2020-02-02 04:40:57 (edited by christian 2020-02-04 01:14:48)

warning, this story is not! repeat, is not! for the people that don't like sensitive content. take it up with original creater of this story, techgamer.
Once upon a time, there was a child named christian. One day, he decided to search for love. He went out of his house, running away from the protection of his mom, and he saw a girl who looked so ugly, but he loved her. He grabbed her, dragging her into his house and said, come on honey, let's have some sex. The girl drew a knife from her pocket and said, don't you mess with me or I will cut your throat. Christian slammed the girl onto his bed and screamed, sex. Sex. Shut up and let me fuck you. The girl did not let him do this however, she took the knife and tried to jab it into his stomach, but accidentally stuck it up his ass as he turned around. Christian screamed, and said, fine, jump out that window and die, I don't care. The girl did so, jumping out the window and landing in the front yard. She ran back home, only to return the next night. She came into christian's room, a knife in her hand. She laughed softly as she stood over him with the knife. Christian woke up, screamed at her, and said, get out of my room. The girl laughed and said, nope. You wanted to be fucked, I'll show you fucked. Then, she cut his throat, ever so painfully and slowly. Once she did, she jabbed the knife deep into his chest, and walked away saying, treat people how you wanted to be treated, fucker. Christian got no funeral, and everyone was glad that the girl had murdered him. She became famous, and was loved by everyone who lived in the city. To this day, christian burns in the pits of hell. Once he was dead, his mother cried with joy, pulled the knife, and then his body was burned in a fire as to make sure he burned in the pits of hell. Let this be a lesson to you. Be careful who you decide to love, or else you will end up just like christian

warning: this post is about to end, press h, or don't, I don't mind.

2020-02-02 05:01:18

I'm not really sure if, in the context of this story, we're supposed to like you or the girl more. I like the girl. Will I get a warning for that?

2020-02-02 05:04:54

Uh, lmao? This was actually an SBYW map and I saw it being made. So thanks for posting a story from an sbyw map that calls you a bitch I guess?

2020-02-02 05:35:20

yeah, I do have to give credit to techgamer, or tie, not sure witch one was roflrofl, but it did give me a good laugh.

warning: this post is about to end, press h, or don't, I don't mind.

2020-02-02 05:41:42

Really? A story that called you a bitch and in witch you get killed made you laugh? You are very, very strange.

2020-02-02 06:19:56

You should've given credit to the creator in the first post. This is by no means a piece of high art, but it is still not obvious that you didn't create it.

2020-02-02 06:39:40

It’s like, literally one of the most terrible stories ever read. The structure is horrible, there’s no subtlety. It isn’t even funny because it’s not original or clever. It just seems random and rushed

Is this the real life?
Or is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

2020-02-02 08:10:27

that's, by far the most rediculous story i've ever red?
But then, its a map, so yeah i guess. Would personally still make the map more like an actually tbh, but to each their own. the horrible writing style can be excused i guess. not that i prefer it regardless.

Abay chal.

2020-02-02 08:27:01

what else do you want me to do with this thing. rewrite it or something?

warning: this post is about to end, press h, or don't, I don't mind.

2020-02-02 10:46:09

Hey christian give me the youtube channel link that you have so we can also interrupt you like you did with liam.

2020-02-02 11:20:46

I better destroy the kids because at that age they're acting imaturely.

73 Wj3u

2020-02-02 11:39:17

if this was intended to be a funny story, I am not getting the joke.
And if this was intended to be a serious story, I am not getting the point.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-02-02 12:12:59

Yes this story doesn't have a point a part of what we know, that he is inmature.

2020-02-02 14:42:28

Yeah, this is honestly quite concerning. For the record, I have a couple friends who were raped in the past. This is seriously not something you make casual jokes about on the internet. It fucks up people's lives. I really hope the mods ban this little waste of oxygen.

2020-02-02 14:44:06

Agree with posts 11-13.
I have a question.
Didn't you say that you are 10 years old?
If so, I don't think you should be posting about this particular subject matter.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2020-02-02 14:45:29

@14, calling him a "little waiste of oxygen isn't the best idea imho.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2020-02-02 14:47:40

A, IDC. I might get warned for it and with good reason, but someone had to do it. Trust me, if I wasn't aware of the rules regarding personal attacks on this forum I'd have been banned years ago.

2020-02-02 14:54:41

You have a good point.
I have a question.
I know this probably isn't my business, but christian, do your parents know what you post here?
If not, I wonder what they'd say.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2020-02-02 14:57:20

I will only say this:

This guy needs help, help which he probably wont be able to find online., help which many of us, including myself is ill-equipped to provide.

2020-02-02 15:16:40

I'd report this post, but someone probably already reported it so I won't bother. Posting something you didn't get permition to post on the forum is plagiarism, and Ty probably didn't want anyone outside SBYW to see that. Plus, this content is rather disturbing and has no place here.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2020-02-02 15:17:37

I don't get what's this guy's deal to be honest

There will come nothing, for there was nothing.

2020-02-02 16:12:26

I am the last person to make light of rape, however in this instance I am simply not sure what the context was, since I don't even know if this was intended to be funny or what, it just strikes me as pointless and a bit grotesque.

Myself, rather than mod warnings or suggesting the poster go and find psychological help or what not, I'd just like the original poster to explain themselves, why the hell they posted this and what the point was.

If it was intended as a joke, then well it just proves the poster has no sense of humour, or indeed much sense of empathy, if intended as a serious commentary on sexual assault, it proves the poster needs to learn a lot about how to write effectively.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-02-02 16:13:52

@20, actually one of my friends made it, but yeah they probably didn't want it seen outside of SBYW. I had actually forgotten about it completely until he posted it because he was, board? Hungry? I dunno

2020-02-02 17:24:53

I clicked on this link thinking this guy was going to post something similar to what Jadan did in his topic, and then I saw that thing...

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-02-02 17:25:41 (edited by manamon_player 2020-02-02 17:27:37)
