2020-07-01 00:27:49

Which game specifically from the collection? lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-01 01:05:39

Well there is this challenge mode that throws a specific set of fights with conditions you need to meet to win and unlock music and artwork. It uses the kof98 engine. Think I am on challenge 11.

2020-07-01 04:06:52

So, what kind of fighting game would y'all categorize Dissidia Final Fantasy, and is there any way I can pitch it to other people to get more folks into it?

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2020-07-01 04:10:51

Disidia is a brawler mixed with an RPG... so I don't personally consider it a fighting game. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-01 05:29:11

Well, it's a 3d arena fighter like power stone and urban reign. Except its 1 on 1 instead of a free for all, unless you're talking about dissidia nt warriors. To me, a brawler is the type of game where you clear waves of enemies through melee combat and or make your way from point a to point b. Because dissidia has intros and outgrows for characters and is focused on character vs character interaction, I do consider it a fighter.

If you want to get people interested, maybe make a demo.

2020-07-02 02:01:23

I have made two tutorials:

Part one:


Part two, customizing characters;


Devin Prater
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2020-07-02 02:47:46

I also figured out why I was getting my arse handed to me in the kof collection challenge mode. In that fight, which is the expert boss battle against rugal, he has 3 times as much health as you, and when he takes out one of your characters, most of his health is restored, so your best bet is to take him out completely with one character if you can. Man I love the king of fighters collection, such a good game!

2020-07-02 15:49:58

@180, that's fair. I'm just more specific about what I define as a fighting game.. Urban Reign is definitely a brawler in my mind as well, so is Power Stone. Dissidia also has rpg elements to a point. smile But I definitely enjoyed it on the PSP! It was an interesting title, for sure.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-06 15:21:40

so after watching Spiderman and x-men, I'm having a major itch to play the mvc series. 
What are our thoughts on the games up to mvc1?  I actually really want to get the one-up cabinet when it releases later in the year, but have never played any apart from 2 or 3.  However marvel one looks like something I'd love.

I also have a request.  I'm playing mvc2, but does anybody have the character select screen without unlockables?  I have the full list and will share it here.  and I know I could just grab a save with everything, but I want to unlock everything I can.  As this is the only entry that doesn't speak, I have no idea who I'm using half the time.

here's the full list if anybody wants it.

With all unlocked characters, there are two rows of 6 characters, then 4 rows of 8 characters and then other 2 rows of 6 characters (total 56).
At the start when no characters are unlocked, there are 6 rows of 4 characters (basically from the central part of the second rows of all unlocked characters, to the second last row).
Full characters list from the top to bottom, left to right:
• Felicia
• Megaman
• Captain Commando
• Wolverine (Adamantium Claws)
• Shuma Gorath
• Thanos
• Dan
• Guile
• Amingo
• Cyclops
• Wolverine (Bone Claws)
• Warmachine
• Ken
• B.B. Hood
• Ryu
• Son Son
• Marrow
• Psylocke
• Silver Samurai
• Sabretooth
• Nash
• Akuma
• Zangief
• Ruby Heart
• Cable
• Iceman
• Gambit
• Blackheart
• Dalshim
• Jin Saotome
• Anakaris
• Hayato
• Captain America
• Spiderman
• Juggernaut
• Spiral
• Bison
• Morrigan
• Sakura
• Tron Bonne
• Doctor Doom
• Venom
• Magneto
• Colossus
• Cammy
• Strider Hiryu
• Jill Valentine
• Rogue
• Hulk
• Iron Man
• Servbot
• Roll
• Chun Li
• Omega Red
• Storm
• Sentinel

2020-07-06 17:37:01

I have marvel vs capcom origins on my ps3, it isnt available on the psn anymore. But it has xmen children of the adam, and mvc 1. Both are solid games and have stereo sound. Mvc 1 only has 2 on 2 but it's still ok. I also have mvc2 on my ps3, but not the character screen without all unlocks.

I actually wish we had a database with character select screens for fighters old and new somewhere in the articles room for quick reference, with both locked and unlocked character listings. It isnt so much an issue in games with smaller rosters, but once you get up past the 20s it can be kinda hard to keep track of them all. Trying to find iori and his team in kof97 the other day was driving me nuts! Some fighters like alpha 3 and the tekken series even have more than one character select screen. Itll take time, but maybe when I'm free, I'll start compiling a list for various games in one article if someone hasn't gotten around to it yet.

2020-07-06 22:39:31

2 on 2 was how the marvel vs. series started, and I loved it. X-men VS. Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heros vs. Street fighter and Marvel Vs. Capcom were all amazing. Not only in gameplay, but in the sound design and music departments too. Classic stuff. If you can get them, they come highly recommended. The one up cabinets definitely look like a great idea, but I'd be torn between which o get.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-07 16:13:29

I mean, there is my accessible-retro-games repository, only has Dissidia right now but plan on adding Soul Caliber Broken Destiny as well. The only way this will grow is if we all work together on this, so I mean, anyone can contribute. It's for game guides, character select screens, accessibility notes...

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2020-07-07 17:30:30

I tried signing up with them a while ago but got stuck.

2020-07-07 18:56:00

Signing up for what? lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-07 19:03:08


2020-07-07 19:50:44

About mvc2, any way to turn down the music?

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-07-07 19:59:16

There should be, yes. How to get to the options menu for that... that's another question. tongue

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-07-07 22:14:06

Oh y'all don't have to sign up for Github, just send me the guide, in Markdown or whatever, and I'll definitely put it up there.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2020-07-07 22:20:30 (edited by Aron Leppik 2020-07-07 22:20:45)

@assault smile . found the options menu. Thanks for the reply though!

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-07-08 00:01:01

I found the options menu, but not a turn down music option. 
also, aren't the difficulty levels out of ten or something?
@Assault I know what  you mean about being torn, I'm not sure which I'd get either.  I hope a collection comes out at some point though, as I'd love to play all of these. 
Been trying to figure out marvel two and it's fun, however I do fall into the camp of the music letting it down.  Do I like it a lot?  Heck yes.  but I do find it disappointing that characters don't have themes in this game.  Makes the game feel cheaper than it should be and removes slightly from the immersion factor.  Don't think I'm ragging on it though, I just don't think it hit everything as much as it could have done.  The roster is amazing though, even if marvel three arguably has even that beat for variety.  Interestingly, I didn't even know captain america lost his shield until today. I know it comes back pretty quick, but found that interesting.

2020-07-08 02:10:45 (edited by KenshiraTheTrinity 2020-07-08 02:16:25)

I think only the psn rerelease has the volume reduction option. Anything prior might not.

Been playing Samsho anthology on my vita. The kick of those drums in the palm feels so good! Same as when I play classic sf2 on my vita. It's like I have the arcade in the palm of my hands.

2020-07-08 15:07:35

can someone please give me a list of default input buttons for controller and if it is possible for keyboard in the ultimate marvel vs. capcom 3, tekken 7 and soul calibur vi
thanks a lot!

let's rock!

2020-07-08 17:03:48 (edited by Aron Leppik 2020-07-08 17:07:09)

the only thing I remember off the top of my head is mvc3
square/x light attack
triangle/y medium
circle/b hard
x/a launch
l1/lb assist 1 i think, hold it to switch to another char in your team
r1/rb assist 2, same thing
r2/rt (not sure what that does. Maybe pressing this after  a motion for example qcf triggers a super move, but that might not be correct.
the gamepad controls I got from this:
http://www.brandoncole.net/gaming/marve … 20demo.mp3

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-07-08 23:42:28

For tekken 7, the main inputs are the face buttons, which are easy enough to remember. X/square is left punch, y/triangle is right punch, a/cross is left kick, b/circle is right kick.

2020-07-09 14:28:16

#198, #199 thanks a lot

let's rock!