2023-11-28 11:16:46

Can someone please buy for me the Showdown in the badlands expansion tavern pass in Hearthstone? I really want to get the rewards it offers but I can't buy it myself for some reasons.
So to start I am not under age but I don't have a credit card to pay via Paypal. It's hard or almost impossible to get credit cards in my country because most people here still shop offline in stores and online shopping is not that common.
I have an account on paypal but it doesn't let me pay without a credit card, which I don't have so I can't do that.
So if anyone is willing to get the showdown in the badlands tavern pass for me, I'll be grateful. My battle tag is:

Hi. Feel free to message if you like. I play Hearthstone mainly on Americas region but I can also play on EU. Here's my Battle tag: Kaito#23565
Discord: orochi27
My Telegram
My Facebook

2023-12-12 06:45:08

Hey guys. I am sorry for posting this here. Can someone help me to get 1 coppy of manamon2? I ask this because i am not able to afford it. And The price is verry high here.

2023-12-12 17:10:22

Hello, could someone please purchase the game Scramble for me? I was going to buy it myself, but I'm having issues with PayPal not accepting my card and not allowing me to complete the payment.

2023-12-13 09:58:30

Hello all!

Can someone purchase the mortal kombat 1 for me? If possible* Thanks.

Everything about people can change, including their appearance, but the character inside a person never changes.


2023-12-22 19:33:02

for those having issues with paypal and cards, it should be possible to directly link your bank if you have an online banking system tied to your bank account. That's how I make most of my purchases in paypal and only use the card in there as backup.

2023-12-24 17:19:38

I know this is a crazy request, and I am 99.99% sure no one would respond to it, but, hey, sometimes you have to test your luck.
Would someone buy me the base game of Forza Motorsport? You might have to buy it at full price, though, despite the sale that is going on due to the region thingy. If not, may I have Hell Hunter 2 instead?

2023-12-26 19:09:19

Dear JasonBlaze, please reply to my email.
I already sent you a message a few hours ago.
Regarding your question that you asked here.
I will be waiting for your reply.

The faceless ghost wishes you a good mood and good luck in all your endeavors!

2023-12-26 19:13:19

replied smile

2024-01-01 13:16:58

Hello everyone! Could someone kindly gift me Mortal Kombat 1 or Forza Motorsport on Steam (if possible)? My Xbox Game Pass trial is about to end, and I won't be able to play Forza Motorsport anymore. However, I still want to play Mortal Kombat. I would appreciate it if someone could gift it to me.

Everything about people can change, including their appearance, but the character inside a person never changes.


2024-01-01 14:59:20

Hi guys good morning.  Could anyone help me get the Brok the Investigator game on Steam?  I watched gameplays of the game and it is a very wonderful and fun game because it combines point and click and beat en ups mechanics. .  https://steamcommunity.com/id/zargonbr/

once upon a time, a beautiful little girl who wore a beautiful red hood.  while she was passing through a forest, she was killed by Captain America.  The end...

2024-01-03 15:38:40

Would anyone here be willing to buy me about 1000 or 1500 runestones in hearthstone? I have my eye on 2 bundles in the hs shop, and I don't know for how long will they stick around. I would buy it myself, but mom disagreed lol. Because cash is low here at the moment
I would really appreciate if anyone would be willing to help me

if you buy a king sized bed, you're left with more bed room, but less bedroom!

2024-01-05 08:01:43

I just realized you can't gift runestones, so if anyone'd still like to help me with my hs bundle, here's the one I'd like to buy. 20 Pack Welcome Bundle (Rank 1 of 2) 1 of 22. And if possible this. Badlands Catch-Up Starter Bundle 1 of 10

if you buy a king sized bed, you're left with more bed room, but less bedroom!

2024-01-11 06:36:22 (edited by Zelzel1407 2024-01-15 05:24:25)

I've been playing Survive The Wild for a while now and amongst all games I have tried with crafting, this one made me love the crafting portion of a game entirely. However, there are craftable stuff that requires resources with the quantity more than a free account could have. Therefore, I am unable to craft them.
The price in our currency of a 1500 STW credits is quite high for me as I am still a student at current and a single dollar is 55 times our local currency thus, if someone would be kind enough to help me purchase to have a paid account to play and craft more things in the game further.
You may contact me through the private message here in the forum as well as through my email which is [email protected] for any responses.
Thanks in advance to those who will take time to read this and help.

Without the past, you will never be who you are today.

2024-01-19 18:43:07 (edited by Shehryar 2024-01-19 18:45:17)

fucking hell dude. You made like at least 3 posts here that I saw. IDK if you deleted them or what but I could sawir I saw at least 3 different posts from you asking someone to buy you games. If you didn't get a reply it means no one can help you! Quit it!

if you buy a king sized bed, you're left with more bed room, but less bedroom!

2024-01-19 18:58:06

Hello! Could someone buy the game Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition for me please? I am currently out of money and would really like to be able to play this game after watching some gameplay videos on YouTube.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/5779 … _Instinct/

2024-01-29 22:37:14

@488 although having a payed account does make the process a little easier and people can give you supplies much faster, a payed account does not prevent you from crafting any items in the game. You can only have 100 of an item, but that applies to each step in the process. So if you are building something that requires 300 wood, and you have to make 300 carved wood, then you can use the first 100 wood to get 100 carved wood, then pick up 100 more wood. Then you turn the 100 carved wood into something else, so that you can use the second batch of wood to make more carved wood. So each step of the process that you complete, you can refill the previous items.
Personally I prefer playing with a free account and would rather purchase an air necklace, but I understand it is a personal preference. I just wanted to clarify that a free account does not lock any crafting items. Nevertheless, i hope you are able to get that payed account if that is what you desire.

2024-03-04 19:00:06

How come this topic isn't sticky anymore?

I always tell myself I'm going to stop procrastinating. I was going to, but I never got around to it.
Always approach life with an excellent attitude!
If you like my post, thumb me up!

2024-03-06 21:30:33

I'm not exactly asking for a game purchase, but this might sound like one.
Earlier today, I communicated with the developer of Strange Road through Discord and sent him the code from the game. The trouble is, I can't tell if Zoom actually sent him money or not. Though I have the money itself as well as all the needed information, I don't know how to make Zoom send him $10.00. I got an e-mail from Zoom saying that my tranzaction was successful, then another one saying that they're giving me a refund. Why would they refund me if I successfully sent him $10.00? And now, my copy of the game is activated. What I'm asking is, can I only send him $10.00 through Zoom or is there an easier way to do it?

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2024-03-08 11:38:34

hello, if this thing is still possible, can someone please buy me upheavel for me? i tried steam but it was inaccessible. also, i cannot pay with my card using paypal. i know i can make another card but... it is taking so long. so, if someone can buy me this, please do me a favor for me.

hi. i am a dark matter miner. yeah, i am setting mines that when something steps on it, it will explode and release huge amount of dark matters. oh sorry... i am a slave miner, i am mining dark matters...

2024-03-08 12:53:10 (edited by hellblade09 2024-04-09 15:51:12)

could someone please buy stories of blossom and Lucky Mayor for me?

discord: hellblade09

2024-04-08 23:27:14

post 475 itch version please

2024-04-14 08:19:48

Can somebody please get me empires order on iOS?

2024-05-17 05:01:09

Hello everyone!
I recently watched a YouTube broadcast from a YouTuber I follow playing Letal Company, and I thought it was so fun...
So, I started exploring: I went to Steam to see how much the game is costing. Then, I came here to this forum and tried to find the topic about Letal Access, and I found it. I looked at what the shortcuts are like, in the end, I really explored them.
So I wanted to know... Could someone buy Letal Company for me please? I'm really in a complicated situation at home, and at the same time saving money for a trip I plan to take soon, which makes it impossible for me to buy anything.
Plus I'll probably have to save more money since my computer's motherboard burned out... So I'm having to use a notebook that I normally use at school.
The problem is that this notebook is not that good for some games, so I'm a little unsure if Letal Company will work here, so I would also like to know if anyone could buy Warsim? I would like to have at least one of the two games. Warsim I'm more sure it would work here, but I really wanted to try to make Lethal Company work...
Anyway, thank you for reading this far, and if anyone is going to buy one of these games for me, I would really appreciate it, and please send me a private message, it will be easier for me to know if someone has responded since I look at my emails every day.
Thank you, sorry for such a long message, and have a good day!

The best tabaxi in the medieval world!