2019-12-09 23:22:57

Hey. Just beat the game. Now to head to post game stuff. The shadow canyon boss is level 90, and even the first insectoid gym has his manamon in the early 90's. At least, his centiplex was level 91 and it wrecked me, as my manamon are still level 65 or so. How do we overcome this massive leap in levels? Should I just focus on making sure the right type manamon are facing against the gyms? (EG, wind type or flame type against the insectoid stadium).
Secondly, thought I'd give the shadow canyon boss a try. He also wrecked me, because he kept critting my manamon. I couldn't find the quartantula in the jungles either. Do I need to beat the bosses in order? If that's the case, the first hyper we found that was in the power plant is also not there.

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

2019-12-09 23:32:40

No order, nope. I did say in a previous post that hyper Symphonid was off the beaten path a bit.

As far as levelling up, try Hyper Tarboo first, see if you can take that down. That should help a little. Grind the stadium a few times, then try the Requia rematches. Plus a one-time fight in the castle.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-09 23:59:05

Great. I'll do that! Is the master scroll like an exp pal? Do you get one after giving the store 1 mil gold?

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

2019-12-10 00:09:16 (edited by Soul Keeper 2019-12-10 00:09:50)

the best master scroll is 2mil, but you unlock it in the shop menu once you donate 1mil, yeah.
Also I don't know about the footsteps thing. I sort of get your point but...then I opened up Paladin of the Sky and had no footsteps and it was so off putting not being able to really gage how fast I'm moving or anything, so...maybe it's a "they get  annoying but you miss them once you lose them" kind of thing?
The underground has always been my favorite area in manamon 2. Zelda was my jam; Ocarina/Majora's Mask/Twilight Princess etc. so I was instantly hooked.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2019-12-10 00:12:07

allright, so ive reach the postgame and here's what ive done.
5staydioms. 3hiperforms being hiper tarboo, master diaas, and berin biren.
what else can I do?

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2019-12-10 00:23:32

hello audio game I got your message with my file but I can't link on the link that you send can you message the direct link so I can link to it please

2019-12-10 00:49:08

hello again audio game I had my wife who is sighted try to enter on the link you sent me and she couldn't see how to download the file so can you please send me a pm with a dropbox link to that file so I can get it back or can you send a link if you don't have dropbox that I can download and understand how to do it. sorry for all of the trouble and again thanks for your help

2019-12-10 01:02:22

ware can I find piyer

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2019-12-10 01:28:26

hello audio game I figured out how to download the file thank you so much for your help

2019-12-10 02:35:48 (edited by jack 2019-12-10 02:36:30)

Grind the gold you get when destroying the Protector and Renzina. About 300000 or there abouts. I got a few thousand gold in accumulated interest after another round of the master stadium that way. Plus the 54000 gold you accumulate during the Master Stadium. Plus the 10000 gold you get when destroying Barren Byron again. And suddenly grinding gold is nowhere as hard as you may think.

2019-12-10 02:40:48

As for where Pierre is, he's in the Death Dimension. But I wouldn't recommend going all the way through the catacombs just to find him at this point in time until this dreaded runtime error described in post 3633 gets corrected. I emailed Aaron about this one, so unless it's just me running into this, we've got ourselves a showstopper of a bug, but at least the ruins are a fly point. The death dimension isn't, which is mildly annoying for trying to reproduce the bug but the walk through there isn't too hard and you shouldn't even have to worry about running out of thirst as long as you're keeping track of your thirst meter.

2019-12-10 07:43:22

Do manamon stop learning moves at certain levels? I don't think any of my manamon have learned any moves in 10 levels save for limewurm's final form, which just learned ddracoslide at 75. The rest are at 75 and 76. Can I expect more moves or is this it? Does mantasteel ever get conjure sword? Seems like a powerful attack and iron maiden sometimes raises their defense which is kinda meh. I also have wavatomus, Bamboustica, Ursinearator, and holy cow.

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

2019-12-10 10:56:33

So folks. I made it the Pierre fight. And yes it is very hard. But I for some reason thought there would be another fight before that. Yes I know about the fight when you enter into the Death Demention. And if you all want help with that one...
When she licks her lips in desperation, make sure that your only manamon that you will be fighting with has tunnel. Use that so that when her explosive device goes off, it only kills her and not you.

And a fight before the Pierre that I thought would be in there...
For those of you who have played Paladin of the Sky, you probably remember a certain type of boss fight in heaven where all your party members fight Ross. Then after that, you can choose to go for the extra reward if you want too. Then  everyone fights your second member one at a time, then third, then fourth, then fifth, and finally the sixth and last one before you get the reward. It is a long drawn out battle. And it would play that exact same little cut seen music before that fight and then it would play the exact music from that fight. But that is what I thought that Manamon2 would do before the Pierre fight. To be honest, I am a little bit bumbed out and surprised that Aaron Baker didn't put that fight in there.

John Follis
Check out my YouTube Channel.

2019-12-10 12:40:33

I actually like the footstep sounds personally. My computer has an annoying habit of unexpectedly going to the desktop and without these indicators, I would not be able to tell if I'm moving. However, I can see where you're coming from, As some of the sound can be quite annoying, especially that metal plate one. On a side note, is there a way to go back to the rainforest, I didn't catch some of the creatures there but my pocket copter doesn't have the village.  I've just come back from the other country and got my transportation back and most of my team is around level 46 or seven, is this high enough to tackle whatever is coming next or should I grind a bit more before I proceed. I'm guessing I'm supposed to look at the machine out in the middle of nowhere now
Thanks for putting up with my monologue all

2019-12-10 13:29:20

If you go back to where you got back into Kiarre from Mamia, you'll see something new with your pocket copter.

Incidentally, this is one of those quality of life things that I find annoying, how you have to travel on foot just to get back to Mamia, and then have to watch like a forty-second cutscene every time you want to leave. Being able to fly in and out would be much, much better.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-10 14:09:46

There are a lot of these in this game. And they're all things that are sort of neat the first time you see them. But from then on you could just as easily do without them. But I suppose asking for more of these things to have an option allowing you to skip them may just as well be a fool's errand. On another note, I'm tempted to try some different things like angillish and rumblebee. I'm also tempted to just buy another license, dumb as that may or may not be, and see if I can run it on two different accounts on the same computer and trade among my own save files. In the meantime though, I've just been renaming my save files at different points and just picking up where certain manamon I want to try become available. This essentially means I skip over at least the first stadium or two, which would be just me grinding the same one or two initial things anyway. Like I've said before, I really hate having to inconvenience people so I can make trades.

2019-12-10 16:53:01

audioracer wrote:

So folks. I made it the Pierre fight. And yes it is very hard. But I for some reason thought there would be another fight before that. Yes I know about the fight when you enter into the Death Demention. And if you all want help with that one...
When she licks her lips in desperation, make sure that your only manamon that you will be fighting with has tunnel. Use that so that when her explosive device goes off, it only kills her and not you.

And a fight before the Pierre that I thought would be in there...
For those of you who have played Paladin of the Sky, you probably remember a certain type of boss fight in heaven where all your party members fight Ross. Then after that, you can choose to go for the extra reward if you want too. Then  everyone fights your second member one at a time, then third, then fourth, then fifth, and finally the sixth and last one before you get the reward. It is a long drawn out battle. And it would play that exact same little cut seen music before that fight and then it would play the exact music from that fight. But that is what I thought that Manamon2 would do before the Pierre fight. To be honest, I am a little bit bumbed out and surprised that Aaron Baker didn't put that fight in there.

That fight wouldn't work very well here. It works okay in Paladin because you have fixed party members with predetermined strengths and weaknesses, so the fight is controlled. If I were faced with that in manamon, where a super effective hit from something on par with your level almost certainly spells death, I would probably find myself building an entire team of standard types just to get past it... and being very annoyed while doing it.
Remember that fight in Manamon 1 where you have to defeat your own mons using something you just happen to find in a certain cave?
It would be that but significantly worse in its ability to become a roadblock for people.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2019-12-10 17:30:14

ok, so I found something interesting with the exp pal, and am wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or if it is just me not noticing the levels of things I am fighting.
So I equiped the exp pal on one of my manamon. The description of the item says that the manamon you equip it on will get less experience than other manamon in your party. However, this appears not to be the case. instead what it appears to be doing is penalizing every one of my manamon, and giving the manamon the same amount of experience as other manamon in my party. But the experience seems to be lower for everyone, not just for that particular manamon. Is this a design thing? If so, it doesn't really make sense.

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2019-12-10 17:44:49 (edited by Honk 2019-12-10 17:45:42)

@3,672, regarding exp pal:

As far as I understand it the exp pal in Manamon 2 reduces the xp for the fighting manamon by half and gives half of the xp the mon with the pal would gain from the same battle. If you have more than one exp pal on your mons it scales to one third, one fourth and so on.
In Manamon 1 you would get half of the xp on the fighting mon but half of the xp on every mon with exp pal. That way you could get three times the normal xp in total. That doesn't work in Manamon 2 anymore.
Also if the fighting manamon is overleveled it will gain only half of the reduced ammount of xp whereas the palled manamon still would get half of the full amount, that makes it look like your fighting manamon gets further penalized but it isn't.

So tldr: You get always the same ammount of exp, it is only distributed between your manamon.

2019-12-10 18:11:23

I...don't actually know about that. What I do know is that it is not worthwhile to use an exp pal to level up weaker manamon in the upgraded stadium, since you should ostensibly be getting considerably more exp and you don't.

He's nerfed it from the original and made it considerably less useful. But then, there are four of them in the game, and you get the first one pretty early.

I have decided, btw, that I'm going to do one more definitive playthrough, most of which will be done while I fly on Sunday/Monday.
Now here's the fun bit. I want you folks to set me a reasonable challenge. I don't want to do a nuzlocke or a wedlocke. I more mean I want you to set me a reasonable team and have me breed it the way I want, then play the entire game with it. I can do this myself, obviously (I know how to make good teams), but if you want me to use a bunch of rejects to have an insanely difficult time, because you're really sick of me telling you to use the search feature, this is your chance for revenge, of sorts.
Here are the rules:
1. The team has to be reasonable. Six water types is not reasonable, but a bit of cross-contamination is fine (i.e., two shadow types, or two different insects). Asking me to use Viralite and Skirial and Snowmonno would technically be reasonable.
2. I get to breed for stats. I also get to decide final movesets and train point spreads.
3. I get to choose the items which go on them.
4. If you actually care to do this, please give me a reason why, even if it's not much. i.e., don't just say "Go use Frorgeril Fingon Skirial Pandourbit Treezon and Viralite". I want to hear why.
5. You don't actually have to challenge me. If you want instead to put together a really wicked team with a theme (stat theme, attack type theme, speed theme, etc), go for it.

This is just me having a bit of fun. If this goes nowhere then I'll probably pick a team of my own in a few days.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-10 18:15:45 (edited by amerikranian 2019-12-10 18:16:57)

To the person mentioning the fight before Pierre, I don't know. I hated heaven in Paladin. I was considering replaying the game to see how much of it I can remember, but the towers are enough to make me reconsider. Really, really long and drawn out areas with absolutely zero story. No thanks.
Actually, I didn't expect the heaven fight, I kind of wanted Jaden to show up again. Or hell, even the tyrant boss which drains your hp, but that's me dreaming right there. Heaven fight would make zero sense as it all happened in Ross's head anyways. Granted, the link between Paladin and Manamon 2 feels rushed but it's not as bad as if Aaron ported the heaven bosses into the game.
I sort of wish that there were more Paladin links, Jason, Gruff, Bert, and Rocky just to name a few, but that's too much to ask for, I suppose. Would be cool if you were in Requiea and are suddenly pulled into the ship in another place and time to meet the other characters. A paradox of sorts, if you will.
I actually had an idea for Paladin 2. Kind of sad that Aaron didn't continue with the story, as there could have been so, so many spinoffs for that game. However, do to the universe being his own creation, it would be illegal for anybody to create a fan fiction game without his consent, which I doubt he'd give.

2019-12-10 18:26:19

To be perfectly honest, I'm not a huge fan of Paladin's story and universe. It is one of Aaron's earlier games, and it shows. It also feels pretty random and simplistic by comparison, so I'd rather not see a Manamon/Paladin crossover. I think Aaron hit the balance just right here...a couple of bosses in some weird anomalous dimension thing, and that's it. I would've been just as happy if we saw a couple more hyper rematches instead of the Paladin fights though. I can say with conviction that I will never, ever play Paladin again. I am just done with that game.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-10 18:39:28

How about a team of all artisoul, with as much coverage as you can manage with all of their movesets? That would probably fail all over the place though.

2019-12-10 18:41:34

Oh god, that would take forever to set up properly. Doable, but a right pain in the neck.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-10 19:01:44

I'd be curious what moves such a team had on it across the board. That'd take forever to find everything with the moves you wanted and it'd cost you a little bit too. Also, I wonder if you could breed one and have it start with all those moves at level 1? Lol that would be broken as hell I'd think, but kinda funny. Yeah, I wanna see someone try that.