2020-09-12 08:04:37 (edited by Ethin 2020-09-12 08:07:29)

@75, you raise a very valid point. My family (when describing it to me) claims that Trump is the 'lesser of two evils' because he's a 'known quantity' of sorts, whereas Biden is an 'unknown factor'. Under that logic, even though flawed, Trump is, indeed, a better option, if only because he is more predictable. However, as I said, that logic is seriously flawed and disregards the evil (for lack of a better word) that Trump has committed in his tenure. I'm honestly not sure if I'll vote, as I don't care for either candidate. It might also have something to do with the fact that I hold very little faith in the election process that we have here, as it seems like all we get are idiots who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, or power-hungry, corrupt people. If we had intelligent, incorruptible people, or people who clearly showed that they can handle the political arena and actually cared for this country, I might be more inclined to vote; but as it stands currently, I don't see that happening, if it ever does. Perhaps my view is cynical, if not dangerous, but I haven't seen much of anything in the way of it being an invalid viewpoint. I have seen very few people in any position of governmental authority at the federal level who actually give a damn about the future of the US, which is just... really, really sad. Perhaps there are more people and I'm just unaware of it, but if there are indeed more people than I know about, they're either paralyzed and unable to do anything (because whenever Trump really wants something done he abuses executive privilege) or something else is really, really wrong.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2020-09-12 08:35:23

Ethin, here's an analogy for you.

Imagine, for a moment, that you're standing in front of two cages. The cage on the left is more like a steel box than a cage, with a little slot in its front big enough to stick your hand through. The cage on the right is wide open for the whole wide world to see. You know that in each cage is a dog; every few seconds, someone walks up beside you and reaches into one cage, or the other, or both, in order to try and pet one of the dogs.
Lots of people have stuck their hand into the cage on the left, but nobody has been hurt yet. Occasionally you can hear scuffling sounds from inside, and it's hard to know exactly what's going on in there. The dog sounds big, but that's about all you know. A few people have gone away frightened, but unhurt.
But the cage on the right is a different story. That dog is barking, snarling, slavering and snapping. It bites, or attempts to bite, almost everyone who tries to touch it, and it's drawn plenty of blood. You've been here for awhile, and this dog has, if anything, only gotten louder, angrier, more aggressive. It has showed no signs of calming down. Despite seeing this, people continue to put their hand through the bars of that cage.

This perfectly encapsulates the "known quantity" argument where it concerns Trump. We know he's a rabid dog. If you know a dog will bite you, or try to, why in the blue fuck would you want to try and pet it?
The dog on the left is the unknown quantity. Sure, you might be the unlucky one it decides to bite, but given that there isn't the same amount of raw bloodshed present in your time before the cages, it stands to reason that this dog, while not completely trustworthy, is far more trustworthy than the dog on the right.
Translation: Biden is an unknown, but he doesn't have anywhere near the negativity Trump has. He isn't perfect, and he isn't a wonderful choice, but he destroys Mr. Orange in the area of morality and common decency. I am not flat convinced that he will do everything right, and that's okay. Because even if I was only 1% convinced that Biden would do well (and really, it's quite a bit higher than that), I'm 0% convinced that Trump will, which makes the choice an easy one.

If this was a race between two lukewarm candidates, I'd agree with you. By all means, don't vote, don't bother. If neither side is all that dangerous, then what's the harm in not stopping one side or the other? But my argument is that Trump is so threatening and dangerous and divisive that he needs to be stopped. As I've said before, and will undoubtedly say again, I would exercise any legal means were I an American to vote for Biden purely to add my voice to the groundswell against Trump. It's not about endorsing Biden; it's about removing blabbermouth Don from office by the most expedient means necessary. My hope is that even if you're less than impressed by either candidate, you'll be able to see where I'm coming from here, and will recognize Trump as a great enough evil that he needs to be stopped. I won't bully you about this, since your single vote won't turn any tides, and neither would mine. But I think I'd have a hard time sleeping if I simply stood back and let this lunacy continue when I could have done something, however small, to arrest its momentum.

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2020-09-12 08:55:46

@77, thank you for that analogy. And yes, I fully agree with you -- I'm not going to say that your wrong or anything like that, or defend trump, because I don't believe he's a good person to run this country at all -- I never have, and his actions to date have only proven my point. I'll figure out what to do -- hopefully soon.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-09-12 09:10:00

Oh yes,
The Healthcare point hits me home. I've seen foreigners traveling to my country for just getting medical treatment, simply because it's too expensive in their own country. It's known as medical tourism. I luckily have free quality healthcare for my entire life, and thankfully my parents too, but not my siblings, and yes, majority of us don't have free healthcare. Thankfully, some of the government hospitals will treat you at subsidised rates, but the quality is not that good, so even that could be a path to death. If you are one of the 1%, or 10%, then you will be  emptying your bank account really fast if you fall ill. And most of us don't even buy health insurance, so, guess what, many die from curable illnesses.
This reminds me of relative poverty and absolute poverty. Basically, even if a household is able to afford and fullfill it's basic needs and live comfortably, the policy measures fail to take in to consideration the effects of a calamity, medical emergency, sudden needs arising out of educational pursuits of children, and whatever unforeseen sudden financial strains. These events will push the household in to absolute poverty, and it will strugle to meet even it's basic needs. So, do we give them just enough to survive, or we make them comfortable and assure support to them in case of difficulties. The basic question is, is bringing people out of poverty enough, will they be able to maintain that level of income after some period, will they be able to cope with sudden unforeseen challenges, because if they don't all that work of bringing them of poverty goes to the dustbin.

2020-09-12 15:59:10

The thing is that in the middle of all of this polarization you have liberals, who no longer want to affiliate with the dems, and conservatives, who don't want to tag along with the repubs.  Both sides, however, have held onto either party for better or for worse for such a long time because both realize that the alternative is a voice that is silent, one that basically says nothing because both extremes are far too vocal in their battlefront.  How do you walk the balance when the two main leading partys draw further apart on everything that is everything as the days go by?  If you tip the scales one way, everything on the other end goes flying off, and that's just no way to live.
And then, you have the media.  Either you're watching CNN which is mostly favorable to the democrats, or you're watching Fox news, which is mostly favorable toward republicans.  Everyone else falls somewhere in between those two lines.  The agendas are there and what people want to do with money, ratings, airtime, advertising and any other resources available.  Meanwhile, the two huge juggernauts continue to run at each other, gathering speed and force along the way for the inevitable clash.  Yes it's coming; civil war as far as I'm concerned, is inevitable.  To what degree, I do not know, but I hardly doubt Trump will let go of the office even if Biden is declared winner, and that is bound to spark some sort of backlash.  ON the other hand, if Trump is declared winner, I doubt the dems will take it lying down.
the story repeats itself; those who fought the civil war of 1861 would have told you that slavery was the issue being contested.  The sad thing is that while the parties were split between Union and confederate, between north and south, both were guilty of slavery.  The difference was in how they did it.  the south, supposedly the more evil of the two, forced people of color to work out on the fields.  The north, meanwhile, forced slave labor in factories under harsh conditions.  In the end, minorities didn't really end up all that much better for it, and if you have any reason to believe they did, you're sadly mistaken.  That is what much of this is about.  As long as these two parties are given the power they've been allowed to experience for as long as they have, this cannot end well.  I think the first time I truly saw it in action was during the government shutdown of 2013, where it was clear that neither party truly wanted to give one way or the other.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-09-12 19:36:11

Nocturnis, the hell of it is that democrats are basically liberals at this point (i.e.., slightly to the left of center). Biden isn't a socialist, or even a democratic socialist. Now, if it was Trump vs. Sanders, I'd agree with you; that's what -I'd personally want, but baby steps, am I right? The point is, it's not actually one extreme against the other; that's just how it's being framed, and that's why I stand where I stand. This is also why I characterized the "dog" in the left-hand cage as largely unknown. I didn't say he was being super-friendly and licking people and wagging his tail; I put him in a box where it was hard to see what he was doing, because I do not believe that Trump and Biden represent polar opposites. I simply think Trump is on the far right, and Biden is slightly left of center. Trump wants people to think that if you vote blue, you're ushering in a dark age of dystopia. The inverse is true, however. If you re-elect Trump, you're supporting a dark age of further dictatorship, plus a doubling down on all the points I raised in a prior post.
So this isn't about picking your extreme candidate and running with it. It's about stopping one extreme candidate from re-entering office.
Also, legal precedent says that even if Trump is beaten and doesn't take it well, he can be removed - at gunpoint, if necessary - from the White House by mid-January at the latest.

I find it interesting that during Trump's presidency, there have been six living presidents (now five) still alive (Trump himself, Carter, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama), and the only one of them - literally, the only president - who thinks that Trump is doing a good job is Trump himself. Every other person on that list of presidents has been strongly critical of Donald Trump. This is absolutely unprecedented in America, and I daresay has never happened before. Well...maybe it happened for Nixon, but you folks remember what happened to Nixon, don't you?

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2020-09-12 23:24:13

Biden is not a socialist but his pick for vice certainly is.  To quote a character in the book it, "I worry, I worry a lot."

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2020-09-13 00:16:32

Nah, she's really not. She's more left than Biden, but not by much. Trust me; Harris is nowhere near as far left as someone like Bernie Sanders.
Harris has been historically tough on crime (drug offenses especially) but also huge on making the criminal system more consistent. She's made mistakes, but most of the ones I've seen from her aren't awful. Most of the social reforms she's suggested simply make pre-existing systems better and less biased in favour of whites.
Also? She's a freaking lawyer. Actually knows how to have a discussion (I've listened to her speak), and knows how to answer questions factually. When the VP debates happen, Pence is going to get wrecked.
I think this actually made an excellent choice as Biden's second, and I'm actually more comfy with Harris as the president over Biden anyway.

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2020-09-13 01:24:51

I'll just say that no matter who gets in I really fear for the future.  I can't help it.

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2020-09-13 01:52:59

And that's your right, but when the choice is Trump or Biden, fearing for both candidates is a lot like saying you're equally afraid of tidal waves and lawn sprinklers.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-13 05:05:07

biden, it's just a clown puppet from the democratic circus!

obama democracy almost destroyed america ...
and now with  the democracy of the puppet biden, would kill her forever ...
with democracy america dies at the feet of its communist and terrorist executioners and everyone else who hates america ...
with the republic and president Donald Trump america and the americans, europe and the world, we will all be united, strong, with an alliance of nations against the communist invasion and the terrorism of evil ...
I lived my childhood and my adult age as I still live today, always happy with the protection of America and I never felt oppressed or invaded.
I know that America is not perfect, but I prefer to be dominated 1000 times by its strength and power than any other nation ...
we still owe a lot to america and the americans who fight and died in the second world war to save us and free everyone from the evil nazi. ...
i love america and i just wish america  always be strong to remain the best police in the world.
long live Republicans and Donald Trump.
god bless america and americans.
america i love you.

2020-09-13 05:58:24

Hey, Mario? Just want to ask a question here. I won't bother demolishing what you just said in your last post because I think it speaks for itself, but, uh, how exactly did Obama nearly destroy America? Facts, please. Not opinions. Facts. Because to my way of seeing it - and in the opinions of a whole lot of Americans, I might add - Obama had one of the better tenures of a president in the last...well, in the last while, let's just put it loosely. George W. Bush got America neck-deep into the so-called "war on terror", and look how many people died; he was also pretty infamous for the whole waterboarding thing. Bill Clinton wasn't awful, but he kind of had that whole attempted impeachment thing to deal with after the intern. George H.W. Bush had some problems in the middle east as well. Obama, by contrast, didn't actually wreck anything, and his medical-insurance reforms made health care far more affordable for most Americans. No, he wasn't perfect, but that was a dude that I, even as a Canadian, could be proud of.
So that's my question. Factually speaking, how did Obama nearly destroy America?

Please remember that the moon isn't made of chocolate, and the ocean isn't full of grape juice. You can't just make sweeping statements and expect them to stand. Your opinion isn't valid just because you voiced it.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-13 06:25:12 (edited by ignatriay 2020-09-13 08:46:04)

Here is one point no one has brought up though. I'm neutral  in this whole trump versus biden debate, so I'll be going back and forth  from those against trump to those in favor.
For those against trump,
If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all?
I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.
That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,
Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.
Way I look at it to put it as a analogy. Switching to the side of those against trump with this,
You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?
Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place, at least if you claim he is this evil and unsuited for the presidency as you say he is.
Once again going to the other side of the coin, for those pro trump,
The people who are for trump have said the echonomy is better than it was before at least, or is improving at least. Is this true, and how was it better than say, when obama was president, or others before trump? Again, i'm asking this as i'm not living in the U.S.
Moving on though, we don't know who will win, so until then all this is shitslinging from one side to the other trying to prove that one side is right, and how the other one isn't, and in my opinion its just causing people to get riled up, and the truth is, you guys can all argue until all of you are blue in the face, but chances are your not going to change anyone's mind with this. That beeing said, in  the end, this is something the US citizens have to vote on, not us, the outsiders. Wether your for or against trump, if your not a citizen of the U.S, you cannot vote anyhow, this is beyond your control. As much as some of you might want trump to win or lose, its not your matter to decide, as much as you might wish it were. In the end, only the U.S people can decide here, what the outsiders, yes, including myself in this group as i'm not a U.S citizen, all we can do is speculate and give our point, but we cannot in anyway, vote or affect this in any way, so yeah. To put another analogy,
You have a friend who is going to have a baby and for x or y reason, she decides to abort it. While you might be against this, and you can try your damndest to convince her to keep the baby, or not abort it; that's all you can do; give your opinion, or your, say, in the matter. Whether said friend takes your advice and opinion into account and decides weather to abort or not; is, in the end, up to her, however hard you might try to dissuade her from aborting the baby. In the end, the final decition, will be her's, and her's alone.
All of that aside though, does every single topic has to turn into a cluster fuck? I mean, this topic was talking about police, and the case where they shot a 13 year old. And somehow, and typically; this ended up turning into, as I called it; shitslinging. I'm honestly wondering, what's next? If these days people take the slightest excuse to make everything about politics, what's next? When someone posts or talks about God, will people take this as an excuse to start slinging shit, on how I'm right, my religion is right, your wrong, this god is the only god, your worshiping a falce god, etc? I for one, am disgusted at this kind  of attitude and behavior, where people take the slightest excuse or opening in whatever topic it might be, to drag politics or whatever subject it might be,  into said topic, and for what? Are we really so selfish that politics, as an example, is worth more than life, in this case?   its sad and sickening, how a topic such as, how a 13 year old got shot because of a policeman, turned into this. This topic wasn't about politics to begin with, so why drag it in and provoke a verbal diarrhea  shitstorm? This was not the plce to drag politics, this was a topic meant to talk about a case about a child getting shot and give our opinions as to said case, but to see that, turned into, this? Shame.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
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2020-09-13 07:27:23

Ah reallyy? Well for me not, since he doesn't support any democratic attempt to ... ummm... survive? 3 or so months ago someone told me that a rapper was running for president. Kanye west isn't him?

73 Wj3u

2020-09-13 08:28:13

hi. 87
I don't discuss politics. I just give my opinion.
if you don't agree with her, it's your right ...
even if I discussed this debate with you, I couldn’t do it as I wanted to because I would have to expose names of people and countries, and that would make me feel bad about people other than Americans ...
and this is not anyone's desire for this wonderful site and community of friends.
but I can only give you a hint of what you ask me for:
remember the dangerous and tragic agreements that obama made with some countries that were and still are enemies and real threats to america and the american people.

obama gave these countries a lot of money from the american people in exchange for peace agreements that were never actually respected ...
with the money that america gave to these countries, it only served to economically develop large-scale weapons and nuclear propulsion, and today america is an easy target for those same weapons created with the money of the american people.

yes, because there was never any intention of these anti-american countries to become friends with the Americans or to live in peace with anything ... everything a great way just to deceive america and save time, money, and develop bombs and missiles to destroy America and threaten other cultures from nations in Europe and the world ...
he should never have done it ...
that's why I said that obama almost destroyed america.

today we have a giant that wants to swallow us all and everything that is against them ...
a real threat to america and the world ...
and guess who gave them their hand to help them invade the world?
right, your friend obama ...
and today Trump is fighting to free America and the world from the clutches of the monster because of Obama's political childishness.

President Trump in a very short time has given back the economy to America that they no longer had and is gradually making America great again.
just have to give him time, because he cannot do everything at the same time ...
and don't be sad, because your great concern for your health and that of the Americans will be returned to you free of charge when the economy gets even stronger President Trump will give you this great news.
I would have a lot more to tell you, but as I told you before, I can't do it because I don't want to hurt feelings.here on the audio games site.
and above all because I respect you.
but I hope that you will also respect me and whoever is not of your political opinion.
long live Donald Trum, and god bless america.

2020-09-13 09:38:43

Thank you @88. Thats exactly why I stopped posting. To further prove your point, netflix recently released a movie that almost everyone agrees went too far in trying to demonstrate child exploitation by exploiting children themselves, regardless of what those people call themselves. But the people defending the movie just had to drag politics into the argument saying that o its just the far right conservative that feel this way and that everyone should just watch it.  Sorry but if you are going to try to commercialize disgusting, abnormal behavior  I don't want anything to do with it, and it has nothing to do with weather I'm a republican or Democrat. In the Sammie way, what this cop rid was inexcusable, and it has nothing to do with weather I'm a republican or Democrat.

To the topic at hand we were always taught to let people make their own decission and not try to sway them one way or another, but that they should always make an informed decission, based on what information they can gather. The rite to vote is a privilege granted to all united states citizens, that some people around the world would kill for. Don't ever let someone else interfeer with, and decide how you should vote, as it is your rite, but by the same token, you have a responsibility to gather the facts and make an informed decision. For my part, I'm not going to say, who or why, because what I say may influence someone to cast a vote that brings everything to hell, and i just can't live with that responsibility. I will say, though, that this is an internal affair, and however you vote, and whoever you vote for, don't vote blindly.

Remember, this topic is about police shooting a kid, not about where you fall on the political spectrum.

2020-09-13 10:01:40

@88, trump won because of the electoral college and because Russians interfered with the voting process here (or so the story goes). Had that not happened, Hillary would be in office.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-09-13 12:44:29

Let me just conclude on the whole political issue by saying that if you are sincerely concerned by the state of things in our country, then register and vote, otherwise you're just being a back seat driver by attempting to sway people and have no real say in the matter. Additionally, remember, also, that you are voting on things concerning your own state, county and city, so as a resident of yoir area, your vote is important to the way things turn out there. I may not agree with everyone and everything that's been said here thus far, but I am 100 percent behind people exercising their rite to vote informatively, and responsibly, and i hold no judgment over you so long as your balid is cast with good intention. Remember that the United States of America belong to the people as we are not a dictatorship country, so vote with pride, and don't be ashamed one way or another if your hearts intentions are pure.

2020-09-13 12:56:14


at 90 lol, you're funny now. You state something, but when someone asks of facts, suddenly you hide behind the fact that you only give opinions and don't back them up with facts. So, don't ask to be taken serious here.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-09-13 13:34:57

I wish I could say the same. I wish I could say that I respect all opinions as long as they come from good intentions.
But at this point, I cannot understand anyone voting for Trump claiming good intentions. It's like setting said pitbull loose among a bunch of innocents after watching it bite people. Plausible deniability is just flat-out gone. Yes, I respect your right to choose, but I feel I have the right to condemn your choice if I believe it's wrong.

Also, that whole bit about Obama supposedly funding countries that are a threat to America? Even if he did this - which I'm actually not sure of - this isn't related to only Obama. America has been doing this for a long time now. Obama wasn't the first, and he won't be the last. This is a long-standing problem.

Also just learned, BTW, that Trump's administration is trying to cook the books on the coronavirus, trying to demand that the CDC soften some of its reports and obscure some of the data it has gathered because Trump is feeling personally attacked.

The only reason I brought this into a discussion of where people fall on the political spectrum is because, by and large, I feel that those making apologies for the cop's behaviour are often right of center, and that it indicates a larger systemic problem. That was my in-road at first.

And, after chewing on this, there's one other thing I want to say.

Ignatriay, you make the argument that if Trump was really that bad, no one would have let him become president. The fact is, that's just not true. Look at Richard Nixon as one other example of this. That man resigned before he could be impeached. We simply can't know just how fundamentally awful someone is going to be before we give them a chance. Trump was someone I knew would be a trainwreck, but nobody knew just how bad it would get. Also, Trump's campaign spent a lot of time playing up some questionable things Hillary Clinton said and did, in an attempt to discredit her to the average American voter. In light of that, people ignored all the awful stuff Trump had already done, and voted him in anyway because he said stuff that pandered to American pride, bigotry and self-importance. But now he's had four years to fuck up the country. There's no excuse anymore.
What I'm trying to say is that you can't claim he's not all that bad just because they gave him a chance to be president. That's not actually how reality works. Some people are given a chance and run with it. Others ruin everything they touch. Guess where Mr. Orange falls?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-13 19:06:11

I didn't like Trump in the 90's and I still don't like him.  I do feel he may have some psychological issues but I don't think he's really evil.  That's a word people toss around like it doesn't mean anything.  He's not a wild junkyard dog but perhaps a dog that hasn't been house trained yet.  However, I'd rather him then someone who doesn't even know where he is and who walks into walls.  I will pick the ass hole over the bumbling fool.  We don't have a choice, folks!

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2020-09-13 20:03:57

And Trump isn't a bumbling fool?

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2020-09-13 20:07:16

So, that's a problem too.
Go listen to Joe Biden's acceptance speech from less than a month ago. Guy sounds pretty coherent to me. Boring, sure, but coherent. He may be suffering some cognitive decline - who isn't by his age? - but let's not characterize him primarily as a fool who walks into walls. Unless, of course, you want me to characterize Trump as the guy who has lied over eighteen thousand times.
Oh, wait a sec.

My point is, you're trying to represent Biden by his worst characteristics, but you're not willing to do the same of Trump. You'd rather have this supposedly non-housetrained dog over a "bumbling fool". I dunno, this dog has had seventy-odd years to clean up his act, and four in office, and he's only getting worse. From a medical point of view, BTW, there's every indication that Trump may have been suffering from mini-strokes. Look at the way he drags his right leg and sometimes leans on the podium while speaking, and the way he doesn't use his right arm the way he used to. Combine that with increasingly slurred speech, increasingly paranoid and delusional rantings, and it sounds like Biden isn't the only one with issues. Let's not pretend he is.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-09-13 20:22:19

Everyone lies, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Everyone gets sick, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Everyone has issues, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. No one is perfect, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

2020-09-13 20:55:30

Are we looking past the part where the dems wanna put up Biden, which IMO is elder abuse. The guy makes no sense. Not as in, I don't like what he says, but more as, I don't understand what the hell he's talking about. That'll be my grandma in another couple years. Would it be right of me to put her out in a public facing thing? I don't see how he isn't declared unfit.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united