2020-06-04 09:20:24

I find it interesting that a certain group of people in society use the term "homophobic" when the term doesn't even apply to that situation at all. The term "homo" has to do with the idea of something being the same, and "phobic" has to do with fear of something. So, when someone labels another as homophobic, all they are really saying is that the person they've labeled as such merely fears things that are the same. Since we are all humans, homo sapiens, that must mean there sure is a lot of fear out there according to those who would use that term "homophobic".

I also am sick and tired of people that get offended when someone uses a certain term, and then they go out and do the exact same thing. It's like being back in elementary school where a child would have a fit when someone else would do something, but would be perfectly cool with doing the same thing him/herself. Many of you, I can tell, understand where I'm coming from. I also know that some who view this may be offended, and that's fine with me as you have that right. I don't mind someone disagreeing with me on something, not at all. However, if you disagree with someone, don't just bash them, but back up your reason for disagreeing. I also thank whomever started this thread as you brought up these points in a good way. I also hope the rest of you out there are still hanging in there after all of this time being locked away like jailbirds. I feel for all of you. I have totally lost my career over this insanity, and now am forced to have to go through a career change which, I fervently hope, will work out.

2020-06-04 10:07:43


At dan-Gero you still didn't apologize to me for dragging me into this, what about you doing that?

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-06-04 11:08:15 (edited by Mayana 2020-06-04 11:49:03)

Before I started reading this topic, my head was in that weird state where you feel as if a headache might or might not be coming on. Well, that headache definitely is there now, and I feel exhausted and disappointed.

But yes, that most certainly is MY fault. I chose to open this topic knowing it would be terrible. I chose to continue reading when I got proof it was, and even when it was clear it was starting to effect me.

It is my fault because I could've also done ... almost anything else. I could've gone to read another topic. I could've opened Mastodon, where I have a nice set of filters for avoiding the topics that bring me the most stress. I could've watched some Youtube videos. I could've talked to people on Discord. I could've read a book. I could've ... I think you get the point.

I'm not victim blaming here. When someone is actually abusing you, hurting you, manipulating you, what not, it is not your fault. But on a public forum, nobody is telling you what to read, what to respond to, how to react to it. And even if you do encounter something that effects you negatively by accident, you can control yourself. That's one of the things that makes us different from other animals, is it not? We don't just act by instinct, we can control ourselves.

That's why, even though I'm not feeling all that good, I haven't written even a single fucking swear ... oh. Sorry. smile

So yeah, Dan, I cannot agree with your opinion that it is other people's fault that they make you angry with their posts on a public, easily avoidable forum. I can see how it might feel like you're stuck here, because you don't know where else to go. But the internet is huge. Unimaginably so. If you do not feel well here, then I promise, somewhere there is a community of people made out of pure awesomeness that would fit you better -- at least if you don't then start drama there as well.

I'm not saying you should leave -- though I must admit, the thought has crossed my mind, especially if you really believe it is not your responsibility to control yourself -- but if this place is really so bad for your mental health, perhaps a break might be wise. You have an incredible amount of power on here, far more than you could have in real life, and it's time to put it to good use.

because if you don't ...

I'm not quite sure what the point of this post was. It won't change anything. But in short, I really don't like you right now, because I'm getting sick of all this drama. But even so, I hope you'll feel well soon.

And this goes for the rest of you too, of course. Stay safe and well. Not just physically. Mentally, too.

Edit: Fixing a typo.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2020-06-04 11:44:26

I'd just like to point out really quickly that the word "homophobia" is an example of the evolution of language.
If you break it down, "homo" means "like" or "the same as", and "phobia" means "fear". It's true. But the meaning of the word now is very clearly a hatred, fear, mistrust or unreasoned prejudice of or toward homosexual people or actions. Language is ever evolving and changing, so trying to cite the original Greek or Latin roots of a word in order to attempt to render a term or label absurd is...well, calling it a deflection is kind, and calling it wilfully obtuse is only half of the story.
Again, language evolves. The meaning of the word "homophobia" is now extremely clear in a cultural sense. You can argue with it, but while you're at it, you might as well argue that blue isn't even blue.

I sympathize a great deal with those of you who are struggling more by being stuck in the house, or who have been forced to lose your livelihoods over this whole Covid situation. It can lead to all kinds of mental health struggles, and the hell of it is that they'll manifest differently for everyone. For me, it's a disruption of my sleep schedule, a desire to sleep more, a periodic lack of motivation and the sense that I'm reaching something of a breaking point when it comes to certain issues that I am simply not willing to soft-pedal. For others, it can look like all sorts of things. I can disagree with the things a person says all the way down to the ground, and I might even challenge those opinions loudly if I think there's a reason (and, let's be real, sometimes when there isn't a reason). But I care about people, and if there is some way I can help any of you, please let me know.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-06-04 12:48:45


@danGero, it is totally on you how you react.

You're stuck in the house? SO are tuns of others, you want to blame social media, delete social media. The only social media I have is reddit.

I think you said you were alone in your house, man be thankful you have a house to be alone in. I'd love my own flat but it's impossible to get one in London and it will still be impossible after the virus clears up or whatever's going to happpen to this country.

You could watch youtube, learn to cook a different dish if you have food items in your house, listen to podcasts, listen to the radio, read fan fiction, play an audiogame, read a book, I'm sure tehre's more but these are just the things I can think of.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-04 12:49:23


Also @danGero, try meditation, it might help you calm down.

I'm gone for real :)

2020-06-04 12:53:16

I think the author of this thread is actually taking your advices to heart. He hasn't posted since half way through the last page.

2020-06-04 14:01:39

why does drama have to revolve around the same people lol
its also good in a way so you know who to avoid

2020-06-04 14:22:38

Either that or he's just flat out ignoring this thread now, which comes to the same thing, really.  I'll acknowledge some of you in just a minute if you decide to keep on reading because again I think you're worth it, but I want to first say that in  reality, you can't make someone on a forum do anything, and that's the beauty of it.  We're going to prove it.  We're going to prove the point and will in all reality win the argument all the way through regardless whether he likes it or not.  But this isn't about winning the argument; it's about helping him own up to the facts.  If he comes back in here with another flaming post about how his life sucks and the forum is to blame, he'll prove it.  He doesn't have to.  ON the other hand, if he chooses to stay away from this topic and indeed even the forum, or at least not post for awhile, a good, long while, while he collects himself, nurses his bruised ego or whatever else the case may be, and put on his big boy pants as Liam put it, growing up, in essence, he'll be doing himself a favor and proving our point, yet again.  He doesn't have to.  whichever way he spins the ball at this point, he's got it in his cort and the choice is entirely his as to how he spins it.  I urge the rest of you to remain calm and collective.  As incensitive as some of the garbage is on here, the past 15 or so posts are proof that it doesn't have to be an absolute descent into madness.
And now, for some Acknowledging!  Hold on tight to your seats and don't wet your pants just because you got some nightmarish Nocturninja praise; I promise you it doesn't come with a cooky.  If that's what you're looking for, try your nearest Mcdonalds.
@Jayde, 96, you always shock me in a pleasant way.  As I keep watching you grow since taking the moderation hat I arguably may or may not have thrown away too quickly and putting it on, I've seen you take on a roll which was, at the time you took it, much greater than the one I first assumed, and which has become even bigger still since that time.  I cannot imagine the strain it puts on you and at times, as selfish as this is going to sound, I hardly want to, given the things I felt when closing down topics or just flat out handing down a simple moderation warning.  I do try to put myself in your shoes, however, but I know I'm not doing it justice given I'm not at all in your shoes and more than likely never will be.  It would not be an overstatement in my opinion to say that this community owes you for the great service you've put forth in your duties when you could have taken the choice to step back and tossed it all away.
@NevEd, I'm going to kill two birds with one stone with you, 97 and 100.  I love seeing you write when you actually decide to take it seriously as you did in these two posts.  You remind me of me in many respects.  You've got just enough snark in you to be a satirist but not to come across as an overly cocky jerk in your posts.  The fact that you humble yourself to the point of apology and that you're willing to more or less do a 180 yourself when you see that someone else is willing to walk the extra mile before you or when you see someone else putting their best foot forward is itself respectable.  Yes, I had a lot of the issues you have now.  I used to view my parents as religious fanatics who's life revolved around Jesus and church and cramming their beliefs down everyone's sthroat.  If you read my posts, you will discover that I'm on the other side now, and while I don't always showcase it, I don't believe it is always necessary to do so as a Christian, or at least not in the sense that many of them feel they must.  I believe in God, believe in Jesus and many of the other things you and others have heard where he's concerned, but don't expect you to believe them just because I do.  We'll leave it there and go on with our lives until you, or anyone else wishes to discuss them with me personally and not in a setting where everyone feels like they have an debate to win.  Otherwise?  Live and let live.  If free will is as real as christians claim it is and believe it to be, they must acknowledge it entirely and without trying to restrain others from it.  I try to live by that.
@defender, 99, thanks for the clarification.  I probably could have ascertained as much if I had chosen to carefully read your writing; don't blame it entirely on yourself.  I was short on sleep and feeling somewhat irritable... I just felt you were worht complimenting last night because you lost me with one post and hooked me with another.  :d
@simba, post 102, Might I kindly and humbly ask you to take a step back and look at what you wrote here?  I want you to self-examine for a minute.  would you take an I'm sorry right now from him?  I know I wouldn't.  He could come in here and throw together the most wonderfully worded apology he's ever written, and I still wouldn't take it.  Why?  Because he's done it before.  Do I forgive him for his attitude?  Sure!  Will I trust him to make right?  Not at present.  He needs to cool off and cool down.  He needs to really look at himself.  He needs to take off the gauntlet and stop trying to act so impulsively and with such knee jerk intensity, learn to accept that just because he feels like something is right or wrong does not dictate that he should be the one to act on it, particularly when he is so close to the subject matter.  I'm not going to say I've never gone off the rails because I have, even if I haven't done it on this forum... I honestly don't know and I would not try to deny it if it in fact is true that I've done it out here at least once.  the difference is that I always try to consult others rather than just listening to myself and my own gut feeling on anything.  Doing otherwise is, as I've stated elsewhere, the height of arrogance.
@Mayana, 103, that was well worded and nicely presented.  I don't even know what else to say that wouldn't just sound like empty praise, so I'm going to leave it there.  No that I really do like it and walk away with the certainty that while it may have seemed like you were just echoing what others have already said, your phrasing carried with it your own personal experiences and struggles and the certainty that you came to the realization that they were yours to handle as you chose.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-06-04 14:40:18

I said very, very early on that I can stand a lot of heat. I'm more than willing to get stuck right in and take a kicking if that's what it takes. Sometimes this is good, because it means you can put me out front and I won't just blow up with the strain. Sometimes it's bad, because I don't take it sitting still and I'll eventually kick back, sometimes very hard.
So what's the point, you ask? I don't like being quiet, even when tactically it might be wiser to do so. I'm working on that. But I believe in honesty, and I believe in standing up for what is right, both personally and for the forum. Sure, I could've thrown in the towel, but I truly believe that despite some mistakes - some far bigger than others - I'm doing a fair amount of good here. I'm by no means alone in this. The other staff members, and many individuals not on the staff team, are also doing a lot of good work here, so this isn't a glory-grabbing situation by any stretch. But I feel like I'm doing good, and I want to go on doing that, learning from it, admitting when I screw up, and generally just being a relatively stable presence. If it ever gets to a point where this place is taking too great a toll on my mental health, my overall happiness or my stability, though I will have to leave. We're not at that point yet; I have pretty thick skin. Until then, here I am.

I'm definitely glad that this thread appears to have calmed down, and am only hoping that Dan is taking some time to mull over what he's gotten here.

If anyone ever wants to have it out with me on a moderation decision but does not want to cause drama, feel free to shoot me a private message, and we'll chat about it. Defender has already taken me up on this at least twice, and while I can't promise I'll agree with you, I'll hear you out and will consider what you've said. Sometimes it will mean straight-up admitting I was wrong. Sometimes it'll mean me explaining - sometimes at greath length - why I disagree. Either way, my door is open, and I hope that goes for most of the rest of you when trouble hits.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-06-04 14:49:19

@Jayde, part of the reason I haven't brought up any concerns is precisely that, that I know you are going to listen, which is why I'm waiting for something major rather than just quibbling back and forth about the minor stuff.  If I bring something up I want to know that you're going to take me seriously on the grounds that I'm not just bringing everything to your attention.  Honestly?  I think overall I can get behind more or less all you do and all you've done thus far.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-06-04 15:13:55

@95, extremely well said, and thank you. I'd like to say I'm in a better place than I was back in Febuary, but the truth is that that is not the case, I've just gotten somewhat better at dealing with it. I can understand where Dan was coming from though, and I know how it can be all too easy to go off the rails at a community or group of people because you feel like you have nothing else to lose, and might as well make some noise on the way out. I rarely check PM's on here these days, but anyone can feel free to drop me an email, twitter DM, facebook message, discord, whatever. Even if it's just to vent your frustrations about the cosmos. I know I've been somewhat of an asshole in this topic, and believe me that is something I'm trying to work on in spite of all the fucked up shit going on in my own life right now.

2020-06-04 16:11:13

FWIW, I apologize for my contributions to this thread.

I think that, at the point when I chimed in, it really just looked like shit-stirring. And it kind of blew my mind that there was nothing better to do than stir up a dead thread and get angry about it. And, while I wasn't angry at all about the previous thread, I put the keyboard down, sat out on the patio for a bit, then masked up and headed over to my girlfriend's for dinner.

Point is, I had something to do and somewhere to go. My heart truly does go out to those of you who don't. That isn't to say you have a get-out-of-jail-free card to do whatever you want. But mental health is a tricky subject, and me pointing out the problem and acting astounded that this was really happening, well, it missed the fact that there are underlying conditions at play here.

And I think that goes for others as well. One person points out that Dan can't and shouldn't blame others for his temper. Point made. If he says "nuh-uh, I'm gonna," that's fine. A point isn't automatically true just because the person who says it was the last to speak. Dan wasn't right here, but we all (myself included) didn't have to yell "Calm down. Calm down! CAAAAAALLLLLLLMMMMMMM DOWNNNNNN!!!" louder and louder and louder until we now have a,what, 5-page thread about one person's anger. smile

And Dan, if you're reading this, I am sorry that you're in the situation you are. FWIW, I've actually been in that situation myself, albeit not with a raging virus, so I can empathize. I spent about a year in a small town with a laughably bad public transit system and shitty walkability (seriously, my left foot fell in a 3-foot-deep hole that was perfectly sized for my shoe because my cane tip didn't land on it, and I showed up caked in mud.) I get it. I hope that you can find peace in your situation, and I hope that we do a better job of not making things worse for you. You do have a responsibility to control your temper. You know that, because I've seen you point it out before. But we all could have done a better job of not poking the bear here, and for my part, I intend to do that going forward.

2020-06-04 16:22:32

@112, I've tried never to make light of your situation.  that having been said, I'm fully aware your situation is one I've never been faced with, so while I can't claim I understand and will never fully be able to put myself in your shoes because of all the differences, I want to be able to sympathize with you to the best of my abilities, even if my beliefs differ from yours and will always differ from yours.
That being the case, I will simply reiterate what I've said here and to some extent elsewhere.  I don't fully understand you and others like you, but I do accept you.  Because I don't understand there will be times when I may say things that may make you feel uncomfortable, perhaps even offended.  I vow to do my best to correct myself at all costs.  If it's already happened and I'm not aware of it I'm sorry here and now, and I'm sorry in advance because sometimes there are those who would not say it just to keep from instigating or escalating a situation further.  Saying I'm not perfect is to me, sometimes like hiding behind a mask beneath which you can throw any number of insults in a somewhat subliminal, cryptic way.  I aim not to do that but know I can't always do it right; that's just the truth plain and simple.
Oh, and also?  It is with the intrestitude of humanitism and all honestitized compassionism that I sincereously wishitize you a most excessivetaciously wonderifically sidereal timespanification.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-06-04 17:07:37

Within the interestification of audiogamians on this forumanian my SQL databasificational storage container, I wish to state that do to nocturnalificationalisms vialationising my constatutionalational rightifications, I must here by translatify his postification in to understandably understandiblised english the better for the rest of us to understandify the darkest secrets of nocturnalism.
@112, I have been trying to ignore your situation. That being said, I fully know that your situation is something I have never encountered, so although I cannot claim to understand it, due to various differences, I will never be completely out of the question. I hope I can sympathize with you as much as I can, even if my belief is different from you and will always be different from you.
In this case, I will simply reiterate my statement here and elsewhere. I don't fully understand you and others like you, but I do accept you. Because I don’t understand, sometimes I may say something that makes you feel uncomfortable or even offends. I swear to correct myself at all costs. If it has happened and I don’t know it, I’m sorry here and now, and I’m sorry for you first, because sometimes some people don’t want to do it, just to avoid further inciting or aggravating the situation. Saying that I am not perfect is sometimes like hiding behind a mask. You can throw any insult under it in a subconscious, secret way. My goal is not to do this, but know that I cannot always do the right thing. This is a simple and clear fact.
Oh, is there any? I sincerely hope that you will be overwhelmed with humanity and all honest sympathy.
I don't know what my future will be, but I do know who owns my future.
Heh, I'm nowhere near as much of a linguistic guru as nocturnous over here, but I try. Oh, and remember, Spanish people are very, very expensive, and it may be difficult for them to understand.
big_smile big_smile big_smile

2020-06-04 17:45:12

Me comprende completemente and thus am insultidized so poco that my face has split into a goofy grin of shere delight.  Yes, just a bit of expensive spanish there for ya, sad thing is I'm not going to get paid for it.
I'm nowhere near as proficient with English as I wish I werzes and was and wuzzes and what ever's.  All I know is that butchering languages for a bit of comical and satirical relief is fun.
Once again I asktificate you to allow me to transliterize for your understandiffication that I find a farious amount of amuseitude in the overall disassemblification and manipulatizing of verbalisms and linguism as has been the casing where above postage is concernified.  I humblifically plead that you simply show your ignoration under these circumstancifications where such verbalisms are presencitised so as to keep hold of any semblancism of sanitificity you may still possesify.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-06-04 18:31:36

ah cm'on people, talk normally big_smile

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-06-04 18:47:33

Oh man, what would happen if we watched Nocturnus and Dark go at it? Things would turn very interesting indeed.

2020-06-04 19:01:23

Oh heck yes! yes! nocturnus vs Dark's gonna be cool

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-06-04 19:08:57

Okay y'all, because I'm locked down too, and because I've found the secret to living through this with at least some slight form of sanity remaining, I'll share the secret. I know, its very OOC for me to do all this, but it's helped a lot.

1. Laugh. Find stuff to smile and laugh about, like daily_merry's sarcasm, described cat pictures on Mastodon, and books that make you feel like there is hope, I recommend Brandon Sanderson; best author ever.
2. Don't take things so seriously. I don't care what the media says, we all aren't going to die. At least, not all of us, and maybe not that many of us. We may be trapped inside our homes, and in my case even while the state cautiously opens up, where I live hasn't opened up. My family can come to the door, but they can't come in. And I don't have Uber Eats, or Door Dash, or Instacart to bring me McDonald's three times a day in order to become fat enough to cover the whole world in my majestic blubber. As I've said, I only have a semblance of sanity in these times.
3. Read! Download a book and spend time reading! And no, no dark stuff that'll make you want to hotel in absolute woe, either. Something good, something wholesome, something that will make you imagine the future and how great it'll be, something that'll help you feel more alive.
4. Find people to voice chat with. I don't take this advice because "socializing? What's that?" but do as I say, not as I do. You don't want to go crazy, do you?
5. Go outside. No, not outer space. You may know of it: that place that you come to when you open your front door and step forward out of the doorway. Yes, that place that may be very hot, or rather cold, or very cold. I assume that you have the required clothes to stand the current climate in your area. Find a chair, or bring one, and sit outside for a while. Your laptop should last an hour or so (Windows), or eight or nine, (Mac), or somewhere in between (Linux), so bring that with you. Do your school work on it, do your job on it, play games, listen to music, cry a little as your ears are filled with the musical wail of woe, from a world searching for something greater than itself. Erm, maybe not that last one but you get the idea.

So yeah, Dan, try that. And if you are religious, pray to your god, read your holy text, and maybe look up, try to find the thing that is more than oneself.

Devin Prater
My Blog
Follow me

2020-06-04 19:12:37

But what if darkness pain and suffering bring some of us happiness

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-06-04 19:14:59

Then you're an evilllll person.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-06-04 19:17:39

Nah, that just makes you a member of the BDSM community.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-06-04 19:35:33

Well... yeah, hmm.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2020-06-04 19:40:00

Am i watching god of war series, but in a different style? just chill out before you kill everyone, mr giro.