2019-12-29 23:48:51

Bloodbath has undergone some huge internal changes, making the client a little more bearable to play with.
I've spent so long reducing and fixing the lag, that I would recommend you give it a shot if you were put off by the lag earlier when you tried the game.

I do agree on the release though. It was one of the most buggy releases I've ever seen before, so I'm sorry about that. I only came into the project about a week ago, and went at it fixing things and making the game a tad more original.
I'm done, and while I agree with some of the things said on the forum, right now this game is the only thing we got to replace Redspot and the killer, so I will try my best to make it better.

Now that the lag has been fixed, I ask that instead of going on about the lag and centralized servers(which I strongly disagree with btw) let's try to come up with ideas to make the game what the community wants it to be.
I'll be monitoring the topic for ideas!

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2019-12-29 23:59:39 (edited by kruf 2019-12-30 00:12:49)

Hi AG People,
Well, how can I explain it without sounding unpleasant? It's going to be so much hard, so:
It's a simple fps. A fps like dozens of fps we've known. I'm not going to pretend that the code was stolen, I'm way above that and I don't care because anyway, even if the code is different, the game is like any other.
Impossible to play properly because there is a light year between actions and reactions. Of course, programming is good, but running a game without a proper server is something else. Yes, I know you were hoping for donations to get it hosted properly. But why give for a game that still has no originality? Why would you lose money on something that's not finished and then stop like that along the way?

Always the same crappy speed hack system, like in all the games, and always crappy bgt.
It lag when you use the machine gun like in the first versions of the killer, speaking of it we also have the ultra bombs, probably because the developer of tk is around... before it was removed we were hungry, like in ultra power and redspot, but the management was done like for UP... .
The weapons are named as in the early versions of ultra power.
I'm not going to lie about all weapons types, because there's always been similar things and because you don't have to look for originality everywhere, there's stuff that's just there for diversity.
But speaking of diversity, what's next? planes and tanks with metal, shelters with woods? item grabbers? bike ? parachute and propultion jets? Remote guns? I guess you see where I'm going with this, don't you?
I can already hear you telling me that I should learn how to code before I speak and I won't entirely blame you.
However, I think players have a right to expect something that entertains and surprises them, something exhilarating and different from what they've experienced. A place where they want to come back to and perhaps even pay for continuity.
I'd rather see the audio games disappear than stay with the idea of doing the same round ten times with a different developer for each round.
It's sad, it's tiring. You know what the worst part is? Some of the games that have gotten older like Super Liam are much more innovative than what we see today, and I'm not aiming at the fps but most of what I'm testing.
Every time I think "oh cool, something new, a different hobby. Then disappointment.
Of course, all isn't lost, we still have great games like VGStorm, Oriol and L-Works, for example. Yukio's BK's made me experience memorable things too.
I might as well get off with balloon master. Yeah, I know, it's still pure arcade. But I'm having even more fun with it, find the mistake. Finding a game worth playing today is like playing the lottery.
I'm sorry about all this, really. It had to come down to this topic which was already not far from the armageddon. But so be it.

I usualy speak french, so please excuse all my english mistakes. Thanks!

2019-12-30 00:09:57

Let me first just say that I completely disagree with the hole you must be a developer to criticise other developers thing, at least in cases where the criticism doesn't involve anything to do with code, and I won't take you any less seriously because of that.
Secondly, yes I know the game could have done with more testing. As I've said, we thought it was stable, we didn't do as much testing as we probably should have done and the beta team was pretty disorganised throughout development. I gave a bad impression. With that said, know that we are trying to hammer out bugs and make the game better and more original. All we ask is that you come at us with an open mind. Games like these are largely community driven by their very nature, so if the community won't help the game will suffer as a result. Of corse me and Ivan have ideas, but we only have a limited supply of those.
On another note, I just released another update with more fixes to speedhack detection, a new client MOTD system, ability to mute and unmute chats and online / offline messages, etc. Check it out.

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2019-12-30 00:35:59

Ivan, personally I thought my idea was pretty good. I will say this; I'm mostly certain the method I suggested is the norm for mainstream, thus probably explains the attention they get. In many FPS's you'll find that people are often playing on their own little teams, having fun among their own group of friends, and moderating who's allowed in their team or not. Nevertheless, this is your game, and so I won't pressure you with this suggestion any further. It's up to you whether or not you wish to implement this; all I can do is tell you what I think the better method is in my personal opinion. That, and wish the both of you the best of luck with your project.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2019-12-30 00:55:31

what about balancing the ultrabombs which i wrote before? Also, can you add mouse support? It would be a lot more realistic i think. Also, a new idea of snipers, based on mouse control. Or you can modify to keyboard if it seems better. So, aiming mode with the rifle. Holding right button of the mouse, should activate a thing like swamp's scope mode with the m40. Like when you start to examine the world using a scope in real. And you should shoot from that position. The other sounds e.g. an other player nearby should be decreased in voice cuz you're listening further. Mine sound should be removed too. Seems a bit unusable if the opponent knows where must jump. If you forgot the mine nah that sucks smile but this is mines for, surprise detonating whoever steps on them. The thing, in post 202 vehicles would be good too. Just not in the mode which tk had, they should respawn on some locations, and players should enter in it, and not carrying them in a bag... It would be a bit heavy smile They should be motorcicles which only gives speedup in travel, armed cars tanks things like that. Also, they should be a bit more realistic if e.g in the tank an other person could only operate the weapons. So one who drives the tank and one who mans the weapon turret. Against these vehicles there should be remote bombs like the claimores in redspot or timebombs mines could harm them too. Just knifes and fists no at least... I know it's not easy to code them, just gave ideas smile

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2019-12-30 00:58:01

Um, no. Games like fortnite don't have this server system as far as I know. When a match starts, they just drop 100 players in a map and they fight it out battle royale style. You can't just play with 3 or 4 of your friends.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

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2019-12-30 01:10:10

Huh. Well, I guess for Last Man Standing matches that makes sense. I'm talking games where you can kill people forever. Unless, does Fortnight have that too?

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2019-12-30 01:22:45

@205, thanks for the suggestions. The damage of the ultrabomb has been reduced, and it also now has a limited range rather than exploding the entire map. As for mines making noises, they don't. You're probably confusing mines with ultrabombs.

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2019-12-30 02:33:24 (edited by Pineapple Pizza 2019-12-30 02:36:33)

The lag is much much better and it’s hardly an issue now at least for me. Here are a few small suggestions.  Perhaps different items should have there own sounds, because in the real world you would probably be able to tell what something is before you pick it up. I feel some more should be added to the main map, perhaps  abandoned buildings and things of the like. I think some of these areas should’ve hazards just to make fighting more interesting.  Give the map a little more character.   As others have said, there should be health boost items and also items that will increase the  highest possible speed for a short time.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

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2019-12-30 03:28:24

Also can you add a cannons on some location on the map and instead to pick up bomb launchers can you add they on some locations on the map. I mean bomb launchers are huge and are not portable unless you have hand grenade launcher.

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2019-12-30 04:01:47

Ok, my kill count is messed up.  It refuses to go up despite me killing quite a few in the last couple of hours. It went up a couple from 12 which was yesterday’s, but now it is stuck at about 17.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

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2019-12-30 05:52:33

I fixed the nicknames. It should be fine now.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2019-12-30 09:09:18

probably shold do something aobut the machine gun, which has a very high spread range which means that if someone fires on you with it, you really can't avoid it no matter how much jumping you do. THe shotgun range could also be increased, since it's a pretty useless weapon right now. The pistol is sadly left in the dust since it doesn't have the hold to fire capabilities of the machine gun, I was thinking that one of the bullet types could screw with the player's orientation by spinning them 180 degrees or something so that they would start moving in the wrong direction, which you could use to your advantage, would give the weapon some character.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2019-12-30 10:16:55

Could you please just remove the horn? There is, quite literally, no point to its sad little existence. There's a reason why sam removed them very quickly when he first added them to rs. They do nothing except turn a potentially good item spawn into a useless one, and create just a bit more spam.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

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2019-12-30 10:19:16

i have an idea: tornado bomb, throws players within 50 feet into the air and chucks them down again a few seconds later. this would also make for interesting sky fights!

2019-12-30 10:23:16

i like horns, they are useful for going, oy! where's everyone, I want a fight, come here! and if someone responds, you know they want a fight, too. I find it fun to use a horn and then have someone else respond with another horn. it's kind of a universal sign for "come, let's fight"

2019-12-30 10:42:55

Increase shotgun spread, decrease machinegun spread and damage, and yep, agree with key, spinning bullets would be great, for example for shotguns. And pistol range needs to be increased. Tornado bomb is also not bad idea IMO.

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2019-12-30 12:08:56 (edited by hadi.gsf 2019-12-30 12:12:41)

Do you guys plan to add any intresting game modes like battle royale, captcher the flag, defuse the bomb, hostage situation, territory control, territory control with point bleed, or anything like that?
p.s. I can help you with any of these ideas specially territory control. A bunch of games e.g. battlefield, squad, project reality, hell let loose, insurgency, implement this mode and it is pretty enjoyable.
Let me know if you need help

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

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2019-12-30 12:21:56

damn so amazing ideas.
hope this game will become better, and we will have replacemant of rs and tk.
BTW i agreed @214, horns are so spammy items in this game.

Yours kindly

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2019-12-30 12:42:44

i still cant connect to the server

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2019-12-30 12:47:57

@blindgamer redownload the game, a lot of updates have been done.

My main interest is tech.
Follow me on twitter if you would like, my username is @stealthy153

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2019-12-30 12:57:51

Every time I try connecting it gives me a no speed hacking dialog even though I haven’t done anything

2019-12-30 13:07:31 (edited by kruf 2019-12-30 13:09:27)

Hats off! This state of mind proves that you have a certain maturity and a very good approach to criticism. I have to admit after proofreading that I was a little harsh.
Sorry about that, even if I don't withdraw my comments a little too general for this topic. However I'm glad that someone of your caliber is developing something online, the project might have twice as much chance to succeed considering your pragmatism.
So, good luck to you and your team and congrats.

I usualy speak french, so please excuse all my english mistakes. Thanks!

2019-12-30 17:03:35

I do totally agree. The horn has no use what so ever. I already I do agree horns realy have no use.

2019-12-30 17:13:33

What about a catch and rescue mode? Or a confusion bomb? It reproduces players songs all around the charges confusing them

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