are facing much larger income shocks—in many cases, especially in the informal sector, they have lost their jobs. That is the reason why migrant workers thronged the borders in tens of thousands, desperate to go home; with no money coming in, how were they to afford the higher costs of the city?
That is why, apart from humanitarian reasons, the home ministry did well to lift the ban on inter-state travel, which will now allow migrant workers to go home. The ban was ill-conceived, but one that several people—including this writer—initially supported due to the fear that migrants going back home in tens of thousands would spread the novel coronavirus in rural areas as well. With more quarantine facilities being built and a ramp-up in testing facilities—it is better than in the past, but still inadequate—allowing them to go back may not be as fraught with danger.
Plus, many of the developing countries are struggling with digitization. When it was imposed in March in our country, I used to here, children were not responding to the questions given to them, they used to leave the meetings, they used to give 2 common excuse, network issues,&not feeling well. I don't know how it happened, but the environment where I study, was really good. People used to respond, and stayed away from excuses.
If we talk about kids specifically, many of them or their families don't have technology to attend Google Meet or Zoom and etc.
So, what I think is, the government will try to avoid lockdown as much as possible, but we can't predict what's going to happen in the coming future.

2021-02-23 12:27:26

bro but a lockdown has been imposed in maharashtra. what about that?

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2021-02-23 12:36:52

mRNA vaccines have been tested for the first time now. !00m vaccinations with this vaccine type have been conducted globally now and major side effects are restricted to those few who have alergic reactions. At this point, there's not much holding the whole it isn't tested enough argument up.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2021-02-23 18:15:44

@1094 just live with it

2021-02-24 00:46:21

1095,  that is only in the short term. Which is why these vaccenes don't get regular approval, which requires documentation of long term effects.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2021-02-24 03:06:32

but guys now I am tired of seeing places being locked down to combat the virus. why can't we open up trade and every thing to boost our economies. and make masks and sanitizers a compultion for everyone to carry?

want peace to be there everywhere around the world also I want an immediate sollution to be given for this war so that the bloodshed could be ended. live peacefully, let others also live peacefully

2021-02-24 03:16:36

seriously? are people really this ignorant? everyday people ask "why is the lockdown still going on? why don't we reopen?" Maybe if the government (And the American people) actually followed instructions we wouldn't be in a lockdown anymore and things would have mostly gone back to normal. And the people like 1098 aren't helping with there mantra of "please please end the lockdown please i wana go out and do stuff." Trust me, we all do but bitching and wining aren't going to change anything

2021-02-24 03:34:26

1098, because hand sanatizer and masks help, but don't do enough to slow transmition.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."