2021-08-22 17:56:14

Pragma doesn’t care about us or any of our suggestions. Only a handfull of close friends can get his attention.
Re welding: I am not good with music or pitch. I’m surprised I got 9 once. I’m just done with that game. I’m using cheat engine.

2021-08-22 17:59:21

Sadly I have to agree with you. I've interacted with him a couple times on skype, but typically he doesn't respond when I ask him questions or offer suggestions. I mean, not much we can really do about that. It's a free game, and he is doing it because he feels like it, so yeah. I got 13 on the welding game by using cheat engine. I slowed the game down to 9 from the original 27, and I got it, but it was still a total pain. I have no hope of finishing that stupid world.

2021-08-22 20:04:44

I haven't played this in more than a year and thought I'd jump back into it, but the latest version won't run. When I try to run it, Windows says the executable can't be found, and afterwards it's deleted from the folder. Have any of you had the same problem?

2021-08-22 20:08:28

just wait for crazy fireworks. You'll need a large amount of coins to get good rng. When I first beat the world, I lost several times to that game, and I got down to 7 coins. You can imagine how annoyed I was. If I hadn't of made it that time, my whole run would have ended there. Some of the new games can be improved with skill, others require good rng, and others are very confusing until you understand how to do it, then it is a cakewalk. And then there are the ones that you will always hate on a personal level. To those, I can only say good luck.

2021-08-22 20:20:24

You do not need good rng for the fireworks one.

2021-08-22 22:00:32 (edited by RemusLupin 2021-08-22 22:09:44)

Oh my god, this give me change messed up my brain, i'm very confused in that game
Mind you, i'm not too bad in maths, but, damn this thing really messed up my head lol, i still can't get what the hell or how the hell i can play it.
For example i will write here an example, can ya help me please?
Here it goes:
1 gold coins = 10 silver coins = 150 copper coins
The customer has to pay 16 gold coins and 8 silver coins and he gives you 17 gold coins. Give him back the change.

Yours kindly

2021-08-22 22:42:27

I think you'd give back 2 silver coins.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2021-08-22 22:50:46

if the new mini game world is accessible from the railroad management game what all do you have to do while playing it? does it get unlocked if you take a certain track?

joseph weakland, the crazy party fan:P

2021-08-22 23:13:53

@Lucas1 no it doesn't, but if you naturally suck at it like me, it's the only way lol.
@josephweakland what they mean by that is after you complete the railroad game, the path has been extended for more games, and after those new games is the end square.

2021-08-22 23:20:49

Well, certainly, for me, most hated minigames world in cp history big_smile

Yours kindly

2021-08-22 23:42:44

I wonder if using the cash from the moneybox might be a good idea for unlocking games that are overly frustrating. If I could have done that, I would have used it on "Bonuses and Bulls". Took me damn near forever to unlock that one, oh, and also on the math related games. It would have to be expensive of course, or you could just go through an easy world and unlock everything, but that would make a nice use for all those coins.

My games: https://stormgames.wolfe.casa
Support my work on Ko-fi

2021-08-22 23:55:22

I'm not sure why would you even want to unlock games in which you aren't good just for the sake of it, and especially do it by doing nothing. By hosting an online party, you're hosting amongst  your unlock games, so you should at least be decent in all of them as you have unlocked them yourself.
By getting games at which you suck, you're just going to be getting negative scores, making that a little pointless.

2021-08-23 01:38:00

I have always wondered what the cashbox is for. I mean, I have over a billion coins in there, and for what. Yeah, the change game confuses me as does the mirrors game. I thought Bomb the robots was the worst game ever, but sadly I was proven wrong.

2021-08-23 01:42:49 (edited by Lucas1 2021-08-23 01:43:04)

@2688 cheater heh.
@2684: Yes, I suppose if you suck at the game better rng would help with that. That's the case for every single CP game though. Just make an addon to do it automatically for you (LOL)

2021-08-23 03:04:46

Ugh, I just saw Give the Change and I can't. If someone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it!

RemusLupin wrote:

1 gold coins = 10 silver coins = 150 copper coins
The customer has to pay 16 gold coins and 8 silver coins and he gives you 17 gold coins. Give him back the change.

So in this case, I'd try to do the following...
First count what the customer has to pay:
150*16 gold = 2400 copper
2400+10*8 silver = 2480 copper
Add the remaining copper to that. In this case we don't have any though.
Then we count what the customer actually gives:
150*17 gold = 2550 copper
Then we work out the change:
2550-2480 = 70 copper
Then real overload kicks in, how do I work out what 70 copper is? Is it 70/10 = 7 silver, or is it 70/15 = 4 silver 10 copper? My brain gets all tied up trying to repiece together the gold = silver = copper system. Lol.

The only time I had any success was when I got this: 1 gold coins = 10 silver coins = 100 copper coins. Then everything was 10-based and was easier to work through. I actually got 20 points that time, so I did unlock it. For better or for worse.

In any case though, my brain is fried. Both by having to multiply these huge numbers in my head, and also with the insane number juggling I'm attempting. And I stress the word attempt, because it never goes well. Maybe I'm daft, but I see no other way.

If it was pennnies, dimes, knickles and quarters, I'd have no problem with this because I can visualize the coins and attach them to their cent values. That stuff is hard coded in my brain though. And of course, the pressure of a time limit isn't messing with me either!

But yeah, can someone  let me know if there's an easier way to work this out or point out where I may be going wrong? I'm generally good at mental math (I've gotten over 50 in addition/multiplication games sometimes), so it's kind of stinging a little that I'm at this much of a loss trying to puzzle this out. To be fair though, anything more complicated than 2-number problems wasn't really my strongpoint, but I liked to think I was decent anyway. If the number juggling I went through above was actually the way to do it, then I'm genuinely intrigued over how anyone can play this, especially when you consider that you only have 60 seconds to complete the puzzles. If you want to get a positive score, you have to complete 3 of them, if you want to unlock it you have to complete 4 of them, and if you want to fully pass, you have to complete 5. So potentially, you have to work out one of these puzzles in under 12 seconds!

Make more of less, that way you won't make less of more!
If you like what you're reading, please give a thumbs-up.

2021-08-23 03:41:12

For the change game, it's... practice. I don't know how to explain it, but if you get at least the amount of the silver coins right, than you can just spam the copper coins until you get the right one.

2021-08-23 04:07:17

LOL right, the problem is getting the amounts right. I funally unlocked the elevator operator game, but I had to use cheat engine, so it doesn't really count. There is just too much going on in that game with no time to do it. Slowing the speed was the only way I managed to get 20.

2021-08-23 04:52:11

@Lucas1 it's been on my list. I did do axe throwing and acrobatic base jump already. Give the change and crayzy fireworks are my next 2 targets.

2021-08-23 06:06:47

Where is this base jump thing? I hope it isn't like that stupid jumping penguins game. I still haven't unlocked that.

2021-08-23 06:31:34

it's towards the end of the light world, passed mirrors for solar cells on the northern path. The base jump is one of my favorite games from the light world.

2021-08-23 09:32:17

I played about 12 rounds of crazy fireworks, getting 20 almost every time. So I know how to play it, but converting that into computer logic is not fun.

2021-08-23 11:35:35

Regarding the change game, the trick is to not overcomplicate it. You just need to subtract the amount owed from the amount given you and you can do it one coin type at a time. For example using the example above:

1 gold coins = 10 silver coins = 150 copper coins
The customer has to pay 16 gold coins and 8 silver coins and he gives you 17 gold coins. Give him back the change.

First you know that the customer gave you 17 gold coins. However the customer paid you some silver as well, so you don't need to give any gold back (since they essentially owe you 16.8 gold coins and paying even 1 gold coin would mean you gave back too much). Now silver is the only type left since there's no copper involved. Since 1 gold coin is worth 10 silver coins you can just do 10-8 = 2 silver coins. So all you have to give back is 2 silver.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2021-08-23 12:29:53

Regarding the change game,
if the difference only 1 gold, like in the example above, you only need to adjust the silver, then spam the up arrow on copper.
but not that you don't only subtract silver because there is copper involved.
so if the customer has to pay 8 silver and some copper, you would give back only one silver, then spam the copper up. assuming that each gold worth ten silver.
good luck.

"Stay hungry, stay foolish."

2021-08-23 15:54:40

I sitll hate the change game, but I see the math behind it, but no, not for me. I finally beat the light world. I kinda did the long way with crazy fireworks. I just set c off first, waited for it to fire, then hit r, waited, etc. I got 20 on my fifth run once I figured out I could do that. Then, I did the unlock mini games and beat the acrobat base game and a couple others. Incidentally, I like that base game too. It's just a matter of memorizing the movements and hitting your arrows fast, which we've done in other games to a certain extent, AKA the shutoff valves game.

2021-08-23 17:13:03

any hints for the mirrors for solar cells game?