2020-06-06 18:44:24

@148 AFAIK that works for Xbox but not for PlayStation, you have to be on an American PS4 and in the USA

2020-06-06 18:53:49


I've been thinking, it's great that this game has accessibility options but how will we know how to turn the screen reader mode onif we can't see it?

I've messaged someone on twitter about this and haven't gotten a reply back yet, it's the same guy who said the game is playable

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-06 19:08:31

I am in Canada and have my language set to English United States, and I can use the TTS on the PS4

2020-06-06 19:28:46

According to messages on this thread, we will be prompted when starting up the game for the first time.

As for the psn, it's more just like a store front than anything, and a messaging platform, where we can share our trophies and what games we're playing with ourselves and our friends. You can use it fully through the site or the psn app if you ever want to make purchases or try demos or get free or paid dlc. Even if it's free, you will need a psn account for DLC of any kind, and psn itself is free if you want to sign up, so might as well.

2020-06-06 20:15:54


Turns out I already had a PSN account, my uncles ps4 broke and he hasn't bought a new one. He used my email address so I just took over the account.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-06 20:28:28

Guys, I am so incredibly excited! Even if it is the case that it is not 100% playable, and I have a feeling it will be based on everything I’ve read, I’m still excited to see what sorts of systems they are implementing. This is a landmark moment in accessibility in gaming. and for me personally, being a legally blind gamer who is working towards a BS in Computer science, I am elated to be a part of it in any capacity.

I am incredibly grateful to all parties involved. The future is looking that much more promising. I mean, I didn’t think a fully accessible AAA game would be 100%, or nearly 100% blind accessible so soon. 2020 has been such a crazy year. Amidst all the chaos, it’s nice to have come across this bit of news a couple days back.

Literally, all my blinds/VI friends who own a PS4 have pre-ordered this. We cannot wait. Naughty Dog, my body is ready. Let’s go.

Until release day, to cope, I shall be playing copious amounts of MK11 whilst trying not to smile like an idiot as I cross each day off the calender. can I get a hallelujah, brothers and sisters? OK, rant over. :-)

PSN ID: Ray_Penber
Twitter: @violentgil

2020-06-06 20:38:12


I just read through the thread and am really happy the tts mode wil be availible when you launch the game.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-06 21:14:31

@Seb2314 I've tryed doing that countless times, but it didn't work. How much of the menus are read aloud anyway.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-06-06 21:21:46


@Aron Leppik, not many as far as I know.

Although the app be my eyes might help if you're stuck on menus.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-06 21:23:39


The only thing this game is missing is audio description, it's not a problem, we can gather what's going on from the audio but hopefully in their next games audio described scenes will be added.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-06 21:25:18

Canada is close enough that the console was probably manufactured in the states.

2020-06-06 21:36:46

Well, We don't 100% know if there's no audio description but yeah, probably no.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2020-06-07 15:22:05 (edited by ianhamilton_ 2020-06-07 15:36:50)

@159 to be fair you don't know:

1. whether the game has an option for audio described cutscenes
2. if there isn't, whether that's the only thing that's missing

They have not yet given a full public breakdown of what functionality is or isn't in the game

2020-06-07 15:32:29

@161 Sony is based in Japan, the system accessibility functionality was developed by a team in Japan. The console is actually manufactured in China.

2020-06-07 18:04:10


@ianhamilton_, you're right.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-07 18:24:10

Maybe we'll have to wait until launch day to find out, maybe not, who knows. But either way there are ALOT of people anxiously awaiting more detailed accessibility info about the game, for all kinds of impairments!

2020-06-07 18:35:41

I have a question. The accessibility for us is allready in the game, or it's in the day one patch?

2020-06-07 19:05:33

It's already in the game, from the sounds of it.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-06-07 19:07:43


@gamer95440, from what I read and heard, it will be availible when you install the game.

@ianhamilton_ I highly doubt there will be AD so that might be a little off putting but if we can play the game to completion that wil be amazing.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-07 19:54:48

Honestly, I don't need audio description, but if it's there then that's totally cool. I'm just glad we have what we already know of.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2020-06-07 21:03:27

Yep. Right with Stirlock on this one. Audio Description would be a treat, but I don't really care if it's there or not.

Discord: clemchowder633

2020-06-07 21:03:41


@stirlock, exactly. AD would be nice but I can live without it.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-07 21:22:45

One thing that would be awesome though is a thing that describes the environment around you, so you wouldn't have to make guesses as to what the scenery looks like.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2020-06-07 22:45:09


@connor142, that would be cool. For those that have preordered the game; we'll find out on june 19th smile

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-07 23:08:58

Everyone will know on 19th as it is release date not only for those who preordered the game. smile

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759