2019-12-12 23:31:51

also have to report I went on and got the new version, but after level two on the default pack I get a weird error about failure to do something every time I finish a stage. The game works fine but it gives me a weird something between levels. When I play again I'll try to remember better what it is saying. It is similar to what others are reporting.

how many levels are there in the default pack, because I want to know how I'm doing and can get to level 9 or so. but then I burn through any safeguards I have in level 10 even though I can get to level 10 without using any easily.

2019-12-12 23:51:22 (edited by Dekyo-NEC2608 2019-12-12 23:52:42)

Maybe they are the same bugs I and others reported. All users who updated should be having this problem.

As to how many levels has the default pack, you can press V to get two bnumbers spoken by your screen reader. The first one is the level that you are in, and the second number is the total of levels that the pack has.

Yamaha YM2608

SAY! - Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Dec 4, 1992 prototype)

2019-12-13 09:33:29

yeah its the same bug, I'll fix today

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2019-12-13 12:00:01

Do we have to download the game again everytime a new version comes? I haven't updated to the latest one so I am not having such problems. I still have 9.1.0.

I am not someone who is ashamed of my past. I'm actually really proud. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but they, in turn, were my life lessons. Drew Barrymore
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2019-12-14 10:29:01

Hello. I was checking out the tutorial, and I got the following error.
Error! Failed to execute 'createMediaElementSource' on 'AudioContext': HTMLMediaElement already connected previously to a different MediaElementSourceNode.: Error: Failed to execute 'createMediaElementSource' on 'AudioContext': HTMLMediaElement already connected previously to a different MediaElementSourceNode. at createSourceNode (C:\Users\rwbea\Downloads\beat_windows\resources\app.asar\node_modules\sono\core\source\media-source.js:20:34) at Object.get (C:\Users\rwbea\Downloads\beat_windows\resources\app.asar\node_modules\sono\core\source\media-source.js:229:24) at Object.play (C:\Users\rwbea\Downloads\beat_windows\resources\app.asar\node_modules\sono\core\source\audio-source.js:57:17) at Sound.play (C:\Users\rwbea\Downloads\beat_windows\resources\app.asar\node_modules\sono\core\sound.js:180:22) at l.play (file:///C:/Users/rwbea/Downloads/beat_windows/resources/app.asar/client/main.js:18:1636) at l.readCurrentLine (file:///C:/Users/rwbea/Downloads/beat_windows/resources/app.asar/client/main.js:10:1514) at l.advance (file:///C:/Users/rwbea/Downloads/beat_windows/resources/app.asar/client/main.js:10:1797) at HTMLDocument.handleKeys (file:///C:/Users/rwbea/Downloads/beat_windows/resources/app.asar/client/main.js:10:1276)
Also, I got a thing saying I got 100,000 beat coins, and the buy packs option says I have zero coins.

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2019-12-14 22:00:12

Yeah that error has been appearing in master source 10.1.2 2 or so days ago.
The reason I didn't bother reporting it as such was I thought it was a debugging thing to check things, sine a lot of flags are left active during source tests.
And thats the version we currently have here so I assume its still about.

2019-12-29 20:51:10

I just released beatstar 10.0.0, with a new minigame and some bug fixes.


ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2019-12-29 23:19:02

Hey, that's great! One thing though, Dice of Doom Reloaded has no Spanish instructions, same with the achievements related to it.

Many thanks for the release!

Yamaha YM2608

SAY! - Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Dec 4, 1992 prototype)

2019-12-30 00:56:11

The instructions are simple, spam enter until the game ends.

2019-12-30 01:13:35

I knew that, which BTW I at least had luck on that one lol.

Yamaha YM2608

SAY! - Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Dec 4, 1992 prototype)

2019-12-30 09:03:08

yeah I forgot the spanish translations lol

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2019-12-30 11:13:11

When will Mac users be able to download the update? Just curious. I really love the game.

2019-12-30 15:21:20

Just out of curiosity, is anyone still experiencing the errors where the sounds can't load properly?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2019-12-30 17:18:16

I went back to beatstar after a few months, with in mind the idea of letting the game grow and be fixed a bit, but I'm affraid it's still buggy. If I try to rebuild my pack folder or to enter the download section, it frizes apprently for an undetermined period of time.
It seems like there's always something preventing me from playing this game... Before it was the frizing of the downloading process itself, now it's basically some kind of crash. Are there systems possibly incompatible with beatstar ? I'm running windows 10 with NVDA as a screenreader.

Best regard,

2019-12-30 17:29:45

I got the update and I must say I like it. I like the new sounds for when you win coins and when you lose them. Also, I'm back with the classic Tab Backspace, Enter, and Space layout. With NVDA, it occasionally will toggle between browse and focus mode, but for the most part it works great

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2019-12-30 19:20:30

I couldn't get used to the alternative layout, so I'm using the default one.

Yamaha YM2608

SAY! - Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Dec 4, 1992 prototype)

2019-12-31 17:29:42

It started doing it more after I wrote the post. Go figure.
Anyways, the new keyboard layout is easy. E is the equivalent of pressing Tab, Backspace is routed through the R key, Space through D, and Enter through F. Then, J K and L are left down and right arrows respectively, and I is the up arrow

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-01-06 05:42:05

i have a problem i can't download packs.  after clicking the download packs, well nothing is happening it didn't show me the list of new packs to download at all, just, nothing.

2020-01-06 11:07:11

That's weird, it works for me...

Yamaha YM2608

SAY! - Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Dec 4, 1992 prototype)

2020-01-06 11:33:03

How do I get out from the pack download screen? There is no return to main menu option.

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2020-01-06 12:49:55 (edited by Dekyo-NEC2608 2020-01-06 12:50:45)

Reset it with ctrl+r.

Yamaha YM2608

SAY! - Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Dec 4, 1992 prototype)

2020-01-06 16:30:30

if nothing shows in the download packs screen, you might be using an old version of beatstar. Did you download the game recently?

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2020-01-07 03:06:18

Never mind, the pack download screen works after I reset something.

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2020-01-07 05:47:53

is the download link please?      What he

2020-01-08 08:23:56

I've downloaded the game on the link on the 1st post