2019-11-10 00:46:24

Thank you Jayde.
If you can, I like to trade my Pyrefly with your Pyrefly later.

ice, fire, water, thunder.

2019-11-10 00:46:26

Well @ Vazbol, if that doesn't fix it, maybe you can send me your save file and I can fix it for you. Hopefully it is only an issue in the area though, as patching everyone's save file would be quite difficult!

2019-11-10 00:54:15

hill have a sound?

ice, fire, water, thunder.

2019-11-10 01:04:32

Okay, left a trail of paper, ran back and it was moved onto one of the trails after a save and reload at the prior floor.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-11-10 01:10:27

@1055 yay! So you got it! Glad that was the only issue!

2019-11-10 01:16:31

And now to retreat and save the fifth floor for post game. Vaguely remember someone saying the last floor has a post game boss. Best not to stumble into it and get wrecked before saving. Heck, the catacombs first attempt at descending warns to come back here later, despite manamon only being lv 40.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-11-10 01:26:35

Okay, so I went and did some digging in the BW metagame history. Garchomp was infamous for running a set of Substitute, Swords Dance, plus two attacking moves in a sandstorm with Sand Veil (which boosts evasion in a sandstorm). Substitute sacs 25% of  your max HP to set up a decoy that will take incoming damage till it breaks, and status effects will fail. So Chomp would set up behind the sub and wreck. It took awhile, but this was deemed too strong for overused (OU) play, and he was relegated to the Uber tier. This is pretty consistent with what I remember, but in deference to your apparently differing understanding, I wanted to go and check it.

What I absolutely do not see here is Gamefreak creating the fairy type to shut down Garchomp. There were many dragons running around in Ubers that fairies can now deal with, and it doesn't help that a lot of ubers over the years have been part dragon. Also, a lot of dragons in the pokemon franchise have historically had high base stat totals.

So your point about power creep in this instance doesn't work. You don't create a whole new type just to shut down one pokemon, and you don't need to punish something that does good things just because it does good things.

I'm sure that if Manamon gets big enough, and online battling becomes common, there may eventually be developed a sort of tier list to determine what's good and what's not. There may even be combos that are generally agreed to be cheap or broken. Who knows? I definitely won't attest to that one, since I'd be a fool to tell you that I know about all the new mons and how they operate best.

As far as me proving myself, BTW, there are two ways I could do it. One would be, as you say, to make my own game. Another would be to help someone while they were making theirs. The creation/coding of a game is not a crucial part of the understanding of mechanics.

As for the catacombs, BTW, no, there's no boss in the catacombs itself. You'd get to a whole new area before you were anywhere close, so don't retreat!

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-10 01:38:37

Alright so.
I don't get the faithful underground. I made those stone things  glow, then slid around and crashed into some wierd sounding hummy things and heard these stone shifty noises. I don't understand what to do here. I feel like an audio recording would help more than any explanation here. I feel that there are too many audio cues.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-11-10 01:40:15

Pyrefly doesn't transform by trading, just checked. It transforms on its own at level 45.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2019-11-10 01:44:26

Ah, good deal. Thank you.

Okay, I'll try and explain the puzzle, and I'll give an example. For everyone else, here

Each block has a letter on it, and your job is to spell the word "fate", which should make sense, given there are only four letters.
If you interact with a letter, it'll make a weird noise. That means it's glowing.
So there are a total of four stones (let's call them energy stones for now). You have to slide into or very near them. You get to one from above, one from below, one from the left and one from the right. Let's say E is glowing. If you slide leftward on the ice and click the energy stone on the left, it will push E to the left. Alternatively, if you then go back and, say, make F glow, then slide down onto the energy stone on the bottom, it will push F down.
You can't have more than one stone glowing at the same time, I'm pretty sure. Damn good thing too.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-10 01:51:38

So what's the deal with the Manacode game? It just says ready  and then nothing? The tutorial talks about breaking codes but I see no code or anything, I just hear the music.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2019-11-10 01:57:57

there are three numbers and you have to guess between 1 and 5 for each number. After a sequence of say, 513, it'll play three sounds. There's one that's out right wrong, there's one that means right place and right position, and then there's one that means right number, wrong position.
For example if you type in 1 2 3 and it gives you wrong position wrong position wrong number, you'd switch up and make it 2 1 ... insert guess.
Right now my favourite, although no doubt fucking boring game for credits is the cronotriggtry thing where you have to pace the ticking of a clock for one minute. Each round usually gives me between 80 to 110 credits.

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2019-11-10 02:00:08

Yeah. Thanks for that. I understand how this works, you have to move the stones around using the hummy energy stones. I do not get this sliding around now. I seem to slide in circles and can only go back to where I started.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-11-10 02:03:10 (edited by LordLuceus 2019-11-10 02:21:19)

@1063, Huh, where'd you find that one? My favourite right now is Anagrams, but will probably switch to Mathmon when I finally go back down to the damn catacombs to find it.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2019-11-10 02:25:51

those catacomes people talk about are the ones in requeea that virtual world? that you are in when you first get there?
or are they something totally different.  I've seen them mentioned a lot.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2019-11-10 03:07:12

allright. ive ben looking, and looking, and looking!
right now! I am at the Location, Mamish Outskirts.
I cant open the gate and I don't know what to do. i'm real fustrated. i'm gonna take a brake, and wait for you guys to respond to me, cause it looks like most of you have beaten the game.

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2019-11-10 03:12:00

and before you decide to yell at me for not using the search feature, I've tried already and couldn't find an answer. I've been wandering the maze in the swamp area looking for this house where you can apparently get a mudmo but I am unable to find it. I've already been up the tree and I've tried the flyers tactic with no results. Can anyone tell me at least where in the general dirrection the house is?

fantasy world creationist

2019-11-10 03:18:19

Head in a generally southeast direction from the entrance, you should find it.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2019-11-10 03:42:35 (edited by silent silk 2019-11-10 03:43:34)

Lol. wow, can't believe I missed that, this is what happens when you have exams all week with very little sleep in between.

fantasy world creationist

2019-11-10 03:57:11

The path is in a really weird spot. if you can't find it, just keep trying to circle leftish if going too far south and east.

  Also I did worse on this fourth phase of the boss fight than the others. So bad, an ally gave me a pitty restore. Though uh, in my defense, I tactically decided to sacrifice my heavily debuffed creatures to setup divine barrier and magic lights (darn confusion did not pull through that turn) and the boss was dead next round anyway. but thanks for the encouraging words anyway?

  Note to self, don't wear power bracelets against a boss who has an aoe autocrit attack. Bad things happen.

   Though a way to stop the mass debuff would be better. Outside of rearming bracelets and using restoration, I got nothing. Somewhat interesting fight at least.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-11-10 04:06:00

Quick question for anyone who's past this part... is there anything at all on eternity Studio F5 now that the boss is cleared out? Or is it basically just... one giant room with nothing whatsoever in it. I'm tempted to actually go through it with item detector on full auto, but... that'd take... way, way too long.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2019-11-10 04:17:04 (edited by The Imaginatrix 2019-11-10 04:19:00)

So, my current team is Gowater, Woolfsyre, Molandon (she earned her place quite admirably), my overpowered Chillardent, a Kangard and a Colovaird. Is this a good team or should I switch someone out? I've caught one of almost every Manamon up to this point, though I might need to go back for Shrubriek, so I can sub in just about anything that's available or go catch something if I haven't yet.
Also, I'm trying to use the item detector and am not sure if I'm doing it right. I just get a buzzer sound which I assume means there's nothing there, but I don't know where there are hidden items I haven't grabbed so I can test this theory.

2019-11-10 04:46:04 (edited by Soul Keeper 2019-11-10 04:49:01)

Sort of cave of fate spoilers:
Did you know I didn't even know the stones had letters on them? I did the cave stuff before the ascendance path so didn't even realize the spelling puzzles had made a reappearance.
This leads to an interesting discovery, and something I apparently did entirely by accident: the word doesn't have to be spelled out in a straight line. So long as the stones are touching, it counts. I made a square with mine, just because it looked nice, and maybe on some level I thought it was rebuilding a pillar or a statue to go up or something. I just got dumb lucky to spell the word in the right way I guess, lol.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2019-11-10 04:46:36

Is the item detector helps find hidden items?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2019-11-10 04:53:52

A Spoiler Alert. And if this has been answered, sorry for reasking in advance.
I am in the Shadow Cannion. Is there anyway out of here? Because I did not mean to get in here but I did beet the second stadium.

John Follis
Check out my YouTube Channel.