2019-12-31 03:19:41

No, he is not an administrator, he must have just known an administrator was online.
/admins returns:
4 admins, 1 online. ewhitten3, mastodont, meow,  and Patrick (online)

2019-12-31 03:35:18

@240 why am i not the least bit of surprised? What do you even expect from this. It was clear. I won't go check out the game witout vpn now and only with vm so i can get a look of the situation.
@245 that you can't get into detail when nothings wrong is wierd.
Also a general thing to mr sedistone. If he is admin or a ranc like dev what also wouldn't be surprising he would be able to use commands, (if they exists), like /getip, /getpassword, /compinfo etc. 3 Things that this person is not capable of working with correctly. Remember why so many sbyw servers died?

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2019-12-31 03:39:28

You were banned for insulting another player? Don't forget that you were breaking the rules however way you put it.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2019-12-31 03:42:47 (edited by Simter 2019-12-31 03:47:14)

Ok, my recomendation still stands. From what i have learned this and end of last year i am carefull with any online games where either cmerry or ivan are involved.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2019-12-31 05:36:37

i am running i think 0.95 or whatever the latest  version is and it's not doing anything but keeps tellng me i have to download new sounds.  why is this?

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2019-12-31 05:42:17

the developer of this game is very professional indeed. throwing random updates with out testing them first. keep it up!

best regards, muhammad chafid

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2019-12-31 07:06:51

Things now work, feel free to download again.

2019-12-31 11:48:26

This game really was a true beta release guys. It wasn't advertised as a fully flushed game. Really, can we stop with the snark. The game only takes a literal second to download and install, and the auto updater is working now. Most of the lag is gone, and is still being addressed. Multiple balance issues have been addressed, and one of the main reasons that I saw people flip out over, that being that sediment as an admin, was completely falsified.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

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2019-12-31 12:01:22

HI everyone.
We will be streaming Bloodbath at 6:00 PM CST today, or tomorrow depending on where you are.
If you want information let me know.

2019-12-31 12:10:12

It wasn't adervtised as a beta release in the first post. Plus. New releases

Snark warranted. Then again, if it's a beta, throw it in the devs room?

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

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2019-12-31 12:56:42

@jacek, I did say pretty clearly in the first post that it was a public beta release and that it should be treated as such. I didn't put it in the devs room A because I don't believe in that mentality and besides it's not exactly alfa, and B because we thought the game was a lot more stable than it ended up being. In any case, now it's very stable other than the lag that still spikes from time to time so that shouldn't be an issue.
I'm not sure why you guys get the idea that sediment is or was an admin but it's completely false. I never said that in any of my posts, and I'd really appreciate it if you could stop spreading around bad roomers, specially when you have no idea how the game works or what admins really can or can't do. To answer your question though @jayde, the reason we still allow sediment here is because he hasn't yet done anything against the rules here. Rather, he has but he's already been given a warning for it. I don't believe in banning people for things they do in other games or forums. As much as I personally dislike the guy, I just don't think that'd ever be fair or a good way to administrate regardless of where you're coming from.

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2019-12-31 13:54:31

@58 what you describe in your signature is a hater, not a criticer. There is a difference. @61 a ok, but i wouldn't wonder if patric does things sedy sais. The fact that he was also admin on his forum, well.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2019-12-31 13:59:52

Whatever dude. If you want to go believing the entire team has been blackmailed into doing everything sediment says then that's your call. Maybe you'll look back at this thread in a few years and realise just how stupid you look right now.

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2019-12-31 15:14:35


Seems to lag like crazy whenever somebody gets hit, though.....that may just be conicidence. But was fighting, got hit several times, went to fire, and.....nope, hit control, 2s later and got multiple firing sounds.

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

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2019-12-31 15:19:35

So here's what I found.

Fighing causes lag. Being hit causes lag. It spikes for me when I get hit and the hit sound plays. It then doesn't come right back down, and it doesn't matter what weapon you're using, as soon as you get shot at or hit, hello lag

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

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2019-12-31 16:23:07

i can't even launch the game anymore. if i launch the game, i get this message. Error  dialog  No speedhacking allowed. If you are not speedhacking and get this error, please contact the developers.
i tried rebooting, same result. Help please.

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2019-12-31 16:42:53 (edited by sneak 2019-12-31 16:46:48)

Try redownloading the game from the link in the first post. You might've gotten a bad client or something.
The joy2key config and program zip has been updated with new keys.
It can be found here.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/26nl3w6yv04tj … g.zip?dl=1

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

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2019-12-31 16:47:13


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2019-12-31 17:45:54

OK, this is just my opinion.

you are calling it an FPS game, but i would say it is more a grid based movement, as you can only move in 1 direction at a time, for instance you can only run forward and not say side step to the left or right at the same time. also the tracking needs to be faster, it's fine for when you want to find someone that is far away from you, however, for example, running across the map to pick up some loot, oh someone is shooting at me, quick press T to bring up tracker list, press enter on name at top as i guess they must be the closest to me, now press W to see where they are or shift W to turn on auto tracking, oh wait....I'm already dead as it took too long to track the player who was shooting me. if you want this to be a fast paced game, then you need to be able to track players faster, like in swamp or return of the king, where it's a 1 button press to scroll through nearby players, so maybe that could be added into the game, a close range tracker that uses only 1 press of a button to track the players say in a 50 tile range of you.

I do like the idea of the game though.

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2019-12-31 18:22:33

@263 read the post to the end. @269 nice idea, reminds of rs where you could just press p to find out nearest.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2019-12-31 19:59:18

The nearest players thing is in already. BUt....it depends on lag.

I'd like to see it moved or have rebindable keys since at the moment you have keys all over the place, arrows, control, space, q, e, etc. I'd like to see a rebindable key option so I can make my own control scheme that's not so over the place. For example I'd set WSAD to move, F for facing, R for nearest people, space to fire and so on, that way it's easie and I'm not reaching all over the keyboard for keys. This is not a 1990s simulator reallly....when you had to learn 5000000 keys just to get into things.

So yeah, rebindable keys would be hella useful, honestly. P just seems way out of place with the rest of the keys all being on the left side of the keyboard honestly. It's like oh, I gotta stop, take my hands off the arrows and hit P to see who is near me? Mmm....no thanks.

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Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

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2019-12-31 21:40:50

did i get banned? i can't connect or anything and i broke no rules.

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2019-12-31 21:43:31

Aw great, after I said I like the new map too. It's stuck at logging in for me. Sounds like the server fell over

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Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

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2019-12-31 21:52:33

no, now it's saying that the file bloodbath.exe has three trojans the fuck is going on?

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2019-12-31 22:35:40 (edited by Pineapple Pizza 2019-12-31 22:36:47)

@274 That's normal for games made in bgt.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

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