2019-11-11 08:37:28

Hi all,

I'm ready to get my fifth stadium key, however I don't remember where to go. I remember having to go through Springdale Turf where there's supposedly a house with a dude preventing me from going through, but I don't remember which path to take to get to that house, I've been searching for hours. Hopefully someone can help.

2019-11-11 08:46:52

No, it's not Springdale. Springdale leads to the plateau, and mamia and such.
You're looking for one of three places:
1. Water near the village you start in; go east-ish
2. Solfoa Peninsula; all that water. Alternatively, the cave near Vermacaw that has water in it
3. Kiarre Ocean. Someone was blocking an island before because it was experiencing a tsunami.

Speaking of which, this random person is blocking an island that has apparently experienced an earthquake/tsunami, and uh, not a single person in the area ever, ever mentions it again. That's convenient geology if I ever saw it.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-11 09:08:40

I haven't read the last 80 posts but in case it hasn't been mentioned yet, yes you can self trade in manamon 2. At least, you can open a second window. As far as having 2 of the same identity on the server I do not know how the server reacts to that. I kind of don't want to try in case it flags my email as piracy, but after all it is the same IP address. At this moment in time I do not need to self trade, so I do not want to test this

2019-11-11 09:22:16

Is it true that the main storyline ends after the forth stadium? What are we supposed to do after that then? Would it be considered post game from that point on?

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2019-11-11 09:55:56

I just got the game, I have been enjoying it. I hope the random gifts keep being a thing for sure, I am someone that would totally pay for new content, if it was something I thought would be great to have. I hope to see new features and things from time to time. I would love away to see how much of the game I have completed. Also someone mentioned hating the idea of autosave, I wouldn't mind it being a toggle type thing. I have been backing up my save file as needed, but away to save more than one slot would be great. Also someone mentioned not wanting to enter the menu to save, I totally agree. f4 or alt-s or something would be nice for a quick save.

2019-11-11 16:27:33

how did you make it possible to self trade? when I tried to join the room in the second instance of manamon, it tells me that the room does not exist. What do I need to do?


2019-11-11 17:00:33

Hi! I've finally tried out the game, and I'm thinking about buying it for Christmas. Just a question, if I need to update, I must uninstal the current version of the game and install the new from scratch, right? So witch files I must backup to not lose my progress? Thanks!

2019-11-11 17:18:19

@457 no you don't have to reinstall when registering. So your save file will still be there. If you want to back it up though, it should be in users username AppData Roaming vgstorm. Inside the Vgstorm folder there is a manamon 2 folder, the save file is in there.

2019-11-11 17:30:33

note that in order to access the ap data folder you need to show hidden items in the view tab in file explorer.


2019-11-11 17:33:52

I wouldn't mind paying for the passed gifts.  I wish that would have been done with manamon 1 as i missed most of those.

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!

2019-11-11 17:47:28

how do you self trade? I managed to cdlose the correct process handle to run more than one instance of Manamon 2. When I tried to join the room in the second instance, the server says that the room does not exist. What am I doing wrong?


2019-11-11 17:55:24

@phoenix1991: You repeatedly post the same thing, asking about self-trading. a few of us (myself included), have mentioned that self trading probably wouldn't work in Manamon 2 now because of the change in the online structure. If you're not going to even bother reading our responses to you (across multiple topics), is it really necessary to continue posting the same question over and over?


Spill chuck you spots!

2019-11-11 18:10:09

too bad we cannot use cheat engine in Manamon 2. I tried it, and when I changed the value, there was an explosion sound and I got kicked out of the game. I guess Aaron must have guessed that some of us were using Cheat Engine in the original manamon.


2019-11-11 18:14:14


2019-11-11 20:42:44

Hello, I have a concern in the progression of Manamon 2 ,, I reached the point
where Rina gave me his pocket helicopter, in continuation I amreturned to Oghma's house, but apart from a poem thing that changed to the
north room, I found nothing more and I did notdo not know where to go. If no the machine displays an empty screen, and then
I have to find another way to enter it. I almost try everything,but I have it really block. Would anyone be kind enough to help me, tell me
what to do or tell me where to go..Thank you in advance.

2019-11-11 20:55:24

Pay attention to what the poem says

2019-11-11 22:12:41

Wonder if someone can give me a hand here.
I just finished the second stadium and am in Shadow Canyon. I've gone through the great hall.
I know I'm supposed to find a mantion, but can't for the life of me figure out where it is.
Can someone give me an idea how to get to it?

2019-11-12 00:38:22

how make eternal studio f4 i write password and what next i have other password where i can write it?

2019-11-12 00:41:31

That is the mansion. It's the castle-like structure you were just exploring.

  Also bahahahahaha, the cheat engine checks on the game is hilarious. Boom!  Honestly I would of gon ewith the approach of the game quickly forcing one into an endless battle with an infinite hp opponent immune to everything.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-11-12 00:45:35

I actually wish Aaron had been a bit more sly about it and made the game produce some bogus error message accompanied by an error code, copies that to the clipboard, then exits.


Spill chuck you spots!

2019-11-12 06:16:14

I was quite a fan of the manamon 1 when it came out, and 2 has done nothing but improve upon it.
Haven't had proper internet access for the past few days, so have been playing manamon 2 almost constently lol

I agree with the quick item and not having to press enter each time we want to use something, we set it, so we ought to already know what we are using when pressing the button, after all. but just in case that's a problem, maybe a toggle would be nice, and I don't think it'd clutter up the options menu much.
Another feature suggestion that I have seen and like is the battle music randomization
I was about to suggest it myself, but blindninja beat me to it.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2019-11-12 06:22:59 (edited by Chris 2019-11-12 07:11:05)

Aaron, please add a way for the game to detect when the connection in multiplayer mode drops and gracefully inform the user and disconnect. I was playing with a friend of mine and when his internet connection went out, the program totally locked up.


Here are some more cool ideas for multiplayer. The public server list would be awesome, especially if you want to challenge random people. We should also be able to spectate battles. The way this could work is that you get the option to spectate when you join a room that's already full. The program would send the battle messages to the spectators. Playing in teams would also be cooll as well. Maybe multiple teams of two would work?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2019-11-12 12:39:17

Thank you for answering my question @ 465 the problem is that I recorded and I
no longer have access to what the poem says.

2019-11-12 14:50:23

@472 great suggestions for online mode. I would love to be able to watch battles, or to have a tag team match. Also yes there should be a list for public rooms, hopefully these suggestions make it into the game.

2019-11-12 15:32:36

I support the suggestion for the tag team matches. spectator mode.
I also support the idea for autosaving on a  toggle.
I have a few alternative suggestions to go along with this.
Firstly, I'd like to see an online party viewer. so when I am looking at manamon to transfer over, I am not locked into that and at the moment I can not click and see the statuses, etc.
secondly, I would like to have one more thing added onto the online mode.
I'd like the ability to get quick items that during battling can do damage. for example, giving a manamon an item, which can be a gift would randomly double its damage. things like that.