2020-04-23 21:55:15

Wow, cool. I checked if my voice from acapella is available on the PC, since I realy like to use Will for gamebooks and the like on android. Now i can use him to play warsim with this voice as well. Realy great. Ah BTW: My suggestion with the mini stories before was not only meant for cults and the like, but for the whole game in certain situations or areas, or if you reached certain levels, you can do such things. That is, if a level up system is planed.

2020-04-27 15:09:36

Ooh that's awesome Niklas, new voice sounds cool!

I understand, good ideas man

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-04-27 16:01:04

Hey guys so Warsim 0.8 the gigantic community update is here, I'm uploading the changelog here because it's too big but you can see it across these three steam announcements!

It's so big it had to be split across 3 steam update posts and it has over 1000 total features!

Part 1 - https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/ … 3209872468
Part 2 - https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/ … 3209879441
Part 3 - https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/ … 3209884204

Hope everyone is staying safe in the lockdown!

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-04-27 19:17:40

Happy Birhday, Huw. I've still yet to read part 2, but I'd just thought I tell you happy birthday. And I hope your head's feeling, ok. smile!

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2020-04-28 01:32:22

Oh wow, so your birthday is april 26...but I got warsim update as a gift for my apr 27 birthday yaaay! I'm happy now! Happy birthday yo.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2020-04-28 02:42:27

Hey thanks Jaidon! Much appreciated smile

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-04-28 02:42:45

@Mata, Happy birthday buddy smile

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-04-29 01:15:03

just a question, as I have seen this before Wastelander.

I read through the list of hero names added to the game in that huge update, and several were on there multiple times. Also, several of them were already in the game as I have specifically seen them before.

Is this intentional or is this something else. It doesn't bother me, just was wondering at this repetition here and there. that is actually quite common.

2020-04-29 12:47:52

Hey, So I actually manually searched for most of the suggestions and removed at least 100 of the players suggestions that were duplicates. There may have been some that slipped under the hood but if you know of any let me know and I can find and remove them.

Which ones were on there multiple times?

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-04-29 16:18:33

honestly, without looking, I couldn't say, it's more of a pattern I noticed and such things have gone on for a while. It's no big deal, just wanted to let you know it happens.

It isn't a big deal and it isn't something you really ought to be concerned about, just wanted to make you aware it happened.

2020-04-29 18:17:04

I gotta say that unfortunately it also seems like many of the negative sounding ones are positive in battlescore too.  I know it's a huge task to do those all, but I worry about balance.

2020-04-30 04:34:57

wow, what a huge update. Ah and even if i am late on here, happy birthday to you as well.

2020-04-30 11:15:39

@Bookrage, that's fair enough. I tried to test all of them and search for as many of the 1100 suggested prefixes as possible especially the ones that looked similar. I thought I found and removed duplicates but I can imagine a few got through. But if you do find any duplicates just let me know and I can remove them asap.

@Defender, If you have any in mind let me know!

@Niklas, Cheers Niklas smile

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-04-30 11:37:37

I thought it was me messing my save at first...but it seems to be possible to start the game without deleting old save and end up having no minor bandit gang. Not sure if it's a bug or not, and also not sure if it happens to clean game without save as well.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2020-04-30 13:48:53

there is a chanse taht you dont start with those
you can set all those at random game options

2020-04-30 16:04:28

Hey Mata, as Omer says the rebellon/bandits etc are all randomised in their size and situation and it's possible they don't exist. It should explain it at the start of the game but it's easily skippable so fair to miss.

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-04-30 18:25:23

Oh, probably then. I thought it wasn't meant to be that way.:)
Let's see if the drum loop between years is still there.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2020-05-01 11:57:24

@Mata, yep wasn't fixed in the community update but it's fixed in my next coming update smile

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-05-01 16:34:50


Just a question. When the minor bandit gangs are destroyed. Is there a chance more could show up. If not, bandits should be a constant thing and should be something that remains a constant annoyance if not a threat. I've gotten rid of both goblin kingdoms and pretty much all of the default starting foes as well as all the enemy bandit groups and I think the bandit groups at least should be replaced.

Loving the game still, just something I was thinking about.

2020-05-01 18:13:30 (edited by Niklas 2020-05-01 18:16:39)

I think that should be optional, so the user can choose if he wants the bandits as a constant thing or not.
BTW: a suggestion. It would be interesting to have more shops in the game later on, not just for books, but for other items such as weapons, if they come in or other items and technologies/inventions later on, a bit like in RPG's. Maybe you could be able to sell items and such as well.

2020-05-03 17:16:01


The adventurer's quarter of the artifact market only had two locations inside it and was very much unfinished. I've added 3 new locations within the district to liven it up a bit. Now you've got a musician, a champion for hire, and a discount artifact shop selling mysterious crates for 'cheap'

* Added champion post to the artifact market adventurer's guild (hire a 180+ battlescore champion for 10x cost)
* Added Bladesinger to Artifact market (special song for 5 gold)
* Added screen with sfx for Bladesinger rejecting you if you don't have the gold
* Added new shop 'Gohran's Discount Artifacts' to the adventurer's district
* Added ability to speak to Gohran (7 dialogues)
* Added random number of artifact boxes each year between 5-20 available in Gohrans for 250 gold
* Added dynamic response to the value of the mystery artifact from Gohran


This was suggested by someone but I didn't note their username at the time so sorry to you! The person suggested that discovering the evil cult in Darkdale didn't offer any way to deal with them which is pretty bad for player choice, well now you can report the cult to everyones favourite guard commander, commander Nerrad!

* Added ability to report the cult of Ha'Hah in Darkdale to Commander Nerrad
* Added if town is ruled by cult Nerrad will shrug your report off
* Added if you rule Darkdale Nerrad will react more speedily to your report
* Added ability for Nerrad to destroy the cult of Ha'Hah following you report

SLAVE TRAINING (2 features)

Do you have a massive slave horde but none of them can fight? Need to quickly turn your slave farmers into an army? Look no further, for just 12000 gold you can train slaves into slave soldiers!

* Added new upgrade 'Slave Training Pen' (12k) found in military upgrades (Allows slaves to be trained into slave soldiers for 3 gold each) (credit Dark)
* Added slave training to the convert and disarm menu (if you have the upgrade)


Noticed a note for a location called 'Blue house' in the artifact market so decided to add it in and made up a small storyline for the location and a new sound effect I made.

* Added new location to the mage district called 'Blue House'
* Added ability to go inside and encounter with character
* Added ability to take ownership of blue house
* Added ability to enlist improvement service for blue house
* Added ability to rent blue house out for modest yearly income
* Added ability to destroy blue house


Was playtesting and saw the Holy order in game and wasn't too impressed so I've added a lot more you can do with it now and improved the old stuff.

* Added ability to destroy the holy order citadel
* Added ability to close the holy order citadel down and take it's 20 last knights
* Added ability to reclaim closed holy order by installing 20 knights inside it
* Added new screen for taking over holy order citadel initially
* Added new screen for destroyed holy order citadel
* Added new screen for abandoned holy order citadel
* Added ability to ask about forts history and view statue in owned citadel
* Added ability to view statue in owned but abandoned citadel
* Added ability to ask for more specific information about Holy order's garrison
* Fixed text for holy roses owned citadel
* Fixed holy order intro text bugs
* Rewrote holy order of the roses about section
* Added text showing how many troops holy citadel provides if you own it
* Added new songwood exploration screen tags for the various states of the citadel

BUGFIXES (17 features)

Lots of bugfixes mostly suggested by you guys! thanks as always for the reports.

* Fixed knights of Darkdale not giving you 50 knights (credit mithc)
* Fixed several text bugs in the long story player intro
* Fixed Negon's hovels listed twice in Darkdale (credit u/thebestroll)
* Fixed drum loop music not ending if music disabled (credit Mata)
* Fixed Blackrow text bugs for certain intro texts (credit Niklas)
* Fixed monument of kings viewing not working for ascii free version of game (credit Niklas)
* Fixed Prisoner trade with Baiaa still happens after they are destroyed  (credit u/binkow)
* Fixed robbing monster trader doesn't give you a new monster
* Fixed incorrectly shown options for larger pit when fighting arena champion with monster
* Fixed monster vs champion crash if arena doesn't have champion
* Fixed text bugs in artifact market intros
* Fixed text bug in 4th stump of gro'lok's
* Fixed tribal goblins instead of bandits used to check how many you can afford to train in barracks
* Fixed training bandits not enough bandits text bug   
* Fixed theme music not starting after leaving darkdale
* Fixed Zeef's mystery boxes text shows you can afford it with more than 5 gold instead of more than 100
* Fixed Zeef's mystery boxes not taking any gold from you when you buy a mystery box

* Renamed Gro'lok's stump location to Gro'lok's stumps (as there are now 4 instead of 1)

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-05-03 17:44:21

Not sure if this is a bug or not but I'm gonna report it anyway. With the arena destroyed, you can still get money from the arena owner somehow.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2020-05-03 18:25:51

@Mata, From the Arena owner or from being the arena owner? cause how do you interact with the owner if you can't get in to the arena?

@Bookrage, Definitely something to look into Bookrage all good ideas

@Niklas, I like the idea of it being something you could pre-set, gonna think about the bandit gang situation.

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2020-05-03 18:43:21

I'm not sure about when you own it. But in the case of the arena being owned by someone and is destroyed (as seen in elder origin), you still get income from the ruined arena.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2020-05-04 01:07:25

Huh that's interesting. Can you tell me what the income text says? exactly if possible just so I can find it in the code

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim