2020-09-16 05:05:08

My vrother seems to enjoy no game no life. I don't agree with its philosophy, but taking it as its own thing I guess its ok.

I really like high score girl though. Even though it's relatively new, everything about it from the story to the music to the featured games scratches all kinds of nostalguc itches!

Finally, dragon quest your story was pretty cool! It feels like its longer than it really is from the way that the story is told, but in this instance thats a good thing.

2020-09-16 06:20:03

I didn't really get into no game no life. I started it but I guess there were just better shows to watch so I never really stuck with it.

It seems that common sense is a lost art. I am here as a special type of artist to bring that beauty back. If you don't like my work, prove that yours is better. Paint me a beautiful picture of life. Otherwise, I have no interest.

2020-09-16 08:36:32

I havn't really getting in to black clover yet. I watch a fiew episodes and that's it.
Oh yeah. You guys probably heard the new rules for japanese copyright thing that will start on 2021 right? I was wandering if there is any legal wepsite that we could use to watch englishdubbeds without worrys.

With the hero duty out of the way, I find myself venturing far far away...
And I encounters many allies to share our pays.
In an old land, we build ourselves a shelter...
And we proceeded to call it the kingdom crafter.

2020-09-16 15:56:07

Has anyone watched any of the series of Lupin the third?

I tried to watch that one, but got confused where to start.

2020-09-16 19:37:50

Yes!!! I love it!!! I want to watch 4 and 5 too. It would be nice if there was a free website that had all audio described anamay content. What about Space Dandy? Sadly it had 1 season in English, originally 2 seasons back in 2014. That show was so funny.
This is the closest I found to audio described anamay.

2020-09-16 20:38:56

Even though I'm a little upset with them right now, netflix has some audio described anime, although the later stuff seem only to be described in japanese. They really should stop wasting money on licensing questionable content that exploit children and spend it on more English audio description instead.

2020-09-17 01:21:17

@28: Yeah, black clover is definitely an acquired taste, especially at the beginning. Later on in the show it gets better and better. It all comes around to being a pretty great show. And as for being able to watch shows online, I think cartooncrazy.me might still be around then. I don't see why they wouldn't be.It can be a little tricky to use at first if you are a voiceover user, and I don't know how to get it to work on windows. Still need to play around with that. But yeah that is one of my favorite places to watch anime in english. And it is completely free.

It seems that common sense is a lost art. I am here as a special type of artist to bring that beauty back. If you don't like my work, prove that yours is better. Paint me a beautiful picture of life. Otherwise, I have no interest.

2020-09-17 12:07:50

Is it legal though?

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-09-17 15:43:32

@32 thanks for the website. Yes, it very difficult for me to get a video to play with voice over. The is secured and safe to use.

2020-09-17 20:42:39

So, any of you guys have watched a certain magical index?

I really liked the series, since the light novels are not exactly accessible though, you are still left hanging at the end of the season three.

I liked its spinoff adaptations a certain scientific accelerator, and a certain scientific railgun.

Be warned though, Railgun is pretty relaxed with it's plot and pacing. At certain times, it feels like more of a middle school anime, rather than a story about a girl who is the third strongest in the city where she lives.

2020-09-17 21:26:04

Wait why are the light novels not accessible? I read them on vakatsuki.

2020-09-18 00:05:31

@33: yes I do believe it is legal. Although, I cannot say for sure so I guess we will just have to wait and see when 2021 comes around. I desperately hope it is because I love that website so so much.
@33: Yes, getting videos to play on there can definitely be tricky. Here is the method I use. It's a little annoying at first but then you just get used to it over time. So when you are on the page for the episode that you want to watch, you scroll down one page. Then, in the top middle, there is a bar where it shows the time and then there is a play video button in the middle of that bar. Now for some reason whenever I press that button with voiceover on, nothing happens. So what I have to do is find where the button is on the screen, hover my finger over it, turn voiceover off, tap on that spot, and then turn voiceover back on. From there in that same spot where the bar was it should say loading until the video starts playing. I hope that helps.

It seems that common sense is a lost art. I am here as a special type of artist to bring that beauty back. If you don't like my work, prove that yours is better. Paint me a beautiful picture of life. Otherwise, I have no interest.

2020-09-18 00:57:21

I actually didn't knew that they were on the baka-tsuki, since its a new place for me, (You're the one who introduced me unknowingly.)

After I made that post, I did a search about this, and sure enough, the light novels were present there.

Considering there's a lot of material which the anime has to catch up on, and it's continuation is doubtful anyway, I'll start to read those.

2020-09-18 02:13:49

hope you enjoy it.

The last thing I read there was a light novel from the blazblue series. I think its very cool that they always include the authors notes at the end. Usually, they are translating from the source, so the english may be a little rough. If a part isn't up yet, just give it time.

2020-09-18 03:13:49

You know, I really hope that they make an anime adaptation of that last bleach arc, because I of course can't read the manga, and I really want to experience that arc for myself.

It seems that common sense is a lost art. I am here as a special type of artist to bring that beauty back. If you don't like my work, prove that yours is better. Paint me a beautiful picture of life. Otherwise, I have no interest.

2020-09-18 11:41:36

You had me jumping in excitement when you said BlazBlue.

I really like that series, despite understanding that so much story was hated by fighting game fans, I didn't gave a damn about it.

I was there for the story, fighting in that series came second for me. If I did cared about something like that, then I would play tekken 6 psp version, where after a grinding fight with azazul, the only reward is a 30 second of a clip where the character in question doesn't even speak.

2020-09-18 14:48:31

Yeah, I love the story behind blazblue also. Sometimes it feels like the guys are just yelling pointless crap at each other like in dragon ball, but if you can look past that then the story is amazing.

I agree about tekken 6 on the psp. The problem is that the intros aren't narrated, and all of the long story cutscenes from cenario were left out when porting the game to psp. Thats why i prefer tekken 5.

I really liked to read mothers Rosario on bakatsuki long before it was adapted into anime. It was really nice to finally know for once everything that was happening when the characters weren't talking. Back then, I was really obsessed with the world of sword art online,.

2020-09-18 15:20:21

Yeah, Tekken five was the first game I played in the series.

It also caused me to froth from the rage dew to the beatings I received in the dojo mode. I still can't remember how exactly I did managed to complete that one.

Now, if there was a way for something like, let's say, Kochikame would be there, I would have been willing to buy a subscription if they have one.

But Baka-tsuki doesn't seems to be like that, it seems more like a community effort than anything else.

There are many series I would have loved to read, Kochikame and Kinnikuman are among them.

As for the BlazBlue, I haven't come across a villain like Susanoo in any other franchise yet. A large part why I liked the story was that the villain was so entertaining.

2020-09-18 17:09:05

I really hate yuki Terimy. You beat him to a pulp and he still finds a reason to  laughs at you. Just one of the reasons why I find blazblue so appealing, in addition to all the moving pieces in the story. Its pretty deep for a fighting game.

2020-09-18 19:31:33

He would laugh at you no matter what you do.

Except after central fiction, I believe he is finally dead. Even if there's a sequel, there would be a new villain, since Relius himself doesn't seem to be into the mood of taking his place.

I admit that Terumi probably got on the nerves of a lot of players personally, but but he is a entertaining villain, an absolute delight to see him whenever he was on the screan.

(And the beatings which I gave him as a result in the continuum shift were also satusfying.)

2020-09-19 06:35:40

Hello there guys. Have any of you watched Welcome to demon school Iruma-Kun? Or in japanese, Marimashita Iruma-Kun. If you haven't I'll seriously recommend you to do so. Telling you the plot will spoil the fun, so I wouldn't. tongue

Just a hint, don't think that you are going to watch a very dark and serious show, just have fun while watching. big_smile

2020-09-20 04:37:00

No I have not. One anime that I really want to watch is demon slayer. The japanese episodes are out on hulu but the english ones are not and it is angering because I have heard so many good things.

It seems that common sense is a lost art. I am here as a special type of artist to bring that beauty back. If you don't like my work, prove that yours is better. Paint me a beautiful picture of life. Otherwise, I have no interest.

2020-09-20 04:44:16 (edited by smoothgunner 2020-09-20 04:46:25)

you guys have to check out a clip to this anime with women fighting with there ass....yes there special powers and strength is in there ass lmaooooo check it out, and please please give your thoughts.....would you really take an anime like this seriously
http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/v … g845lcV4T2

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2020-09-20 04:51:00

@47 sent you a pm