2020-10-12 05:42:18


I'll try to launch a call to arms with my friends that code in Java, let's see who answers the call. As soon as I get some people to help I'll send you a PM. I believe I can find people familiar with Java, but maybe they will need some guidance from you on how to do the accessibility tweaks.

About the demo, I can try recording something here. It won't be complete, but it may help people figuring out things. As soon as I record it, I'll post here.

2020-10-12 10:51:26

nice I am waiting for this

2020-10-23 06:33:32

greeting all
i have a problim with forge. when i finished a game i can't process to the next game, when i press on next game button the game frise.
any help?

2020-10-25 19:50:50


I don't know if you ever got this problem, but I've been dealing with this since last night and all my ideas are over.

I've been playing Forge for weeks, using NVDA object nav and Golden Cursor. Last night, after a match, it all suddenly ceased to work. Golden Cursor cannot access or create new shortcuts in the Forge window, when I try to do it, the application switches window focus and the shortcut is added to another window. When I try to activate shortcuts already set it also changes window focus. Also the object nav keys (wich continue working on other apps) cannot navigate outside the Prompt and Card Text boxes.

The game went from nearly accessible and fully playable to completely inaccessible. I reinstalled JRE, Forge, NVDA and all addons, to no good.

Any ideas?

2020-10-25 23:32:21


It sounds like you might have accidentally set the app to full screen mode. I don't remember if there's a shortcut for this, but suspect it's one of the function keys, possibly F11 or something like that.

Did you, in your troubleshooting, remove the FOrge folder from your app data folder? That would reset all preferences to defaults and let you start from scratch.

Hope this helps,

2020-10-26 02:21:17


I solved the issue with golden cursor, but I still can't manage to navigate the game anymore. Until last night I could use NVDA+Shift+Arrows to run through all the screen, from the Home and Deck Editor options all the way to the prompt, going through my field, my hand, etc. With golden cursor marking some marks I could really play it.

Now navigation through objects seems to be limited by small blocks. Over the Start Game button, for example, I can't move anywhere, it says First and Last as if it were the only object. Then I Shift-Tab to the preconstructed decks list, and then it allows me to navigate around a couple controls linked to this list. In the menu to choose game types such as Commander and Planechase the object nav runs only these options, telling me "First" and "Last" when I try to go ahead with NVDA+Shift+Arrows. And inside a match there is no command able to navigate objects outside the Prompt-CardText-OkButton, any attempt returns "First" and "Last" as if these were the only objects available. It's like all controls are enclosed in blocks and object nav cannot leave a block. It rendered the game pretty much unplayable.

I reinstalled JRE, I disabled and re-enabled Java Access Bridge, and the forge preferences file you provided is in the correct appdata folder. I really don't know what else to try to make this workk again. The version I'm running is the 1.6.37 snapshot, re-downloaded today from the link on post #1. The NVDA is latest version, so is the golden cursor.

I apologize for the inconvenience, you already did a hell of a job making this fully playable, but I honestly have no one else to ask. Forge brought me back a lot of fun that I missed a lot, and now I'm really trying not to loose it.

2020-10-26 02:26:43


AHh. I think I might know what happened here.

I have two ideas.

The first is to go into NVDA preferences, into Review settings, and look for "Simple review mode."

If this is unchecked, I would check it.

The second is to try switching review modes. If you have a number-pad, try NVDA-numpad-7, and NVDA-numpad-1. If you don't, try nVDA-page-up and NVDA-Page-down.

I hope either of these solves the weird navigation issue you're having.

2020-10-26 07:48:59

In fact, it was unchecked, and checking it did the trick. However, for some reason, I still can't play. Everything is fine, I can navigate everything once again and golden cursor works just fine again, but now, I have no idea why, object nav can't see any cards, in my hand or in enemy's field. I can find the place where they should be, like the label "Your Hand", but when I navigate to the side to see the cards it delays for an instant and simply jumps to my enemy's field, as if my hand were empty (it is not). This particular bug never happened before in the weeks I've been playing.

2020-10-26 08:23:32

When I pass the mouse over a card (with sighted assistance) instead of reading the card's name it simply says "Panel". Other stuff is navigating fine, but all the places that should have cards, such as my hand and the fields, are simply jumped over by the object nav.

2020-10-26 09:24:35

Just noticed that besides cards not being shown on said areas, the cards catalogue and deck card list in deck editor also says only "Panel" where it should say the list.

2020-10-26 15:38:16


Okay. This one I definitely know what the issue is. THere's a thing called card overlays, which weuse for reading card name and such. It's used all the time by sighted players because some of the actual card images are too small to read easily.

I think the shortcut is ctrl+shift+O or ctrl+alt+O, but you can also toggle the overlays in the menus somewhere. I recommend always playing with them on.

Hope this helps.

2020-10-26 15:40:44


I just realized I didn't address your deck editor question. I'm guessing you switched the view from table view to one of the others. I'd try clicking on the "list view," control and see if that changes things.

It sounds like the preferences were reset somehow.

2020-10-26 18:40:48

I was able to get the game to launch in linux. I am running Arch Linux, and installed jre-openjdk and jre-openjdk. Unfortunately, Orca is not reading in its window. It does play music, and the window does open though.

Orca is supposed to work with java applications, so I wonder if something needs to be enabled to make it playable. Thanks for all the hard work on this, I used to play magic a lot back in college. I spent hours Brailling cards lol.

My games: https://stormgames.wolfe.casa
Support my work on Ko-fi

2020-10-26 18:47:58


I know that there is some kind of Java accessibility bridge for Gnome/AT-Spi, but it's been a long time since I had a Linux GUI running. I know that I've used Java applications with other distros, but they were less roll-your-own than Arch tends to be. I'd check the AUR.

2020-10-27 04:08:09

Finally, it's working. Thanks a lot zkline!

2020-10-27 04:22:55

I wonder if you can do something with making the cards buttons in the tabindex, or putting them in a text field like where the prompt is or the card info:
Outlast {1}{B} ({1}{B}, {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Outlast only as a sorcery.)

description is.

2020-10-27 04:23:03


I'm so glad to hear that. smile

I wish I had a way to make the entire app accessible whether players used overlays or not, but that's a lot more work for relatively little gain.

2020-10-27 04:26:48


I've tried to figure out how to handle this, I admit. The best idea I had was to try and make each separate area of the display a tab stop, because otherwise you'd be tabbing past a ton of cards to get where ever you were going. That would require you to use arrow keys to, say, browse cards in your hand or on the field, which would need to be added. It's a lot of fiddling given the current structure of the codebase.

2020-10-27 09:06:38

That would be great. I'm still looking for some Java-experienced friends to help advancing Forge's accessibility, I'll get in touch as soon as I get some guys.

2020-10-27 19:15:08


I hope that eventually the app will be a lot easier to use, or at least less tedious. It's a little hard to figure out the best way to do that, just because a lot of the implementation is customized. We're supremely lucky that the overlays are readable at all.

My ideal would be to make the whole experience of reading cards a little more fluid, but I'm not sure how to do so.

2020-11-01 21:35:14

zkline wrote:


I know that there is some kind of Java accessibility bridge for Gnome/AT-Spi, but it's been a long time since I had a Linux GUI running. I know that I've used Java applications with other distros, but they were less roll-your-own than Arch tends to be. I'd check the AUR.

It works somewhat now. the missing ingredient was java-atk-wrapper-openjdk8. Now I have to dig into the documentation and find out things like how to turn the music down. Also, once the game is open, it lands in a text box that says html, and doesn't do anything else. I'm guessing I just gotta figure out keyboard shortcuts and preferences.

My games: https://stormgames.wolfe.casa
Support my work on Ko-fi

2020-11-01 21:47:09


You'll definitely need to use Orca commands a lot for navigation. I haven't really used it much, but you basically need to review the screen a great deal instead of using tab and shift-tab, because the game isn't really designed for mouseless control. See some of my earlier posts in this thread for information on the screen layout.

Good luck. If you want to turn off the music you can copy my preferences file, also linked earlier, though I'm not sure where it would go on LInux, possibly somewhere in ~/.config.

2020-11-02 14:02:02

Another thing: As I play matches, it eventually happens that things seem to change positions on screen. For example, sometimes the place I marked as the start of my hand on golden cursor will throw me over the last card in hand. Same goes for field and enemy field. Is there any way to lock things on screen?

2020-11-02 20:23:48


I don't know why the UI changes position like that, honestly. I suspect something to do with the way the Java and NVDA interface communicates. I suspect if you had a sighted person to compare them the screens would look very similar.

I can't really suggest a workaround other than trying to re-adjust the hotspots. I never found a satisfactory answer but it didn't happen predictably for me either.

Sorry for the lack of insight here.

2020-11-03 07:38:22

No problem, it really doesn't prevent me from playing, it is more of an annoyance but it's alright.