2020-02-12 05:05:05 (edited by jack 2020-02-12 05:05:34)

It's in the cave, in a chest near the northeastern corner. This could've been found in this article.

2020-02-14 21:03:06

I've heard sounds from audio games in commercials a couple of times. I've also heard the music for Manamon 2's desert used on the Daily Show as the background for a couple of their skits. The Byron theme is probably different though, since it's not so much background music and it's more a full song complete with lyrics. Whatever it is it isn't well-known enough for song identification apps to recognize it. Makes me think it's either just really obscure or it was commissioned specifically for the game.

2020-02-15 02:28:56


So after combing the search feature, I'm coming up blank on this one... what transformation item is used to transform durroink? The only hint I got is that the item in question doesnt match durroink's type.

When the wandering fire strikes the heart of stone, will you follow? Will you take ... the longest road?
Guy Gavriel Kay

discord: tayo134

2020-02-15 16:50:46

I think that should be a gunk element. but i am not 100% sure.

The galaxy's healing dragon.

2020-02-16 01:50:12

Hey guys. Here's something to try. Finish weeding the third stadium, then yank out every single flower. I did it just out of idle curiosity.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2020-02-16 04:04:47

Yup. And absolutely nothing happens. It's a waste of two and a half minutes of my life that I want back.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-02-16 06:13:55

No, it changes the cut scene when you face the leader.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2020-02-16 08:12:39

Sorry. Let me clarify then. It changes nothing meaningful.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-02-16 09:00:59

I just thought it was one of those Easter egg type things, and I love finding those.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2020-02-22 11:01:35

@TheEvilChocolateCookie  you've got me interested. I'm one of those people who will try a whole bunch of things in game to add to the story, even if  The characters experience  only ends up in headcanon. I finish the game so will this thing still work in the rematch? Btw, is the person to upgrade the stadium harder to find in the second game or is it just me, I've been looking everywhere maybe I'm just tired every time I play.

2020-02-23 12:02:34

I have a question about importing manamon from the original game: do you have to have the original game installed on your Computer for it to work and if so, does it Need to be the full Version?

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2020-02-23 12:28:20

Yes. You will need the full version to do that.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2020-02-23 20:19:43

Unable to find tamer class with type 0

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2020-02-23 21:46:06

I hope you're aware of the fact that these kinds of errors are pretty hard to pinpoint if you post literally no context. Like, when does this occur? Is it whenever you launch the game, whenever you catch a Manamon, or whenever you by exactly 64 tokens in the YCG shop while the second Manamon in your party has a gravity magnet equipped?

2020-02-23 23:02:08


Does anyone have any tips for progressing through the Eternity Studio? I know that everyone has managed this eventually, but for me it's causing no end of frustration, so much so that I stopped playing for a while. I've asked about this before, and been given advice before; use fliers, mark cannon locations, etc. I still have no idea where to go to progress, however. The one area I managed to explore contained a rest stop, a few tamers, a few items, and no way forward tat I could find. I came down the ladder and am now dodging or being fried by lasers as I try to find a way to proceed.

When the wandering fire strikes the heart of stone, will you follow? Will you take ... the longest road?
Guy Gavriel Kay

discord: tayo134

2020-02-24 01:11:04

I'm looking for a place for Record to fight creatures with the following moves.

1. Volume level
2. Wild vibration
3. Sonic screech

In addition, since Manamon master is not Rena, so I cannot meet Mondevol.
I think the first two moves are probably the only chance to learn from a creature that can only fight once.

2020-02-24 03:26:17

I think that person is in the room with the shop keeper.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2020-02-24 03:48:01

number4,470, all I can tell you is keep trying. That's what I do.

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2020-02-24 05:38:50

@4771, I can help you with these, send me a mail to [email protected] so we can set a time to set the room.

2020-02-25 11:42:21

Can you te3ll me where to find the rematch of hyper symphonid?

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2020-02-26 18:21:08

Oh no! You broke the law! You asked the most forbidden question of them all! Nobody but this can help you now! Just go and ask it for "symphonid", I am sure you will find what you seek then.

2020-02-26 19:07:40

Thanks for the help. I have another question:
I have just caught all three Stone mythicals. Do you guys know of an effective way to Level them up quickly? Because when you catch them, they're Level 50 (don't know made them so underlevelled). They'd probabbly get killed in every hyper-boss fight at this Point.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2020-02-26 21:46:19

@Juliantheaudiogamer: Send them into the hyper-boss fights anyway. Everyone gets xp even if they get defeated during the match.

2020-02-27 18:22:43

I need help with the catacombs. i'm in the fourth floor, I don't know what to do/ware to go, if someone that would be nice. I saved right by the stairwell back to f3. if you want it,
https://www.dropbox.com/s/rky7icop3kzvg … 1.dat?dl=0
thanks much

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2020-02-28 02:16:00

Has anyone experienced crash when leveling up?
I tried to level up five lv1s by defeating Peal with the last mon. I did it, and each lv1 got to lv81. But when watching the third manamon (Shrubbreek) the game crashed with bgt runtime error and all I've done was lost. Grrrrrr!!

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.