2020-01-17 16:44:38

I don't think anybody knows, honestly. We have all been trying to figure that one out ever since the game came out, but as far as I know, nobody's found how that works.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2020-01-17 17:40:38

Zuckuss, unfortunately I -would call your level of help requirement hand-holding in this context. You want a text walkthrough before you'll play a game. You wanted to be able to cheat in, what was it, BK3, so that you couldn't die. The thing is, it sounds like you don't want to fail at whatever you're doing. Organizing music or books or movies or whatnot won't fail, it's not a game, it's just tedious. Games, on the other hand, can be challenging, precisely because of mazes or fights that are not intuitively easy. Perhaps it's a cognition thing, or a challenge thing. Either way, I am absolutely not trying to shame you for it, merely pointing out that yes, you do seem to want your hand held on this.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-01-18 00:45:23

I disagree with you on a few points, but we can just agree to disagree. It's just about preference. Organizing stuff can fail, as there is a lot going into it such as accuracy, bitrates, etc.

2020-01-18 14:32:01 (edited by Alduin 2020-01-18 14:37:54)

@Dragons Defeat the stadium in the northwest of that city.
Perhaps Calculade requires you to invert your device. Get the reference? Jk. Maybe its moves, like sylveon.
Edit: has anyone tried the Andromeda blade for Calculade in particular?

2020-01-18 21:25:48

Not yet, but perhaps I'll try at some point. I still also don't know if it's even worth it. Does one specialize in physical attack, and the other in special attack?

Or perhaps Mathmon might have something to do with it, since calculade is supposed to be the master of calculations.

The good news is that I can hopefully do some of those tests a bit more easily myself, with regards to what mons get what. I almost have a full team of level 100s now. I still have two more stadium rematches to thrash, as well as Ruben. The dragon one is tricky because I don't have a magic type, and if you don't, everything is going to hit really hard. Then again, my team was only around level 80 when last I tried.

2020-01-18 22:40:12

Thanks Alduin!!!!

I have that key with me. But I didn't know. They call different name. So I have to read the description to know what they are. I forgot about it.

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2020-01-19 00:36:32 (edited by ignatriay 2020-01-19 00:40:33)

Hi all,
So finally managed to get passed that room where you have30 seconds to run in floor 5 of eternity studio. I went into requiea, I think that's how its called? Met andromeda, and now... I have to beat haforilian again. Here's where I need help though, i'm in the cave I forgot its name, but its a cave where there are knives at regular intervals and a black door which is closed. I mannage to avoid the traps... But how do I open the black door?
Edit, curious on the cave blades though. Its like, as soon as I'm 1 or so tiles away from said blade, it vanishes or something. Weird.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2020-01-19 05:19:28

Search feature.

2020-01-19 06:51:48

@ignatriay: You need to collect the three underground keys before heading into the cave that is barren Heart, that's the room with the spikes that you need to run past.

2020-01-19 07:45:17

Ok. I have key 3, and i've been searching on here to see about keys 1 and 2... I know where they are, but for the life of me I cant find the room with the boulders and table and switch and the statue you have  to move. If its  on floor one... haven't explored too much from there... but floor 2 and 3... pritty sure i've explored every corner unless there's something i'm overlooking?

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2020-01-19 07:54:49

ok, so I have an equipment related question.
I am currently using a fighting type manamon who has boxing gloves equiped. I believe these gloves boost fighting moves by 25 percent. However, I also have this sword thing which says it powers up fighting moves as well. Which one should I be using for most effect? This is one thing I do not like about equipment like this, you are not told how much your fighting moves are powered up by. Or should I just go ahead and put like a power bracelet on this manamon? I can by one by now.

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2020-01-19 09:07:12 (edited by Alduin 2020-01-19 09:22:04)

I haven't completed the game yet so I'm not sure if this is answered later on, I'm just about to enter the underground. Is there a reason in the game lore that prevents you from catching any creatures in Requiem? I mean, the ghost lion follows you and manamon have definitely been confirmed to be able to leave the computer, so why can't you catch something there. You can even take items you find out of the computer as Wellers being able to use items that affect your creatures and wild ones like  encounter downs.
On a side note, how many deviant manamon have you guys caught. So far, I've only got one, a deviant glarie.

2020-01-19 12:29:39

Haven't found any, yet. And yes, that ghost thing being able to go out with you, but others not being catchable, is just weird and nonsensical.

The power bracelet is probably better if your strength is below about 100, since at that point you'll get a more than 25% increase (assuming the formula works the same). It's also nice because it boosts attacks of every type, not just one. But it also has a nasty downside because you'll take extra damage from critical hits. It's probably safe to say that the higher level you are, the less useful the power bracelet will be, because the stat increases are static numbers and not percentage based.

2020-01-19 14:19:55

Yes, exactly that. So if you make something deaf, it's actually bad for you.

2020-01-19 14:51:51 (edited by Alduin 2020-01-19 14:57:21)

Oh weird. I always thought most of the dammage came from the intense soundwaves battering your body but this makes sense. Maybe sound's super affective against things that it can actually also damage physically like solid but brittal things like ice and stone. Although I'm not sure about fighting, maybe it's just you can't hit sound, Just like you can't hit air, and sound is generally transferred through air.

2020-01-19 16:00:57

Actually I guess that does make it ambiguous. As to fighting... Well, to be perfectly honest, sound isn't that great a type anyway, and removing its effectiveness against fighting would make it even worse.

Poison vs fighting could go both ways as well, I suppose. On the one hand, fighting types should be so physically well-trained that their body might've built up a natural resistance to toxins, but on the other hand, they use their body to do damage, and poison weakens the body.

In other games, undead sometimes can't die easily to physical hits, and you have to burn them to get rid of them. Yet undead has no flame weakness here.

At the end of the day, it's not just what makes sense, but also what is balanced. Sound appears to have entirely too many weaknesses to be viable if you don't combine it with some other type.

2020-01-19 19:07:05

Yeah, sound is actually pretty meh as a type. The types it's good against (stone, fighting, ice) already have plenty of problems and really don't need a sound weakness on top of everything else.
Also, making Decibel Rush, the only really good physical sound move, have the deafening thing going on is just ugly. Like seriously. Why bone your only good physical sound move by giving it a quirk where if you're a little unlucky, your foe is suddenly immune to sound damage for a few rounds? Especially given the lack of overall move depth on most manamon? Rhinodyo especially hates this, but Shadina does too.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-01-19 22:12:55

So I think I just did all the postgame. Pierre really wasn't that hard at all, but I suppose it can be if you don't know the gimmick.

Now the question is... Can he be rematched? And if not, do people just grind the master stadium for all eternity to get enough gold for the best master scroll? I can't seem to find the entrance to the death dimension a second time, so it might have disappeared. Or perhaps I'm just incredibly dumb.

2020-01-19 22:51:55

You can't rematch Pierre, to my knowledge. People usually rematch the master stadium and the hyper manamon for gold, yeah. There's no speedy way to grind it, sadly.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-01-20 01:43:02

I'm at the point where I can bludgeon my way through the master stadium with minimal to no herbs, so I always drop my master stadium gold into the bank before fighting Byron and the Eturnity Angel since usually that's enough to trigger interest. You can't even rematch the protector and Renzina, so you can consider that whole area and once and done.

2020-01-20 04:15:05

Hi Guys,

I have a question I was wondering if anyone could help me with here. In your character's house in the beginning of the game, there's a box of odds and ends that the game tells you that you can push around. Is their some sort of purpose for this, maybe some kind of puzzle that involves moving this box to a certain place? I tried moving it around and successfully managed to whipe out the television which was kind of fun, but other than that I haven't been able to figure out any reason for moving it around. I look forward to any answers you might have.

2020-01-20 07:45:19

The purpose of the box of odds and ends is really just to practice moving boxes around. The only thing it offered was the destroy the tv Easteregg is the only thing you can get out of it. Incidentally, there's no round of applause from downstairs - I don't know about you, but being free from that undignified dead-air/static of the news channel would be kindo f a good thing, lol. Knowing how your mom in the game talks to your character it would be more likely an, are you ok honey? or something to that effect.

2020-01-20 07:54:16

I've been hearing something about a walkthrough, or some sort of guide, being made for this game. The text walkthough that was posted for the first manamon was a huge help for me, not to mention that I found it quite entertaining so it really helped me get through those long periods of level grinding. If a walkthrough for this game is ever produced I know I would appreciate it simply for the fact that I could understand how someone else made it through, or is making it through, the game. I'd make one myself, but I only have the demo right now so it really wouldn't do much good at this point.

2020-01-20 14:58:19

tell me how to make manamon Symphonid,

2020-01-20 16:18:04

You make it by using the search feature.