2011-11-20 03:59:56 (edited by jack 2012-10-06 14:45:23)

Hi all,
For those of you interested, I've put up the setup for the old troop1.1. If you have a license for 1.6 you won't need to enter your code again. Here you are.
best regards,

2011-11-20 04:13:49

Hi again,
In this thread I'm also going to be uploading older stuff like old demos and betas, abandonware games that are nearly impossible to find etc. this time, I have the old demo of ESP pinball. This one includes the packMan and soccer star tables.
Again, I'll won't delete it at all.
best regards,

2011-11-20 07:58:13

Is there some reason we would want that BETA, when we already have access to those tables in ESP Pinball Classic now?

Best Regards,

2011-11-20 08:13:23

I have 403 error. Can you fix it? Or should I do something?

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2011-11-20 08:32:02

Dropbox 403...

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2011-11-20 12:15:37

well yeah, that's not how you can share files in dropbox. Sounds like he went to the website on a private or shared folder and copied the address of the download link from the site.

Actually, does anyone have those windows audio component things the old bsc stuff hneeds? Justin updated the ones on blindsoftware.com to use the new encripted sound scheme, so those don't need it, but I really wanna play the original pipe complete with the gameshow atmosphere and everything, and I need the old windows audio component installer for it to work and I can't find it.

2011-11-20 13:40:30

I think what you need to run the older versions of Tropanum and Classic Pipe is this:

How am I supposed to download the files in earlier posts of this topic when I get only 403 ("Forbidden") error messages?

2011-11-20 13:45:56


What I think he tried to do is copy the download links which belong to his account only for someone else to download, in this case us.
The thing is that this won't work. And this is why I suggest using the DropBox desktop application. Right Click, Dropbox Dropdown, copy public link. And for this, the file needs to be in the Public folder.

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2011-11-20 16:27:12

Hi there,
I searched on the wayback machine and found a patch for the savage gamut redemption. Some of you may notice this, but there was a bug that caused the clock to screw up when loading a saved game. This patch should fix it.
best regards,

2011-11-20 16:33:10

I'm hosting chopper challenge at:
best regards,

2011-11-20 17:18:28

hi. I'm still getting a 403 error on some of the files. I would like troopinum 1.1 somehow, if you can upload it.

proud to be a patreon of liam erven. Become a patreon today at patreon.com/liamerven

2011-11-20 17:55:02

Troopanum1.1 is up for download.
best regards,

2011-11-20 18:24:07

While I see the point of having games like chopper chase available, I do rather wonder why you would want to play older versions of for instance troopanum, afterall the newer versions fixed a lot of stuff like tht hole annoying decompression thing.

If it's just the sounds, there is a troop soundpack on http://asmodean.net/ which apparently has the old sounds.

I'm not sure how much the Pipe sounds were changed sinse I've never even got the recent version of classic pipe myself.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2011-11-20 18:38:35

The older versions of Tropanum are necessary to use the said soundpack.
The reason for this is that the current version of Tropanum 1.6 does no longer have a folder where theese sounds are stored in regardless of compression.
The point is that I don't think that you can use the sounds of older versions when all sounds of the current release are put into one file.

2011-11-21 00:20:08

Incorrect. Troopanum 1.6 does not have all the sounds in one file. As for the new Pipe, it is absolutely a totally different animal. I actually prefer the old pipe sounds, even be they of lower quality.

Best Regards,

2011-11-21 18:28:14

I am right.
The current Tropanum 1 found on www.blindsoftware.com is named Classic Tropanum (without a version number).
The Exe of the Game has the version number 1.23.
This current edition of the game does contain the following file in its main folder: "cltr02.bsc".
Maybe that isn't 1.6 anymore, but this current downloadable version surely can't be used to load older sound sets into it, or am I mistaken here?

2011-11-21 21:05:37

hey jack this is rob. Keep the good games cummin.
I have a question. Does anyone have the baytas to mysteries of the anshants? all of the baytas? a friend and i are looking for them and i thought i could ask around, seeing as those are baytas i dont see why they cant be destributed?
Or will i get told off for asking for the baytas of toomb hunter? smiles

I no longer use skype like I used to, so feel free to follow me on twitter at rockmasterrob for updates, to chat and all that good stuff. I follow any and everybody back who follows me.

2011-11-22 00:03:06

Hi all,
I have the star fight demo. Get the game here.
Note: The accessible chat is not available anymore, so online play is not available on that server, however if you get freedom chat, they would be happy to help you set up star fight for freedom chat. And Dark, in case you didn't know, this game is no longer being supported or sold, so mind if I share the reg? Please don't ban me for this, because the game is done for good since he changed websights and stopped offering it.
best regards,

2011-11-22 03:17:52

Hmmm...that is odd. Last I saw they weren't encrypted, but who knows:

Best Regards,

2011-11-22 05:14:45

wow man, i love what your dooin here jack. Its good to know that someone has thees games because the old school games are timeless throwbacks and playing them is just amazing because of the sounds, the creativity behind the game and just, everything. However when you dub it all down, the new games are just as good as the clasics, its really interesting to play audio games!

I no longer use skype like I used to, so feel free to follow me on twitter at rockmasterrob for updates, to chat and all that good stuff. I follow any and everybody back who follows me.

2011-11-22 05:20:27

Hi all,
A lot of games for you this time, so buckle up and hold on to your seat. Chicken killer is at the following link.
temple of steal demo.
That's it.
best regards,

2011-11-22 07:52:32

nice dude! Always wanted to try temple of  steel, but thanks to you now i can! your awesome man.

I no longer use skype like I used to, so feel free to follow me on twitter at rockmasterrob for updates, to chat and all that good stuff. I follow any and everybody back who follows me.

2011-11-23 04:55:32

Hi all,
Here's a boatload of games this time, so get ready.
The demo of l-words.
There's nothing real bad about this demo, the restriction is similar to phrase madness, you only get some of the wordlists.
l-works arcade demo is up at the following link.
Here's where bad things go boom. The demo only has number guess and sticks, which is a bit of a shame, but maybe we could catch someone who has a reg since you can't buy it.
Light cars 1.06 is at the folling link.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23310861/light% … _setup.exe
This one has the unlimited lives cheat, which was the bug that they fixed in 1.2.
pigeon panic is right here.
But there's more to come, but in the meantime Dark, could you please update these links in the database? Also put temple of steal back up with the same details that it's no longer being supported or developed anymore, though the above link will take you to the dropbox link that is and will forever be hosted by me.
best regards,

2011-11-23 05:19:51

Hey does anyone have Entombed alphas and betas? I think those should be hosted also just in case people want to go back to playing those and having fun with verious bugs and whatever else those versions had? I am particular keen on getting some of these, mostly ones below  alpha 9.4 which was the first version i started with.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2011-11-25 06:28:47

Hi all,
First of all I'd like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. On a more gaming like note, I am pleased to say that I now have more games and it is a larger update than any other one.
The 7128 software gamebook demo is up at this link.
Now, you'll be able to try the games, as well as run dark keyboard, dark timer, and dark dice without issues.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23310861/pipe10 … 281%29.exe
In case you didn't know, tdl games released a mini game called guess me. Here it is.
The diver from tdl games
And finally, science invasion beta.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23310861/scienc … 20beta.exe
Have fun!
best regards,