2020-03-10 01:45:08

Hello everyone!

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum or if there is one on Audiogames for this kind of post. I will remove the post if not.

Erion MUD is seeking new world builders to create small medieval fantasy-themed areas of around 30 to 50 rooms. We're also looking for writers to make new area quests and storylines which players can get themselves involved in.

Requirements: One must feel comfortable avoiding forced roleplay in descriptions (you feel, you see, etc.) and writing unique room descriptions (no copy pasting descriptions from room to room). A little teamwork is required for the missions--I generally code any progs needed for the missions, and the writer creates the storyline and dialogue.

Erion is a heavily modified ROM-based MUD, so if you're familiar with ROM you will be able to build pretty easily here, but we've had a few players build on the game with no previous experience and I'm happy to help newbies too.

Thank you for reading and please send me a tell (my name is Aelyn), if you are interested in writing for the MUD smile

The address of the game is erionmud.com port 1234.

2020-03-10 01:52:59

I'm a really lousy typist and such, but I'd be willing to try. Is there any sort of things you need. I will not know how to make monsters with appropriate power levels for zones and such, but I'd be happy to help where I can.

2020-03-10 02:02:30 (edited by ErionMUD 2020-03-10 02:29:04)

bookrage wrote:

I'm a really lousy typist and such, but I'd be willing to try. Is there any sort of things you need. I will not know how to make monsters with appropriate power levels for zones and such, but I'd be happy to help where I can.

Very awesome. There are certain level ranges that are lacking in areas and we're looking to add more content for them. I don't have any specific area themes in mind, though I could come up with one if you prefer to have direction. The general theme is medieval-fantasy, and we do have a lot of forests, caves, and water, so perhaps something different from those. Would you be interested in coming up with an idea or would you prefer that we give a theme?

There's a command you can use to automatically set the power levels for mobs, and then you can sort of fill in the rest as you wish, like which skills or spells it should use and such.

Feel free to stop by the MUD one of these days and we could chat. Thank you for your interest!

2020-03-10 02:04:07

This should probably in general game discussion room, but good luck on finding builders.

2020-03-10 02:13:42

KenshiraTheTrinity wrote:

This should probably in general game discussion room, but good luck on finding builders.

Ah okay, thank you! I will keep that in mind if I post something like this again.

2020-03-10 04:33:30

I would be interested in building this world. do you have race specfics yet or anything?

2020-03-10 05:27:38 (edited by Dark 2020-03-10 05:28:27)

How complex exactly is the building process?
As I have said, I'd love to see more story and missions in Erion, since I love exploration, and there are definitely some zones which could probably do with missions for them, indeed some zones like midne or ember green very much imply missions in their descriptions, quite aside from creating new ones.

Likewise, room, mob and object descriptions would be easy for me to write, but I know very little about coding or creating the right kind of monsters, Etc indeed whilst I enjoy Erion as a game, I admit I'm not the most experienced player, so game balancing would be difficult.

Btw, if you want an example of my work, last year I wrote this story, for a competition run for the Ios game audio wizards, though no knowledge of the game is necessary to appreciate the story.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-03-10 14:06:29 (edited by ErionMUD 2020-03-10 14:09:57)

Re: Dark

The building process is not too complicated for writers. I tend to work with the builders to write the code for missions, while they supply the stories and mob dialogues. I'm not as good at writing as I am coding, so it works out well that way. An example of a room creation would be: 'redit create' (to create a new room), 'room <direction> <room vnum>' to link it to the area, and typing 'desc' by itself will enter a room description editor to describe the room. For what it's worth, 2 of the current casual builders are VI players and our head builder, Kextra, is also VI, and they all do very well building on the mud.

If you wanted to work on Embergreen, that would be awesome! Basically, you could expand the area by adding more rooms, mobs, and objects, if you like, and also write up stories and dialogues for missions and I would code them in. As far as game balancing goes, my real life partner in crime (AKA Lucius on the MUD) balances item stats, and mobs are easy- there is a command that auto balances them.

I'd love to read your work! Would you be able to email it to me at [email protected]?

2020-03-10 14:09:38

starlord2017 wrote:

I would be interested in building this world. do you have race specfics yet or anything?

Race specifics? Well, we do have quite a lot of races, and race evolutions. An Elf for example can evolve into a Sidhe and then into a Drow. If you hop on the mud and type 'race list' you can check out all of our current races. smile

2020-03-10 17:57:39

this is one of the mud i like to play
and i have a lot of ideas in mine
i'm not that good at writing but
as a coder / coding the areas that's going to be great

2020-03-11 07:43:43

I would be willing to offer up my services. I'm not the world's best writer, but I have significant knowledge in scripting. Toss me the manual and away I'll go!

2020-03-11 09:31:04


Okay Erionmud, I've emailed the story along with some thoughts, hope you like the story and some ideas.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-03-12 17:09:05

Hi all! I've missed a few tells sent to me while AFK the last few days. I'm working more than usual this week, so if you don't catch me while I'm active, feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]. Otherwise I will be around most of Sunday and more often next week. Thank you for stopping in! My name is Aelyn, by the way. smile