2019-12-28 18:52:21

Yeah, the no buying level up herbs thing is a load of bull, to put it bluntly. How are we supposed to raise a level 1 with zero attacking moves if we can't get level up herbs. We can't just take it into boss battles over and over again. It would get killed in a second. Whoever thought leaving level up herbs out of the credit inventory really needs a brain exam.

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2019-12-28 19:44:35

Or you could stick an exp pal on it, take it into a high-level fight (just one), get it a crapton of levels, and it'll learn an attacking move. That works too.

Frankly, I can raise a whole team to level 100 in under two hours once I've beaten the game. It's repetitive as hell, but quite doable.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-28 21:09:00

Just thougbht I'd post that I did figure out Eternity, and got through the princess bit and all that. I'm not sure if there's more I need to be doing in there or not, but at least now I have the ability to move back and forth between that world and the main one. Funny thing is I was barking up the right tree earlier, and it only took one tweak to fix.

2019-12-29 04:26:07 (edited by Ghost 2019-12-29 04:26:40)

Jayde how do you raise an entire team to 100? First, how do you gain about 7 mil gold to donate the market, and buy 3 scrolls? Then, how do you walk to all 5 of the rematchable bosses, and rematch them in a short amount of time?  Finally, how do you offset the loss of healing items in those boss fights to justify the low gold payout?

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2019-12-29 05:47:53

You should be able to get to where you don't really need healing items. So the boss rematches should just be a matter of pounding on them and killing them quick. So you'd mow down the bosses and then roll through the master stadium to respawn them. And that's what you'd do over and over. It should get to a point where it's piss easy. It's just really repetitive as hell. I took quite a bit longer because I was stopping to kill things to get their training points up to where they should be rather than buying a bunch of tonics.

2019-12-29 06:47:00

I didn't donate that much, and you don't need multiple master's scrolls (of any edition) to do the job. Just use an exp pal or three, plus the rematchable postgame hyper boss fights, including Byron and Eternity Angel. Very, very fast. I can take down the entire master's stadium in under ten minutes, the two hyper forms I prefer to kill in about a total of eight. That's how I do it, and I'm quite sure that my strategy isn't speed-optimized.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-29 16:17:29

hello folks sorry for the repeated question again i am asking can we have otherways to cheat in manamon 2. i have seen many of the things even crashed games are working with that. if any way thanks.

2019-12-29 17:34:27

I have a Problem with the quartantula in the barren ground. I can complete the first three notes with no Problem, but because they are on a conveiyer belt, I don't know how to Play them backwards.
Can anybody help me?

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2019-12-29 17:51:59

You have to just go on and off the belt for each one. So just hop on, until you reached the last note and hit it. Then go back south on the other conveyor belt, and repeat this twice more but then with the second and first notes.

2019-12-29 20:39:42

I had no idea beating the master stadium respauned the hyper manamon. Cool.

2019-12-29 22:59:36

Could someone trade me the grass starter? I'll make it worth your time by breeding the water starter with good stats.

2019-12-30 12:39:33


@ross and anyone else,  I have all the starters from both manamon 1 and 2, and I will be willing to trade.
Hit me up.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2019-12-30 14:27:08 (edited by Cornettoking 2019-12-30 16:58:22)

Can anybody help me find the first Underground key in barren Underground? I have found the second and third Underground keys, but I can't find the first one.

Edit: I know you have to go through the room with all those boulders, but I can't find that room anymore.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2019-12-30 18:30:31

It’s  in the southern part of the under ground. Hope I  helped.

2019-12-30 19:05:26

If you go into an area with movable boulders, you're on the right track for key 1 in the barren underground.

If you go into a room with Chiroperta, that's the start of the path to key 2 in the Barren Underground.

If you go through a big rumbling door into an area and find something called Null Scissors nearby (it's a piece of equipment), that's the start of the path to key 3 in barren underground.

There. Now the
has it, and it is easily searchable.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-30 19:42:43


I was able to get a friend trade it to me, but thanks.

2019-12-30 20:24:55

ElizaBaez wrote:

Speaking of which, could I confuse Pierre? He needs to get confused

Haven't tried that myself, but I doubt confusing him would be very effective, his health is through the roof. Besides, I think that would not be such a good idea as that could possibly mess up the turn order, and just like the Super Liam x1 battle, a simple miscalculation could mean the end of the fight.
Pierre is hardwalled by a well-trained Mightaurus. He should be about level 80, and trained in hp, strength and defenses mostly. He gets protect naturally, and it has steel horn, conjure sword and thunder hammer, all which deal significant dammage within a single turn. With that I was able to thoroughly crush Pierre in under 15 minutes with barely any herbs used. Just a warning not to bring any Manamon1 mythicals into the fight. That will crash the game.

2019-12-30 20:30:43

Wait what? That can't be true. I brought Irroadium once and the fight went on normally, no crashing.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2019-12-30 20:42:58

@Jayde: I know that. The Problem is: when I am in the room with the boulders, I hear a ladder but can't get to it because there are three boulders in one row (two spaces each) and I don't know how to pass them.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2019-12-30 20:45:07

I brought Polosses into the fight and it crashed. He would not have been very successful with it anyway, because he would've been hardwalled by lunar canon.

2019-12-30 20:51:15

Wasn't grinding out credits for level up herbs painfully slow in Manamon 1? Doing an entire cycle of boss rematches and Master Stadium rematches can easily get a Manamon past lv 60-70. the manamon doesn't have to survive the boss battle to get exp, remember.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-12-30 21:01:22 (edited by Cornettoking 2019-12-30 21:03:52)

@Vazbol: I have searched for "boulder" and "boulder puzzle" (without quotes of Course) already, and didn't find the answer.

Edit: Never mind, I figured it out.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2019-12-30 22:18:37

Does anyone have any tips on the Lower Catacombs? Currently on floor 4, but I've been stuck here for quite a while. Thanks.

2019-12-30 23:07:47

And Manamon 1 mythicals crash the game? Pegasen didn't, at least for me

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2019-12-31 03:43:50

I just finished Catacombs. On floor four, head in a generally easterly direction.