2020-03-31 11:37:54

Um, @99 you do realize the developer is blind and uses a screen reader himself right? This is a bug that he is working on, so please have some patience.

2020-03-31 11:46:13

Lol @98 I can see that the russian guy is the favorite of not some but many people big_smile big_smile big_smile
Yeah he's funny. I like the doctor as well. I lied if I say I wasn't shocked when I heard him saying oh, their screams are so erotic big_smile big_smile big_smile

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988

2020-03-31 12:20:30

those are also fun for me too

2020-03-31 18:00:23

@98: The russian guy is my favourite too.
Here is my favourite:
What? That stripper must have stolen my Money! (when you don't have enough Points for the box)

BTW, is there a way to listen to the voice Clips outside of the game?

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2020-03-31 18:30:50

the new weapon is glitchy

meow meow.

2020-03-31 20:30:49

@96: Thanks for your reply. Sounds not worth it at all in my opinion.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2020-04-01 04:00:00


It is fully accessible for those who are blind. To fix your issue kong find the game.config file. For me it was located c:\users\michael\appdata\roaming\undead\undead\config. Delete the game.config file and restart the game

2020-04-01 08:54:40

Thanks but I don't think it will work, I deleted the whole game and re-downloaded it, all this after deleting the file in the Temp folder. Nothing, when I reopened the game the screenreader was silent.

2020-04-01 19:00:24

hello i am not able to here anything from the game
it opens the main menu but there is no voice output
is this even accessible?

do i have to do something elce in order to play this?

2020-04-02 00:06:52

As said in a couple of previous posts, the game is obviously ccessible since it is created by a blind developer. However, there is a bug causing this to sometimes happen. Try typing %temp% in your run dialog and delete the folder gen_py. It worked for me, but did not work for a previous poster here.

2020-04-02 06:57:51

Juliantheaudiogamer wrote:

@98: The russian guy is my favourite too.
Here is my favourite:
What? That stripper must have stolen my Money! (when you don't have enough Points for the box)

BTW, is there a way to listen to the voice Clips outside of the game?

You can listen them from youtube.
Tank Dempsey:
Nikolai Belinski:
Edward Richtofen:
And Takeo Masaki:

All a gunfighter needs is loaded Colt, loving wife and faithful horse.

2020-04-02 08:32:06

@111: thanks, will check them out!

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2020-04-03 12:34:08

Sory for my bad English, I'm french.
I'm totaly bgginer, and I didn't know this game. What is the goal  of the game?
I tried to install it, and play it with nvda (or not) and in the menus, there are few items who are read, but not all. It is normaly? Someone can explaine me how to play?

2020-04-03 12:39:40

It is good, I downloaded the bad version.

2020-04-03 12:55:54

finaly, it's not good. I downloaded the world version, I installed it.
But in game, NVDA don't read a lot of thing. In the main menu, it say just "check update", "site web (I believe)", but not the other items, same thing in the game. The same thing for the field for sign up in the server.
What happen?


2020-04-03 13:47:33

hi. I would like to report an annoying bug that needs to be addressed ASAP. It seems that when the zombies come from your left the radar is not beeping. I hope this will be fixed in the next version.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2020-04-03 15:17:55

also if they come from behind it won't beep too

2020-04-03 17:03:08

cool game, but I wish they add more of the reall keano der torten game, like some more perks, weapons etc

2020-04-05 07:03:12

I agree. In the actual game their is more things, like speed, and more items and explosive things. So, wish they had all of it in this game.

2020-04-05 09:52:47

The game just came back, so I expect new features will be added, but first to fix as many bugs as possible and make the game stable. One thing I wanted to mention though: Even if the box goes all to way to 300,0, or really in any other location, if you go to 0,0 and press enter you can move it somewhere  else.

2020-04-05 10:07:59

I am new to this game. how do you exit the safe zone?

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To get in touch, please email me using the email link below this post. If you prefer, you can also send me a friend request on discord. I'm thetechguy#6969. Please do not send me a PM on here as I don't check those often.

2020-04-05 10:22:19

hi, it's on  0, 0. press enter there. you can create or join a team on that menu. if you ready then hit start, or wait until the leader of the team your joined in to start the game.
you can also read the manual by the way, it's in the game directory.

2020-04-06 09:12:24

hi all. i read all posts here and did all of the suggestions for the nvda problem. but when i open the exe file in the downloaded zip file i still have no speech. i love this game so much but cant play it now. but my friends all can play with nvda. but not me. i cant understand it. i also tried to restart NVDA but still nothing happens. so i am very sad now. ;-(

2020-04-06 10:05:41

For he I did not have to delete the game. I went into the do’s prompt. Once there I typed dir game.conf*.* /s. Once I found the directory that file was in I went to that directory and deleted it. Once I did the camera I restarted the game and it worked perfectly

2020-04-06 12:58:42 (edited by kianoosh 2020-04-18 10:55:22)

Ok. Here are a few things I can recommend you guys to do, to get your speech back.
First, open run by holding down the windows key and pressing r, and type %temp% followed by enter to open your temp directory. Then, look for a folder named gen_py. I know there are like a thousand folders there so to make your life easier, you can simply type gen so it poses the cursor on the folder I'm talking about. Delete the gen_py folder and you're done with the temp directory. Now, open the main directory of undead assault. I'm talking about the folder where undead assault's executable file is located. Delete a folder named com_cache. If you ran the game at least once, and haven't deleted the said folder, and you don't find the folder in your game's directory, it should be the reason your screen reader doesn't speak anything and I, unfortunately, have no idea of why such a thing would happen because it never happened to me. Usually deleting of the gen_py folder would fix this issue. I don't think it'd make that much difference but you could also delete a folder named config there. It clears your configuration but it "might have" some effect, but it's just unlikely to fix that issue. It's only one guessed solution of me

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988