2012-07-14 01:29:39 (edited by hadi.gsf 2012-07-14 01:31:09)

thats awesome the exact thing which i was looking for.

also, i'm renting a perfect server. the spects are, 4 gb ram, duel core 2.5 ghz CPU, (not sure still about the megahurtz, should ask again), 2 terabites hard.
i think i'm getting it within one week. after that, i'm going to run a perminant trtr server on it. the server is quite secure.
i will let u guys know when it's up and running.

edit: can i install your trtr server application on linux or windows server 2003?

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2012-07-14 01:29:51


I've set up a temporary server at ghorthalon.no-ip.org, the port is 6789. At least it should work...
If you know anyone who's stuck, tell them to try that. I hope it won't make any problems... I need to make a twitter account just for my games. big_smile

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-07-14 02:02:57

your temp server does not appear to be working ,strange

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
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2012-07-14 02:06:39

also ghorthalon in case that you don't mis that, can your server app  get run on windows server 2003 or linux?

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2012-07-14 02:22:06

I have a suggestion.  Will it ever be possible to have servers where you could just host your own games, and choose game type?  This would be a lot easier with a central server but not sure if it would be possible to do with temporary servers.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2012-07-14 02:23:22

Oh my god! Its finally here!

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Mark Twain

2012-07-14 02:50:59

Yes, you will be able to host your own server, once I've fixed this one bug. tongue

You will also be able to make your own maps, once I've worked out this one bug. In the map maker. big_smile

My server can, as of now, only be run on Windows. I will, however, compile a linux version soon enough... Once I figure this thing out. LOL

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-07-14 02:57:06


Did the port of the server change? I saw someone talking about that on the chat but I didnt get the new one.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with stranger aeons, even Death may die.

2012-07-14 03:00:58 (edited by themadviolinist 2012-07-14 03:05:16)

Are you planning on implementing mouse support for movement?  I'm not sure I ever want to go back to keyboard movement now that I've played Swamp.  Going to download and check this out for sure.  Incidentally, absolutely loving my 1.85MBPS d/l speed and three-minute download.

2012-07-14 03:04:40


The port didn't change. smile

Mouse support is already in, as well as joystick. I know I forgot to mention that, but you can play with your mouse and joystick.
Mouse buttons are left for shoot, right for reload.
And joystick is button 1 to shoot, button 2 to reload.

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-07-14 03:05:25 (edited by hadi.gsf 2012-07-14 03:05:56)

yeah it doesn't work

also nice ghorthalon this game is awesome. high quality sounds!!! wow!!! thats so cool. thanks~

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2012-07-14 03:06:16

Cool, but what about for turning instead of the keys?

2012-07-14 03:10:28

also, some sort of radar would be nice possibly like swamp or something similar to help move without getting stuck and to learn the layout a bit better. also it would be nice if you could make a key mapper as some of the keys are a bit weird right now and if you did a joystick mapper it would make playing the game a lot more fun with a joystick. also it would be nice to have more sound for the other players as its hard to tell where they are until there killing you lol. nie work so far though

don't look back, cause you'll loose the road ahead.

2012-07-14 03:20:17


themadviolinist ... Sorry, but ... Wouldn't that, be, like, the first thing you would do when adding mouse support? Of course you are able to turn with it ... Otherwise I wouldn't call it mouse support. big_smile You can't walk with it though. And, you can use the scroll wheel to change weapons, too!
@hadi.gsf ... What doesn't work?
@austen players do have radar beeps, but as I said in the release notes, they don't work if you're standing east of another player ... I'm still trying to figure out exactly why.

Sorry if the server is lagging a lot. It's software lag, not network lag, and I'm trying to figure out why exactly this is happening.

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-07-14 03:34:13

Question. Is thee a way to tell how many people are on the server? No command for that yet?

Discord: clemchowder633

2012-07-14 03:40:27

Ok, have tried to play it and I am rather confused by the sounds.  It would be good to include some way to play the sounds for identification before the game.  I ended up bouncing around the walls in the Housemap off-line mode and almost randomly shooting at objects that made sound.  I seemed to be killing them off, but had no idea how to interpret what I was hearing.

2012-07-14 03:43:40 (edited by TalonTheDragon 2012-07-14 03:44:29)


@assault_freak: No, but the limit is 15. And yes, it was 8 before and I had to increase it. big_smile So it's around 14 now, I think.
But this stupid software lag is making it impossible... I'll try to figure out why it's doing that.

@themadviolinist: Did you listen to that demo I posted a while ago? I was playing that same map with a friend, maybe that would help you a bit? smile
Oh, and by the way, sorry about that post earlier... I really didn't want it to come out offensive ... I'm slowly becoming tired and stop thinking... sad I'm sorry. I definitely didn't mean it like that.

Thank you all for your comments! They're much, much appreciated! smile
I'll try to fix this server lag as quickly as I can.

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-07-14 04:06:39

Ghorthalon, I'm going to take a guess on what your day has been like today, Haha!  I'm curious to find out how accurate this ends up being.  While uploading your game, you were on the edge of your seat freaking out as you worried that something was being forgotten.  You were still feeling the same worry, with a mix of excitement, as you typed up your forum post.  After hitting the submit button you felt an odd sense of relief if only because it was too late to turn back now, so the decision to abort was lifted from your shoulders.

After the post you anxiously waited for something to happen.  You wonder if people have seen your post yet, you wonder if people have had any trouble downloading, and you worry that the game simply crashed for everyone and that's why nothing has happened yet.  The first message that someone has connected to your game server was probably a huge relief!  It works!  big_smile

Dozens of skype, email, and forum posts later, you've got a good number of people connecting to the server.  One or more bugs have been reported and are being mentioned by more and more people.  This winds up as a pit feeling in your stomach because you either know what mistake you made and can't do much to stop it now that everyone has the bugged code, or you can't yet figure out the problem and with everyone playing it is much more confusing to debug the code.  You wind up with bugs that you can't recreate without a bunch of people playing, and at the same time you can't debug things without it messing up everyone who is trying to play.  This forces you to sit by helpless, watching more and more people report the same bug.

I've basically described how some of my game/patch release days have gone, so there's a good chance some of this applies to you as well sir.  If this does end up seeming oddly familiar, take comfort from the fact that the same happened to other developers and that it does get better!  The overwhelming issues do eventually calm down, and you get time to breath again.  big_smile

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2012-07-14 04:07:17

HI I have been waiting forthis game ever sence ihave herd the demo of it. but  yes I have a question for servers and stuff. would it be possible if you have compiled the linux app for the server hosting to host on an exturnal server rather than on your computer? for example, I have a linode and witch I would like to host the game server on but I  was wundering if it would ever be possible to run the server on my server that way or would I have to run it from my computer and host from it as well? thanks.

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2012-07-14 04:11:39

my opinion about the game so far.

Nice job, Ghorthalon, you rock man!!!!

I could get all the weapons, and I was already moving around the map with confidence, killing everybody and so on hahahahah. Then the server went down, and now I am here talking about my experience.

The player bip seems not to be working. Sometimes I think there is a player behind a wall, and the  radar says that you can shoot. And you shoot, and anything happens. I also think that sometimes you  kill someone, and the radar still bips for that person.

I always lost the doors, entrances and so on. The n key, to find beacons, never told me anything about the map. It would be nice to have a feature to find yourself better in the room, or something like that....

But the game is totally cool. Once people get used to the map, wars against teams are going to be awesome.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with stranger aeons, even Death may die.

2012-07-14 04:19:18

hi dragon. i want  tell you about  the joystick.
I tested the joystick, and is not working well.
let's see if i  can explain what is happening.
when you pull the stick up or down, the character moves but not stop  walk even if you let go the stick.
this happens in the movement up and down.
Now if you use the stick to the right and left, the character does not move, but what happens is that these movements left and right, works like the Aiming mouse.
instead of the character move left and right with the stick, it works like the Aiming mouse.
buttons to load and fire the weapons, work.
on my joystick, I have two sticks but only one works.
and what works, what happens I explained above.
I know that for now there's not possable  some of the commands to the game to joystick buttons, but in future I hope to add settings to the game joystick.
well, dragon hope you have understood what is happening with the joystick.
Friend also thinkabout   the joystick in the game because a lot of people waiting to play with him.
this game with the joystick to function well, it would be phenomenal.

2012-07-14 04:22:52 (edited by TalonTheDragon 2012-07-14 04:24:26)

@Aprone ... You're not secretly watching me, are you? Hahaha!

What you've said is almost 100% exactly what happened!
Let's call it about 93 % accurate. I didn't get that many complaints about the actual game, quite shockingly. big_smile

The server seems to have some software lag. I have no idea where it's coming from, but once I make that disappear once and for all, I think I'm good for a little.

I do get bug reports. And that's why your post is 93 % accurate. I did have exactly those feelings, actually!

I wasn't going to release it today, but a friend of mine and I ended up playing for 235 minutes straight without running into issues. That's where he said I should release it, so I just quickly threw everything together and shoved it out the door. I thought it would end much, much worse!

Except a few things, the game seems to be running quite stable~
I didn't hear anything for a few seconds, so just now I thought the game broke. LOL! It didn't. Just nothing happened. Over all, I'm quite happy I did what I did... But that may change. Maybe people are just being nice... Hahaha!

I've been sitting here, just watching the server output for the last, oh, good 20 minutes. It's just so awesome seeing it actually work!

@lucasradaelli I'm quite certain you didn't find out the deal about uncle susi yet though, am I right? big_smile


Oh god... I totally forgot about that bug. It doesn't continue walking, the step sounds just won't stop playing. big_smile
So, you are walking on the spot, so to say. You're not actually going anywhere.
The joystick is pretty incomplete anyways... Try not to use it. big_smile

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-07-14 04:23:06

One last question... how does one choose speech support? The game doesn't say anything when I first start it, so 'm assuming it doesn't assume Sapi as the default... because my window-eyes isn't catching anything.

Discord: clemchowder633

2012-07-14 04:25:32

the freez health is too anoying you know.
some of them wouldn't die at all!
including myself

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2012-07-14 04:32:58

@assault_freak: It only uses SAPI for now, sorry about that. I'll add multiple speech systems in a later version.

I'm sorry... I'll fix that thing once Andre's Server is running again. I don't want to throw all of you off. LOL!

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.