2020-03-11 14:03:37

Welcome Wayfarer!

Your journey in the world of Blind Quest begins NOW!
We are releasing our new audiogame for iOS!

Save the reign of Reldia and princess Helen! Become a LEGEND!
Blind Quest - The Enchanted Castle will be available on your iPhone and iPad at the price of 5.90€!

Follow the link for the store page of Blind Quest - The Enchanted Castle on Audiogame.store!

https://www.audiogame.store/en/shop/bli … ed-castle/

Check out the new release trailer!


Blind Quest is a fantasy role-playing game where you will guide Nathan the mercenary in an epic adventure across the lands of Aetherna.
The Enchanted Castle of King Alen is invaded by ghosts. His daughter, Helen, is in search of a hero who can defeat this supernatural menace and only Nathan, a solitary mercenary, dares to help her.
Explore incredible locations such as the Desert of Sarteras and the Dungeons of Curigos and other 50 maps in 10 different scenarios to explore and interact with!
More than 20 enemies to face in an engaging active combat system! Battle against terrible foes like the Necromancer, the Crystal Dragon and many more!
With 3 or more hours of gameplay and a high level of replayability Blind Quest - The Enchanted Castle is a true fantasy epic!


- Audiogame Association


As always, I'm here for every feedbacks and I hope you'll enjoy this porting smile

2020-03-11 15:04:35

Is this, or any of your other projects available on android? My old pc is very outdated, and my 4th gen ipod broke down years ago, so now all I have is my galaxy. I would really like to continue to enjoy your games since I have made quite a few purchases back when I was on iOS and found the experiences satisfying.

2020-03-11 16:19:07

The only Android game they produced was Audio Rally Racing, and that was for sure not popular over there as purchases were concerned.

Then again, it would be nice if they had the time to support Android if they could.

2020-03-11 17:34:06

Hi everyone!
We are currently trying to figure out a way to develop in a secure way on android (it's really more difficult due to piracy).
So we'll see how to make it possible in the future!

2020-03-11 17:54:39

Thanks, would really like that. smile

2020-03-11 19:56:11

Is the game in the style of Blind Gladiator or is this still the downgraded turn-based version?

2020-03-11 20:21:14

Nice to see the game for IOS as well.
What's the status of fixing the bugs in the pc and Mac version?

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2020-03-12 00:15:11 (edited by Garr 2020-03-12 07:32:34)

Just bought it but... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I don't hear anything and only get possible text when I enable VO.

possible text: Nathan's room
possible text: desk
possible text: wall

What am I missing?
Said iOS 10 and have 12.4.5

So, plugged in some headphones and that worked.

Now made it up to an enemy but got no info on how to fight, any instructions/hints?

Never mind, figured it out, thought when I attacked I was getting hurt yikes

Having fun so far.

Every day is a good day!
When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade!
Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.

2020-03-12 17:55:36

Is your ringer muted? I've sometimes known that to cause audio problems in games.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2020-03-12 18:27:14

Couldn't it work just like on PC? You buy it, click the e-mail, and in the e-mail, there is a link where you can download the APK and enter your key. This means that although people could give the APK to people, it would be useless without the registration key

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-03-12 18:44:56

is it me or is the speaker sounds like he is bored while reading the passeges?

2020-03-12 20:21:56

Bugs on windows and Mac version are fixed. Go to the audio game store to download latest update of the game.

2020-03-12 20:40:43

Some times I feel like the battles are too long and that my dodging actions don't work.
A few special attacks would vary and shorten fights.
That would be the only update I would make to this game.
But, I would expect a better sequel and feel like if VO would do a better job reading.

Every day is a good day!
When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade!
Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.

2020-03-13 11:25:51

Hi thanks everyone for your feedbacks!

I didn't experience any issues during my run, but please feel free to tell me about any specific bug on iOS.

PC/Mac bugs are all fixed, and this version has the same upgrades.

To Garr: I think that special attack is a good thing, we'll surely implement this feature in future chapters.

Also: we can't publish game on iOS with our key system... apple store has its own laws! So every game needs to pass there with their security system.


2020-03-13 11:41:09

Good morning!  I would like to buy back the game but, has Italian been implemented?

2020-03-13 20:37:01

Some bosses are hard to dodge like the two in the castle. I just plowed through them. My also froze when I said yes to the princess.

Every day is a good day!
When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade!
Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.

2020-03-13 23:51:53

@14 I was making a suggestion for the Android version not the iOS version. I thought I specifically said that you should try doing it to where someone purchases the game like they would if they were playing on PC, then in their inbox, they would be given the option to download for Mac, PC, and Android. If they chose Android, they would run the APK file, install it, then when they ran it, you would just need to have it give a prompt to enter your product key, and you're good to go. Don't know how doable that would be, but it's just a suggestion

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-03-14 18:29:24

Finished the game a few more times and it seems that beating the final boss in the castle is the beginning of the end sequence, would be nice if something said the "end" and that the last part of the scene wasn't swipe left to say yes or swipe right to say no with a question.
And I'm much better at fighting and that last fight is hard to do properly. I can't dodge fast enough and if I were able to, would spend the whole fight just dodging, maybe boss fights are calibrated for pc on iOS?

Every day is a good day!
When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade!
Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.

2020-03-14 19:22:53

Boss fights are designed to be more challenging.. That being said, I've not played the game for IOS. When it comes to the king, and the skeleton, the trick is not to just strike and strike.. The trick is to dodge blows, and pick your spots to strike them.. Its a bit more strategical.

2020-03-14 23:48:51 (edited by Garr 2020-03-15 09:43:11)

Hmm... let's see if I can be clear and detailed.
I know bosses are supposed to be hard but the reaction time seams unreasonable, wish someone else could say yeah or you're too slow. It almost feels like I have to guess where the blow is coming from before. That's not the case for the regular enemies and maybe some earlier bosses. I found that wired headphones made it slightly better then Bluetooth. Only started noticing from the necromancer fight.
also, dodging waiting for an opening would be fun if:
1. I could dodge
2. I didn't have to hit like 200 times (I counted and lost track but it's somewhere around there).
I don't know if pressing buttons on the PC makes it way easier (swiping feels like it takes longer). And, speaking of which, when I die it says press left arrow to continue from save.
I'm going to start over and take better notice.
About to head into Crystal Lands and only Grinnid didn't mess me up with dodging. The other bosses let me dodge 1/3. Some times it sounds like I dodged along with the damage, maybe just a half second more would be enough.

Every day is a good day!
When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade!
Opinions are like arseholes - everybody has one, and they all stink.

2020-03-15 23:20:17

Garr wrote:

Hmm... let's see if I can be clear and detailed.
I know bosses are supposed to be hard but the reaction time seams unreasonable, wish someone else could say yeah or you're too slow. It almost feels like I have to guess where the blow is coming from before. That's not the case for the regular enemies and maybe some earlier bosses. I found that wired headphones made it slightly better then Bluetooth. Only started noticing from the necromancer fight.
also, dodging waiting for an opening would be fun if:
1. I could dodge
2. I didn't have to hit like 200 times (I counted and lost track but it's somewhere around there).
I don't know if pressing buttons on the PC makes it way easier (swiping feels like it takes longer). And, speaking of which, when I die it says press left arrow to continue from save.
I'm going to start over and take better notice.
About to head into Crystal Lands and only Grinnid didn't mess me up with dodging. The other bosses let me dodge 1/3. Some times it sounds like I dodged along with the damage, maybe just a half second more would be enough.

I understand. It is way easier on Mac.. Right when you hear, "Blow on the left.", you push the right arrow. Yes on more difficult bosses, it feels like you fight forever.. Maybe there will be stronger attacks in the next game. Hopefully, Max can address some of that in the next IOS update.

2020-03-16 12:57:50

Hi everyone!
Thanks for all your feedback, as always this forum is precious!

For the difficulty: this is always tricky, but I'll see what I can do in the next updates. In the first version a lot of people hated the fact that there was an "easy" mode, so I remove that and made only one more balanced difficulty. But let's see, I'm always willing to improve.

Remember to put a positive review on the apple store... that would really help!
Today I'm going to make the first update with bug fixing.

2020-03-17 01:52:34

It sounds like the game wasn't exactly ready for IOS just yet.. There are no left arrows to press on IOS.. All you can do is swipe this way or that way. If you can't dodge blows, than how do you stay alive? Hmm..

2020-03-17 05:20:52

I like the game, but I do have a couple complaints. The first is that, if this is an RPG, I would like to have loot other than just healing potions. Maybe there could be lots of different types of weapons and armor you get off of bandits and pelts you get from wolves. Each may or may not drop a healing potion, but I would prefer that enemies drop gold to buy things, and you can sell things you don’t want. my second complaint is that I was expecting blind gladiator, but with swiping, but the trouble is that that system worked a lot better in that game. This game doesn’t allow you to take time to dodge when you are fighting like blind gladiator did. Here is what I mean by that. In blind gladiator, you could tell that the enemy was about to hit you because he would start blocking first and then he would grunt, giving you time to dodge. In this game, I cannot tell if the enemy is blocking and he can hit me and while I am hitting him, so that doesn’t make much sense to me. So, when fighting enemies, there should be a distinct sound between hitting him and blocking. The game does have potential, lots of it, but I just don’t think that it is the game it could be. I know I make a lot of comparisons to blind gladiator, but that is because it is the best game you people have ever made. It was an RPG light if you will. Well, all you would need to do is have a gold system when you defeat enemies, maybe they can drop weapons and armor, and give a weapons and armor shop location to the city so the player can have a reason to return every now and again. Now is the chance to make an RPG proper. You have the experience and leveling system. Now, just implement the blind gladiator system of gold, weapons and armor, and most importantly, fighting mechanics, and this could be your best game.

2020-03-17 05:52:03

the difficult things about the game from this developer is the way all of their games are self voiced, which saddly block flexibility. they need to record more line if they would like to make the game even more complex.