2019-07-13 22:50:46

Curiously, have people had much luck completing the battle quest consistently? If so, I'd be interested to hear your strategies. Unless there's something I'm missing, a lot of it seems to depend on luck. Hoping you won't get a type that doesn't work in your favour, wondering if your next scratching cat will have 4 hp or 50, simply drawing the right cards, etc. It's probably not really a mode I'll play with often, but just been messing around with it a bit. I could be wrong but it seems the health drops are random too. Shrug.

2019-07-13 23:34:14

Actually they're not. You'll find them in the same place every time, just need to remember where. Use them conservatively, when you need every point of healing, not just some, and on that note it might be beneficial to collect a health increase before collecting a healing item.

Unless there are area expansions or new bigger stages in a later update, you're probably not gonna have enough coins for a gem, so might as well spend them healing.

Again this is probably subject to change too but I found it helpful to go through the quest with a specially designed deck. I'm sure i cleared it at least 5 times with a fully normal deck.

2019-07-13 23:55:00

Yep, I expect all the bots to be unlockable there in the future. As for completion, the map pretty much always stays the same. Your best bet is to use a deck that is fully offensive and can kill fast. Once you complete the first part, which I like to call forest, you will be in another sort of map where you can also change your deck if you need to and will play 60 HP battles. There are currently 6 bots to unlock.

2019-07-14 00:41:46

Oh neat, good to know. Thanks guys. Yeah I've just been switching between a pure deck and a couple of multi-type ones to try and alleviate the chance of running into a combination like dragon/faerie, electric/ground, etc.

2020-04-06 04:38:23

Sorry for bringing this topic back, but I'm in a part of the battle quest ware it says I need to find a key to a door. Is this part not complete? I haven't seen a place ware you can buy one, and it also doesn't seem to be placed anyware on the map.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2020-04-08 04:55:24

It's there, you just have to look for it.

2020-04-08 22:39:24

I beat it fairly easy with a Ghost/Steel type deck, just to reduce the damage taken by the opponents. Ghost will reduce almost all of the damage to 1 HP damage and steel allows me to deal pretty neat damage in a short amount of time. Unlocked all six bots that way.