2019-05-03 13:16:31

Oh! That helps me narrow it down.
There is a forum you can post on linked below. It isn't as accessible as this forum though. So you (or anyone else) is welcome to post bugs here as well. I monitor this thread too.

http://starlanes.freeforums.net/board/5 … discussion

2019-05-03 20:26:52

Yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed six swords and paid for premium. Thanks for making such a goddamn awesome game that has given me countless hours of entertainment. LOL

Is this the real life?
Or is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

2019-05-08 01:11:06


Yesterday played through one of your new dungeons. It was a sunken foundation dungeon and I wound up having to fight dinosaurs most of the way down.

The depths of the dungeon were a funny epic fail though. I was starting out with ornothelustes (my favorite dinosaurs by the way) and then got to tougher ones as I got down. On the bottom two floors however, I wound up fighting very small groups of bats. This was not giant bats or magic bats, just a couple bats that my nearly level 10 guys took out easily.

I got the key to chapter one of "Red Queen" and I will read it when I get to the right spot. I also found a few more treasure chests that gave me a lot of money,a nd one that exploded but didn't do too much damage considering.

All I would change about the dungeons is that I would like a quick way to leave them once you get to the boss room on the final floor. Trekking back through them can be quite tedious, unless the long walk, with many monsters respawning is part of the point of them but once you'd fully explored the place, it isn't quite as fun heading back to the surface.

2019-05-08 03:17:34

I'm glad you guys are having fun.

Yeah, I'd like to be more sensible about the monsters. I was trying to get it done quickly and the monsters get populated just like any other feature. I'd like to cycle back and maybe create a special category of dungeon monsters. There's a lot of creatures that don't make sense to have on the surface anyway. And this would be a perfect place for them.

Chests, Pools and Thrones give random payouts on a bell curve. Mostly nothing happens or you get a slightly good or bad things. But there are some really good (and really bad) effects. So look forward (and beware) of them!

I never liked the idea of an exit at the bottom of a dungeon. A lot of this is inspired by Nethack, with its 40 level deep dungeons. You had to spend a lot of time slogging up and down stairs. That being said, Skyrim always had an exit at the the bottom. And I probably could do worse than to copy them. So I've done it. (It was actually pretty easy.) It will be there in the next update.

Thanks for the feedback!

2019-06-09 18:09:41

hello Joquinta,

you said you were going to fix the issue with the portals and vortexes. I went through one again and it dropped me in "salt Water Depths" and there is nowhere I can go. Can you send me back and work a little more on making those vorteces not do that?

2019-06-12 02:27:38

forgot to tell you who I am.

I'm the partnership of federalist fighters.

And also, is Six Thieves still on the way?

2019-06-12 23:36:36

Hey.  Is it possible to connect all your other games to telnet?  Just curious but to me it's easier to use that way.

A signiture? Oh where?

2019-09-01 19:30:17

So, a long overdue update. I have been doing a lot of unproductive thrashing of late. My problem right now is that I keep changing direction.
I started Six Thieves, but no one seemed that enthusiastic. Then I found an open source version of Traveller, and started doing Star Trade. But I also worked out that I could do telnet interfaces, and that would be a good way to broaden participation. Star Lanes would benefit the most from that, since it is inherently multi-player. But it is on an old code base, so I started porting that. Then I got distracted trying to get my latest novel finished and out the door.
But, now, I'm kind of gravitating towards another idea. I've tried to port my location editor for Six Swords to an audio or simple-web interface. I really want to put content creation into the player's hands. Especially blind players. You guys are audio natives! But the voice recognition of the platform just isn't good enough for location dictation. But it just clicked with me that a telnet based editor would avoid the problems voice transcription.
I do kind of feel that I'm mostly going in circle and not really achieving much. So I'm giving you a long explanation here to solicit your input. What do you think?

2019-09-01 19:55:33

What about letting people write new locations and build them up that way, kinda like a mud?

2019-09-02 00:13:47

KenshiraTheTrinity wrote:

What about letting people write new locations and build them up that way, kinda like a mud?

Yes. That's how the location editor would work. Right now there is a fairly primitive system where you can use "land deeds" to make new areas, but with fixed titles and descriptions. The minimalist location editor I have works by letting you walk around in edit mode, digging new rooms and setting their title and descriptions. But there are plenty of ways it could be extended past that once working.

2019-09-02 03:09:00

FYI: I've done an update and "flattened" the shops. You can now buy things by walking to a cardinal direction. Too many people were having problems with the system recognizing the names of items. You can still sell things the same way.

2019-09-02 15:13:37

this game is still being updated? god damn i need to play this again, its been quite a while.

2019-09-02 15:22:26


My "Partnership of Federal Fighters" is still trapped in a deep saltwater environment after taking a vortex. Could you please help.

And I would love to play "six thieves"

but some sort of area building thing might be fun. Maybe if you want to make things extra special, you could have dungeon packs. This would be things like buying different sorts of special room types for a dungeon or creature types for a dungeon that could either be bought for gold or real money, or maybe a bit of both or having both options. For example, we could get an ice caves set of rooms and then our characters could build ice caves as custom dungeons.

but I like that idea.

I'd go back to playing six sowrds. But I'm stuck in "saltwater depths" right now and can't go anywhere. You might want to put in a failsafe as this is the second time this has happened and it happened after it had happened another time when there were supposed to be things to keep it from happening.

2019-09-03 05:14:52

I found the "Partnership of Federal Fighters" that appears to be you, but it doesn't looked trapped in the Saltwater Dimension. But I did find "One Kittens Academy" and "Sure Swords of Hunters" who were. Very annoying. It isn't supposed to do that anymore. I've reset those two. Try again and let me know if you are still stuck.


Looked a bit deeper. I think I found a soft coded place where that can happen. I'll roll out a fix for that right away. Very sorry for the inconvenience.

2019-09-03 13:07:55

Just got on and it says I am surrounded by saltwater depths, and I can go nowhere, so don't know where your thing says I am but my own says I'm in saltwater and I can't go anywhere.

2019-09-03 19:57:10

Hey bookrage. Finally worked it out. Same symptom, different problem. You weren't teleported to the saltwater dimension, you were teleported to the middle of the ocean on the same dimension. Doh. That explains why I *thought* I fixed, but it wasn't. I've moved you where you were and created issue #476 to fix it properly. Thanks for spotting this, and sorry for the time it took to correct. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

2019-09-04 13:50:41

NBD. I should be playing it again soon.

2019-09-05 04:32:59

A hat tip to Gamemaster for suggesting to connect "all my games" to telnet. It kind of clicked with me that they all use the same base level libraries. Instead of trying to wrap a telnet interface around each one, I could do it at a base level and do them all at once.
And so I have.
You can now telnet to api.111george.com port 65500 to connect to my games. The first time you should register an ID. After that you can log in with that. You can then list the games that are there, and pick one to play. (If you are already a player and want to connect up your telnet account to your Echo/Assistant account, drop me a line.)
I'm not sure how well they will work. I've tried Six Swords and 5 Draw Poker a bit and they seem to do OK. The matching is pretty brutal though. It is case insensitive, but that is as far as it goes. Right now you have to spell anything out fully. I'll work on that, but please post any particularly laborious phrases and I will put in custom short cuts. And please report any bugs. I'm sure there will be lots.

2019-09-20 04:23:35

The Six Swords Editor is open for use!
If you connect to telnet:api.111george.com:65500 you can create a log in, and then run Six Swords Editor. You can use this to create locations in Six Swords for people to experience.
If you created castles during the castle building competition, I can connect up your telnet account to your voice app account, and you can tweak and customize your castle. Just drop me a line with your telnet ID and the name of your adventuring party.
Let me know about bugs and how well it plays with your favorite telnet clients.

2019-10-04 04:51:27

The telnet server has been updated to run on port 5500. This was necessary for compatibility with MUDRammer.

2019-10-18 15:04:54

Head's up: Google is experiencing an outage with 6 Swords, as well as tens of thousands of other applications. They've given no real explanation why, but they say it could take a "few weeks" to resolve.

2019-10-18 15:32:23

just wondering is this outage affecting Amazon as well or just  google?

2019-10-21 13:40:06

Just Google. Some applications have come back already. I'm not sure where in the queue my apps are. They've been pretty opaque about it.

2019-10-29 19:03:02

The telnet stuff seem's to be down?

Hail, Daughter of Hatred. Creator of Sanctuary. Hail...Lilith.

2019-10-31 15:24:21

My apologies! I think the server must have rebooted or I didn't run my "kickstart" script. I've created an issue to tie its initialization to something more reliable. Sorry for the inconvenience.