2020-05-16 20:07:10

Did you set it as a preserved trigger?

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-16 20:26:09

@lemm, this tool is so neat, and I can't wait to play your guys' title game. Now that I've created a few abilities, status effects, gear, and a few enemies, I'm going to start actually playing with quests. So pretty excited for that. Also, do you have need of an ameteur writer/creation guy? I'm perfectly willing to do all of this for free and would be happy to send you some samples of my writing.

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

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2020-05-16 20:51:41

I wonder, can you add scrolling  dialog? what I mean is something like manamon's dialog where you have to press enter to continue to the next dialog.

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2020-05-16 21:20:49

But it is person.

meow meow.

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2020-05-16 21:21:15

@Lemm I was testing the quest in play game mode, so in theory it should have worked.

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2020-05-16 21:41:32

And merchants seems to dont work too.

meow meow.

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2020-05-16 21:47:42

Hey guys, enter in the Sable challenge for a chance to become a private tester, which means you get more time to play around and whatever perks.

I cant paste the link, but it's in general games discussion.


You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

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2020-05-17 00:12:59

Is there a way to pan from front to back like what manamon does? I really enjoy how you can tell if something's in front or behind you from it's tonal pitch.

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

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2020-05-17 01:18:25

Hi everyone,

@ Bryan P, with the character music /theme, I guess this would be possible, you could use the event trigger on NPC’s to have a cut scene play when you first meet them, or use the sound bites option to add a sound bite to the TTS speech. Thanks for the extra information regarding the success message being spoken after being defeated in battle and returning  to the main menu, that helps hugely and I  should be able to fix that. Regarding  your longsword no stat information issue, I think the best way for me to diagnose that issue is if I could see the project myself, would you be able to email me the project folder to [email protected]?regarding your upgrading weapon question, ironically that’s the second time I’ve been asked that question in less than an hour, its not possible in Sable at present, I was actually trying to think of mechanics/methods of implementing something like that in future versions. What do you think about an event trigger which would take a current item the player has (the white cane in your example ) and would swap it for another weapon (the more powerful staff in your example). Although as creators we would know it is a separate weapon, to the player since the old weapon disappears it would seem the weapon had been upgraded. What do you think?
-Talking about different levels on maps. Did everyone know that if you make smaller map  sizes you can have taller maps? The 100 x100 x 2 limit for the alpha public release  allows 20,000 tiles in total, how you use those is your own choice, so you could have for example a 50 x 50 x 8 map, since that’s still less than the 20,000 total tile limit allowed in the public Alpha version. hope that makes sense.
-    @threeblindnoises, thanks for the suggestion, that’s a really good idea
-    Patrick, if you could maybe email me the project folder to [email protected] I could take a look. Regarding your healing question, if this is an event trigger, you just need to set it as a preserved trigger, this means it can be used over and over again, if you set it as a single trigger it will only work once. If placing a event trigger on a NPC or merchant, since you have to choose after which line of speech the event trigger fires you need to remember that the NPC will only speak some lines of speech once. So if you want the event trigger to work multiple times its best placed on there final  line of speech, since they will continue to speak this line of speech every time you speak with them, so the event trigger if set to preserved will also fire each time. Hope that makes sense.
-    @dungeon diver, really pleased you are having so much fun with Sable, hope I get to maybe see a video of your finished test game. I did send you some extra info regarding stats to you via email since you were asking about stats a few posts back, hope that helps. Regarding writing, that’s a really kind offer, we are ok on writers at present, but I’ll store your details if that’s ok in case we do ever need to take on further writers. Don’t worry for anyone reading my dodgy grammar or spelling, I’m nothing to do with the story writing side of  everything hahaha.
-    Jason Blaze, there isn’t that exactly, but for NPC’s which don’t set quests you can give them as many voice/TTS lines as you like, so rather than giving them a single huge speech line  you could  give them lots of little ones so it was more broken up like  in manimun.
-    Scarlet, can I ask how are you giving the player the nonphysical key? Is it as the event trigger reward item, or as a key item rewarded after a battle? Also are you running the latest version of Sable which I uploaded last night? Also not sure if you saw it but I also posted a video on creating different quests in Sable up on  our YouTube Channel last night.

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios

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2020-05-17 01:19:00

Hi everyone  (again!)

Just following on from my last message, I have some more exciting news to Share. Jaiden of the Caribbean  had a great idea to create a topic where everyone could show off videos of their Sable creation at the end of the month when  Sable expires. Since I think this would be a fantastic opportunity for everyone to get to show off a video of their Sable master piece, we have decided to offer the person with the best video a place on the private testing team, The private testing team will have extended access to Sable after the public release for a couple of extra weeks, whilst I work on all the bugs  which have been reported. This means the person with the best video will get a couple of extra weeks access to Sable. the videos will be voted on by other members  which should keep the whole thing nice and fair. Please check out Jaiden’s topic  below  which  gives full details and remember to post your video before  01st June 2020 @11:59,  I really look forward to watching everyones videos and seeing what everyone has been createing.ECT/EST.

https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/3451 … challenge/

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios

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2020-05-17 01:42:51

so is there a way to make unstationary soundbights?
like sound bights that will bight a sertin plase and pans with it as you move
simply, a pannable sound but a soundbight instead

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2020-05-17 05:19:47

@Lemm, I'm looking to create a shieldbash move that would only work if a shield is equipped. Is something like this in the works? Or is it already implemented and I've just missed it? I'm also looking for a disarm ability but can't figure out how to make the opponent drop their weapon. I suppose it could just inhibit them from doing melee for 1 round?

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

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2020-05-17 05:22:42

Hi lem! I am unable to delete sound bite which I have placed in my map.
I tried to delete it but it appears again after deleting.

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2020-05-17 09:43:02

I suppose that could work. The white cane would after all have been reforged with the other piece of the staff so in theory it wouldn't be there anymore. I definitely agree about scrolling text. That could work for simple dialogue between characters in situations where you don't have or even don't necessarily need or want voice acting. That would make it possible for things like text cutscenes. But I'll try and Email you the project folder as soon as I can.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

Thumbs up +1

2020-05-17 09:44:31

As for the event trigger for a character's theme, that could definitely work, always assuming we'll be able to assign another event trigger to them later for them to join the party since that's what I'd be aiming for in this case.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-17 10:11:38

Interestingly enough, I tried creating a new test project and gave two of my characters longswords and it worked just fine. So I'm not sure what the issue could be in the main project. I may try deleting and recreating the weapon in that project and see what happens.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-17 11:46:57 (edited by threeblacknoises 2020-05-17 12:20:25)

Hay Paul, a few vary miner things I've found.
So I finally got the "door", okay simulation pod working like I want, though I did run into a vary small problem with editing.
Everything does work, though I didn't add text for unlocking the door and now I want to.
Only problem is, I can't.
The object menu will let me do everything else except edit door text.
Maybe that could be a small edition later?
Speaking of editing, we should also be able to edit things like entro text to instead of having to redo it every time.
Also, I was creating starting armor and everything worked just fine, though I didn't know that armor could be snailed…
Yeah, listen to every prompt in the creation process...

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2020-05-17 13:25:37

Well, have another issue to report. It seems that the option to start the party with some gold is broken. I click on it and tell it how much I'd like the player to start with and save the map, but when I load the game the player starts with no gold.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-17 19:17:15

From my understanding, only NPC's can issue quests, correct?
Can items do the same? For example, I want to start off with the character waking up in the middle of a forest, unknowing of how they got there. All they find nearby is a pack with a few weak healing potions, some gear, and a letter. The letter would be a criptic note to the character, telling them to find So and So in an inn to the town east of said forest but that the character needs to rescue 3 others from the forest before daring to show their face at the inn. So then the player has to go rescue his three other party members.
Is any of this doable? Starting out with 1 character, adding the three others to the party as they travel the forest while fighting randomly spawned mobs as well as a few bosses? The quest would be issued by reading the note.

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

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2020-05-17 19:59:04

The quest demo just posted actually provides a creative way to do this.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

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2020-05-17 22:10:23

Hi Paul Lemm and others.
Thanks for your answers to my questions.
Regarding an enemy stats:
I would like to make a simple RPG for people who not know much about RPG games. Therefore, I will start out small with only one or two stats, and let the enemies have more stats later on in the game.
If I just set the stats I don't want to 0 or just press Escape to skip it, the stats are still shown when viewing the information about the enemy in the battle. It would be awesome if each stat could be toggled when creating an enemy.
It's a shame that movable objects can't be created and no timed trickers as well. But I have thought about some creative ways to simulate those.
Regarding my BGT question, or rather distributing question: Thanks for not taking this offensive. I look forward to hear more about that when the final product is ready.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2020-05-17 22:51:48 (edited by omer 2020-05-17 23:01:49)

i have a little feature request if we are going to receave any new updates
when a single trigger is fired once, the trigger radar sound should disappear
i've been trying to find a way to do it, but its not working at the moment
barrel object
those little things are ideal to be creative as you want but again  their default sounds limit their functionalety
for example if i dont want that smashed text to be displayed after the barrel has been smashed, you currontly cant do that
or changing the sounds of those
technicly you can change the sounds but only for 1 type of barrel, so you cant create 2 kinds of diffrent barrel objects

2020-05-18 00:20:33

ok what the hell, did I breaked it or what, it told me the max hite of the map is 8, not 2, and when I did it as 8 it worked, did I breaked something?

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2020-05-18 00:47:58

Hi everyone,

As ever thanks for all the comments and posts,, I’ll try and answer everyone’s questions below:
@Meat bag, currently not, panning sounds have to be used for sounds with a physical location, where as sound bites are more specific to a whole map. But this is a good suggestion.
@ dungeon Diver, at present there isn’t a way you can have an ability only work if a certain ability is present. As a slight role reversal to  the idea though, you can assign status affects to a weapon, so you can have it that attacking with a weapon will also use an assigned status affect to that weapons attack. So you might for example have a sword which drains the enemies HP and restores it to you, or a sword that deals poison. I guess to follow on to your next question, you could have either a weapon or ability  which completely prevents the enemy having a turn as you mentioned. Just going back to the shield  thing, at present shields can only be used for defence, and although you can put them in a hand and they show as a weapon, at present they are more for defence than something to attack with. Regarding your quests question, yes its possible but needs a little creative thinking, as brian pointed out I actually do something similar in  my recent YouTube video where the player finds a book which sets them a quest. The whole videos quite long (about  36 mins or so), but if you skip to about 25 minutes in you’ll see how I set up and create that quest, plus then get to see it in action. The link to the video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N42QHy8VlbE
@ AnamLion, I have dropped you an email which  should hopefully sort this, let me know if it doesn’t
@ threeblindnoises, pleased you got your door/transport pod complete. Do you have any plans to post the audio of your project? Would love to see it. as for your questions, my bad on not having an option to edit locked text of a door, I must have just totally forgotten to add that, so I’ll get it put in. Regarding the intro tool, I’ve actually got that already on my to do list to make it so you can amend options already set, rather than having to redo it from scratch each time. I’m not quite sure about what you meant about armour being snailed?
@ Bryan P, good spot on the starting gold thing, I tested it in creator mode and it worked fine, but I didn’t test it in play game mode and there’s a little bit of code which resets player starting gold to zero in  play game mode. I’ll get that removed and fixed so starting gold value will show in play game mode.
@ SLJ thanks for the post, it’s a good idea about the  stats toggle option.  I Think one of the things that has come up a few times from various people is the option to have more fluidity with stats and giving mor customisation  options. So it’s definitely on our possible additions list, but it just might not make it into the prototype of sable, since it would involve a lot of behind the scenes changes to allow it to work. But like I said it’s definitely something we’ve discussed. Pleased you have managed to come up with some creative ideas for getting round the movement and timing issues.  If you ever put out an audio recording or video I’ll be intrigued to take a look at your methods for getting round that. I’ve already seen some great videos/audio recordings where people have been very clever in their uses of the current sable tools.
@ Omer, that’s a really good suggestion about removing the  radar to a trigger object if it has been set to only be used once. It shouldn’t be to difficult to add in, I’ll add it to my list.

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios

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2020-05-18 00:55:23 (edited by lemm 2020-05-18 00:56:39)

@Meat bag, sorry, I posted my last set of answers  which are above, just before I’d realised you had asked a further question  yes, you can have a map that is higher than 2 if you make the map size smaller. The limit is 20,000 tile size in the public  alpha version, how you choose to use that is up to you. so you could have a 50 x 50 x8, since that’s still less than 20,000. After you have set your length and width , when you set the height it will let you know the maximum height you can set which it will determine by how big you made the length and width. Although you can make the length and width less than 100 x 100, you can’t make the length and width larger than 100, which is a restriction of the public alpha

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios

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