2019-12-20 15:46:43

i was sent an email to the  address that  shows  on the  contact page, the problem include, i have  a device but when registered, said i already register with 3 more, but i  was purchased it  when  it just released.
i maybe reinstall my system, but never shared the key with any others, and won't do it forever so.
as the  title said, i did not get any reply, have anyone try to  get help from the support to get reply or  the creator of the game  can see this message?
anyways, i'm the problem maker.

2019-12-20 16:13:43

unfortunately, the guy already left the show. so the status of his game might be unknown.

2019-12-20 17:18:38

this, really? how come? sorry if i didn't know what happend.

2019-12-20 17:35:07

Don't expect anything from the dev. Except that he might try to return after his ban ends.

2019-12-20 19:18:05 (edited by haily_merry 2019-12-20 19:21:35)

Seems pretty cynical, to me at least.
6 months is a very long time. Maybe he'll change, maybe he won't. What we can be sure of, however, is that posts like yours can only bring about one kind of change, that being negative.
Then again, given your previous history on this forum, guess we shouldn't really expect anything more.
Speaking personally, I hope he does come back when his ban expires. Even though his game development habits weren't exactly great, I think we can safely say the audiogaming seen wouldn't be quite where it is today were it not for his intervention. That aside though, he did make a fair few positive contributions to this forum as well, and he's not a bad person, despite what some people may think.
As for the topic at hand, my best advice at this point would be to wait. I know he still frequents twitter and sometimes facebook, so you might try those as well?

2019-12-20 19:33:15

Mason stated him self that he is no longer developing things, and that if NS wants to update th, he can, so I'd recommend contacting NSStudios about that.

I have to agree with Charlie here. Mason basically created shooting online games. Granted that created cloning drama, but that was no fault of mason. He shaped the audiogame world in a big way, and to overlook that is just you hating on him. He has made some questionable choices but everyone has.

2019-12-20 20:31:00 (edited by jack 2019-12-20 20:34:13)

And there are plenty of users who have called out his actions without ripping into his person/wishing ill will, and people who know damn well it isn't right to rip on them when they aren't even around to defend. Not cool.
Speaking of actions, he has a running server, so an automated system for registration key management would've been nice in a situation like this. Sadly the implementable drm solutions are nowhere near as good as they once were, i.e. there is nothing close to Software Passport/Armadilo that is publicly available. And now that BGT is unsupported, one of the things we should be focusing on is an open-standard for a registration system. Decentralized, easy to implement, containing a crash-plan if the server goes down for a prolonged amount of time/the company goes out of business. GUI similar to that of Software Passport, low-frills/lightweight/accessible and all that. If we can get some people to turn that anti-cheat detection into nanomites that would be even better, but who knows if we'll get that advanced. Also some legitimate trialware functionality would be nice, though more so if it weren't abused in a vipgameszone kind of way with 3 days plus restrictions.

2019-12-20 22:10:05

I don't hate him, moreover, I had to agree with his points when he called out the mods. But if he hasn't shown any signs of changing in years, do you think he will in 6 months?

2019-12-21 00:30:10 (edited by amerikranian 2019-12-21 00:37:10)

Do you think he will change if everybody keeps reminding him of the negativity of his actions? Would that work for you?  If so, hang on, let’s do it. You will be the first experiment. Living in the past, or being forced to, is a sad, painful, and discouraging way to exist.  So, I suggest you to keep your mouth shut if you don’t have anything nice to say, especially when the poster in question is not around to defend himself.  We’ve seen your views, we all know of them, enough. You’re not doing anybody any favors by raising the point of the impossibility of change on his side, appoint which you only you seem to hang onto.

2019-12-21 01:05:25

@9, agree with this. I'm not gunna call out moonwalker, I just want to second on a particular point you made... If we as a community keep reminding anyone; not just talking about mason; this can happen to anyone; both in this comunity and otherwise... but if people keep reminding you about your failures and how you messed up; that won't encourage change; it will only create resentment and hatred towards the people doing it. To get a person to change his ways, it doesn't have to be done with harshness and bashing; but with understanding and caring. Yes, some may need to be harsh at times; I jet that; but beeing harsh all the times and reminding a person how they messed up every single time won't make fange

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
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2019-12-21 04:07:13

@2 he didn't really, he is just only sitting in his private corners like twitter, while i don't know his new one he killed the masonasons_me. Also the fact how he ripped game engine is not customer friendly. And when i told him that in a nice way on ywc i got shot of but why do i even say that. I personaly would never buy anything from mason.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2019-12-21 05:08:50

sorry if i  didn't know something, but i post the message just want a support  for the game, if it is about band from someone, or it is something unhappy, i'm sorry to get to it.

2019-12-21 11:04:14

Yes, the person isn't around. So let's ask why isn't he around? Because he got banned. For a reason, I believe.

2019-12-21 15:49:54 (edited by amerikranian 2019-12-21 15:50:57)

Is that all you got out of my post? I distinctly remember saying a lot more than that.  If you are going to argue the validity of what could constitute an attack from your side, do it in full.

2019-12-21 19:05:12

Honestly, I think mason needs this break, for his own good as well as ours. Maybe a break will help him get his shit together and get a better handle on himself. Because as we stand right now, as much as I like mason and consider him a relatively close friend of mine even though we haven't spoken in a few months, I can totally see why people are angry. Don't dismiss him outright just because of his past actions though.

2019-12-22 08:30:46 (edited by The Dwarfer 2019-12-22 08:34:34)

So I have an idea. Since this developer is not around to "defend" people who rip into him for not providing support on a paid product of which the terms of service did not state that no technical support would be given, would it be feasible for this site's administration to remove this developer's products from the database?
It's evident that the OP did not know of Mason's reputation, ban, or instability with his products. I am not trying to back-seat administrate, I'm just kind of suggesting that in the case of proven unstable and unreachable developers, their (paid) games not be included on the site if at all possible because there's always the  possibility that a clueless individual will come in here just wanting to buy a game and getting shit instead. I mean look at post 12! I'm not blaming anyone who has replied to this topic, in fact I'm not pointing at fingers at anyone but Mason and those who do what he does.
Come on Ag.net people. We want to provide high-quality games to our visitors, right? Let's not allow them to get excited, and pay money for a shitfest of mentally unstable childish drama. He or She may not have even gotten this game from AG.net either though, so I'm not blaming anyone at AG.net, just saying maybe we shouldn't even host his games. Ya know, like how we didn't host Balloon Master or anything like that that required money... today, but not yesterday, but maybe the day before.
Personally, I'll stop ripping on Mason when/if people are not able to get screwed over by his actions; his being around or not is not really a factor for me. I don't rip on him to get at his feelings, I could just as easily shoot a scathing dm over on Twitter if I wanted to do that.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2019-12-22 09:34:41

@TheDwarfer: Funny you should mention that. The technical support conditions were never mentioned in a terms of service/license agreement which, surprise surprise, also doesn't exist. The only thing close to it exists at the bottom of the readme...

readme wrote:

© copyright Masonasons and NS studios 2014–2019, All Rights Reserved.
Reverse engineering, decompileing, decoding, decrypting, disassembling, or in any way deriving source code or any of the components from the Software, is prohibited and may result in the civil or criminal penalties permitted by law.
You are permitted to play the unlocked mode of Tomb Hunter only in case you own the registration license yourself. Using the registration license you did not purchase, or that was not purchased for you, as well as sharing your purchased license to third-parties, is strictly prohibited, and will result in permanent license deactivation.

So, while this doesn't excuse radio silence from either of them, he literally never promised support officially in any enforceable statement of writing, which is what most legacy devs would promise in terms of buying the full version.
Again, open platform drm system. It's needed now more than ever. IT still wouldn't give people a glorification to not provide suport but at least it would be a crash plan in cases like this one. I'm not the one to develop such a system but I've seen ideas floating around, we just need an interfaceable platform that is decentralized, auditable and ready for deployment on a server of any platform. And ability to talk to Paypal as well for obtainig keys perhaps.

2019-12-22 16:55:07 (edited by Dan Gero 2019-12-22 16:57:07)

Potential customer for Mason's products wrote:

Hey guys, I bought one of Mason's products but haven't gotten a reply back. What's happening?

Like, maybe 80 ish percent of the Forum Users who responded to this topic wrote:

Mason's an asshole, Mason's a jerk, Mason doesn't care about his customers, the only thing Mason might do is return after his ban ends, Mason needs to get his shit together, let's talk shit about Mason while he's not around to defend himself, everyone boycott Mason, etc.

Potential customer for Mason's products wrote:

What the fuck did I just get myself into? All I wanted was a simple answer for whether or not I'd receive my purchased product.

I mean, I expect Moonwalker to make comments like that, because if she's ever said anything positive I've never seen it. However, you guys didn't have to bring attention to all the Mason drama any further than she did, especially when all the OP asked for was for the support status for Mason's products and if he'd ever see a key in his inbox. Come on people!

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2019-12-23 00:22:57

I'm not telling people what to do, but this is just a little suggestion. If he's not supporting his stuff any more, and if he's not coming back, why doesn't he just make it freeware? That's kind of like what Jason did with Entombed. Or maybe it's a little different

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2019-12-23 00:57:59

@17 Disabling keys? ON offline registration? How is that soposed to work rofl.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2019-12-23 01:00:37

20, it's not offline...

2019-12-23 01:43:20

Yeah, but he is doing the same thing as the dev of Entombed. He's not responding to support requests

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2019-12-23 03:04:30

Besides, you can create a list of blacklisted keys in an offline registration system no problem, but we are talking online-based here as it is right now. What I was talking about when referring to offline use was a contingency plan in situations like this where the dev is unavailable.
However, @Snow I would try contacting him again concerning your key. Looks like he posted on Twitter with a discount sale announcement, so he may be looking at key requests/taking orders more regularly for the time being.

2019-12-24 03:41:55

Hi I still have my copy registered on my computer so I think I can back up the key but I'm not sure if that will work. If I need to reformat for some odd reason I will contact him for a replacement.

2019-12-24 03:54:32

Well I just found my key for the game when I preordered it in my Gmail online!