2019-11-10 21:26:28

how do you position sounds in lucia? i didn't find anything about it in the documentation, i'm using the bass back end

2019-11-11 07:56:45

You should take a look at the examples... if you used BGT previously, you should understand how it all works. if not, just ask again, but first take a look at the examples, there is a positioning example around there, if i am not wrong, the first example should do, just ignore the rotation...

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2019-11-11 09:33:37

i don't understand the example, i have not used the sound pool in pgt

2019-11-11 09:38:57

Oh, i will try and explain it to you at a later stage, i am busy with exams right now. but don't worry, it is verry easy, once you get the hang of it...

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2019-11-20 15:15:32

Recent commits to the git repo has fixed the rotation issues we've had from the beginning.
We have also made it easier to submit issues and or feature requests on GitHub.

If you like what I do, Feel free to check me out on GitHub, or follow me on Twitter

2019-11-20 20:24:09

I'm just taking a look at this and it looks really good.
Unfortunately, I'm not able to run the 3d basic example code. The error I get is:
Attribute error: module lucia has no attribute utils
I'm very new to this, so it's entirely possible I'm missing something obvious.
I installed the module by running python setup.py install after cloning the git repo.
Is this something to do with my path?

2019-11-20 22:00:43

This is unsurprising; if anything I've heard is right, they don't ever update their example code, leaving it up to you to figure things out on your own. Not a good design.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-11-20 22:12:22

can anyone give me an idea how to use the timer in Lucia? I can import it, but can't figure out how to actually start an instance of a timer. There doesn't seem to be any documentation for the timer utility. Any help would be apreciated.

2019-11-20 22:39:20

Regarding timers. Import it, create an object and restart it:

from lucia.utils import timer

def main():

  when = timer.Timer()

  # do whatever you need to do with it
  elapsed = when.elapsed

Those timers don't solve your problems within the other thread however. In fact, they just use the same approach I told you in that very same thread as well, but force you to depend on a large package like Lucia. Since you already got a speech library for your project, its just as simple as load up the STL package timer and get toing instead of installing things like Lucia to solve your problem. As soon as you want to do more audiogame-related that doesn't count anymore, but for this project of yours, where you don't require any more audio game functionalities since you don't need game windows etc, Lucia would just be unnecessary overhead.
BTW, I didn't use Lucia at all, just read through the source. I'd recommend you to do the same instead of asking people to do that for you, because examples don't seem to be updated, as well as documentation.
Best Regards.

2019-11-20 22:39:55

if yourtimer.elapsed>=1000: #one second.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2019-11-20 22:52:21

Thanks for the tips, I really apreciate it.
The current version of my project doesn't use a lot of the functionality of Lucia, but it might give me the ability to do more than what I'm currently doing.

2019-11-21 00:06:30 (edited by JessicaGG 2019-11-21 00:58:01)

We are working on it. We have a pr submited that fixes up the documentation and I'm working on fixing the examples (and removing the ones we don't need)
edit: The documentation can be found at https://LuciaSoftware.github.io/lucia
and the original post has been updated to include the link as well.

If you like what I do, Feel free to check me out on GitHub, or follow me on Twitter

2019-11-21 05:01:04 (edited by defender 2019-11-21 05:04:34)

Maybe you should be helping more and bitching less?
Or have you forgotten that this is a free product, worked on by non professionals in their free time, out of love for their community and audio games in general.
I know it's frustrating, but comments like yours only serve to tare people down rather than give them constructive feedback or assist them, and that's going to make them feel like the whole thing is a waste of time.
As far as I'm aware, Lucia is really all we've got when it comes to larger caliber solutions for beginner audio game coding in python right now, so if you aren't helping keep it alive, you should probably hold your tongue if you can't honestly trust your self to do more than snipe at them for their efforts not reaching your level of quality.

TLDR:  We desperately need this, don't ruin it with shitty comments.

2019-11-21 11:51:45 (edited by JessicaGG 2019-11-21 18:55:32)

edit: Version 1.1.1 is now out, fixing problems with the pyal dependency, that wouldn't download when using pip to install lucia.
@defender thanks for the nice words, it means a lot.
Version 1.1.0 of lucia has been published to pip with the following fixes.

- Fixing the rotation system, we are now using the Cartesian system (the one people are used to from bgt).
- Fixing the examples ( no more AttributeError with the utils subpackage).
- As I posted earlier, we now have documentation that can be found at https://LuciaSoftware.github.io/lucia

Sorry that this version took so long smile
As always, we are always welcoming community feedback / issues / feature requests / pull requests.

Quick note about the GitHub repo (for those that are kinda new to git, or those that's just interested).
We have 2 branches (master and development).
Master is what will become the next version, the code in master has been tested both by travis-ci and by us.
Development are where new pr's will be merged too, to check code quality, to check for inconsistencies in documentation and to check if something unexpectedly breaks.
When it's time for a new version, the development branch are merged back into master and a new version are published from master to pypi.
So if you want the latest fixes, or if you're getting started on work for a pr use the development branch.
If you want the newest features (that works and shouldn't break) use the master branch (the default).
Do note, that we recommend always using the version from pypi in a production setting (ie for a new game).

If you like what I do, Feel free to check me out on GitHub, or follow me on Twitter

2019-11-22 16:04:24

Will this be designed, like BGT was, to help newcomers to programming make games, or is this just more of a library for more advanced programmers to make games easier?

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2019-11-22 17:41:11

@140, I think it fills both rolls you described.
It takes a lot of effort out of getting started with Python, and it simplifies things for the old-seasoned folks.

2019-11-23 20:15:02

Okay, is there a "newbie" guide I'm missing, then? I viewed the Github page readme, and it sounds a bit more like just for veteran programmers.

Devin Prater
My Blog
Follow me

2019-11-24 00:49:32

There isn’t a guide per se, but there are some examples which you can learn from. Also, the code is reasonably well commented, so you can glean information from that as well.

2019-11-26 12:22:48

I've never heard some stupit bullshit as here, that x is used to move forward and backwards, y to move up and down and z used for some shit. NOt x, y, z are used as You said. X left right, Y back forward, z up down, as in games for not visually impered idiots.

2019-11-26 12:33:14

fuck you man

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2019-11-26 13:10:13

The truth is always uncomfortable tongue

2019-11-26 15:21:45

If you were to read the entire topic, you would see that what you raged about has been fixed.
Also, their could have been other, more polite ways you could’ve expressed yourself.

2019-11-26 17:08:05 (edited by Ethin 2019-11-26 17:09:42)

@zywek, x is, in fact, left/right, y is up/down, z is forwards/backwards on a graph. If you'd actually paid attention in geometry, you would've known (but clearly you didn't or haven't gotten that far). Please go verify your facts before you post nonsense. This geometrical algorithm is how sound and graphic libraries work, which is why its important. But clearly, you believe the world doesn't work that way. Sorry, but the Cartesian method is not actually how the world works, unfortunate (for you) as that is.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-11-26 19:02:35

Nah, it's more like people that can't control them selves and make a point without insulting everyone are uncomfortable actually...
Good start on the forum!  tongue

2019-11-26 19:16:24

Nah, it is not about people who can't controll them selves without insolting other people, it is about people not appriciating what only 10 percent of the community does, and then some random dick head comes and posts bool shit any ways. Reelly, these 8 contributers reelly do a lot to simplify audio game creation for us, and you post some random shit? What level of appriciation is this? Even with only hearing that we have possible keyboard handling, window support and audio positioning the way i wanted it to be, that ment a lot to me. And did you actually look and test the examples provided? Because if you did, then you would see that indeed X moves you to the right and left. And that why mopes you forward...  but if you did not, then this is why you probably posted your load of bool shit!

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.