2020-03-20 22:55:24

They don't even have chapter 3 yet, and they just released an update only for free things, like the daily wheel, which they could have created for a few weeks after the app was released. Good thing I chose to log in to facebook and not that keyboard.

2020-03-21 03:16:42

Really? You're not even going to believe Liam? Wow. You must really hate my ass. Sorry buddy. Why are you so angry? It's just a video game.

2020-03-21 03:54:06

I have to say thanks to one friend of mine. Thank you Liam for being interfering and open minded. And thank you to all of you who have been supportive this far. To the rest of you. Keep a positive mind. I am sorry we have failed you in ways that you feel were Unacceptable. like I said above. We will get better. This I promise you. Positive things happen to positive people. Our community is stronger than that and stronger than anything. If you believe in Me and my project then sky is the limit. The reason I don't come in here is because of the special needs children who want to complain about something they have no idea about. And unfinished product can only be changed if it's within the reach of somebody who wants to change it. Not by the people who want to be negative. Negativity creates Negativity. That only diminishes helping peoples adventure. I hope that makes sense to the ones who understand. Thank you for taking charge of criticism. I'm not going to stop creating because I believe in myself. When you realize I did this for us and not for me maybe you will understand. I do love our community i'm not going to get rich off this game. I just thought I could help bring something back. If I fail then, at least I know I tried. I'll be happy with that. Nobody could ever take that away from me. No one.

2020-03-21 04:17:53

you can't just run stuff on positivity and believes.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2020-03-21 04:52:28

Noone is angry. And no, it's not a video game, there are no visuals. Seriously though, you are the one telling people they don't know what they are talking about? Keep paying for your 500 dollar servers. If you actually read one of my previous posts, you would notice that not only did I agree with Liam, I told you the alternative way that other Unity games use to solve this problem which is not creating another keyboard interface that is so horrible and was never seen before. If you want to take the feedback, do that, if not that's also your choice. It's your game, but if people disagree, probably there is a good reason. They are not kids expressing their frustration with the life. Your game is still just as laggy as it was with the first release, the menu is still spoken using pre recorded files of Microsoft David for whatever reason, and one new feature that you released in this update does not even work right. I can't get how a beta team could not catch the fact that daily wheel does not work correctly. It literally takes 2 days of testing to notice that, it's not some weird bug that happens only on some devices. This is called lazyness my friend. You can keep ranting about some unrelated things. Noone here hates you personally. The feedback is directed towards your game and the mess it currently is. If you don't believe that, I can record a demo trying to log in. It will literally take no less than 10 minutes, and that if I just type a random email of 5 letters that does not even exist. God if I try typing my real data, it will most certanly take even longer. How anyone in the beta team said okay, this release is ready for public is really beyond me. This is alpha, not even beta quality. That's my last post in this subject though unless something new comes up that needs answering. I don't want you to feel that we are a small group who hates you on purpose because we have nothing better to do. If that's the conclusion you draw from this post, then that's really sad and there's no help for the game. We all want a good shooter for IOS, and if I did not care about it I would not post about this game. At this point I doubt it will ever reach the potential it had with your design choices, but who knows. Good luck though whatever you end up doing.

2020-03-21 04:54:00

@Joe, I do not hate the game. The game has potential, but a lot of things need to be changed with both the game and the team.
1. With the team, please don't just talk in videos. A lot of people either don't have the time, or would prefer to not sit through a whole video.
2. Please. In the next update, get rid of Microsoft David. That voice has no place on iOS, and it makes navigating the game very slow.
Also, the FaceBook login didn't work for me so I had to use the keyboard. Easy enough once you figure it out, but still.
Fix some of those things and you're good to go.
Also, I am sorry about the news about your team member. I hope for the best for their family

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-03-21 05:21:16

You said you'd get better before this update came out, as well.
From what I can tell, you didn't follow through with your promise then. What's different now?

Prier practice and preparation prevents piss poor performance!

2020-03-30 08:12:45

Whatever that post is trying to proove, I honestly don't get the point, but okay... At this point we're going in circles, clearly feedback is not being taken or isn't wanted. I'll just say now that you  mentioned it, Dave Oliva's games are at a 20 times higher quality than CMR. The fact you're blind has little to do with anything, there have been so many blind developers of games before you. Those statistics are just numbers that honestly do not mean anything. Of course you have downloads from all over the world, everyone wanted to try the game when it was released. I'm not sure how being ritch and making money is relevant to making a good user experience. But now that you mentioned that, even blindfold games offer a better experience. At least he uses a standard keyboard when you need to type and they don't really have lag. You can't tell me we test things differently because the bug is so obvious. Either you test the update or you don't. Because how do you not notice daily wheel not actually being daily and failing to work? As I said before, it literally takes two days of testing the feature to see that it is broken.

2020-03-30 09:46:59


At Joe 80 well, almost everyone around here is either fully blind or at least visually impaired up to a point. The fac that you state that you are blind doesn't prove anything, as Nidza already stated there have been other blind developers before you even though you say you were the first one, simply not true.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2020-03-30 15:42:38

I would have to agree with the last 2 posters here. Sorry, but what does you being blind have to do with you making a game that you can't even listen to feedback on? Feedback hasn't been delivered and don't think it will ever be. So what's the point of even going on about all of this. Just because you're quote on quote, blind, does not give you the excuse of your game being the way that it is. Sounds like a thrown together project if I ever seen one myself and to me, this needs a lot of work before I'll consider it being playable and not just playable either. I understand bugs and all but your testers really honestly, if you have or had any, should have picked up on all of the stuff months ago, not just focus on the game play itself. And what the hell does the David voice gotta do with all of the menus? Just, no! Claiming that this was going to be a great game and with great quality was one of the things that I was looking for when playing. Sadly, that was not the case and was quite the opposite. . The in game sounds was one positive out of many things that I didn't like. If I was a game dev, of which, I'm not, I'll state that again, common sense I would have checked for all of this and asked questions to my team about all of this. Even if I wasn't a game dev but I had devs working along side of me, questions would have still been asked. You can't just go and say, Oh hey, I've made this quickly thrown together game, go and check it out. And you not being concerned about your player bass of which, I honestly think that you just went ahead and said, yep, menus are good, play ability is good, let's release. Yeah boy! No. Not how this works.

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2020-03-31 06:22:16

I could be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that his beta testers told him what to fix before releasing it.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2020-03-31 07:14:59

@261 okay so maybe he had beta testers but he didn't listen to them? That's even worse. Hello, that's the whole point of having beta testers in the first place. Like for god sake! Whatever the case may be, it's just for pardon the language here,  but shitty on all kinds of levels here. Like I said before. It would be different if let's say this were to happen, in which case I would be happy about. First version came out. It wasn't great at all like it is right now. Second version came out, he listened to people and delivered fixes and we found the game to be better than it was before. Okay, maybe I wouldn't harp on this as much as I would now, but being as, he didn't fix, anything and just added one new feature and said, oh here's a new feature and no menu fixes after we told him what needed fixing, Oh yeah, and I payed for some tokens which I had to pay, to get quack shot to work, of which, doesn't. I don't have the game anymore, but I would like my money back for that as well. Totally forgot about that until now. Yeah, that's another thing. You can't get additional tokens when you play the game again, that's shitty. You basically have to pay money to get stuff unlocked to do stuff. Sorry, not happening with this dev. I'm not about to go out of my way to support someone who will not listen to feedback and just takes stuff that we say about the game to be negative and expect everything to be positive and people lying about the game and say, oh hey, it's a good game when they feel like it's really not. Sorry, but if you can't accept feedback, then why is this even a thing in the first place? Yes, I get it, you wanna make the reality of AD, but this is nothing like the quality of audio defense at all! Oh yeah and you still haven't answered my question about the $500 server. Just because you lowered the price, doesn't mean you've answered my question. Sorry but I'm gunna keep saying stuff about this until he gets the damn point! Of which, I don't think he's getting at all. Read, through, my, posts, carefully! And precisely! I honestly think that this needs to be rewritten from the ground up. Code bass and all. Either that, or fix everything of which, I'm sure, neither is gunna happen.

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2020-03-31 11:15:29

This is why it is dangerous to outsource your development.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2020-04-01 02:25:15

Liam, do you know I didn't have any choice but to third-party my idea and vision. You know I did it for us. You know my heart. All of you know my heart. Stop kicking me in the ass because it doesn't work out. At least I'm trying. https://youtu.be/Y09zpQWgjXw

2020-04-01 03:00:11

how is some music going to proov your point?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2020-04-03 17:11:13

Letting you know in advance that this is not a tangent. I will not be posting on this form anymore. I don't feel very welcome here and my feelings are kind of hurt. I'm getting tired of getting kicked in the balls by my own community. just so most of you know, all of your feedback was taken into consideration. We have just not been able to implement it yet. Chapter 3 is now under construction. Before we launch it on the App Store as a free update, those things will be fixed. Remember, we hope to complete five chapters In all. The endless mode Will be unlocked once you complete The final chapter. I don't know if any of you have heard about this but, Mental Vision, My True Sound, and purple jam started a monthly podcast called at the Blindspot. We do it on the first Sunday of every month. If you're interested to check it out, go to Theory of a blind man on YouTube Sunday morning. We did one last month and it was kind of fun. We usually start about 11 AM central time. and as always, happy hunting.

2020-04-03 17:21:14

Goodbye friend. Your app gets negative comments so you leave. Sorry, you might be part of an unrealistic world where because you are blind people praise you no matter what you do, but that's not how it works. Your community has nothing personal against you, your community is pointing out the obvious flaws in your product. If you take it too personal, that's your issue, not ours. Stop blaming people for being honest. If you are comparing your game to audio defence, people expect the same quality. Right now, comparing it to AD is a shame to the original.

2020-04-04 01:11:15

Yeah. Not the worst game I've played, but still not my favorite. The game does have potential, and I would be willing to be a tester. Joe, if you ever see this post, please e-mail me and we'll talk

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-04-04 20:47:16 (edited by Dark 2020-04-04 21:53:20)

I'm just trying to test this game out to create a db page, however I confess I am really not liking the virtual keyboard, and I don't have a facebook account.

is it necessary to log in each and everytime you start the game? Or once an account is created, are you signed in anyway?

I also confess, I don't really understand why I need an email account for a solo single player game, or yet why I can't just use my bluetooth keyboard to input the email address, or why, as was asked earlier, we can't just have a login page that opens in Safari.

Any thoughts?

Edit: Okay I played without logging in, and I will say I like the game, though I was a wee bit disappointed to unlock new weapons and not be able to use them, still I probably ought to just try the login thing anyway since it seems you can't use the shop without it.

On the  plus side, I'm reallu liking the enemies and the way gameplay works, the circus master himself had me laughing a bit too, though I do slightly wish he didn't play on the @blind!@ thing so much.
not that I mind an evil villain taunting a blind hero, well because he's evil, but he does seem to do it a lot.

I also found the game rather easy so far, or at least I made it all the way to stage 3 of chapter 2 without dying once using the default weapons, even the ball bouncing bob boss was something of a pushover, though I suspect matters will be getting harder later on.

Actually, other than the loginn issue I mentioned, I rather like the game, it's fun, silly and a bit nuts, also I'm always a fan of games that make full use of the Iphone's potential for haptic controls, indeed I very much enjoyed the original zombie arena, which this is obviously a homage to.

Edit: still can't get the blasted login to work! I put in my email, swipe right and it takes me back to the menu, then I hit to enter a password and it tells me I need to put in an email.
okay I really like the game, but yee gods this login system is a nightmare! It's a shame, I'd love to see some of the extra weapons and indeed save my progress, and hell I wouldn't mind contributing to help development as well, but until the login works I might be a bit stuck, unless I actually start a facebook account instead.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-04-04 22:59:09

Okay, I did mange to login, though only by digging out my facebook account (which I havent' used in years).
Circus master's revenge also has a db page find it here.

I'm also actually rather liking the game myself, I'm now five stages into chapter 2.
I will say, the only weapon I've found of much use is the upgraded pistol, I tried the AK 47, and it just didn't seem particularly damaging, whilst with the upgrade the pistol blasted away the bouncing bob clones quite nicely, also there seem to be a bunch of melee weapons in the story I've not unlocked, but can try anyway, indeed the only one at this point I don't seem to have access to is the long handled axe.
Still, at least this gives me options to play with, though I do hope, if indeed there are only two chapters, that more missions will be coming relatively soon.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-04-05 01:56:50

As he said their will ber more chapters. In one of the comments, he said that chapter 3 was under onstruction, so might as well wait.

2020-04-08 08:17:53

This have only chapter 2?

2020-04-08 13:09:58

i hate to say this but, some of you guys really do not know of the word, be pationt, at the leest this guy is working on this game, be happy that he is eeven doing this! look at how audio defence turned out, i do not know why it got taken down but it might have something to do with you guys beeing assholes to the developers, so if you wish to have a good game, stop beeing assholes to devs and insted help them around! and if he/she has other matters like family to kare about, then that is more importent!
if i was in a situation witch i had a game and had to care about my family, i would defenatly pick family over this comunity, cause family is more importent then some impationt peoples foolish demands!

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

2020-04-08 15:38:18

Sorry, nope, try next time. When you get your product out, you are asking for feedback, not being grateful that it is even out in the first place. We're past the age of this is the first audiogame ever released so be grateful. Noone said release the update right now, forget about the family, go  develop. In fact, I have not requested a single time that a release should  be rushed or that there should be a specified date. But if you release something, a minimum of testing should show that you actually care about what you are releasing. If you release something with an obvious bug that can be figured out after 2 days of testing, then you don't really care. Audio defence is a golden standard we haven't yet reached, so when  it's compared to AD it better lives up to that. Again, to clarify, I am not talking about the amount of content. That can easily be resolved and in the future I am sure it will. I am talking about obvious bugs and stupidities with the game. The fact you should either type for 15 minutes to log in or find a Facebook account, is that what you call a great product? I don't.

2020-04-16 08:06:05 (edited by Joe80 2020-04-25 03:29:53)

OK everyone. Here is your chance to make your opinions count. I have just finalize the negotiation for chapter 3 for CMR. One of my conditions was to provide a list of user game issues that need to be fixed. If you send me an email with constructive suggestions or frustrating issues. I will submit them to my team and they will be fixed prior to chapter 3 launch. your recommendations will be taken seriously as long as they are within reason. If you provide constructive feedback, it will help increase the level of gameplay for everyone. we can all do this and be proud of it together. Please send your feedback and constructive suggestions to my email. [email protected]
Happy hunting