2020-09-04 15:39:46

OK I won't tell you he's a developer. He came on to help. Better?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

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2020-09-04 16:08:32

That kills very few interest I had of returning to the game. Seriously though why doesn't people learn

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2020-09-04 16:59:19

Honestly This game's end is just inebidable

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

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2020-09-04 19:03:43

As much as I hate to say this I don't exactly regret stepping down as an admin...

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

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2020-09-04 19:30:57

I thought Cilag wasn't a dev or helper anymore since tumney stepped back on as a dev?

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

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2020-09-04 19:37:08

Tk famly are all because of him. Rumour says it that bloodbath is also been cloned and being privately shared .  and God knows what will happen to this game

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2020-09-04 20:05:25 (edited by omer 2020-09-04 20:06:59)

tunmi's rep is lowered on my eyes if he joined the team again
because, 1, he told that he was got kicked, if i remember right
2, i wont join something that i got kicked out of before
3, i still wont join if one of the shady people is also in the team

2020-09-05 07:08:10

according to silak, he bought the tk from ivan. I suppose ivan also confirmed it on s b y w

allow me to speak more,
catch me on Twitter
or, Mastodon

2020-09-05 12:16:55

He did. But he shared it with everyone and now it's sors code is all over the world. And don't tell me this is freaking legal because if it's legal then why isn't the forum allowing it. He was a co developer of bloodbath and I heard that it is being passed around. He got hold of this game so God knows will he do it here or not

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2020-09-05 16:44:54

Ok. If it is indeed true that cilag bought tk from ivan, and its kinda, a big if honestly; and only something Ivan himself can confirm or deny; if this where to be true though, cilag would now be the owner of the sourcecode and yes, can do with it as he pleases, even releacing it out there, and yes, this would be legal, if he rightfully and legally bought the game, he would own not only the game, but the source code as well. He could do with it as he wished, given he is the new owner, and yes, releacing the sourcecode would be perfectly legal if he did rightfully owned it. Is this the case? I have no idea; and for the case of this post, I'm posting as if this was the case to make a point, that if he did buy tk from ivan, it would be perfectly legal to share or opensource the code, given he is the new owner, but until Ivan steps in and confirms or denies what people are saying about cilag supposetly buying tk from him... This is all speculation.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

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2020-09-05 23:30:28

Let me just step in, yes. It is his game. Yes, bloodbath is also his game.
I don't keep up with what happens to those games. I'm not going to say I like what's going on with all this sharing around garbage that goes on, but I think it's time to put BGT to bed and move on. Whatever got created using the scripting engine is old news, and as such I think people should stop holding that over his head.
To be completely honest with you guys a lot of the bullshit that happens isn't really his fault, I just think that he hangs around some questionable people and whenever something goes south that he has any involvement in he gets the shitty end of the stick and eats the blame for it.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-09-05 23:49:22

i can't log on, wen i do i get this airer, Call stack size: 9

File: C:\Users\Kazeem\Dropbox\BSDevs\ScrollingBattlesPro\3.0.7\bts.bgt
Line: 3220 (1)
Function: void spawn_map(string, bool = false)

File: C:\Users\Kazeem\Dropbox\BSDevs\ScrollingBattlesPro\3.0.7\bts.bgt
Line: 2480 (1)
Function: void netloop()

File: C:\Users\Kazeem\Dropbox\BSDevs\ScrollingBattlesPro\3.0.7\bts.bgt
Line: 2909 (1)
Function: void mainloop()

File: C:\Users\Kazeem\Dropbox\BSDevs\ScrollingBattlesPro\3.0.7\bts.bgt
Line: 376 (1)
Function: void game()

File: C:\Users\Kazeem\Dropbox\BSDevs\ScrollingBattlesPro\3.0.7\bts.bgt
Line: 2821 (1)
Function: void login2(string, string)

File: C:\Users\Kazeem\Dropbox\BSDevs\ScrollingBattlesPro\3.0.7\bts.bgt
Line: 2792 (1)
Function: void login(bool = false)

File: C:\Users\Kazeem\Dropbox\BSDevs\ScrollingBattlesPro\3.0.7\includes\menu.bgt
Line: 782 (1)
Function: void multimenu()

File: C:\Users\Kazeem\Dropbox\BSDevs\ScrollingBattlesPro\3.0.7\includes\menu.bgt
Line: 138 (1)
Function: void mainmenu()

File: C:\Users\Kazeem\Dropbox\BSDevs\ScrollingBattlesPro\3.0.7\bts.bgt
Line: 339 (1)
Function: void main()

   and i guess it's because i kinda mestup the mapdata i was doing.

Bach is an astronomer, discovering the most marvelous stars. Beethoven challenges the universe. I only try to express the soul and the heart of man."
― Frederic Chopin.

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2020-09-06 00:19:12

@ivan, yes, its his game... the question is, did you cell it to him? Playing the devil's advocate here, but if the answer to my question is yes... Then the ban on this game by audiogames.net, is, in this case, bullshit, and completely ungrounded, as if given its cilag's game, he's the one who decided to open source it. Of course, this is if this is true, that Ivan sold tk to him. If this is the case though, it should be corrected and the ban on this game lifted for good. If  not, however, I stand corrected, and to be honest, I don't really care about tk, but, I do, however, care about the truth of the matter.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

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2020-09-06 01:38:24

I do remember Liam reaching out and me telling the staff I sold it to him. I'm not sure what ended up happening, but all I know is there is a blanket ban on these games. I think the admins got confused on what was going on so to make it better for everyone they just decided to outlaw the playing and talking about TK, Ultrapower and any game that uses it's sourcecode.
If I'm wrong then I stand corrected and I hope an admin speaks up but that's just always what I thought happened.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2020-09-06 01:42:52

@13 you said exactly what I was gonna say earlier. than the TK ban is completely rubbish, especially if Ivan said he sold it to him.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

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2020-09-06 02:22:41 (edited by Jim 2020-09-06 02:23:05)

It was a Pretty fun game, and now I’m quite nostalgic for it

Is this the real life?
Or is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

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2020-09-06 02:44:54 (edited by haily_merry 2020-09-06 02:49:33)

Uh, let me just clear something up real quick. TK was never open sourced. I was the one who leaked it, before silak ever even had the code. So the accusations here are definitely unfounded.
I'd also just like to echo the centiment that these games are all long dead, and honestly deserves to remain so. Bloodbath included, it's not even a very good game, was never fully polished, quite apart from anything else. I do think there's a lot of potential and a lot that hasn't yet been done in the online sidescroller seen though, and you can expect to see something from me in the coming months, depending on how life treats me.

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2020-09-06 04:45:28

Guys, i doon't want this to become a big drama which ends up when a mod closes the topic. I want this game to continue beeing developed for a long time, because it's a cool game! Do not make this topic a soon closing topic.

Best regards: Marco

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2020-09-06 05:06:35

My point was not to start drama, as said before, I don't really care for tk, however I do care for the truth. That's what I was trying to get to.
@haley_mary, I did say I was playing the devil's advocate to begin with in my previous post lol. With you, leaking the code before it was ever sold to cilag... That does change the equation, slightly. That might be why cilag in the end decited to just say fuck it and releace it officially and or start sharing, because said code was leaked already. I agree with you though, these games have been long dead, and should stay dead, however I steel felt I needed to get to the bottom of this, for curiosities sake.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

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2020-09-06 11:41:35

Just been listening to the game.
Where do all the music tracks come from.
I am especially interested in thhe heavy metal tracks and disco ones.

Thumbs up

2020-09-06 13:47:56

Tunmi makes some of the, or he gets it from NS I believe.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

Thumbs up

2020-09-06 13:54:34

Hmm what? So many stories about the TK code now... I thought it first got leaked because Ivanv put a dropbox link to the code in a skype group, however you pull that off. But who honestly knows anymore.

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2020-09-06 14:00:13

IDK. I always believed that Silack shared the link in the Skype group and Haily put it on her website. That's how I understood it.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

Thumbs up

2020-09-06 17:30:26

Wow. After the events today I've really lost faith in mohamed as a dev. Apparently he read Tunmi's PM, then used it as ammunition against him in an argument on public chat. Its alarming that he did this, and who knows who else's pm's he red

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

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2020-09-06 17:41:26

This is extreme childish bulshit. Still  I am not surprised he do that. I am sorry for tunmi. and the reputation  of Muhammad has been decreased from 0 to extreme minuses in my mind. If what you said is real than I won't be trusting him anymore with anything that could be private  or even public

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