2020-07-12 00:52:05

Hi guys.
So, I've been dreading the moment that would make me finally decide to hang up my coat and hat.
I joined this forum in the summer of 2014, just before I was due to go off to boarding school.
This account was with me through what was probably the worst period of my life.
Throughout all the constant misery, one of the few things I could look forward to was checking this forum.
It was one of my only links to the outside world, from which I was removed for three torturous months at a time.
I would always find some new discussions and games to make the wait worth my while.
I've been here for six years.
I've matured from a young boy to almost a man, almost.
Many of my greatest memories lie in these bits and bites, ones and zeros, whatever you wanna call them.
However, the recent downward trend has made me consider leaving.
I've seen many good members of this community go before me, and it was a matter of time before I new I'd have to do the same thing.
When I look at what has become of this great forum, I feel sorry for what it has become.
I think of the good old days of 14 and 15, and being able to post and get a friendly reply 90 percent of the time.
I remember seeing members of this community help each other in times of need, gaming or otherwise.
Where is that now?
Not to say that doesn't happen anymore, but there never used to be so much drama.
I won't be participating in topics as much, if at all.
I won't be gone for ever, just for the foreseeable future.
I might post occasionally, but I won't be very active.
I ask you to please not remove my account, because I might yet return.
I've made a lot of great friends in the community.
I'll still be talking to you guys.
If anyone I know would like my contact details, please send me a forum email.
Anyway, I'm not gone for ever, I'll still be hangin around.
Thanks for everything.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2020-07-12 01:15:34

I really don't understand the point of drama or whatever you wanna call it on this forum. That's so easy to ignore a post or topic if it doesn't mention you. I can somehow understand where you see a topic where racist or offencive comments are left, and it's more than normal to provoke a reaction, but I don't know for real what would cost to someone to draw away when they see two people argueing on something that is utterly their business.
For instance, if I see a topic where one claims that all members of this community are dumb, unfriendly, lazy, and boring, normally I would leave a comment on why that claim is not true. Of course I dont feel I am dumb and lazy and that's what provokes a reaction on my side. However, if I see two people argueing on why JAWS is better than NVDA or why one uses iPhone and the other Android, it's definitely not my business. The least and the most I could do is to report the topic if that exceeds some boundaries, but I won't comment on something that is not of my concern. Honestly I have many more things to do offline than persuade someone on here why something is as it is or is not as it is.

2020-07-12 01:30:31

I've been around a very very long time, and I've got news.  There isn't more drama than there used to be, just more mod hating for some reason I can't fathom.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-07-12 04:42:30

There's just more discontent because what? Blind people have to follow these rule things? What are rules anyways? ma audio description!

Devin Prater
My Blog
Follow me

2020-07-12 04:45:06

Okay. Bye.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2020-07-12 04:57:32

Yeah, if you don't like someones posts/topics, just ignore them. It's there business, not yours.

best regards, muhammad chafid

2020-07-12 05:06:20

If I may just put in my 2 cents worth, I think the rise of cancel culture is partially responsible for this rise in hostility. People are less tolerant now than they used to be, and they want things done their way or nothing at all. No middle ground, no compromise, no acceptance of the occasional and inevitable loss or disagreements that come sometimes. But those differences and disagreements is what makes us human, and we've simply forgotten how to cope with it. This isnt something exclusive to the blind community, not at all.

2020-07-12 05:17:51

All are correct here. If you don't like a person that posts/creates a topic, just ignore it and don't cause any mysterious fights.

73 Wj3u

2020-07-12 05:46:32

I agree with what post 5 said, I don't know why people need to announce when they're leaving, must be a blind community thing, because I don't see it anywhere else.

Normally people just take a break, at least, that's what I would do if I decided to take a break from any online community.

Will people notice? maybe, maybe not. For me it doesn't matter.

The people I talk to know how to reach me, and if they don't, they can find someone who might be willing to pass on a message.

2020-07-12 05:58:16 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2020-07-12 06:05:30)

@9 Happens in other places too, like twitter, and youtube, and not among blind people exclusively, but the story is mirrored accross all. Environment becomes too toxic around the individual, so they decide that it is in their best interest to leave, and announce it to everyone. And I dont blame them, to be honest, with the amount of toxicity going around. I would go too, but I'm generally good at keeping a cool head on these things and keep most people at arms length so I dont catch too much heat. People say something because they want to let those who care know so they don't worry.

2020-07-12 08:51:17

mostly agree with at1
Hope to see you again in this forum

2020-07-12 09:04:29

Good protection here. Sure, the topic title says you're leaving, but the first post says that actually, you aren't leaving, just ... posting a little less. So, that can't even be proven wrong, unless you now go on a massive posting spree, because we don't have exact statistics of how often you usually post.

I can't even use my usual comment of "As has been proven time and time again, those who post a leaving topic pretty much never leave", because you aren't leaving at all. Well, damn.

Well, good luck with your slow reduction of the dosing of this forum drug. May it prove successful.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2020-07-12 09:10:25

sad to se you go

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress.

2020-07-12 13:09:02

Liam wrote:

Okay. Bye.

lmao yes totaly, yes by
ceriously i you gonna leave, dont say it, just leave, because when ever someone does this, the zombie rises from the dead again

2020-07-12 16:18:44

I didn't read the later posts but
@1 I don't understand why you want to declare you want to leave. You wanna leave? Tell it to your close friends, sure, but posting such topics don't make sence, neither does it contribute to anything.
Goodbye to you.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2020-07-12 16:26:17

I actually feel like it's more logical and makes more sense if someone posts that they're leaving. It shows courtesy and provides a heads up that OK, you might not see this or that person around here for a while.
If I was to leave, I would definitely post something.

2020-07-12 17:25:56

I don't, if you're going to leave, just leave. We're not a family, this is a forum, if you don't see someone, it's not like you wonder if they're OK. I don't see how courtesy plays a part. All the I'm leaving topics do is open up to a bunch of bullshit.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-07-12 17:41:54

Hey that's kinda cold. I mean by that logic why should people here turn to one another for support when a pandemic kills physical social interaction for them? But they do. The least we can do is extend some measure of courtesy towards each other. If we are not a family, why should we care if some random kid we never met before on the other side of the world gets bullied? But we do, because morality dictates that we at least try to show some measure of kindness towards one another, because the hurt we see inflicted on others bothers us, and the hurt we have experienced we do not wish on others. If every man and woman on this forum was only looking out for themselves, we wouldn't have a forum. I think it's ok to announce if you're gonna leave, even give a reason or two, just don't fart on the way out, because that just pisses people off. And in fact, there are people who care enough to wonder where people go, myself included.

2020-07-12 17:59:40

Damn. No more eight bit tracks? Sigh.
RTT do whatcha godda do my boy. Just stay safe, and keep a cool head.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-07-12 18:10:43

Hi guys.
I understand where you're coming from.
I just felt it would be the right thing to do just so that people know where I am and why I'm gone.
Originally I was going to be gone for a shorter while, but something happend today that will ensure my staying away for much longer.
@19, thanks for the support, I didn't really think people enjoyed those tracks.
If and when I get back I'll be releasing some more.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2020-07-13 00:33:58

I get where you're coming from Ironcross, as we aren't an actual family, so that's a good point. But at the same time, quite a lot of us have made friendships here or we just enjoy each other's company, and sometimes I do worry if I haven't seen some members for a while.
See, I think the reason I think like that is because I'm a bit of an extravert and love socializing when I can. I'm the kind of guy that, if you put me in a bar with a karaoke machine, and it's got songs that I love, my word I'm going to try and go for it. Not to impress everyone in the room/be the best there is, but just for the sheer joy of it. If I can make one person happy, I've done what I wanted to do.
I like to try to spread positivity if I can.

2020-07-13 15:36:45

It isn’t making the announcement that is toxic. It is how the OP does it. And this guy handled and composed himself correctly and respectfully. Even if it isn’t his true feelings, he didn’t bring out the teargas. Of course don’t feel like you should lie but keep yourself calm or at least reasonable. Anyway good on you for opening the topic in the right way rtt.

2020-07-13 16:03:55

I am quite an old member of this forum but this trend of "I am leaving" topics seems to have emerged not too long ago. I've seen many people leave in the past two years and imo they leave because the community is becomming more toxic and immature as the time passes. The fact that rules are stricter and stricter doesn't help at all, it just encourages people to find other ways of avoiding them in order to seem cool.
I might be old school but I see the forum as a place to talk about common interests, a place where I can help and be helped by others and a place where I feel free to talk about my gaming hobby. My life isn't a part of this forum and the forum doesn't take a big part of my time. If I'll be leaving one day probably nobody would know it or even care, and it's completely fine on my part. The ones who want to find me already know how and the ones who don't, well, let's say they don't need to find me.
The problem with these topics is that they make you to come back not leave because instead of leaving the original posters come back to check the replies and people's reactions to their leaving. I see it more as a mean of asking for attention and compassion than really wanting to leave.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2020-07-13 22:47:38

@9 it happens so much that South Park had made a whole episode out of it.

It would be nice if this forum software was current and users could actually delete their own accounts on here. This way if you want to leave, just hit delete account. Done.

2020-07-14 05:29:31

I blame myself.  I started a topic that I honestly thought was going to contain my last post about 2 years ago and, uh, I think that kind of set the dominos in motion.  I won't blame myself entirely because people have to be responsible for actually creating a topic of this caliber, but I do think I sort of started the stupid trend.
and the reason I started it was entirely different to why most of the people who have done it recently are doing it, but the general idea was that I honestly thought that my speaking out against the way situations were being handled at the time by the moderation panel and doing it publicly was going to result in my being banned or at the very least told to be quiet and deal.  If either had happened I never would have come back.  Instead, I received a huge show of support and even had mods reach out to me and tell me they wanted me to come back even if only as a user that helped out sort of behind the scenes.  I did.  I think that sort of sent the wrong message which was that if you want to gain attention all you need to do is create a goodbye topic.  The sad thing is, that it's working, because even negative attention is still attention.
What I'd like to point out is that, if anyone does decide to read the topic for any reason I honestly didn't write it as an attention grab... I wrote it because I honestly felt everything within it needed said and aired out.  Ever since then though, I've seen a huge spike in topic creation where everyone wants to garner that same level of attention by doing the same thing even if they go about it in a different way.  One reputable member did it and he made a 50something post topic, so now we should try it if we just feel down in the dumps and need a little ego boost.  My advice to you?  Stop it!  Negative attention may be attention, but particularly later on in life, that's not the kind of attention you're going to wish you had gotten.  You will regret it, even if you don't think you will.  Want proof?  Look at this post.  I wasn't even after attention, and my having gotten it because of a similar topic has resulted in a bunch of pointless topics like this one!  I regret it, but looking back I honestly don't know what else I could have said or how else I could have said it to get my point across concisely.  That and, I was working on less than a desirable amount of sleep when I wrote out that topic and chose to throw myself into the investigation regarding it.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.