2020-11-04 03:50:17

hay guys
so, ever since I registerd on the forum everyone was helpfull to me, everyone tryed there best to make great games
ever since the start of 2020, things havent been going well in the forum. I see the mods have gchanged since then, but I would have never thought it would turn out to be this chaotic
if you guys havent noticed, some of the mods was good back then.
it's just my opinion, but now I don't think the ways to moderate this forum is not making me happy or any of my friends eather
so, if you guys havent checked out the topic that made me think all of this
https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/3753 … voiceover/
a friend of mine has been band in that topic for saying that the mods are using his watchtime in an unfair way
if you want to here about his opinion, here is the link to what actualy happend in that topic and how he feels about it
as you can see here, what the mods are doing is using topics to start stuff that shouldnt be started
if you re the article, yousee here that simter has been band unfairly. as far as I know, he didnt break the rules in any way. he just asked why did jack give me a warning because he didnt understand it. I didnt undestand why eather, because I only asked about the hole vm thing, and just wanted to see what those guyses opinions are, but instead they started raging at me, reporting me, warning, and envolging my friend in this
as you can see, simter asked the moderaters team to prove the things they said with links referring to what they are trying to say
in post 15, jack sai to simter that did he not see the apple licence agreement and that he is starting a bad faith argument. the mods use that word becasue they know they are doing something wrong and they sitll don't want to admit. so they block them selfs reputation to be ruind. saying that word as defence
it wasnt backing jacks stance up, because he litteryly sends us no proof
and then jack said: "@Simter: That's because you, the licensee, assume no right not expressly granted to you. A mac user does not own the mac, they have purchased a license to operate the mac. Those quotes were from the Mac OS license agreement, so how more authoritative of a source do you need?"
this proves that he is trying to start a fight that shouldnt be started, when simter is trying to solve it out
as he said, the reason he posted all of this becuase it was conserning him
as you can see, ethen supports jack for what ever he says, just because he thinks the same and feels the same about it. this is just my opinion
if you want to know what happend after that, read the hole article on simters side to know what happend
and one last thing
after simter said read your own quoat and come back, jack raged and decided to ban simter with this
"Moderation: Ok, Simter, it's enough. It's clear you are just stirring the pot at this point. All of these posts reference materials that are clearly available, and instead of conceding, you put on a show for us knowing full well you were on watch. This argument is entirely in bad faith, so there's no productivity brought forth herein. For violating your watch, we are instituting the ban set forth in [this post](
as you can see here, he uses the word bad faith again. this shows how unstable the mods are
this is just my opinion
let me know what you think about this, when the mos are being unfair, why would I stay here? this has been full of toxisity

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2020-11-04 04:55:20

I think that there was no point to starting this thread and that, anything else aside, anyone who even contemplates mac vms for 30 seconds knows that they're not legal irregardless of what the license might say.  And you definitely do if you got as far as googling "how to make a mac vm".  I'm not going to read all the links.  That's not really necessary here.

But to answer the click bait title as opposed to what the thread is actually about, this community went to the special hell reserved for communities where when mods take action against blatantly illegal things that everyone knows are illegal, somehow it's the mods being mean about it and acting in bad faith and then let's debate whether mac vms are actually legal or whatever, time to figure out who gets the magic piracy passport.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-11-04 05:11:12

at 2, it's not just about the mac vm. there are other problems the mods have made

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2020-11-04 05:17:22

Are you a frog my dude? Cause you're making some pretty big leaps.

2020-11-04 05:22:10

I am indifferent.
here is what's most likely going to ha[ppen,
1, you will get ridiculed by some members.
2, after a day wait or until a moderator logs up, you will be banned, and this topic will be closed because of flamewar purposes.
your(simter's) case is weakened because of the fact you are a friend of his. If someone who is not his friend that does not also have Nemesis status with him maybe he can be helped but

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2020-11-04 05:29:21

Yeah the warning you got was complete bullshit in my opinion. It was the first time you'd ever asked such a thing that I've ever seen. Jayde is always talking about how intent gets factored in, well it wasn't in this case. Ignorance of the license terms may not be an adequate defense if you breach them with the company, but it sure as shit shouldn't land you a warning on your first offense.

I'm getting fed up with this slap happy approach the mods are taking. I'm believing less and less of what they say on the daily as well. And this bad faith shit? Fuck that. Now that's going to be used to justify any punitive action taken. I see it coming. This place is turning into a big government sort of operation. You are always being watched, and you have to fear asking questions. The mods are tearing down a community that's been around for 15 years and all because they can't step back and look at the bigger picture. Honestly, at this point, they're all just as guilty, if not by action, by association, and they all should be ashamed of how they've been running this place.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-11-04 05:38:39 (edited by George_Gaylord 2020-11-04 05:41:50)

All the warnings in that thread, were to an extent unfounded. At the end of the day simter did nothing, in the bounds of the rules, did nothing, wrong. He asked a question, maybe was uptone, but still. Also, why didn't they just caution Static Master, instead of an all out warn? Have we forgotten about cautions, only when its convenient to the mods?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-11-04 05:43:07

agree @7

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2020-11-04 05:47:15

I'm torn on Simter. I think it's common knowledge I don't think very highly of him. Then there's the fact that he was already on watch to begin with, but he really didn't do anything. That was the most tame I've seen him in a while. Also, he never said he didn't care about the watch, and is that really a reason to ban someone, because they don't care about something?

I don't agree with him saying the watch was done just to shut him up. He was being more than a nuisance for far too long, and he deserved that watch. In fact, I think he should have been banned at that point in time, but now, for that? Meh, it's stupid.

The mods are seeing that they have power of us because no one will make another site, like actually make a proper go of it. They're pulling more and more bullshit by the day. Then they have the nerve to try to settle us down and feed us a line of bull to make us think it isn't as bad as it really is.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-11-04 05:50:02

the mods were good back in the day, but now it's just bs that keeps happening, ad they overpower us

my new youtube channel. click subscribe if you like my stuff
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2020-11-04 07:30:49

You got one warning, Staticmaster. Boo-hoo. Like jack said, it'll be gone in 90 days, Your reputation hasn't been forever tarnished.

As for Simter, the only thing I can agree with is that he should've just been banned when the watch was put in place, as ironcross32 said. But well, he was banned now. Good riddance! smile

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2020-11-04 07:37:18 (edited by ignatriay 2020-11-04 07:59:12)

Frankly my feelings in this are mixed.
Jack wrote,
@staticmaster: Per Apple's license, you cannot run a Mac virtual machine if you do not own the physical hardware. If you were to, for example, create installation media from your own mac and run it on your own time, then sure, but you cannot then go distributing it. Likewise, if you yourslef don't own the hardware, you also do not own a license for Mac OS. Short answer is no. This is a warning.
I get the explanation, but a warning at that stage seems... uh, maybee too harsh? I mean, if the individual have had passed history of doing something like this, then I would get the warning, but it seems a bit too much. I mean, when you take into account that this could have been asked do to ignorance of the license terms, and let's be honest, iif you don't own a apple product, or any other product...  Why would you go and look up the license, if you've never owned the product of said license in the first place? On the other hand,
static master wrote,
hay guys. so I was going to use the nvda addon that bridges between a mac OS and windows. since I don't have in uf to buy a mac, o you guys have any virtual machines with voice over enabled that I can use? I really want to use the alex tts voice, and amung other things, I wish to have a mac so I can do other mac related stuff with out having to actualy buy one.
I kinda get why the you thought the warning was warranted, if one where to analyze the post closely; I really, really do; but again. Going back to the question, if you don't own x product, why go and search for the license, when you don't own said product in the first place? I mean, this is the mindset of many. If i'm not affected by so and so... why bother? I do feel though, that a caution would've have been a bit more appropriate at this stage, especially given the what follows.
Static master wrote,
I am sorry, I didnt know if asking these things are permittable. I was going to buy a mac and thought I will not deel with all of this hassel so I thought i am gonna have a virtual macheen though. guess i will buy one and make it into a virtual machine if my brain functions correctly then.
Again, mixed feelings on this as well. While the first part of the post says that he didn't know, intention; the second part says that he'll buy a mac and do it that way... That was... I mean he kinda dug himself into a hole there. And if one looks at this from the mod's point of view, supports the warning. If he had left it at, i'm sorry and that's it; a warning would've been overkill, but saying i'm sorry but then contradictions himself with, i'll buy a mac and do it that way... Oops. I mean, that kinda supports the warning.   At this point, I feel the warning was given... too prematurely. I mean, this would've been better handled if the decision of a warning or caution    would've waited until this post, and then, action taken. I mean, even at this point the warning was... too much. A caution should've sufficed, at least; for the first post, where he asked about the vm. On the second one where he dug himself into a proverbial hole after apologizing... That, I feel, is when the warning might have been given. But after the first post? That was... Too much to quickly.
As far as simpter's ban... I mean I'll be blunt, he kinda pushed too far, despite direct contrary evidence shown in front of his face. People; and more than one, I might add; quoted the apple license and... no dice; he kept pushing it, despite all evidence going against him... I mean, he was asking for it at that point.
In the end, While I disagree with the warning and how quickly it was given; as I said before a caution should've come first after the first post; not a straight up warning as was given. I mean, waiting until the other party had a chance to explain himself and then deciding on a further course of action would've been better. I mean, he would've gotten warned anyway. But I feel the warning just after his first post was jumping the gun.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
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2020-11-04 07:57:19 (edited by grryfindore 2020-11-04 07:58:43)

It's kinda strange that I sit here and am about to agree with ironcross32. that's the most surprising fact to me, rather than what the mods are doing or have been. wink
Frankly, I don't have the time to be as regular on the forums as I used to be, but when you start enforcing licensing terms of other companies going so far as to quote them at people, that's going a bit too far in terms of all this legality bullshit. and agreed, the worning static master got was not at all warranted. and the ban for simta now? nope.
but like Zack 93 said in one of the posts when the mods were pushing for the vault not to be discussed on here the mods are trying to push goalposts day by day.
boiling water slowly as apposed to turning the boil all at once, so the frog (or is it lopster) gets cooked and doesn't try and jump out before it's too late. there by they get to push their ways/ opinions what you will  onto people, without caring about what the community as a whole actually wants.

@ironcross, the only reason why this forum continues to survive even after the moderators behavior is because of the audiogames.net database and the fact that this forum is connected to it. fun fact, the mods responsible for the forums downhill turn don't contribute shite to that database.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2020-11-04 08:26:03

I just have to say that half the people on this thread could probably run a forum.  You know why we don't?  Because whoever runs the forum will have to put up with some variant of this thread for whatever the unpopular decision of the day is, repeatedly.  I've thought about doing it, not because of the mods but because this site has a limited lifetime before the fact that no one is running the servers causes an issue, but then threads like this remind me why it's just not worth it--much better to be a participant, rather than have an obligation to try to manage these.

In the general case audiogames.net isn't enforcing Apple's license, it's doing something that a majority of other forums have done for a long time, namely disallowing piracy.  Given that we have had a mac vm thread every 2 weeks for as long as I can remember, and that many of them have even gone as far as "you can't discuss this here, but we're not making a judgement call wink wink try google wink wink", anyone who has been very active on the forum hasn't got much of a leg to stand on when it comes to going down that road.  Simter has certainly been active enough for that, and I could have sworn that I've seen other places on here where they've been involved in such threads.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2020-11-04 08:56:33

aside from this topic at the moment, everything is fine for me anyway

2020-11-04 09:06:26

@ignatriay: This is, a very valid criticism which is rare within this thread - to be expected, I suppose.
You're absolutely right, the premature warning was probably overkill. I would not have even made it to that stage, however, if he hadn't mentioned that he wanted the mac OS but didn't want to buy it. You can't have your cake and eat it too in this cas,e because even if he were ignorant of the specific license terms set forth, a little common sense goes a long way. If it's software that you have to buy a device to obtain, and there is no way to download it for free (even as an evaluation) then wouldn't it make sense that you kind of can't work around that without facing trouble?
It's easy to tell when someone is playing with fire and I got the feeling that he was. If he had literally just said he wanted a Mac vm, I would have been happy to give a little benefit of the doubt, inform him it isn't possible because reasons, and leave it at a caution. But no, instead he revealed a little too much of his intentions for it to stay at a cautionary phase. When we say intent will be taken into account, we do mean that literally.

2020-11-04 09:54:07

@1 So we discuss Simters ban in the other topic without trowing insults around or anything, even you yourself are part of the discussion, and suddenly you write: "I request the mods to close this topic because it has gotten out of hand."
It hasn't, but okay. But then, one day later, you create a topic which starts the same discussion again? ... What?

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2020-11-04 10:02:42

*17. the only reason I said close the topic is that the problem right now is not related to the mac vm, so I started a new one requesting opinions

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2020-11-04 13:50:34

its laughable to say that the mods slap bands out left and right, they give so many warnings and chances before an actual band happens, alot of you should actually be lucky, like i have said before, if i was a mod, you all would really complain about me, because i would be banding most of you, for some of the rude, toxic, immature, sneaky, childish behavior you all take part in, you would get hit with a band without any warnings and meetings, alot of you use there kindness and rule to be fair to all parties in a crisis to your advantage.granted its probebly debatable for simter's band, but i have seen him in deep water a few times on the forum and he wasn't band, so in my opinion he should have gotten band a while ago, so basically you can say he had it coming ....and i see that alot on this forum, some of you will have warnings, and will be skating on thin ice, but you still will be pushing the envelope to see just how far you can go, you would think you would move around the forum carefully once a warning is issued but nope, most of you don't see it like that, then boom when you get hit with a band you want to cry about it, save those tears, you shouldn't have continued to walk on the ledge after being told to get the hell down before you fall.....nothing that is governed is going to be perfect, but as long as everyone does what they suppose to do like don't freakin post clones of games/software, beg for cracks, and just be a total doosh bag, then you will never have to worry about being band simple as that.....note to simter and everyone else with a warning, stop testing the mod team, they are eventually going to get fed up by your antics and you may just get slapped with a band that in a normal circumstance probebly would have been over looked.....long ass rant over

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2020-11-04 17:15:30

well @19, I don't think the mods would let someone with this kind of attitude on the mod team.
Plus, you'd probably ban everyone in the forum. Then you'd be administrating an empty forum.

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2020-11-04 17:42:08 (edited by Nocturnus 2020-11-04 17:47:42)

right, lets tare this apart right here.
Database: if not for Dark, that thing wouldn't be as big as it is right now.  Yeah yeah... I contributed a few things, as did others.  But who contributed the most?  That takes something special; that takes passion, and I'm sorry to say I don't believe anyone else on this forum, myself included, has it.
Moderators: when we moderated the forum, by which I mean myself, Dark, Sebbi, Arqmeister and others, you told us we overstepped our boundaries.  Remember this?  Yeah, leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time I look at it, too.  Why?  Because I didn't like having to push that stupid ban button on JimmyDub.  It makes me feel like a useless hypocrite because, while I don't use the pirate bay or any torrenting sites anymore and haven't for years, I once did.  who am I to tell you that you shouldn't do something I once was a part of in some senses?  Reasons be damned!  I did it and I had no regret at the time!  But when I signed up for this forum, I signed up to abide by the rules set by its moderators!  When I became one, I was tasked with the responsibility of upholding them!  Do you know what that means?  No matter what I think of those rules, no matter how I feel about them, those rules are there for a reason and until they are changed for an even better reason, the fact is that they're there and should be followed, from the greatest of us to the least!
Now, I'm not a moderator; I like to think of myself as a voice in the wilderness.  I try not to come into topics like this one because more often than not I'm disgusted by the way they turn out.  You punch the mods around because they took a stance on a matter, then get them to agree with you to some extent, go away feeling all smug about yourselves until they do something else you think is absolutely overkill and childishly stupid, then you're at it again.  No, it's not all of you, but there's this collective of sorts that is constantly shouting nay nay nay!  We can't have this!  We can't have that!  Away with the rules because rules suck!  The only thing that could suck worse than rules is that other places have rules too, and so we want a place where we can go where there is no rules and no one ruling with rules!
Let me ask you something, and answer it honestly; don't you believe it would have been easier to not have rules?  Would it not be easier to just trust you all to display better judgment and then we don't have any of these issues?  Would it not be so much simpler if instead of policing the forum in a manner everyone hates, we just didn't have to police the forum at all, because we know this forum is so well behaved?  Wouldn't it be cool if if we could all just have discussions without having all of these irritating moderation warnings, cautions... I don't even know who started this cautioning nonsense!  We never did it!  You think these guys are bad?  We were worse!  We didn't give you cautions!  We gave you harsh warnings!  When you didn't heed them, we banned you!  We didn't have a lenient system where you got a sort of probation or watch for doing something that we considered a bannable offense!  You got a firm warning if it was your first, and a ban thereafter!
And you know what?  The reason it worked, was because we didn't have all these silly little loopholes the new mods, the nice mods, the wonderful mods who are trying to please and appease you at every turn have for you now!  We made it clear what we wanted and you either followed or fell to the banhammer!  No discussion of cracks!  No flaming or disrespect!  No discrimination!  IN short, be a decent person and you have nothing to worry about!  Do something against the community or the site and its voluntary staff?  You're out!
and it worked because we weren't policing the system like hawks, playing the role of helicopter parents at every turn.  We just didn't want you discussing things on the forum that could get us all in trouble!  You chose to disregard what we wanted.  In some instances we gave you some leash to run around on, while in others we felt it was not acceptible.  When you talked about cracking eloquence for NVDA we were sympathetic because we'd all been there to some degree or another and disagreed with some of the shadier practices companies were employing against blind people.  When that wasn't enough and you wanted to distribute much more questionable content, we put our foot down because we knew it would reflect badly on us all as a community.  Eloquence amy not be a mainstream subject; torrenting, however, actually is!
So what happened next?  this subset of people comes along and says, "Hey, you're not being fair all the way across the board!"  If you're going to ban us for the discussion of pirated assets, you need to ban us for cloned material within the community as well, because those are pirated assets!  And while you're at it, eloquence is not abandonware, so stop all the discussion of it as it pertains to NVDA and free/illegal ways to get it!  That is the discussion of cracking, just in case you needed to know!"  We did know!  That was us giving you a free pass and you didn't appreciate it!  We didn't care for it, but we let it go!
Fastforward a bit, and all of  a sudden, hey, notice that CP is getting mega popular?  Well, guess what, it uses pirated material!  All that mario and nintendo content!  All that music!  I wonder where all those sounds came from?  Wel, that's ok, it's a free game anyway.  right?  Well, the problem is that if we're going to go by that logic, we may as well be able to discuss all pirated content on here because you know eventually someone's going to come along and say, "Hey, you're back to this again?  Ok, here's an eloquence addon that works, and never mind because Nuance isn't working with us, and Codefactory is ripping us off!  and by the way, check out this site that gives you tons of audiodescribed content because we can't get it by any other means and the big companies don't feel any sympathy for us and boohoo hoo!"
So, the real question is, can mods trust you to handle yourselves?  Or do they have to keep pushing on you by putting up new defenses in an endless game of cat and mouse?  What is it you seriously want?  Where is it you're willing to go and how far do you have to go before you can actually stop and be happy about it?  These issues are no longer personal; they affect the whole community!  That's another big difference!  Once upon a time a member got banned and they took it personally, maybe got mad at the mod, had a few words with them off site, nuff said.  Know what Dgleks first got warned for by me?  Flaming!  It didn't go away!  So he got banned!  Guess what?  He found me on AA!  We had words!  He reformed!  He's now a mod!  Bladestorm?  Remember him?  Went on an drunken tirade and called everyone from Aprone on down a useless waste as far as audiogame development went?  Know who he contacted about his ban after he sobered up a bit?  That's right; yours truly!  None of this I'm going to get my friends to complain for me and not own up for any of my writing!  Bottom line?  when you screw up, you screw up!  The end!  NO ands buts or ifs!  If you would simply accept that as being true and realize that mods aren't out to get you but simply here to uphold rules and regulations that help this site and its forum keep going cleanly?  It's not like any of us enjoy it, and believe me, it really would be a nicer experience if you would all just, grow up! I know you can behave!  I know you can put your best foot forward!  You choose not to!  So this is the end result!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-11-04 19:40:00

How about we stop spreading wildly delusional conclusions that have literally zero basis in reality? Staticmaster, as of right now anyway, hasn't committed a single ban-worthy offense. Name just one instance, pre-reform, when we've gone so far as to blatantly violate the rules set forth in that document the community helped draft? I'm waiting, because it's getting awfully tiring seeing these MW style posts that have the effect of provoking those less informed than yourself into flames.

A warning is literally just "hey, this isn't allowed here now you know". They expire every 90 days. No reasonable chap should be violating the rules 3 times in 3 months. That right there is the recipe for a far more toxic community than this. I've never received a warning myself, but it happens I guess. My first course of action would be to read the rules, see where I went wrong, and make a point of not repeating the infraction. Wait out the 3 months, no worries. That's the precise thing Simter should have done. He clearly didn't.
What would you have preferred, a caution? Gimme a second, was it not you who was originally opposed to cautions because they were apparently Jaydes way of talking down to everyone? Fast forward and you're advocating for them now that they've become the norm? Seriously, man, your words don't check out. Please step back for a single second and realize what we're saying. Because I guarantee the alternative would be "these incompetent mods are too lenient and were I admin shit like this would never ever with a couple more evers be allowed to go on." Count yourself lucky if you receive a caution, because chances are a warning would have probably sufficed.

On the surface, I can see why some consider Simter's case heavy handed. However...

Jayde wrote:

As of May 17, 2020, Simter has a warning for explicitly linking to a package which allows for the use of MacOS in a VM on a Windows machine, which is against Apple's terms of service. This amounts to a form of piracy, especially given that the intent is clearly to go against Apple's wishes here.

Not only could he have easily typed "are mac os vms legal" into google and gotten an instant answer, the accompanying post does the work. It mentions the problem head on. Again, warnings are warnings. Warnings aren't the world. A single one doesn't make or break your stay here. But he clearly knew there was the legal complication, clearly knew this was a problem... Yet here we are none the wiser six months later.
His community watch was instituted out of an overzealous habit of shit stirring, the final straw being over here. Regardless of where you stand, his behavior there is a problem. Much the same was beginning to crop up again.

IMO there are more than a few cases where we've actually been much too forgiving. One can only expect so many third best wish breaks before enough becomes enough. The question I always ask. What would you want? Outline your ideal circumstances. To which I get either silence or a proposal that would have everyone talking about admins too flaky to drop the hammer. Be careful with what you wish for. You can never win.

I won't lie, I too see a whole that we don't want to be falling down as it pertains to these "bad faith arguments. It can be far too easy, especially when directly involved in a topic, to chalk someone's opposing viewpoints or style of expressing them up to misconduct by way of bad faith--try as you might you can't definitively prove intent. This was brought up to the staff by the way. From where I'm at we haven't fallen, just something to keep in mind and reign in if it ever does fester into something worth worrying about.

2020-11-04 20:50:58 (edited by walrus 2020-11-04 20:51:49)

espectation. a moderator comes to defend itself saying moderation.
reality. i was wrong
dont take it seriously guys, but shure i will receibe a warning for replying in this topic.

death to humanity. you are being tortured by electricity
like a child without innocence
you are climbing the fence, you are prending to be evanescence
and now you should stay over the fence forever!

2020-11-04 21:08:33

I still think they're silly, but if you're going to use them, at least use them for what they're intent is. Stop acting like petty meter maids, the types that you can be out the door with another 75 cents in hand, running to your spot and oops, too late, they're standing there just waiting to snipe your ass.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2020-11-04 21:20:20

@Nocturnus Your post is just. Absolutely. Epic!

It addresses, with much more skill, a point that I think I've made once before. How, back when there were no clear rules for when someone should get a warning, what that warning would mean, and when they should be banned, there were far less complaints. It is only now, when rules have been *softened*, that people are crying out about how harsh and mean and unfair the admins are.

They are whining because, as much as they (like @fonografico2 for example; seriously, what was the point of that post?) might tell others and perhaps themselves they are afraid of getting banned for speaking their mind, deep down they know the truth, and know it well: they get so many chances right now that it's damn near impossible to get banned unless you are specifically trying for it.

Simtar got more than enough warnings that he should really just stop being annoying already. Several warnings, and then, instead of a ban, a community watch. Community watch! That's basically "Hey, yeah we really should ban you, but we'd rather not. Can you behave, pretty please, with a cherry on top?"

And he failed. He failed by doing exactly the thing he was put on community watch for, as well as pretending he didn't know something he really should've from back when he'd gotten a warning about wanting a Mac VM himself. And even if he *hadn't* known, it was his damn responsibility to do the bare minimum of research, instead of wanting other people to do it for him, and then telling them to do it again when it didn't fit his wrong worldview.

That's why I said good riddance earlier. Because Jack finally did something that might just make Simtar learn, if he had any sort of ability to do so in him. And considering his first reaction was to write a post on his site about how unfair this is, and then tell his friend to share it on here, clearly he isn't capable of learning right now.

And note how Staticmaster hasn't even gotten a caution for sharing that link. Even though he made a topic about it after the old one was closed, going against the wishes of the staff (as well as his own past ones). But sure, even the one warning he got, for a post where he clearly said he wanted something without paying for it, was oh so unfair. Come on.

Is this really it, then? Proof that more second chances, more democracy, and all that shit just don't work? Is this what you're trying to say, guys? That us humans just cannot be trusted with being decent unless there's a clear risk of punishment involved otherwise. Because, if given a finger, we'll chomp the whole arm off, and then get pissed because we can't have the second one as well?

... Yeah. I guess that does sound about right.

Fine. In that case, I'm with you. The staff is doing things all wrong, just as you say. Their rules are dumb, as is the way they give out warnings.
They should go back to the old system.
Because clearly, we do not deserve anything better.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!